Disclaimer time once again! Sixteenth verse same as the first . . everybody *sing*: I don't own these characters, (chorus) Paramount does! I don't own this venue, (chorus) Paramount does! I am making no money off of this, (chorus) Paramount does not either! This story involves sex between two men, a.k.a slash.  It also involves sex between two felines, sex between feline and man, and sex between man and feline. Men, felines, sex.  Just so we're all on the same page here. If this is *not* your cup of tea, sweet as it is, then don't read it! (simple, ain't it??)  Feedback is *very* much appreciated and always answered.  Flames will be passed around to friends and chuckled over.  :) 'Animalia' by Amirin This is dedicated to anne and all the rest of us diehards who write stories no one else reads. ********************************************** Tom sighed, hacking his way through the woody vines as he carved a path for them to take.  It wasn't that he minded giving Chakotay a break, he just didn't want to be there.  The forests were beautiful, of that there was no doubt, but he couldn't help feeling that they were being watched.  He had glanced around on occasion and hadn't seen anything, yet the feeling persisted. He looked behind him, checking to make certain that Harry and Chakotay were still following.  This seemed like such a wasted mission.  They had been advised to come here, after the people on their last stop had heard of their intention to take this route. Pirates and slavers abounded in this part of space and they had been told to seek the protection of the Ki'gali, whoever they were, as none would dare harm them if they bore the mark of that favor. Captain Janeway had asked their hosts how one might go about finding a people who had no means of communication systems. Their response had been to take to the forests on this particular world and let the Ki'gali find *them*. So, here they were, wondering around aimlessly, waiting to be contacted by the mysterious race.  Sensors had been all but useless in trying to find them, causing Tom to wonder about the stories they'd been told.  The Legends had been impressive, but nonspecific.  A breed of warriors, fierce, who lived for centuries, seemingly immortal.  That was about it.  And the myth that they couldn't die, other than by old age.  People spoke of them in whispers, as it was said they could hear a baby's cry six worlds away and smell an enemy across the sector.  Lovely. Tom plodded along, hacking through the tangle the old-fashioned way, as technology was frowned upon by the Ki'gali.  He wondered what *they* used to get through the foliage and sighed again, chopping a hole large enough to walk through.  He was also trying to ignore the faint whisper in his mind that said they were not alone. Charrah followed closely, well-hidden by the dense underbrush. She moved silently, as befitted one of her kind, watching the tall, golden, two-legged one curiously.  He intrigued her for several reasons, not the least of which was his saving of her cub, Rosarah, earlier that morning. Such an act of bravery, by an ordinary two-legged creature, was unheard of, even among her people. She recalled, in perfect detail, how that mangy Krevich had stolen her little one when he had wondered too far from home. Her mate, Pah'lil, had been gone for the hunt and it had fallen to her to go after the carnivorous canine and her baby.  She had already lost one to a serpent, earlier that season, and couldn't bear to lose another.   She had known the instant she was gaining on the Krevich, his scent betrayed his fear, and she charged into a clearing to confront him. The two-legged one had been there and had fired a light-weapon at the Krevich, dropping him in his tracks.  Her delight had changed to apprehension when the strange creature had approached her cub, speaking softly, until she understood his tone and saw how gently his hands checked Rosarah for injury.  She moved closer, quietly, and another of his pride spoke a soft warning, causing the golden one to look up at her. He set Rosarah down and slowly backed away, allowing her to come and see for herself that her young one was uninjured, merely shaken and frightened.  She licked the foul scent of the Krevich off the baby fur, unable to tolerate it, and looked up, to meet the amazing eyes of the two-legged one who had saved her baby.  A hand on his arm, by the one who had spoken, pulled him back into the woods and she and Rosarah were left in peace. She had taken the cub back to the pride, for safekeeping, and headed out to find the one who had saved her. They were making slow progress through the trees and she noted they were heading for the river, as she paced them. They stopped, seeming to rest, and she halted, crouching low, listening to the sounds of their unfamiliar tongue. Tom rose and headed back into the forest. "Tom?" Harry asked, as Tom nodded towards the dense growth. "Call of nature, Harry," he replied, grinning at his friend's amused groan, leaving his two companions for the relative privacy of the trees. Completing his business, he wondered around, looking up at the dense canopy the huge trees provided.  