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When I was 5 I couldnšt wait,
To be a bigger kid, so I could be 8.

When I was 12, I thought I wasnšt alive, until I was 16 and could learn how to drive.

When I was 18, I wanted to drink and have fun, so I couldnšt wait to be 21.

When I was in my 20šs, I wanted to wed, so I could raise a family before I was dead.

When I was in my 30šs, I couldnšt wait, till my kids would grow up and go out on dates.

I lived through my 40šs, then I hit 55.

Išm very thankful that Išm still alive. If I make it to 60, Išll probably say, I wonder if Išll hit 70 someday?

If I get into my 80šs, I might have a hunch, whether or not Išll make it to lunch.

If I make it to 90, Išll probably say, I wonder if I should buy green bananas today?

If I make it to 100, with all my aches and pains. Išll probably want to go back to being 5 again.

@kacee 2000

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