This page is totally unofficial. The X-Files is © Copyright 1013 Productions & 20th Century Fox Television. I am in no way affiliated with any of these high and mighty entities, and no copyright infringement is intended. This page is meant only as a sign as my love for the show, nothing more!
For your convenience, I have rated every link. The rating scale is from 1 to 5 stars, 5 being the best. They are listed in descending order within each category.
This page does have a good bit of information, but the last time I checked it hadn't been updated in months.
Personal Pages with Links
Lots of links. Lots and lots of links. Divided nicely by subject, so it is easy to find a page on whatever topic you are searching for.
This page has many, many links to things like sound clips, interviews, pics, and mailing lists.
This site has tons of links to fan fic sites, sorted by category and each with a small summary so you know what type of page it is.
This page has lots of links, although it has just been re-created and so still has a few bugs.
This page has a good noumber of links in many different categories, as well as a news flash section (although it is a little bit behind the times).
A page of an enormous number of links to fan fic pages. It is divided up into two pages, but still each is huge (something like 80K each), so it takes a while to load (at least on my incompetant computer).
This is the page of an ardent David lover, and it mainly has lots of pics of both David and Gillian. Also, if you are interested in the DDTeens or LODD, this is a good page to check out.
This site has some links, as well as some good surveys in which you can participate.
This page has a few links as well as a survey compiling favorite epsodes and characters.
This page has several links to X-Files sites, as well as a link to paranormal sites.
This is an OK page. Although it has lots of different categories, the information in each section is relatively small and out of date. It is also available in German, and I have not been able to review the German page.
This page has all the info about the X-Files Holland Society, as well as links to other societies.
This page has a few links. It also has links for tons of other TV shows.
Fan Fiction
This archive allows you to see the ratings, read the summaries, and see the size of these "novels" before downloading. It also allows you to recommend a novel as well as get info about the mailing list and other fan fic sites.
This is a very large archive of stories on all different topics related to the show. They are sorted by date submitted, and next to each title is all the pertinent info: category, rating, size, and summary.
This page features fan fics that have won honors in the X-Files community. The stories are sorted by award.
This is a large collection of stories for shippers. The stories are nicely organized by title, and beside each link the size of the story is listed, so you know about how long it should take to load the page. There also is a page of links to other fan fic pages.
This is an archive for horror fan fics. It only has a few, but each one is rated and has a summary.
Other Creative and Original Stuff
This is a really neat idea. You can register your name and e-mail address for other x-philes to find, and you can search through the database of addresses, which can be organized by name, country, or city.
This page allows you to check off all the categories that apply to you and then calculates how big your obsession is.
This page has a huge list of in-jokes from the X-Files, all seasons included. A must for all x-philes; they're very funny!
A page of monthly surveys relating to the X-Files, with an archive of previous surveys and responses. (This is actually a sub-page of the Desk for Dana Fund, whose link is in the Scully section below)
This page has a lot of funny stuff, including parodies of Milk ads and comic books. It also has a large archive of multimedia stuff.
This page has a compilation of all the boo-boos that fans have noticed in the first three seasons. Some of these mistakes are really funny; but beware! Nitpicking is addictive; you may find yourself watching the same seven seconds of tape over and over again to find one small mistake. That said, I do like this page even though it only has the first three seasons.
This site has a trivia game run by FOX. I think it is a good site, but right now it is between games.
Episode Guides and Ratings:
This is an excellent guide that has not only summaries and info on the characters but also a tally on ratings for each show in different categories. One of my favorite features is that in the information about each episode there is a list of related episodes; therefore within the mythlogy storyline it is easy to locate pertinent eps (this is probably a good feature for viewers who came to the show late).
This is a good guide for seasons one through four, with quotes, summaries, notes on the particulars, and transcriptions of each episode. Tiny Dancer has also included a large list of links and a small sound gallery.
I really like the idea of this page: it lists each episode and then has a one line summary so that you can easily find the name of any episode. Unfortunately it only includes the first three seasons.
Non-English Pages
This is an archive of fan fic in foreign languages, namely French, Spanish, and Finnish. There really aren't that many stories, but it's a cool idea. It has a good links page.
This page is in French, which I like mainly because it gives me a chance to practice my French. However, I have not yet put in the effort to examine it closely, so I'm not really sure how good the information is. On the surface, though, it seems like there is a lot.
This is another French page. I have yet to examine this page, but it too seems decent.
Either I have not been able to rate these pages or I am having trouble connecting to them:
This is another group for those who adore David. The site is good, with pics and links as well as a convention report, the story of a couple lucky fans who actually got to meet the man himself, and, my favorite, the "Second Annual Pro-AM MultiNational David Stalking Expedition Report."
This page contains poetry praising the infoamous red speedo, as well as links to other David pages. The only downside is that the page is huge.
This is a page for the younger section of David's fans. The page includes a chat room, a monthly poll, pics, news bites, and much more. If you wish you may subscribe to the mailing list.
This society is some 300 members strong, all of whom love Mulder's glasses. The page boasts pics of David as well as glasses-themed fan fic.
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This is a site dedicated to Gillian, without much reference to Scully. Lots of pics, sounds and articles.
A group that believes it is time for Scully to have her own desk.
This is a page of information on one of Gillian's earliest roles: that of a sensual, "love-starved waitress." I've heard the movie is pretty racy, so for those of you who want to see more of Gillian than is presented in the X-Files, this is the place for you.
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This page has lots of stuff and the group is still going strong, despite the fact that Mitch is married and has a beautiful baby. The page includes a bio, links, fan fic, and more.
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This page has everything for the ardent Nick Lea or Krycek fan. Pics, articles, a biography, sounds, videos, and much more!
This page has lots of info, including Nick's other roles, his charity work, trivia, and quotes. There are also lots of Nick links.
This page is no longer being updated, but it does have a good bit of information, including a very nice page of links to Krycek fanfic.
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Mr. X/Steven Williams
This is a nice page with an extensive filmography and biography, as well as info on the official fan club and a page dedicated to his role as Mr. X and fans' reactions to the show.
This is a short but good biography of Steven Williams.
Now, if you maintain an X-Files page and you don't object to being listed on my page, I'd love to have you. Feel free to e-mail me at to contribute either your page or some other good X-Files page of which you know. If you maintain a site that I have listed here and object to my rating, you should also write to me and explain your objection; it is very possible that I could have missed a feature of your page or that you have updated it since I last looked at it.
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