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ICQ 2000a  

Shareware / Dosya boyutu: 6.15 MB

Internet üzerinden arkadaslarinizla aninda yazismak, sohbet etmek, dosya alip göndermek istiyorsaniz bu programi mutlaka indirip bilgisayariniza kurmalisiniz. Dünya üzerinde yaklasik olarak 24 milyon kullanicisi olan ICQ en popüler "aninda mesajlasma" yazilimi olarak biliniyor.
Net Nanny (32-bit) 3.1  

Demo / Dosya boyutu: 1.41 MB

Çocuklarinizin ya da web tarayicinizi kullanan kisilerin pornografi ya da siddet içeren sitelerden uzak durmasini istiyorsaniz bu program tam size göre. Net Nanny sizin belirlediginiz sitelere girilmesini engellerken, kisisel güvenliginiz için adres, sifre, telefon hatta kredi karti bilgilerinizin de görünmesini engelliyor.
Du Meter 2.21  

30 günlük deneme sürümü / Dosya boyutu: 345 KB

Internet'e baglanti hizinizin performansini merak ediyor musunuz? DuMeter programi arka plana yerlesiyor ve Internet baglantinizin durumunu, performansini ekranda grafik olarak gösteriyor. Meraklisi için birebir.
CuteMX 1. 6  

Shareware / Dosya boyutu: 1.13 MB

Napster gibi Internet üzerinde MP3 dosyalarini sanatçi ismine, sarki ismine göre aramak, bulmak ve bilgisayariniza indirip dinlemek için kullanilan bir program.
Microsoft Messenger Service 2.2  

Freeware / Dosya boyutu: 369 KB

Microsoft'un ICQ'ya rakip çikardigi Messenger Service. Kullanabilmek için Hotmail e-posta adresi almalisiniz. Hotmail'den bir e-posta adresini Outlook Express 5 içinden Tools*New Account Signup*Hotmail komutuyla bedava alabilirsiniz.
Webkeys Prowler 4.0.1  

Freeware / Dosya boyutu: 2.12 MB

Microsoft Internet Explorer web tarayiciniza eklenti olarak kullanabileceginiz Webkeys Prowler programi ile internet üzerindeki pornografik içerikli sitelere erisimi engelleyebilirsiniz. Tarayiciniza eklendikten sonra çalismaya baslayacak program, içerdigi " Virtual V-Chip " sayesinde sörfü güvenli hale getirecektir.
Microsoft Netmeeting 3.01  

Freeware / Dosya boyutu: 1.55 MB

Eger arkadaslariniz ile Internet üzerinden canli, sesli ve görüntülü görüsme yapmak istiyorsaniz, oldukça popüler olan Microsoft Netmeeting programini kullanabilirsiniz. Hem kullanimi son derece kolay hem de eski hatalari giderilerek yepyeni bir programa dönüstürülmüs. 
X-Drive 2.10  

Freeware / Dosya boyutu: 1.3 MB

Internet'te bedava 25 MB alaniniz olsun. Bu programi çalistirdiginizda "Sign-Up" dügmesine
tiklayip Web sitesindeki formu doldurarak bir kullanici ismi ve sifre almaniz gerekiyor. Daha
sonra X-Drive sitesinde, sisteminizdeki bir sürücüye erisir gibi erisilebileceginiz 25 MB'lik bir
alana sahip oluyorsunuz.
Getright 4.2  

Shareware / Dosya boyutu: 3 MB

Internet'ten bir dosya indirirken bir anda Internet baglantiniz koparsa dosya yarim kalir ve bosu bosuna zaman kaybetmis olursunuz. Getright dosyalari indirirken size yardimci oluyor, kesilen dosya alma islemlerini aklinda tutuyor ve Internet baglantisi geri geldiginde tekrar baslatiyor.  
mIRC 5.71  

Shareware / Dosya boyutu: 984 KB

Eger yüzlerce hatta binlerce kisinin yazarak sohbet ettigi chat odalarina siz de takilmak istiyorsaniz bilgisayariniza bu bol yetenekli ve popüler chat programini yükleyin ve herhangi bir IRC sunucusunda istediginiz bir chat odasina baglanip yeni arkadasliklar kurmaya hazir olun. 
Cute FTP 4.0  

Shareware / Dosya boyutu: 1.3 MB

Bir bilgisayardan digerine dosya gönderecekseniz, veya hazirlamis oldugunuz Web sayfalarini bedava Web alani hizmeti veren bir servise gönderecekseniz bu FTP programini kullanacaksiniz. Ayrica genis shareware arsivlerinden, dosyalar almak için de kullanabileceginiz CuteFTP alaninda en popüler program olma özelligini koruyor. 
Netscape Communicator 4.73  

Freeware / Dosya boyutu: 18.2 MB

Web sayfalarini görüntülemek için kullanilan web tarayicilari arasinda Internet Explorer ile Netscape Communicator arasindaki kiyasiya mücadele sürüyor. Internet Explorer zaten Windows ile beraber geliyor, eger rakiplerini denemek istiyorsaniz Netscape'in 4.73 sürümünü de buradan çekebilirsiniz. Dikkat, bu dosya çok büyüktür, gelmesi uzun sürecektir, ona göre hazirlik yapiniz...
Netscape Communicator Türkçe  4.51  

