& others have shown their kindness to these innocent dumb animals by helping the petitioners in one way or the other. Following is a request to every generous human being of the world Bramchari Shri Amirtshriji the founder and managing trustee of this Ahimsa Army Manavkalyan Jivdaya Chairitable Trust and desciple of Great Jainacharya, Atmagyani Saint 108 Shri Vidhya Sagarji Muni Maharaj by who's inspirations and blessings this trust is being formed and devoted for the cause of Ahimsa only.
Every living creature wants to survive, no body wants death. If we can't grant life to them what right we have got to snatch it ? Kindly be kind to every living creatures and help generousely in saving their lives, this will bring you the real happiness which you desire.
- Bramchari Amritshriji Founder and Managing Trustee
Ahimsa Army Manav Kalyan Jivdaya Chairitable Trust
Ahmedabad Office 5/A Jaltarang Society (1st Floor) Nr. Shahpur Bridge, Ahmedabad-110004. Ph. 91 - 079 - 5628727, 5627903.
Delhi Contact C/o. Shri Digmber Jain Lal Temple Opp. Red Fort, Chandni Chowk, Delhi-110006 Ph. 91- 011 - 3280942