Lush, verdant, beautiful, he smiled in appreciation, still perplexed at the niggling feeling that he was being watched. Charrah had followed, keeping close enough to catch his scent and paused, seeing his teeth bare.  She was puzzled; the actions of his mouth did not match the delight she saw in his eyes and she cocked her head, wondering at this new mystery. Suddenly a bitter scent filled her nostrils, one associated with pain and death and grief.  Her sharp eyes focused over the golden one's head and she saw it.  Vish'chral.  One of the species of serpent that had killed her first-born.  Heedless of the danger to herself, she charged forward, too quickly for the golden one to move. She bit into his shoulder and threw him bodily to the side, ignoring his startled yelp of pain and surprise, before snatching the snake off the tree, mere inches above where he'd been standing and flinging it to the ground.  She leaped on it carefully, avoiding the deadly fangs, and her head shook the neck violently until it snapped and the serpent lay limp before her. Chakotay and Harry came at a run when Charrah roared in victory and took in the scene at a glance, startled eyes traveling from Tom to large feline to dead snake and back again.   She went over to the golden one and licked the hand covering his wounded shoulder, before a familiar scent came from him and she watched as his body began shaking.  Impossible.  He was not of any pride on this world, his exotic coloring made that obvious.  She could feel the fever begin within him and backed away.  Her only thought was to get Pah'lil and bring him, so that he could see for himself, and she gave the tall one a deeply searching look before tearing away, to find her mate. Tom's head was swimming and he felt like he was burning up. Chakotay ran a tricorder over the snake's body, looking worriedly at Tom's flushed face. "It was poisonous," the Commander said softly, running the tricorder over Tom, who was shaking, most likely with the rapidly spiking fever the tricorder was registering, even though it couldn't name the cause. "It didn't bite me," Tom said, his voice sounding odd.  "She did, getting me out of the way." Harry dropped to his side, concerned.  "Maybe her bite is poisonous, too," he said, reluctantly, relieved when Chakotay shook his head in denial. Tom's breathing and heartrate were beginning to accelerate and he started tugging his boots off, simply because he desperately *needed* to, before coming to stand on shaky legs.  Gods, he was on fire and began undoing his uniform jacket with trembling hands, tossing it aside.  Suddenly, the light seemed too bright and he found himself heading deeper into the darker, cooler part of the forest, ignoring the loud shouts behind him, his only thought was finding someplace quieter.  He tore frantically at his remaining clothing, on the way, only finding relief when at last he was naked and he ran quickly through the trees, leaving the fading voices far behind.   Finally, it grew quieter, darker.  Better now, but he was still shaking and he gradually stopped, surrounded by blessed silence.  He knew this place, somehow.  Knew a smaller part of the river flowed near here and he headed for it, dimly aware that he was a lot closer to the ground, now, as he took a large, fallen log at full speed, bounding gracefully over it, and headed for the nearby water. Chakotay and Harry had stood dumbfounded, after watching Tom tear through the trees faster than any man could possibly go.  Harry had started after him, but Chakotay had held his arm. "At his rate of speed, we'll never find him, Harry," the Commander now said gently, but firmly, cutting off the Ensign's protest.  "And since he left his jacket behind, with his commbadge, we can't track him using the tricorder to home in on it.  And the tricorder doesn't seem to be able to locate him," Chakotay frowned, studying the readings.  "We'll contact the ship and have them try and find him with the sensors," he decided, as Harry nodded, reluctantly. "Gods, I've never seen him move so fast," Harry said wonderingly, shaking his head, looking at Chakotay. "We may be able to track the feline," Chakotay went on, not wanting to think about that, right now.  "She bit him and his body was reacting to it, somehow.  The bite didn't register as toxic, but the side effects are obvious.  We should try and find her. She may be ill and it's possible she infected Tom when she bit him," he paused thoughtfully.  "I wonder if it's the mother of the cub he rescued," he mused. "That would mean that she's been following us for the last six hours, Commander," Harry reminded him. Chakotay reached for his commbadge and proceeded to inform the Captain of what had taken place, while Harry lost himself in thought, remembering the odd look in Tom's eyes.  Yes, they were wild with fever, but there was something else about them . . something strange.  He shrugged himself out of it, returning his attention to the Commander.  The man didn't look happy. "They can't locate him," Chakotay stated, then explained as Harry's eyes widened.  "Sensors only indicate *two* human lifeforms on this planet. We'll have to try and track him on foot." Harry nodded, stunned, wondering what sort of virus was taking hold of Tom, that would alter him so much the sensors couldn't even recognize him. He swallowed heavily and followed Chakotay into the forest. A few moments later, they came upon the remains of his slacks, shredded. They exchanged a look, the same question in both their eyes.  Had another large feline, or canine, gotten him? Chakotay ran the tricorder over the ragged fabric and shook his head.  "No blood, Harry," he confirmed with relief. "Then how did it end up like *that*?" Harry asked sensibly.   "Maybe another animal came upon it," Chakotay offered, shrugging, as they continued on, finding one article of clothing after another, all in tatters.  Turtleneck, socks, shorts, all of it. "So, he's running around here, naked," Chakotay sighed, running a hand over his hair. "In his fever, he wouldn't know it," Harry reasoned.  "All he'd want to do, is get cooler." Chakotay grinned at Harry's insight, scanning briefly with the tricorder, before he nodded to their right.  "There's a water source some distance over there, part of the river," he said, clapping Harry on the back, as they headed off to locate their missing crewman. Tom, meanwhile, had reached the river and lay with his head on his hands trying to breathe.  <*Hands*, what a joke> he thought, as he looked at the fur-covered paws in front of him. He leaned down to drink again, the only way he could, face first, when his recently sharpened hearing picked up movement behind him. He whipped around to find another large cat there, somewhat bigger than himself, and light gray in color, like the cub from earlier that morning.  He watched, astounded, as it drew itself up onto its feet and became humanoid between one breath and the next.  Tom backed away, halting when a soft voice spoke to him. He understood the language and the improbability of that failed to bother him. "Hello, there, little one," the young, gray-haired man said, slowly, in a deep voice, taking what almost looked like a collar off his neck and unrolling it, wrapping the cloth around his naked hips. "I won't hurt you, you have my oath on it.  Charrah said you were of our kind . . I must confess I thought her mistaken.  And yet, here you are."  He eased himself down on one of the rocks by the water and Tom went to him cautiously, pacing back and forth in front of him. "I have *never* seen one with your coloring, or with eyes like those," he said quietly, startled at the bright blue looking warily back at him. "I am Pah'lil, mate to Charrah, whom you met earlier.  She has told me of your encounters with the Krevich and the Vish'chral," he paused, seeing recognition flare in the blue eyes at the names.  "You've had quite an eventful day, young one," he said, merrily, though unsmiling.  Pah'lil held out his hand and Tom crept closer.  He waited patiently and was rewarded by a golden head sniffing lightly at his hands.  Taking the chin, he looked into those blue eyes, stroking the twitching ears. "Are there others like you?" he asked, wondering where such a creature could have come from. Tom shook his head, then shrugged.  He felt he was looking at the only one like himself and the idea left him with an indescribable sense of loneliness.   Pah'lil looked at him thoughtfully, as Tom stared dejectedly at the ground. "Are you the only one?" he asked quietly, horrified at the idea of a Ki'gali without a pride.  Tom shook his head again and leaned into Pah'lil, swiping at his hand with his paw. Pah'lil frowned, not understanding what the little one was trying to tell him, and sighed, standing.   "Well, what say you change yourself back to two legs and I'll take you to *my* pride.  We can talk on the way," he offered, seeing the golden feline shake his head, before staring up at him. "What, you can't change?" he joked, stunned into silence as the golden-furred head nodded.  He dropped to his knees, looking at Tom. "You don't know *how*," Pah'lil breathed, realizing the truth, as Tom nodded again, miserably.  "Oh, young one, it's okay.  I just didn't understand.  This is your first transformation, isn't it?" he asked, gently, as Tom nodded.  "By the sacred waters, we've not known one of your kind in millennia.  You must have caught the gift from Charrah, when she bit you.  Don't worry, you *will* return to your human form, in time. Frequently, the change happens to *us* as we sleep, in those moments before waking," the Ki'gali sighed. "There are many things you need to know, things I have to tell you," Pah'lil said, decisively, as he climbed gracefully to his feet, beckoning to Tom to follow him, before man and feline headed down the river.               <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The sun was beginning to set as Chakotay and Harry finally reached the river, a couple of hours later, to find no sign of Tom.  They sank wearily onto the rocks, exhausted from having to slash a new trail, and drank from their hands, dipped into the cold water. "We'll stay here for the night, maybe he can find his way back to us," Chakotay suggested, seeing Harry nod, tiredly.  Neither wanted to leave, return to Voyager, with Tom still missing.   