Freeware / Dosya boyutu: 14.7 MB

Netscape Communicator programinin bir ara Türkçe sürümünü de yaptilar. Biraz geriden takip etse de Türkçe sürüm tercih ediyorsaniz buradan indirebilirsiniz.
File Ferret 1.05  

Shareware / Dosya boyutu: 3.7 MB

Internet üzerinde aradiginiz bir shareware programi veya bir resim, animasyon dosyasini bulmak çogu zaman bosu bosuna telefon faturanizi kabartan umutsuz sörfler silsilesini de beraberinde getiriyor. FerretSoft bu konuda Internet kullanicilarina yardimci olmayi düsünmüs ve File Ferret yardimci programini gelistirmis. File Ferret'e aradiginiz dosyanin adini veriyorsunuz. File Ferret Internet'te dolasmaya çikiyor, önce bildigi daha sonra da bilmedigi bir sürü dosya arsivini tariyor ve aradiginiz dosya Internet üzerinde görülebilecek bir yerdeyse mutlaka bulup size getiriyor.
Alta Vista Discovery 1.1  

Freeware / Dosya boyutu: 328 KB

Internet üzerinde bilgi ararken kullanilan arama motorlari arasinda en popüler olaninin Alta Vista
oldugunu hepimiz biliyoruz. Kisisel küçük bir Altavista programi olan Altavista Discovery minik bir
uygulama. Web tarayicisina gerek kalmadan Internet üzerinde AltaVista arama motoru servisine
baglaniyor ve aradiginiz bilgiyi içeren (en azindan içermesi muhtemel olan) web sayfalarini
listeliyor. Programi kurmadan önce Internet'e baglanmaniz gerekiyor, haberiniz olsun.
Cybersitter 99 9.5.4  

Demo / Dosya boyutu: 874 KB

Internet siteleri, Forumlar, Chat odalari ve ICQ üzerinde sizin belirlemis özelliklere göre filtrelendirme yapabilen ve pornografik içerikli sitelere erisimi engelleyen Cybersitter 99, çocuklariniz için sörfü güvenli ve eglenceli hale getiriyor. Içerdigi alarm özelligi ile sizin belirlediginiz normlara uymayan web sitelerine girisi aninda engelleyen Cybersitter, gizli çalisma sistemi sayesinde de çocuklariniz tarafindan fark edilmiyor. Ayrica içerdigi HISTORY (Geçmis) özelligi sayesinde hangi sitelere ne zaman girilmek istenildigini de size raporlayarak sunuyor.
FlashGet 0.85  

Freeware / Dosya boyutu: 984 KB

Çok basarili bir download hizlandirici program. Internet Explorer ve Netscape Navigator ile uyumlu çalisan program,  Internet'ten indirmek istediginiz dosyalari çesitli parçalara (isteginize göre 10'a kadar) bölüyor, her birini eszamanli olarak indirmeye baslayip diskinizde birlestiriyor. Bunu yaparken o dosyanin bulundugu en hizli sunuculari da bulup bu sitelerden download ediyor. Download hizini %100 ila %500 artirdigi söyleniyor.
Check Mail 32 2.13  

21 günlük deneme sürümü / Dosya boyutu: 594 KB

CheckMail programini elektronik postalarinizi okumakta kullandiginiz programa yardimci olarak
çalisan eklenti bir program olarak düsünebilirsiniz. Bu program e-mail programiniz açik degilken
bile sistem çubugunda küçük bir simge olarak bekliyor (ve dogal olarak da daha az sistem
kaynagi tüketiyor) ve sizin ayarladiginiz araliklarla e-mail hesabinizi kontrol ediyor. Bir posta
geldiginde de sizi uyariyor. Böylece elektronik posta programinizi açarak bu postayi
okuyabiliyorsunuz. Koca e-mail programi sürekli olarak arka planda açik kalmak zorunda kalmiyor
Web Stripper 1.33  

Shareware / Dosya boyutu: 1.24 MB

Web sitelerini tüm ögeleriyle diskinize indirip Internet'e bagli degilken gezmenizi saglayan offline browser programi. Kaç link kademesini indirebileceginizi belirleyebiliyorsunuz.
IE Toolbar Wallpaper  

Shareware / Dosya boyutu: 170 KB

Internet Explorer Araç çubugunun zemin desenini degistirmenizi saglar.
Cyberkit 2.5  

Freeware / Dosya boyutu: 974 KB

Bir ag/Internet araçlari paketi olan CyberKit, Ping, TraceRoute, WhoIs, Finger, Name Server LookUp, Time Synchronizer, Quote of the Day, NetScanner ve DBScanner gibi modüllerden olusuyor.


