Amazon - Native Brazilians!

First picture shows a "Txucahamei" boy, with heron plume and charcoal dust painted face. Picture taken by Jesco at the Xingu National Park.

The "pale face" guy sitting with the 3 "Kayapo" indians is my brother, Roberto Mourao, who besides being a engineer, a photographer and a diver, is the President of the Brazilian Ecoturism Association - EcoBrazil - a non-profit development- oriented organization, created to protect our natural resources and PEOPLE! Fell free to contact Roberto if you want more information regarding Amazon, the Indians, Pantanal, or Fernando de Noronha.

Click here to email him!

Or click here to Brazil Ecotravel Homepage!

The Future depends on today...

... and all possible has to be done in order to protect Nature from the "so called" Civilization! This cute little "Uaiká" guy is from the Pukimabuetéri tribe, and lives up the Rio Negro (Black River) in the Amazon. Lets hope that he never loses "his home", and all the "riches" that surrounds his house, as the pure air, the clean waters and the Forest!

I guess you expect to see some wild animals in here, But there is another place in Brazil to find them: Pantanal!