Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2001 18:15:02 -0500
To: Matthew Gaylor <>
From: Matthew Gaylor <>
Subject: Face recognition technology - from this months Law & Order
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Date: Wed, 05 Dec 2001 15:38:16 -0700 (MST) From: (MIKE ROSS) Subject: face recognition technology - from this months law & order mag To:

Snips from the article

"Face Recognition Technology" Law and Order Magazine nov 2001 issue

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by Matthew Grinnell (grad student) and Tod Burke - (former Maryland state pig)

face recognition technology analyzes contours and bone structures of the face and converts it into a code or number. A data base is then searched to see if the code matches a know criminal or person.

The key to the FACETRACE technology is a "good frontal shot of the face with both eyes shown"

Another issue concerning face recognition is the ability of individuals to deceive the camera by using sunglasses, wearing hats, growing facial hair, etc.

According to Dan Blackburn, "if sunglasses actually hide the eyes, identification is made more difficult." he did indicate that as long as the sunglasses do not totally conceal the eyes, identification is possible. the same is true for hats and facial hair. (so criminals and fugitives hide your eyes with the biggest and blackest sunglasses you can find! even at night time)

Research revealed that the likelihood of finding the correct person is about 99% with a camera angle of 15-25 degrees. the probability drops to 88% for a 40 degree camera angle, and 58% for a 60 degree camera angle. (privacy seekers keep as far away from the camera as you can)

As expected the shorter the distance between the subject and the camera the greater the accuracy.

The lighting must be good enough to see the face clearly, without significant shadowing.

One use of face recognition technology is using it to decide who to question.

At a border crossing the government has a data base of know drug traffickers and pictures of people crossing the border are compared for matches. those that match are questioned. or it could be a government roadblock or checkpoint. (so if the government has your photo and wants to talk to you keep away from the cameras)

useful URL's

phone numbers of companies that make this equipment.

visionics corp (201)332-9213 graphco technologies inc (215)497-9170 imagis technologies inc (604)684-2449 imageware systems inc (858)673-8600 printrak international (714)238-2000

For freedom lovers and civil right activists I recommend reading law and order magazine. its written by cops for cops. if you have not already figured it out you will see that cops are more interested in protecting the government and the police, not the citizens.

You will find articles routinely written with the attitude of getting a conviction is more important then obeying in the bill of rights. and that officer safety is more important the citizen safety and civil rights. (MIKE ROSS)

-- "When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty " Thomas Jefferson

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