PROGRAM GOREVI BOYUTU Mouse un hareket kabiliyetini azaltan bir program sinir bozucu olabilir 15 KB Tipik makinenize format aldatmacasi 95.2 KB Beni su ana kadar en sinir eden program (muhakkak yukleyin) 10.4 KB


Hipnotize .zip programi actiktan sonra ekranin ortasyndaki delige 15 sn bakin bakalym ne goreceksiniz!! 10.6 KB Bu baligin yerinde olmak istemiyeceksiniz(öneririm) 244 KB HArika duvar yazilari 40.4 KB Burada bir kisinin bilgasayara yaptiklarina inanamiyacaksiniz (mpg) 378 KB mousunuzu takip eden bir kedi 37 KB harika bir program (bu saddam ölmüyor)(öneriyorum kesinlikle ) 296 KB bu bira sevisi yapilan eglenceli bir oyun (öneririrm) 143 KB

Bunlarda Diger FTP Serverlarimizda Olan Programlar ...
Calismayan Linkleri Lutfen Bize Bildiriniz !!!   Ve bütün burdan sonraki programlar cralanmış durumda sizi bekliyorlar :)

Acdsee 3.0 [11.12.99]-[full version]
AudioCatalyst 2.1 [20.01.99]-[Full version]
Audiograbber 1.70 1.4Mb [10.10.00]-[full version]
Audiograbber 1.62 8Kb [KeyGenerator for Full version]
AutoPlay Menu Studio Pro 2.05 [21.12.99]-[full version]
Go!Zilla 3.91 [10.10.00]-[full version]
- |full version|
- |full version|
3D FTP 9/21/2000 - |full version|
3D Studio Max 3.1 8/12/2000 - |full version|
3D Studio Max 3.1 9/22/2000 - |full version|
3d impact pro 1.25 11.5Mb 7/15/2000 - |full version|
ACDSee 3.0 8/19/2000 - |full version|
ACDSee 3.1 11/15/2000 - |full version|
ACDSee 3.1 10/11/2000 - |full version|
ACE FTP 9/21/2000 - |full version|
ACID Pro 9/21/2000 - |full version|
ADOBE DIMENSION 3 6/22/2000 - |full version|
ADOBE STREAMLINE see title 6/16/2000 - |full version|
AT Guard 8/12/2000 - |full version|
AVM KEN - |full version|
AcdSEE 3 5/19/2000 - |full version|
AcdSee32 V3.1 Retail 11/15/2000 - |full version|
Acdsee 3.1 7/3/2000 - |full version|
Ace FTP 1.42a 8/12/2000 - |full version|
Acrobat Reader 4.0 11/15/2000 - |full version|
Actualizaciones para Win 2000 11/15/2000 - |full version|
Adaptec EZ CD Deluxe 6/27/2000 - |full version|
AddWeb Procrack my web 6/12/2000 - |full version|
Adobe Acrobat 4.05 Multilanguage 9/22/2000 - |full version|
Adobe After Effects 4.1 9/22/2000 - |full version|
Adobe FrameMaker 6.0 9/22/2000 - |full version|
Adobe GoLive 5.0 9/22/2000 - |full version|
Adobe Illustrator 8 6/27/2000 - |full version|
Adobe Illustrator 8.0 45Mb 7/15/2000 - |full version|
Adobe Illustrator 9.0 9/22/2000 - |full version|
Adobe Indesign 1.5 9/22/2000 - |full version|
Adobe LiveMotion 9/22/2000 - |full version|
Adobe PageMill 3 9/22/2000 - |full version|
Adobe Pagemill 9/21/2000 - |full version|
Adobe PhotoShop 5.0 2/23/2000 - |full version|
Adobe Photoshop 5.5 6/22/2000 - |full version|
Adobe Photoshop 5.5 6/17/2000 - |full version|
Adobe Photoshop 5.5 9/22/2000 - |full version|
Adobe Photoshop 5.5 6/27/2000 - |full version|
Adobe Photoshop 6.0 11/15/2000 - |full version|
Adobe Premiere RT 5.1 9/22/2000 - |full version|
Adobe Premiere 9/21/2000 - |full version|
Adobe Streamline 4.0 6/14/2000 - |full version|
Adobephotoshop #1 5/9/2000 - |full version|
All downloads 6/18/2000 - |full version|
All downloads 6/18/2000 - |full version|
Apache Web Server 8/12/2000 - |full version|
Artscan 4.1 Full 6/28/2000 - |full version|
AtGuard 3.2 9/26/2000 - |full version|
AtGuard 3.22 7/3/2000 - |full version|
AtGuard 3.22 8/19/2000 - |full version|
Audio Catalyst 3/24/2000 - |full version|
Audio Grabber 1.62 10/18/2000 - |full version|
AudioCatalyst 2.1 7/3/2000 - |full version|
AudioCatalyst 2.1 10/18/2000 - |full version|
AudioCatalyst 2.1 8/19/2000 - |full version|
AudioCatalyst 9/21/2000 - |full version|
Audiograbber 1.70 10/10/2000 - |full version|
AutoCAD 2000i 9/22/2000 - |full version|
AutoPlay Menu Studio Pro 3.0 10/10/2000 - |full version|
Avp 9/21/2000 - |full version|
Axialis AX-CDPlayer 2.5 7/3/2000 - |full version|