They were gathering fallen wood for the fire, when the faint hum of a transporter beam alerted them.  The Captain and Tuvok. With food and blankets. "Any sign of him?" Janeway asked quietly, as Tuvok explored the area. "No, Captain, nothing," Chakotay reported, when Tuvok's voice brought them all to his location, near the rocks further downstream. He simply pointed at the tracks and Harry stared.  Animal prints, as well as those belonging to a person.  Maybe.  The footprints didn't look quite human, to Harry.  Not Tom's feet? Then whose?  The Ki'gali?  He found himself wondering, as he followed the footprints back towards the woods. Suddenly, they stopped.  Just ended.  His brow furrowed and he headed back towards the others, then followed them again, this time looking for offshoots, where they might've veered off.  Nothing.  Tuvok came over to inquire and he looked up, to find all of them standing there, staring at him. He flushed, slightly, before pointing down by his feet. "Watch the footprints; they just stop, right here, and animal tracks continue on from this point," he explained, puzzled, as they checked the ground around them.   "Curious," Tuvok intoned.  The Ensign was entirely correct, the animal tracks *became* footprints, joined other animal tracks and headed downstream.  Improbable, but fascinating.   "Tomorrow, we'll follow them," Chakotay stated, sighing, as they headed back toward the fire. Silence reigned, for a moment, until Chakotay told the Captain she didn't need to stay. "Trying to get rid of me, Commander?" she asked, grinning wryly, as Chakotay demurred.  Any further conversation was interrupted by sounds in the brush, coming from the woods beyond them.  Tuvok and Chakotay had their phasers aimed, when a humanoid male, judging from appearance, came carefully toward them, one hand held up in what might have been a universal greeting.  Harry got the tricorder and activated the translator and the man's voice began, in Standard. "I mean you no harm," he said quietly, coming closer as they lowered their weapons, seeing he wasn't armed.  "I am Pah'lil, mate to Charrah, the one you met earlier." Puzzled glances flew around the fire. They hadn't met another human. "I have been with your cub, explaining what has happened to him," he said, seeing the dawning realization on their faces. The Captain came forward. "Is he all right?" she asked, gently, and the man backed up a step, looking to the males behind her, as Janeway made the introductions, speaking for this pride.  Interesting.  A *female* leader. "He will be fine, Captain, he just needs rest.  What he has been through is exhausting and I'm afraid I've kept him away too long. It was not my intention to worry you, but there was much I needed to tell him about us," Pah'lil explained, looking behind him into the woods, before he held out his hand.  "Come on out, little one.  It's all right." They turned expectantly toward to the rustling in the underbrush and only Tuvok failed to gasp as Tom came through, looking hesitant, walking slowly on four legs, long tail switching behind him. "Oh, Spirits," Chakotay breathed, as Janeway brought a hand to her mouth, stunned.  Harry stumbled forward, passing them, avoiding their hands shooting out to stop him, before he came to a halt a few feet away from his friend and stared.  He fell to his knees and Tom approached him, slowly, looking up at Pah'lil as if for reassurance. "Tom?" Harry choked out, eyes closing as Tom nodded a golden-furred head and looked at him challengingly.  Harry's eyes flew to Pah'lil.  "Charrah was the one who killed the snake, she saved his life," Harry put it together. "Your . . Tom," Pah'lil said carefully, trying the name on his tongue.  "Tom saved my cub, by killing the Krevich, this morning.  Charrah repaid the debt," he explained simply to the cub kneeling on the ground, before joining him there. "You can change from one species to the other?" Janeway asked, fascinated, as Pah'lil nodded.   "We are born as *we* are," Pah'lil answered, scratching Tom's ears.  "It has been nearly two thousand of our years since we've had one as *he* is," he nodded to Tom.  "Back to the time of my sire's sire's sire." "How long do your people live?" Janeway asked, astonished. "When we are in our feline shape, Ki'gali do not age," Pah'lil explained, looking from one amazed face to the next.  "I will be in my four-hundred and twenty-sixth year in a few months." Tom and Tuvok were the only ones not surprised, but Tom had been stunned, when he'd heard it earlier.  Pah'lil looked to be about his own age. "Whoa," Harry muttered quietly.  "Is it the same way for Tom?" he asked. Pah'lil nodded.  "Until he changes to his human form, he will not age, either," he stated. Harry jumped in ahead of the Captain, hoping she'd understand. "So, he *will* change back?" he asked, eyes lit in hope that maybe the startling transformation his friend had gone through wasn't permanent. "Oh, yes," Pah'lil assured the obviously-worried cub.  "And he will change back to the way he is now, there will be times when he won't be able to help it." "What causes the changes to take place?" Tuvok inquired. "If he feels he is in danger, he will change to his feline form. If he needs the strength, speed or other abilities of this form, he will change. It happens in times of stress, emotional and physical.  But, as long as he mates, he will be able to change back to his human form at will."  He fell silent, seeing the distressed looks return on their faces. "He doesn't have a mate," the Captain explained quietly. "He has time to get one," Pah'lil assured, not understanding. "Those like him can change back and forth a few times, before they become unable to. Then, he will *have* to mate." "What happens if he doesn't?" Chakotay asked. Pah'lil was the one who now looked disturbed.  "If he is in his feline form and does not mate, and cannot change, he will forget his . . humanity, in time.  He will remain an animal, uncontrolled, living without his human intelligence.  He will be strictly a creature of instinct.  One of his instincts will be to hunt. Your people would be in danger.  He would not mean to cause harm, but he would be a wild thing, unable to act any other way. He *has* to choose his mate and share the gift.  It is the only way," Pah'lil said, firmly. "And the one he 'shares the gift' with?" Janeway asked, betting she already knew the answer. "Will become like him, like I am, Ki'gali," Pah'lil answered. "We have to get him back to the ship, talk to the Doctor.  Maybe there's something he can do," Janeway said to the others. "I would advise waiting until morning, Captain," Pah'lil said quietly, looking at Tom, who was still looking at the ground.  "It is common for our people to change in sleep, as should happen to him, tonight.  I would like to be here, if I may. My presence may reassure him, but I have also never seen one of his kind, before.  If you would permit.  Just in case." The Ki'gali didn't elaborate, but didn't need to.  Tom was an unknown quantity, to all of them, now, and Pah'lil was the closest thing they had to an expert.  Janeway looked at Tom, but he wouldn't meet her eyes. Sighing, she walked forward and he glanced up, then quickly away.  She knelt next to him. "Tom, can you understand me?" she asked him quietly, seeing him nod. "Would you prefer to remain here, until morning, just to insure that all goes as it should?"  As long as he had mind enough to make the choice, it was his and she wasn't about to decide for him. Tom thought carefully and nodded, looking at her, somewhat distressed.  It was all she could do, not to pet him, as Pah'lil was doing, but he was not a cat.  Well, he *was*, but still. Janeway nodded, looking around her. Tuvok would want to remain for security reasons, Chakotay, to convince himself that Tom was all right (he was the leader of this particular away team and she knew how seriously he took that responsibility) and there was no way Harry would be pleased with being sent back to the ship.  She knew she could make it an order, for any of them, and sighed.  The ship was in no danger.  Fine, they'd all remain until morning and hopefully Tom would be back to his human form again. "I suggest we all get some rest," she said quietly, grinning wryly at Harry's evident relief.  "Morning will be here soon enough." "Captain, by your leave, your cub needs to eat.  And to eat, he needs to hunt. I can teach him," Pah'lil offered, acknowledging Janeway's nod with one of his own.  "A few hours, no more," he informed them, before heading into the forest, Tom on his heels, after one last look around the fire. Tuvok spoke into the silence.  "When he returns, we should inquire as to how to obtain his protection for our safe passage through this system." Chakotay spoke up.  "If Tom is Ki'gali, now, we may not need it." Janeway held up her hand.  "Regardless of how *convenient* it may be for Tom to remain what he seems to be, I intend to do everything in my power to restore him to his human form, permanently," she said, firmly. Chakotay's voice cautiously entered the silence.  "What if there is no cure for this 'gift', Captain?" Janeway sighed.  "I can't believe a cure does not exist, Chakotay.  Our Doctor will just have to do all he can to find it." Harry stared quietly into the flames. Now, he knew why Tom's eyes looked so odd, before he'd run off like he had.  He sighed, his own eyes closing, only to have them pop open at a hand on his arm.  The Captain. "I'm sorry, Captain," he began, as she waved his apology away and settled next to him. "What were you thinking, Harry?" she asked gently. "I saw his eyes, when he took off into the trees, after Charrah bit him. I just now realized why they looked so odd," he began, turning to face her as he saw her curiosity.  "The color was the same, but the irises had elongated;  they weren't human, anymore.  He had cat's eyes.  Even before he'd changed," he explained. "Harry, try not to worry.  I'm confident we'll find an answer.  The Ki'gali have never looked for a cure.  That doesn't mean there isn't one," she placed her hand on his shoulder and stood, heading off to lay down and rest.  Harry couldn't sleep; he knew it would be a waste of time. Harry sat quietly, waiting, mesmerizing himself in the flames he fed with gathered wood, on occasion.  