The Youngstown Genealogy Website
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Copyright © The Youngstown Genealogy Website, 2008 All rights reserved.
[This web site is not affiliated with any of the following organizations: the Ohio Genealogical Society, the Mahoning Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society, or the Mahoning Valley Historical Society.]
This web site was created to store genealogical and historical information on families who lived in the greater Youngstown, Ohio, area. This web site was created January 13, 2001. In its infancy, this site may not contain much genealogical and historical information. As time progresses, though, this site will continue to grow. Therefore, you are encouraged to book mark this site and visit it from time to time. The sites provided above are broken down into many categories. Please visit each page for helpful information in retrieving and donating information. Lastly, the Youngstown Genealogy Website is private and exists to provide genealogical and historical information and quality genealogical services to the public. Please feel free to contribute genealogical information to this site. There have been questions about the accessibility of this web site. Please realize that the site already has a ton of information in it. If you click on a site, it will come up. Please be patient. Also, the heaviest traffic time for this site, and the internet in general, is about 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. This site generally works the quickest in the early morning hours. Finally, because of the multitude of data from the Mahoning County Probate Court and the Youngstown Vindicator, I am using two source codes to differentiate between the two: p - probate court records; v - Youngstown Vindicator as a source.
Four Mile Run Christian Church Cemetery added 09/21/2008 Austintown 1830 Census Extract added 09/23/2008 Youngstown Village 1820 Census Extract added 09/23/2008 Youngstown Twp. 1820 Census Extract added 09/23/2008 Youngstown 1830 Census Extract added 09/26/2008 |