Axialis Ax Cd Player 2.5 8/19/2000 - |full version|
Axialis MediaBrowser 4.0 10/10/2000 - |full version|
Axialis MediaBrowser 4.0 8/19/2000 - |full version|
Axis 1.02.369 7/1/2000 - |full version|
BLACK ICE DEFENDER 6/22/2000 - |full version|
BLEEM v1.5 8/10/2000 - |full version|
BORLAND C++ 5.0 Ent. 6/13/2000 - |full version|
Banner Maker Pro v3.02 11/15/2000 - |full version|
Battlefield Earth 6/20/2000 - |full version|
BeOS 5 5/31/2000 - |full version|
Beat 2000 8/12/2000 - |full version|
Best Cracker V1.2 8/20/2000 - |full version|
Black iCE Defender 2.1 8/19/2000 - |full version|
Black iCE Defender 8/12/2000 - |full version|
BlackICE Defender 2.1.45 7/3/2000 - |full version|
BlackICE Defender 2.1.45 9/26/2000 - |full version|
BlackICE Defender 9/22/2000 - |full version|
BlackIce Defender 2.1.x 10/18/2000 - |full version|
Blackice 9/21/2000 - |full version|
Bleem 6/8/2000 - |full version|
Bleem 1.5 7/15/2000 - |full version|
Bleem 1.5 8/19/2000 - |full version|
Borland C++ 5.0 6/24/2000 - |full version|
Boyacasha v1.01 Beta 11/15/2000 - |full version|
Boys and Girls Spoiler 6/18/2000 - |full version|
Bryce 4 9/22/2000 - |full version|
Bryce 4.1 Upgrade 9/22/2000 - |full version|
BulletProof FTP 1.21 8/19/2000 - |full version|
Business Plan Pro 2 8/12/2000 - |full version|
CASE Studio 2 6/11/2000 - |full version|
CD Architect 40G 11/15/2000 - |full version|
CD Mp3 Maker 580kb 9/21/2000 - |full version|
CPU Idle 5.6 10/18/2000 - |full version|
CPUIDLE 5.6 8/13/2000 - |full version|
CPUIdle 5.6 / 1.0 Pro 7/3/2000 - |full version|
CPUIdle 5.6 / 1.0 Pro 8/19/2000 - |full version|
CPUidle 5.6 & 1.0 for Win 9x/NT/2K 10/11/2000 - |full version|
CUTE FTP 4 8/19/2000 - |full version|
Cable Modem Booster 10/18/2000 - |full version|
Cakewalk Audio 9 9/21/2000 - |full version|
Cannon Fodder 2 5Mb 7/1/2000 - |full version|
Canoma 9/21/2000 - |full version|
Capture Express 11/15/2000 - |full version|
CeQuadrat PacketCD 3.0.199 RETAIL 11/15/2000 - |full version|
CeQuadrat PacketCD Update 3.0.209 11/15/2000 - |full version|
Character Studio 2.2 10/11/2000 - |full version|
Check this up 6/18/2000 - |full version|
Cinema 4D XL R6 9/22/2000 - |full version|
Clickit CGI Program FULL 6/27/2000 - |full version|
Clone CD V1.0.2.4 4/9/2000 - |full version|
Clone CD 11/15/2000 - |full version|
CloneCD 10/18/2000 - |full version|
CloneCD 11/15/2000 - |full version|
CloneCD RegClean v.1.1 11/15/2000 - |full version|
Cool Edit Pro 1.2 9/26/2000 - |full version|
Cool Edit Pro 1.2a 11/15/2000 - |full version|
Cool edit 2000 11/15/2000 - |full version|
Copernic 2000 Pro & Plus 6/28/2000 - |full version|
Copernic 2000 Pro 4.55 9/26/2000 - |full version|
Copernic 2000 Pro 4.55 8/19/2000 - |full version|
Copernic 2000 Pro v4.55 7/3/2000 - |full version|
Copernic 2000 Pro 11/15/2000 - |full version|
Copernic 2000 pro 8/16/2000 - |full version|
Copernic 2000 6/25/2000 - |full version|
Corel Xara 2.0 8/19/2000 - |full version|
Cowon Jet-Audio 4.8 Extension 7/3/2000 - |full version|
Create Install 6/18/2000 - |full version|
Creative SoftDVD 4/29/2000 - |full version|
Critters 2 8/6/2000 - |full version|
Crystal 3D 10/11/2000 - |full version|
Crystal FTP 2000 1.21mb 9/21/2000 - |full version|
Customize a Nokia Phone 6/20/2000 - |full version|
Customized Warez CDs 6/26/2000 - |full version|
Cute FTP 4.0 7/8/2000 - |full version|
Cute FTP 4.0 5/10/2000 - |full version|
Cute 3/30/2000 - |full version|
CuteFTP 4 9/26/2000 - |full version|
CuteFTP 4.0 5/24/2000 - |full version|
CuteFTP 4.0 6/24/2000 - |full version|
CuteHTML 10/18/2000 - |full version|
DeCSS - |full version|
Delirium 2.0 10/11/2000 - |full version|
Desktop Theme Maker 8/19/2000 - |full version|
Digimation Phoenix 10/11/2000 - |full version|
Disc juggler v2 5/18/2000 - |full version|