His head raised as he sensed motion in the woods and he began to get a little nervous, until two large felines, a gray, carrying a rather large hunk of animal, and a slightly smaller gold came into view.  He grinned.  Tom was staggering as though drunk, definitely full to bursting with whatever the hunt had provided.  Pah'lil gazed over at the humans and his eyes settled on Harry as he watched the young golden one walk over to greet him. Harry lay down by the fire, Tom at his back, facing away from the light which bothered his eyes and Harry relaxed into sleep, followed closely by Tom, as Pah'lil dropped the meat near the fire and joined the one with the pointed ears, guarding the pride. The young one had done well, for his first hunt.  He had not the strength of most Ki'gali, yet, but he was markedly faster. Pah'lil had been impressed.  For one born with two legs, he moved beautifully on four. His sense of smell wasn't as acute, but his eyesight seemed better than even Pah'lil's.  Especially where moving objects were concerned and in the dark.  Were he to remain, Tom would be most welcome in Pah'lil's pride. Sunlight had barely touched the earth later that morning, when Harry was awakened by a trembling at his back.  He rolled over and saw Tom shivering. He didn't think it was from cold, but he covered him with the blanket, just in case.  Soft sounds began coming from his friend and the blue eyes snapped open, staring at Harry unseeingly.  Harry moved away and noticed the others had already awakened.  Pah'lil had changed back into human form, and had removed the rolled cloth from his neck and wrapped it about his hips before coming over.  He sat next to Tom and watched for a moment, before laying a hand on the golden head and speaking quietly. "Don't fight it, little one.  It shouldn't be this hard. You feel the need to change, as we all do.  Just let it happen," he said, softly, stroking the furred ears as Tom whimpered, rolling onto his stomach. Harry watched in amazement as his friend's body changed shape, under the blanket, the ears moving, the fur disappearing, the limbs lengthening, stretching out in front of him, as his fingers dug into the earth, back rippling as it took on the familiar human form.  Tom's eyes opened, just in time for Harry to see the irises change, as well, from long to round. Tom groaned, feeling stiff, but the pain he'd been expecting never materialized.  A gentle hand on his head brought him upright and he smiled at Pah'lil, who looked startled, before backing away, halting in his tracks when Tom looked confused at his retreat.  "What's wrong?" Tom croaked, truly puzzled. Pah'lil approached carefully.  "You bared your teeth at me," he tried to explain, stopping as Tom looked up and made an odd sound. "*That's* why you never smile," Tom realized, his voice noticeably deeper than usual.  He was careful to grin with his mouth closed, before the odd sound started again.  "Laughter," Tom said softly, in explanation, holding a shaky hand out to his friend and mentor. "Humans do it when they're happy, relieved, amused." "It is not a threat, an act of aggression," Pah'lil stated, making sure, taking Tom's hand before grinning carefully back at the little one's nod. "Strange," he commented, hearing the odd . . laughter again. Tom fell over onto his back, totally beat, feeling hungry in spite of the feast he'd had the night before.  He smelled something odd and found what was left of their kill roasting over the fire, tended by the Captain.  She saw his attention and began using the knife they'd hacked their path with, to cut him off a piece, skewering it and bringing it over to him. His stomach rolled and he turned away. "Tom," Harry's voice said, quietly.  "You need to eat.  You're exhausted." Tom's eyes opened and he shuddered, looking at Pah'lil, whose vaguely disgusted look he shared.  "I can't eat that, Harry. Thanks anyway, Captain." Janeway looked puzzled so Tom explained.  "It's *cooked*, Captain," he said, seeing her eyes grow large and he looked at Harry.  "I'll eat something when I get back to the ship, Har.  I'll be fine," he finished, grateful when the Captain removed the offensive hunk of meat from his field of vision.  Ugh.  Cooked meat. He caught himself and grinned again at Pah'lil, who answered it with one of his own.   Tom sighed, knowing it was time to leave, part of him wishing he didn't have to.  There was so much he wanted to tell the Ki'gali and he didn't know where to begin.  He stood, having the presence of mind to wrap the blanket around himself.  He tottered, for a moment, looking down at his legs and grinning, again.  "Damn, only two," he muttered, head coming up at Harry's snort of amusement.  He looked at his friend fondly for a moment, shaking himself at the odd urge to wrap his tongue around one of his ears. "Thank you, for everything," he said to Pah'lil, his new friend responding by pulling Tom to him and holding him close.  The Ki'gali had gotten rather attached to this golden cub. "You have a ways to travel, before you get home. If, by chance, it is not destined, your pride will be here, waiting for you to return.  