Fast, accurate translating

Fast, accurate translations
by qualified translator

Translation services:

fran001.gif (230 bytes)     349pla2r.gif (1072 bytes)      unkg001.gif (598 bytes)
  French to English

Qualified translator (Diploma in Translation from the Institute of Linguists, London, maîtrise ès lettres in psychology).

span001.gif (486 bytes)    349pla2r.gif (1072 bytes)      unkg001.gif (598 bytes)
Spanish to English

Zonia Clissold

C.P. 157,

Canton of Geneva


Through my international background I have gained knowledge of the everyday usage of the languages which I use which enables me to give a "true to life" translation. I have reinforced my working knowledge of these languages with the diplomas in translation, French to English and Spanish to English.
I can provide a fast, efficent service which can be backed up by other translators within the organisation.


I have gained experience in the following areas:

ball3.gif (1956 bytes)   Legal - contracts, etc.
ball3.gif (1956 bytes)    Financial - investment trusts, insurance, banking etc.
ball3.gif (1956 bytes)    Quality control
ball3.gif (1956 bytes)    Logistics
ball3.gif (1956 bytes)    Medical - pharmaceutical, psychology etc.
ball3.gif (1956 bytes)   I.T. - software, hardware, implementation
ball3.gif (1956 bytes)    Watchmaking
ball3.gif (1956 bytes)   Press releases

Contact Information

I can be contacted on:


tel: (+) 41 22 7522392
fax: (+) 41 22 7525648

or at the above mailing address.