DivX Subtitle rips 6/28/2000 - |full version|
DivX ripping tools 6/28/2000 - |full version|
Dolby Digital Trailers 4/18/2000 - |full version|
Dramweaver 3 6/27/2000 - |full version|
Dreamweaver 3 10Mb 7/12/2000 - |full version|
Dreamweaver 3.0 10/11/2000 - |full version|
DriveCopy 3.0 10/10/2000 - |full version|
DriveCopy 3.0 8/19/2000 - |full version|
EASY Napster fix 6/18/2000 - |full version|
EVERY POSIBLE DOWNLOAD 6/28/2000 - |full version|
EasyRecovery Pro 5.0 10/10/2000 - |full version|
EasyRecovery Pro 5.0 8/19/2000 - |full version|
Eudora Pro 5.0 11/15/2000 - |full version|
Eudora Pro 9/21/2000 - |full version|
Eye Candy 8/12/2000 - |full version|
Eye Candy 6/27/2000 - |full version|
EyeCandy 3.03 3/29/2000 - |full version|
FTP Serv-U 25d 11/15/2000 - |full version|
Fake Surf 3.0 6/18/2000 - |full version|
FastMove 2000 8/19/2000 - |full version|
Fix It 2000 11/15/2000 - |full version|
Fix-It Utilities 2000 16mb 9/21/2000 - |full version|
Fix-it Utilities 3.0 7/3/2000 - |full version|
FixIt Utilities 2000 6/27/2000 - |full version|
Flash 4 6/2/2000 - |full version|
Flash 4 7/8/2000 - |full version|
Flash 4 6/18/2000 - |full version|
Flash 4.0 crack 6/24/2000 - |full version|
Flash 5 9/21/2000 - |full version|
Font F/X 2.5 7/3/2000 - |full version|
FrameMaker 6.0 23.9mb 9/21/2000 - |full version|
FreeMem Pro 4 6/27/2000 - |full version|
Full Album DOWNLOADS 6/25/2000 - |full version|
Genius 2.7 10/13/2000 - |full version|
Get Right 4.2c 8/12/2000 - |full version|
Getright 4.1.1 5/9/2000 - |full version|
Getright 4.1.2 3/27/2000 - |full version|
Gnutella 6/16/2000 - |full version|
Gnutella; Napster 6/14/2000 - |full version|
GoBack Professional 2.2 11/15/2000 - |full version|
GoZilla 3.9.1 11/15/2000 - |full version|
Good Apps;movies;& games - |full version|
Gozilla 3.5 11/15/2000 - |full version|
Gozilla 3.91 10/10/2000 - |full version|
Gozilla Download Manager 6/27/2000 - |full version|
HOOOCKEY 6/23/2000 - |full version|
HackTracer 1.2 10/10/2000 - |full version|
HackTracer 1.2 8/19/2000 - |full version|
Hacking Soft by GorDoN 6/5/2000 - |full version|
HighGrow 2.0 or Ciaras 10/11/2000 - |full version|
HomeSite 4.5.1 7/3/2000 - |full version|
ICQ 2000a Beta v.4.31 build #3143 6/13/2000 - |full version|
ICQ Tool 10/11/2000 - |full version|
Icq plus 2.05 10/12/2000 - |full version|
Illustrator 8 6/25/2000 - |full version|
Illustrator 9 ISO 6/18/2000 - |full version|
IrCap 6.9 10/13/2000 - |full version|
Jet Audio Plus 4.7 11/15/2000 - |full version|
Jet-Audio 4.81 Extension 8/19/2000 - |full version|
John the Ripper Windows 4/24/2000 - |full version|
John the Ripper 2.0 4/18/2000 - |full version|
Kais power tools 6.0 6/24/2000 - |full version|
KoRn FULL ALBUM - |full version|
Lambsoft Pro Motion V1.7 10/11/2000 - |full version|
Laplink 2000 11/15/2000 - |full version|
Laplink 2000 11/15/2000 - |full version|
LexiRom 4.0 Edition 2000 7/3/2000 - |full version|
Liberty BASIC v1.42 (Win) 6/11/2000 - |full version|
LockDown 2000 6/6/2000 - |full version|
LockDown 10/13/2000 - |full version|
Lockdown 2000 10/18/2000 - |full version|
Lockdown2000 6/25/2000 - |full version|
Lockdown2000 & KeyGen 4/20/2000 - |full version|
Logomanager 1.1 b6 11/15/2000 - |full version|
Lone Wolf v2.3 5/3/2000 - |full version|
Lost & Found 1.06 8/19/2000 - |full version|
MIRC 9/21/2000 - |full version|
MP3 CD Creator 10/18/2000 - |full version|
MP3 Decoder 6/27/2000 - |full version|
MP3 Decoder 917Kb 6/24/2000 - |full version|
Macromedia DreamWeaver 3 8/12/2000 - |full version|
Macromedia Dreamweaver 3 5/9/2000 - |full version|
Macromedia Dreamweaver 3 2/20/2000 - |full version|
Macromedia Dreamweaver 6/17/2000 - |full version|
Macromedia FireWorks 5/3/2000 - |full version|
Macromedia Flash 4.0 2/20/2000 - |full version|
Macromedia Freehand 8 5/26/2000 - |full version|
