The photos page is picture that have been taking up at the church. I know that you have enjoyed the pictures that have been on this site and thanks for taking time to bookmark it to see if there was any changes to it,sure hope you will be back soon to see the changes that have been taking place at the Zion Deliverance Church Website. Come and be with us and worship the Lord and lets have a great time in the house of the Lord. It has been a while since,I had the time to updated this site.

please take the time to sign the guess book and look it over because, I'm trying to think up some new Ideas for the church website, so you may never know what you might see, so check in to see if there might have been any changes there ok. Check to see if there is anything else.I could add to the site here. GOd Bless you all and thanks for Coming to the site.

Thanks for Coming

Date's : Oct 6th Pictures taking a while back. 2002

PLease click on the Megiddo banner it will take you there .

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