A FrontPage Tutorial for Tripod Members



You may or may not be new to Tripod or FrontPage, but if you plan to use the FrontPage product for any length of time, you'll eventually run into problems on Tripod.  If you do as I did, and go off on an extensive research effort, you'll just find that the problems you encounter are primarily due; to the quarks of how FrontPage manages their web folders, and the lack of support and knowledge that Tripod, Microsoft, and the Web Community have about the FrontPage package and Tripod's sever configuration.  You'll even wonder if there's anyone alive, with any thread of knowledge on how to resolve your FrontPage issues.  Well I'll attempt to help a little.  I'm hoping that this Tutorial will get you stated the right way towards using FrontPage on Tripod, and give you some ideas on resolving a few very frustrating issues.  The only one note of caution here is that these instructions are written using FrontPage 2000, and may be different for other versions.



Search for:





Note: Should you see the following:


404 Not Found
Not Found The requested URL /_vti_bin/shtml.exe/_vti_rpc was not found on this server.


This seems to be a common error cause by a configuration file called '_vti_inf', and which should not ever be changed.  This has always worked for me in this instance, so try selecting the 'Include subwebs' and 'Secure connection required (SSL)' and click on 'Publish'.  This normally pops up a warning that tells you that FrontPage can not find a server on port 443.  This is what we want, so click ok.  Now try the above step again and you should get a log in prompt.  When you get logged in, the files should transfer fine.  It has always worked form me with such a basic setup, and I have been so very frustrated about the lack of support on such a basic issue.  


There is one more thing, I would like to mention here.  I was able to use FrontPage for quite some time in this manner, then one day I made a very complex page using forms and likes supplied from other sites such as good, and suddenly I no longer could fix the problem in this manner.  The only thing I felt I could do is FTP by other means, rather than fiddle with the configuration files and totally get hosed.  I therefore, got a copy of CuteFtp, and carried on.  I found that most of the _vti_files were really not necessary to have the site function properly.


TIP: Here is something to try.  Make a directory just out side of your FrontPage directory try moving the defective files over to this directory to be FTP with a different program, then try publishing from FrontPage again.  Once you have got things going properly you only need to up date the changed pages.  Then if things go a rye, you can always FTP the original back to see what changes may have screwed things up.  Don't forget there's always a current date/time stamp when files are updated.


TIP: Did you know that you can create another web, just as we did in this tutorial, open it with FrontPage, to have it open a new window?  And did you also know that with this new window you can drag and drop the files you want to the new web? Just try a test, and create a new web to see.  (If you're having a problem with this, I usually drag the item down to the task bar, select the window there, and when it pops forward, I drag to a file name on the 'Folder List'.  Wa-la!  Just like dragging and dropping from one regular folder to the next on the desk top.)


Remember you can also try ftp://ftp.tripod.com in a browser window, (or click on the link here), to transfer manually.  Careful about using illegal file names when you transfer .


So, I hope that I was of some help to you.


For further information regarding the follow error message:

 404 Not Found
Not Found The requested URL /_vti_bin/shtml.exe/_vti_rpc was not found on this server.

Try reading the following Microsoft Support pages to understand why:

How to Configure FrontPage with No Root Web


From the Tripod Help Site:

How do I publish my FrontPage site to Tripod?

FrontPage FAQ

Using Microsoft FrontPage

Tripod Help

On using CGI: 

Tripod - CGI Support Field Guide

Lycos Tripod Help

Take me to a Random Comic Site!

This guest book is provided, if you think that I might be of some help.  I must warn you it's not the quickest way of getting the problem resolve, because it is not the way I make a living.