Macromedia Freehand 9 6/13/2000 - |full version|
Macromedia Generator 2 8/12/2000 - |full version|
Macromedia drector 7 4/2/2000 - |full version|
Magix music maker v5.0 4/22/2000 - |full version|
Maxman V1.2.1 for Max R3.1 10/11/2000 - |full version|
McAfee Virus Scan 4.03 3/10/2000 - |full version|
McAfee VirusScan 4.03 4/14/2000 - |full version|
Megafree 6/19/2000 - |full version|
Mem Turbo 2 9/25/2000 - |full version|
MemTurbo 2.0 pro 10/11/2000 - |full version|
MemTurbo 2.0 7/3/2000 - |full version|
Microangelo 5.0 10/10/2000 - |full version|
Microsoft Visual J++ 6/27/2000 - |full version|
Modem Wizard 4.5 7/3/2000 - |full version|
Modem Wizard 4.5 10/18/2000 - |full version|
Modem Wizard 4.5 8/12/2000 - |full version|
Modem Wizard 4.5 8/19/2000 - |full version|
Modem Wizard 6/27/2000 - |full version|
Monkey Island 2 6.3Mb 8/6/2000 - |full version|
MouseMover 6/12/2000 - |full version|
Movies; Downloads Sounds 6/18/2000 - |full version|
Movies; Downloads Sounds 6/18/2000 - |full version|
Movies; Downloads Sounds 6/18/2000 - |full version|
Mpeg decoder 6/18/2000 - |full version|
MrBonds Site 6/19/2000 - |full version|
Multi Copy 6/17/2000 - |full version|
Multi Proxy 09 9/21/2000 - |full version|
Multi Unzip 9/21/2000 - |full version|
Music Match 8/12/2000 - |full version|
Musicmatch 6.0 11/15/2000 - |full version|
Muster Mail 4/10/2000 - |full version|
NFO Viewer 6/27/2000 - |full version|
Napster 2.0 B7 11/15/2000 - |full version|
Napster BAN FIX 6/1/2000 - |full version|
Neo v2.0 4/21/2000 - |full version|
NeoTrace 2.1 7/3/2000 - |full version|
NeoTrace 2.1 9/26/2000 - |full version|
NeoTrace 2.1 8/19/2000 - |full version|
Nero Burning ROM 4.0.56 3/24/2000 - |full version|
Nero Burning Rom 11/15/2000 - |full version|
NetSonic Pro 2.5 9/26/2000 - |full version|
NetSonic Pro 2.5 8/19/2000 - |full version|
NetSonic Pro 3.0 7/3/2000 - |full version|
Netsonic Pro 5/31/2000 - |full version|
Nortan Utilities 2000 36Mb 7/15/2000 - |full version|
Norton Anti Virus 2000 7/1/2000 - |full version|
Norton Antivirus 2000 6/27/2000 - |full version|
Norton Antivirus 2001 10/10/2000 - |full version|
Norton Clean 2000 6/14/2000 - |full version|
Norton Ghost 2001 11/15/2000 - |full version|
Norton Ghost 2001 10/23/2000 - |full version|
Norton Ghost 9/21/2000 - |full version|
Norton Internet Security 2000 9mb 10/22/2000 - |full version|
Norton Internet Security 6/27/2000 - |full version|
Norton Utilities 2000 6/27/2000 - |full version|
Norton Utilities 2000 2/21/2000 - |full version|
Norton Utilities 2001 75mb 10/13/2000 - |full version|
OCTAVIUS; SERIALS 2K 6/21/2000 - |full version|
OSCAR 6/21/2000 - |full version|
Octavius 2000 6/17/2000 - |full version|
Omnipage Pro 10 ISO 6/19/2000 - |full version|
Omnipage Pro 10 6/25/2000 - |full version|
Opera 4.02 9/26/2000 - |full version|
Oscar 2000 Serials List 3/10/2000 - |full version|
Oscar 2000 7/3/2000 - |full version|
PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) 6.5.8 10/11/2000 - |full version|
POWER ARCHIVER 6/25/2000 - |full version|
PSXCOPY 6.2 6/28/2000 - |full version|
PSXCOPY 6.2 6/27/2000 - |full version|
Paint Shop Pro 6.02 7/3/2000 - |full version|
Paint Shop Pro 7.0 11/15/2000 - |full version|
Paint Shop Pro 7.0 10/13/2000 - |full version|
Paint Shop Pro 5/2/2000 - |full version|
Paintshop Pro 6.02 8/12/2000 - |full version|
Palmlink 6/5/2000 - |full version|
Paragon Cd Emulator 2000 V1.01 11/15/2000 - |full version|
Partition Magic 5.01 7/3/2000 - |full version|
Partition Magic Pro 5.0 11/15/2000 - |full version|
Pc Anywhere 9.3 Plus 11/15/2000 - |full version|
PhotoImpact 6.0 10/10/2000 - |full version|
Photoshop 5.5 ISO 6/23/2000 - |full version|
Pizza Tycoon 1.6Mb 8/6/2000 - |full version|
PolyTrans 2.2 10/11/2000 - |full version|
Polytrans for Max 10/11/2000 - |full version|
