Shampoo have no idea how many liked me!
10 Reasons Shampoo is the best anime girl out there!!!
10.She can fight.
9.She has long light purple hair.
8.She can change into a cat!!!
7.She wears Pajama type clothes
6.She VIRTUALLY dedicates her life to one person and trying to find him.
5.She works in a CAT CAFE.
4.Her weopons are "bonbouries"
3.SHE IS INCREDIBLY CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2.She can change into a cat then back completely naked!!!!!!
Shampoo Traits
LOVE LIFE:Loved by Mousse..Shampoo likes Ranma and not Mousse...Ranma Would give Her up....Mousse Will stop at nothing to get her...

The Story of Shampoo.
It all started when Ranma and Genma were traveling...they had arrived at a village...There was a tournament going on and Ranma and Genma started eating the first prize!!!!!!This ticked Shampoo off and Ranma decided that if he(she) beat Shampoo than the food would be thiers...At the end Ranma-chan won..Shampoo gave her(him) a kiss....This surprised Ranma mainly because he was still in his female form....Shampoo then replied"Shampoo give KISS OF DEATH."It turned out that the code around her village was that being beaten by an outsider was a bad thing....(The kiss of death meant that Shampoo would pursue Ranma-chan until she had killed her(him)..Back where Ranma lived Shampoo accidentaly came upon the "School of anything goes Maartial Arts". Ranma-kun Knocked her unconscious.....Expectin another kiss of death Shampoo repiled with "Wo Ai Ni"("I LOVE YOU"in chinese)Ranma couldn't stand her following him around so Shampoo heart broken went back to her village...(who didn't see this coming a mile away??)Her grandmother Colonge decided to continue Shampoo's training....They arrived at "The spring of the drowned cat" and Shampoo fell in...now with cold water she was a cat...she mailed herself to ranma in hopes of becoming his pet...But Ranma is DEATHLY AFRAID OF CATS!!So now Shampoo lives in the town with Ranma..pursuing Ranma until she gets him
Some shampoo images