And all those you bring with you will be welcome," he offered, voice gruffer than usual. The Captain was loath to interrupt, but now was the last opportunity. "We've been told we need the protection of the Ki'gali, to make it through this region of space, unharmed," she began, before Pah'lil held up one hand, halting her. He nodded to Tom. "He *is* Ki'gali," Pah'lil stated firmly, letting her know that the matter had been discussed as much as it was going to be. Janeway sighed, inwardly, not wanting to tell him that they intended to try to cure Tom as soon as possible.  She simply nodded and gathered up the nearby blankets, with Chakotay's help. Tom silently communicated a shrug to Pah'lil and got an amused look in return.  "Be wary, Tom.  Space is no place for cubs to play."  The Ki'gali stepped back, grinning at Tom's laughter, and watched them disappear from sight, thanks to their 'transporter' device, knowing how much he was going to miss the little one. Tom was in Sickbay, under the doctor's care, before he knew what was happening to him. His mind drifted in all the bustle around him and he felt weary.  The lights in Sickbay were too bright to him, now, bothering him even in his human form, but he was unwilling to say anything, not wanting to be any more different than he already was.  He heard the Doc mention that his DNA had been altered and he couldn't tell how to fix it. Nothing he tried to reassert Tom's original pattern was working. Tom heard B'Elanna's voice complain to the Captain that the transporters didn't know he *was* Tom Paris and therefore couldn't remove the extra genes he found himself with. "Captain, it would be like using the transporters to turn him into me, or Tuvok.  He's a species unto himself, now, and even if we could get the transporter filters to work that way, the resulting errors in his genetic makeup would probably kill him," B'Elanna explained, promising to keep trying. Finally, the Doctor released him, uncured, but fit for duty.  Tom sighed tiredly as he called Harry to meet him for dinner.   "B'Elanna and I will meet you there," Harry replied. Tom noticed that B'Elanna looked at him worriedly when they met outside the mess hall, but he just gave her one of his usual grins and they headed in. Harry saw Tom turn faintly green when Neelix handed him a plate. "Neelix, I'm afraid it's a little well-done, for me," Tom said lightly, looking at the roast beast du jour, trying to ignore the churning of his stomach. "How rare would you prefer it, Tom?" the cook asked, all helpful concern. Tom's eyes lit on the counter, behind the Talaxian.  "That looks good," he stated, nodding to the slab of red meat. Neelix glanced behind him, eyes widening in surprise.  "Tom, I haven't cooked that, yet," he stumbled, wondering if his friend was serious or playing another of his famous jokes on him. "I know, Neelix," Tom sighed.  "But, it'll be perfect, trust me. And you can keep the vegetables." Very well, if the Lieutenant wanted nothing but blood-raw meat, he'd have it.  Neelix grinned.  "Let me slice it up for you," and he turned to carve half a dozen pieces off the hunk, sliding them onto a clean plate, which he then handed to Tom, who smiled his appreciation.   "Thanks, Neelix," Tom said, quietly, turning to head to a table, with Harry and B'Elanna in tow, after they placed a request for their own *cooked* dinner. B'Elanna looked faintly disturbed, sitting down, but Harry just looked curious as Tom cubed one slice of his dinner and took a bite.  Heaven.  He sighed, digging in with relish, distractedly listening to his friends discuss the latest trials of their day, deliberately not mentioning his extended stay in sickbay and not paying any mind to the Delaneys at the neighboring table, who were watching wide-eyed. Harry was gesturing with his fork and not paying too much attention to whose plate it was over, when he accidentally speared a piece of Tom's dinner and, before B'Elanna could voice a warning, bit it off the fork and started chewing.  He halted mid-chew, and mid-sentence, when he realized what he'd done.  Tom look at him in concern, but Harry just appeared thoughtful and resumed chewing carefully. "Harry!" B'Elanna said, looking revolted, watching his reaction carefully. Suddenly, their table was significantly more crowded as the girls came over and made themselves comfortable, ignoring B'Elanna's glare. "Harry, did you just do what I think you did?" Jenny asked, more astounded than disgusted. Harry just nodded. "Well?" Tom asked, genuinely curious at Harry's reaction. "It's not bad," Harry admitted, skewering another piece and popping it into his mouth.  "A lot richer than it is cooked, the flavor is more intense. The texture is pretty strange, but it tastes good," he decided, helping himself to another small square. Megan looked askance at Jenny, who shrugged.  She borrowed Tom's fork and speared a piece, looking at it uncertainly before deciding what the hell. B'Elanna threw her own fork into her plate, noticing a marked decrease in her appetite. Megan nodded, thoughtfully.  "The flavor is better, if you can get past the . . slickness of it.  Ya know, I bet it'd be better warmed up a little. Room temperature.  