Power DVD 2.5.5 8.9Mb 4/25/2000 - |full version|
Power DVD Player 2.55 6/27/2000 - |full version|
Power DVD 9/21/2000 - |full version|
PowerDVD 2.55 3/30/2000 - |full version|
PowerDVD 9/25/2000 - |full version|
PowerDesk 4.0 Pro 7/3/2000 - |full version|
PowerQuest DriveCopy 3.0 10/18/2000 - |full version|
Powerquest Lost&Found 1.06 7/3/2000 - |full version|
Print Shop Deluxe 95 11/15/2000 - |full version|
Prof. Dev. System 7.1 8/13/2000 - |full version|
Quick View Plus 6.0 11/15/2000 - |full version|
Quick View Plus 6.0 8/19/2000 - |full version|
QuickBasic 4.5 8/13/2000 - |full version|
RayDream Studio 5 8/12/2000 - |full version|
ReBirth 2.01 5/19/2000 - |full version|
Real Player 8 Plus 11/15/2000 - |full version|
Real Player 8 plus 9/25/2000 - |full version|
Real Player 8 plus 4.3Mb 10/15/2000 - |full version|
Real Player 8 9/21/2000 - |full version|
RealPlayer 7 Plus 8/12/2000 - |full version|
RealPlayer 8 Plus 9/21/2000 - |full version|
RealProducer Plus G2 8/12/2000 - |full version|
Rebirth 2.01 & Logom. 1.4 6/25/2000 - |full version|
Reverso Pro ISO 6/23/2000 - |full version|
Reverso Pro ISO 6/19/2000 - |full version|
Ripper v1.0 4/30/2000 - |full version|
SIMPLE MP3 6/19/2000 - |full version|
Scary Movie Spoiler 6/18/2000 - |full version|
Serials 2000 Plus Updates 10/11/2000 - |full version|
Serials 2000 Plus Updates 10/12/2000 - |full version|
Serialz 2000 version 6 3/27/2000 - |full version|
ServeU FTP Server 6/27/2000 - |full version|
Service Pack 3 for Win NT 4.0 7/4/2000 - |full version|
Shellpic 5/18/2000 - |full version|
SiSoft Sandra 2000 Pro 7/3/2000 - |full version|
SiSoft Sandra 2000 Pro 9/26/2000 - |full version|
SiSoft Sandra 2000 Pro 8/19/2000 - |full version|
SiSoft Sandra 2000 professional 10/11/2000 - |full version|
SiSoftSandra2000pro 6/23/2000 - |full version|
Skins for CloneCd and newer 11/15/2000 - |full version|
SmartDraw Pro 5.02 8/19/2000 - |full version|
Smartdraw Pro 5.02 10/10/2000 - |full version|
SoftIce 4.0 95/98/NT 8/19/2000 - |full version|
SoftIce 4.05 7/3/2000 - |full version|
Softice 4.05 12/3/2000 - |full version|
Softice 4.05 for NT/2000 12/3/2000 - |full version|
Sonic Foundry Noise Reduction 4.0e 11/15/2000 - |full version|
Sonic Foundry XFX Vol 1 1.0b 11/15/2000 - |full version|
Sonic Foundry XFX Vol 2 1.0b 11/15/2000 - |full version|
Sonic Foundry XFX Vol 3 1.0b 11/15/2000 - |full version|
SoundForge 4.5G 11/15/2000 - |full version|
SteinBerg Clean v1.5 6/25/2000 - |full version|
Steinberg Clean 1.5 6/18/2000 - |full version|
Steinberg Wavelab 3.01 11/15/2000 - |full version|
Sumatra XSI 6/12/2000 - |full version|
Swish For Flash 2.8mb 9/21/2000 - |full version|
System Commander 2000 7/3/2000 - |full version|
System Commander 2k 8/19/2000 - |full version|
THE MATRIX SOUNDTRACK 6/25/2000 - |full version|
THE MATRIX SOUNDTRACK 6/19/2000 - |full version|
TOOL UNDERTOW FADL 6/25/2000 - |full version|
Thanx 6/18/2000 - |full version|
The Bat 1.49 - |full version|
TheBat 1.49 1/16/2001 - |full version|
Thumbs Plus 4.10 7/3/2000 - |full version|
ThunderByte AntiVirus For Windows 9/21/2000 - |full version|
TimeTracker V3 6/11/2000 - |full version|
Titan AE Spoiler 6/18/2000 - |full version|
Tons of Appz and Stuff 6/20/2000 - |full version|
TopStyle 1.52 7/3/2000 - |full version|
TopStyle 1.52 8/19/2000 - |full version|
Trailers Dolby + THX 6/13/2000 - |full version|
True Space 4 6/27/2000 - |full version|
Ulead Cool 3D 3.0 7/3/2000 - |full version|
Ulead Cool 3D 3.0 8/12/2000 - |full version|
Ulead Cool 3D 3.0 6/27/2000 - |full version|
Ulead GIF Animator 4.0 7/3/2000 - |full version|
Ulead GIF-X.Plugin 2.0 7/3/2000 - |full version|
Ulead Gif Animator 4.0 8/19/2000 - |full version|
Ulead Gif Animator 4.0 6/27/2000 - |full version|
Ulead SmartSaver Pro 3.0 7/3/2000 - |full version|
