Tony's Tripod Web Window
This is my Home page on Tripod. It provides links to other pages on Tripod
and also links to my Web pages on other sites.
There have been
Links to my other pages and other usefull sites.
Tony's GeoCities Home Page: This is a link to my Geocities pages.
My Astonomy
Tripod Utilities: The Tripod HTML editor.
Tony's Pub Page: This is a list of pubs and hotels that I have tried. The area covered is mainly London and the Northwest of England but there are some pubs listed in Wales and elsewhere in the UK.
Please visit my
Genealogy Page.
If you are planning a holiday why not visit my
Aberporth web page for images of the area. Aberporth lies on the west coast of Wales in Cardigan bay.
Tripod Utilities
Tripod homepage
Anthony Brooke
United Kingdom