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January 1999


Cumbernauld News – “Wrap yourself up in some tales of ancient Greece!”
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Fancy a squid sandwich? Join Cumbernauld Junior Youth Theatre in ancient Greece for some myths and legends, served up in their new show, Greecey Pieces.

        The show, devised by the Junior Youth Theatre’s Group Two, opens the 1999 drama season and can be seen in the Studio Theatre on Friday and Saturday, January 29 and 30.

        A cast of 30 recreates five famous Greek fables 90s style, with lots of laughs and a bit of a Scottish accent! See how superstar musician Arion escapes a tricky situation with the help of some dolphins. See the boastful Archne get weaving and wind up the goddess Athena. Hear the stories of Daedalus and Icarus, Perseus and The Gorgon, and find out exactly what is in Pandora’s Box.

        Terri Jones, one of the Cumbernauld Theatre’s community drama workers, who directs the group, says: “Everybody has had a chance to contribute to al the plays. We looked at the original stories and then everyone split up into small groups and each worked out their own ways of telling the stories. We recorded those sessions and then I wrote a script bringing together all the best bits. It’s a really funny show and there is a Greek-style chorus narrating and linking all the stories together.”

        The show starts at 7.45 each night and tickets are £5 (£2.50 concession). Contact the box office on 732887.

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Cumbernauld News 27 January 1999 – “Youth Theatre all set to pick up the ‘Pieces’”  1 | 2 | Top

Cumbernauld Theatre’s opening show this weekend is guaranteed to be a success – because an extra performance has had to be arranged.

        The junior Youth Theatre’s ‘Greecey Pieces’ will now kick off a day early, with it’s opening performance tomorrow night (Thursday), and finishing on Saturday.

        The youngsters are serving up five ancient Greek myths and legends, Scottish style, and with load of laughs.

        You can find out about the stroppy girl who became a hairy beastie and the boy who got his wings burnt. Find out what it’s like to swim with dolphins, hear about Perseus and the Gorgon, discover the secret of Pandora’s box, see bluebottles, bearded ladies, gods a go-go and much, much more.

        The youth theatre members have made many of their own costumes and masks for this production. Everyone had a chance to contribute to the plays, all based on original Greek fables. The cast split into small groups and each worked out it’s own way of telling the tales. Director Terri Jones then brought all the best bits together in the script. There’s even a Greek style chorus to narrate and bring all the stories together.

        Greecey Pieces is the first in a series by local drama groups which runs throughout February.

        It is on at 7.45pm on all three night. Tickets are priced £5 (£2.50 concession), at the usual outlets. For details, phone the box office on 732887

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