Ulead SmartSaver Pro 3.0 8/19/2000 - |full version|
Ulead SmartSaver Pro 3.0 6/14/2000 - |full version|
Ulead Type Plugin. Full 6/24/2000 - |full version|
Ulead WebRazor 6/27/2000 - |full version|
UltimateDBZ.Com 6/24/2000 - |full version|
UnDelete 2.0 for winNT/2000 7/3/2000 - |full version|
VAZ Modular 2 5/19/2000 - |full version|
VCD ripper 6/18/2000 - |full version|
Vampirats Navigator 6/9/2000 - |full version|
Various Dvd Ripping Toolz 6/10/2000 - |full version|
Vb3 6/18/2000 - |full version|
VirusMD Personal Firewall 6/18/2000 - |full version|
Visual Basic 3.0 3/3/2000 - |full version|
Visual Basic 3.0 6/27/2000 - |full version|
WAREZEMPIREFULLVERSION 6/28/2000 - |full version|
WIN BOOST 2000 GOLD 8/13/2000 - |full version|
WIN GROOVE 0.9 8/13/2000 - |full version|
WIN2K Professional 6/25/2000 - |full version|
WINDOWLIST V2.01 8/13/2000 - |full version|
WINDOWS 2000 6/27/2000 - |full version|
WS FTP 6.05 5/10/2000 - |full version|
WS FTP Pro 6.51 10/18/2000 - |full version|
WS FTP Pro 6.51 9/26/2000 - |full version|
WSFTP 6.0 PRO 6/13/2000 - |full version|
WSFTP 6.51 - |full version|
WSFTP 6.51 6/27/2000 - |full version|
WS_FTP Pro 6.51 7/3/2000 - |full version|
WS_FTP Pro 6.51 8/19/2000 - |full version|
WS_Ping ProPack 2.3 7/3/2000 - |full version|
WS_Ping ProPack 2.3 8/19/2000 - |full version|
Webshots Desktop 8/19/2000 - |full version|
Webshots Toolbox 8/19/2000 - |full version|
Win Ace 8/12/2000 - |full version|
Win Boost 2000 Gold 6/8/2000 - |full version|
WinACE 1.2 8/19/2000 - |full version|
WinACE 1.32 9/26/2000 - |full version|
WinAce V1.2 + Crack 3/24/2000 - |full version|
WinBOOST 2001 Gold 11/15/2000 - |full version|
WinBOOST 2001 Gold 10/11/2000 - |full version|
WinBoost 2000 Gold 10/18/2000 - |full version|
WinBoost 2000 Gold 5/9/2000 - |full version|
WinBoost 2000 6/10/2000 - |full version|
WinBoost 2001 Gold 7/3/2000 - |full version|
WinBoost 2001 11/15/2000 - |full version|
WinDAC 1.52 9/26/2000 - |full version|
WinDVD 2000 v2.1 retail 5/9/2000 - |full version|
WinDVD 2000 v2.1 18Mb 8/13/2000 - |full version|
WinDVD 2000 v2.2 b90 16Mb 8/13/2000 - |full version|
WinDVD 2000 3/10/2000 - |full version|
WinOnCD 3.7 Power Edition 9/25/2000 - |full version|
WinRAR 2.71 9/26/2000 - |full version|
WinRar 2.60 8/19/2000 - |full version|
WinRar 2.71 8/12/2000 - |full version|
WinZip 8.0 Beta & KeyGen 2/24/2000 - |full version|
WinZip 8.0 8/19/2000 - |full version|
WinZip 8.0 11/15/2000 - |full version|
WinZip Self Extractor 2.1 8/12/2000 - |full version|
WinZip SelfExtractor 2.1 11/15/2000 - |full version|
Winamp 2.64 2Mb 6/25/2000 - |full version|
Winboost 2000 Gold 8/19/2000 - |full version|
Winboost 2000 1.31mb 9/21/2000 - |full version|
WindowBlinds 2.0 10/10/2000 - |full version|
WindowBlinds v2.01 11/15/2000 - |full version|
WindowFX v1.01 11/15/2000 - |full version|
Windows Configurator 11/15/2000 - |full version|
Windows Media 7.0 11/15/2000 - |full version|
Windowsthings 6/26/2000 - |full version|
Winimage 5 6/2/2000 - |full version|
Winrar 2.71 11/15/2000 - |full version|
Winzip 7.0 crack 6/24/2000 - |full version|
Winzip 8.0 8/12/2000 - |full version|
Wise InstallMaster 8.1 11/15/2000 - |full version|
Worms 4Mb 8/6/2000 - |full version|
Xara 3D Modeling Program 5/10/2000 - |full version|
XenoFex 6/27/2000 - |full version|
Xenofex 1.1 7/3/2000 - |full version|
Xenofex 1.1 8/19/2000 - |full version|
Xenu Link Checker 1.0 6/22/2000 - |full version|
Xing MP3 Encoder 1.5 9/26/2000 - |full version|
Xing Mp3 Encoder 1.5 11/15/2000 - |full version|
Xing Mp3 Encoder 5/20/2000 - |full version|
ZONE ALARM 2.01 FIREWALL - |full version|
ZipMagic 2000 11/15/2000 - |full version|
ZipMagic 2000 8/19/2000 - |full version|
ZipMagic 4.0 7/3/2000 - |full version|


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