Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 21:31:26 -0700
From: ("John Wilde")
Subject: [lpaz-discuss] Re: WTC (Hackworth)
To: ("Marc J. Victor")

Some of you may have received this from one of my other profiles. I appologize for the duplication.

As big as a pain that he could be some times, it appears that Colonel Hackworth was right about where some of the holes were and why the current defense strategies were all wrong.

He has long warned that we should stop exclusively preparig for the the WWII, Vietnam, Iraq military style strategies and the new fangled "defense shield". He suggests that there must my terrorist rapid response and we must get back to the men (and women) on the ground infiltration and stop relying exclusively on the high tech spy in the sky spy game. He has also recommended abandoning those "policies" that have for the most part disarmed the American people.

However, it seemed that no matter how often he warned us, the politico's would tell him to go poundsand. I wonder if the politico's will listen to him now. Probably not, since that would require the politico's to admit they were wrong and he was right.

Of course there is no better defense, than a few citizens carrying a gun on a who are highly proficient in their use for taking down hi-jacking scumbabs, whomever that might be. I mean they even make the Glaser round for most calibers that will take a guy down, but it won't pass through the body and then through the hull of the plane. There would e no breach of the second amendment if the regulation says that you can carry the firearm as long as you only carry this ammo with you on the plane. Carrying ammo that would pass through the bad guy and then through the hull or elsewhere would defeat the purupose of going armed on a plane. If you're going to defend, do it in the best possible way where others are not hurt.

Yes, allowing guns will allow the bad guys to take guns too. But remember these fanatics only "get to heaven" if they die a martyr while taking their enemy with them. If they thought that they would die before they could take down the plane, then it would just simply be suicide and that is a violation of their beliefs. And yes the plane might still go down, but it won't take 20,000 to 50,000 with them.

After today, guys like these type will no longer be satisfied with just taking a plane. The next one will be to up the ante. Which in and of itself should make the politico's think twice before disarming us. But it won't, unless we begin now to control the conversation.

g'day John Wilde

"Freedom over Security. If we surrender Freedom we will surely lose our Security."

"Marc J. Victor" wrote:

> I am wondering if this would have happened at all if even one of those
> passengers on any of those planes had been permitted to carry even a small
> firearm to blow the living shit out of the fucking raghead bastard who
> hijacked the plane? Gotta love gun control...
> Marc
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Tim Weaver" <>
> To: "RDeStep" <>; <>
> Cc: "Rick Tompkins/Kathy Harrer" <>; "Tim Weaver"
> <>; "Amy Victor" <>; "Angel Shamaya"
> <>; <>; "art jackson"
> <>; <>; "C. D. Tavares"
> <>; "Cory Brickner" <>; "Craig J.
> Bolton" <>; "Craig Lindsay" <>;
> "Decker Family" <>; "Decker Process"
> <>; "Diane Alber" <>; "Donna
> Marie Hancock" <>; <>; "Gary Fallon"
> <>; "Georgia Steve Hargan"
> <>; <>; "J.J. Johnson"
> <>; "John Buttrick"
> <>; "John Famularo" <>;
> "John Wilde" <>; "John Wilde" <>; "Kent
> Van Cleave" <>; <>; "L. Neil Smith"
> <>; "Lisa Krone" <>; "Marc J. Victor"
> <>; "Mark & Jen Horning" <>;
> "Marta Tollemp" <>; "Michael Haggard"
> <>; "Mike Dugger" <>; "Mitch Wayne"
> <>; "Nancy Lord Johnson" <>; "Norm
> Nipperus" <>; "Norman Npperus" <>;
> "Paul Schauble" <>; "Powell E. Gammill" <>;
> <>; "Rich Bank" <>; "Richard Winger"
> <>; "Robert Anderson" <>; "Scott Bieser"
> <>; "Scott Grainger" <>;
> "Stuart Krone" <>; <>; "Tim Weaver"
> <>; "Vin Suprynowicz" <>;
> "Ernest Hancock" <>; "Marc Victor"
> <>
> Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 10:36 AM
> Subject: Re: WTC
> > Several thoughts:
> >
> > How long before the FAA allows flights again?
> >
> > How much data and information was lost, including the
> > knowledge contained in the minds of the victims who
> > died?
> >
> > How will this affect the stock market and when will it
> > reopen, since Wall Street is/was almost Ground Zero?
> >
> > How long will it be before the manacles come out
> > against freedom, considering the response from
> > government after Oklahoma City, which was a non-event
> > in comparison?
> >
> > Tim
> >
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