The coldness is . . rather unsettling." "I think she's right, Tom," Harry agreed, watching as Megan handed her fork to Jenny, so she could try it out for herself. Tom watched bemusedly as Jenny followed her sister's example.   "Yep," Jenny nodded emphatically.  "It would be better warm. Probably even better, if it was freshly killed," she added. B'Elanna groaned.  "Oh, Kahless," she muttered, glaring at Tom when he held the plate out to her, grinning wickedly. "Sure you don't want to try some, B'Elanna?" he asked, seeing her face screw up in a distasteful grimace, until she saw the challenge written on his. Shit. She picked up her fork and sighed heavily, stabbing a small piece.  All four of them were watching her as she placed it delicately into her mouth and chewed, frowning.  She nodded, grabbing the plate, as she jumped up and headed towards the kitchen. "It definitely would be better warm," she called over her shoulder as they watched, grinning, while she requested the raw meat be slightly heated. An amused Neelix furnished it with a smile and a bright pink garnish. B'Elanna grabbed a couple of extra forks and nodded to the Captain and Chakotay, who had just arrived.  They looked at the plate of red meat with odd expressions, but she didn't pay any attention.  She headed back over to the full table and placed the plate carefully in the middle, handing the forks out to those less fortunate and they all saluted one another before digging in. The Captain swallowed, looking at her First Officer, who shrugged, then grinned. "Want to try it, Captain?" he asked, mischievously. "I'll pass, thank you, Commander," she replied, smiling, as she headed to the kitchen to get her own dinner.  Chakotay smiled as she frowned, before handing it back to Neelix with a request that it be cooked, please.                       <<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>> The tests continued for days after, with no luck, and Tom's patience was wearing thin.  He knew that they were all concerned about him but he didn't share their concern and truly only wanted to be left alone.  Because he *was* alone.  'A species unto himself' B'Elanna had said.  The only one of his kind, part terran, part feline, all Ki'gali.  He found himself depressed, strangely quiet, part of him wanting to go back to the one place that felt like home. Even though he hadn't seen much of the planet, he knew it by heart, and wandered through it in his daydreams, while he was waiting for the doctor to finish with him. His control was being sorely tested and sometimes it was all he could do, not to allow the change burning within him to take place, to feel the ground beneath *four* feet, once more. Tom knew it was only a matter of time before his control snapped and he found himself a feline, again.  He spent much of his time by himself, now, the ship too noisy for him to tolerate groups of people for very long.  His quarters were kept cool and dark, silent and peaceful.  Even his duty shift was becoming unbearable and he would never have dreamed that anything could supplant his desire to fly, but the desire to hunt, to run, was becoming powerful, and there was nothing he could do to stop it. He even felt the desire to mate and that disturbed him. There was no one on board Voyager closer to him than Harry.  Not that *that* was the problem.  Even the Ki'gali took same-sex mates, especially when the pride was large enough that any more young would be difficult to provide for. Pah'lil had explained that they didn't bear more cubs than they could easily feed; they had no desire to watch them starve during times when game wasn't plentiful enough.  And it wasn't like Tom had never been involved with a man before. No, the mating wasn't the problem.  The 'gift' was.  It drove him nearly out of his mind, sometimes.  How could he ask anyone, or *let* anyone, else share that burden?  He couldn't.  And that was what disturbed him. He *couldn't* take a mate, not without sharing the gift, creating another as he was.  What if something happened to *him*?  His mate would have to find another, take another mate, give the gift to someone else, or remain a feline, forever.  Literally, since they didn't age in fur. The Captain would not be pleased to have her crew become cats, one after another.  And besides that, accidents *did* happen. Someone could get bitten, mistakenly, then *they* would become Ki'gali and be carriers of the 'gift'. He sighed.  The Captain would have to leave him in the Delta Quadrant if he became 'trapped' in his feline form. She'd have no choice.  He would be a danger to the crew, unaware of it, but still dangerous.  He knew it wouldn't be pleasant.  He'd be the only one of his kind, basically immortal and all alone. But, better that than the alternative.  Tom thanked whatever deity was responsible for his uncommitted state.  He wouldn't have wanted anyone he was involved with to feel like they had to join him, as Ki'gali.  Not that he was sorry it had happened. Strangely enough, he wasn't.  He loved the pure sensory overload in his feline form. The energy, the strength, the stamina.  But, as wonderful as the change was, he still found himself dreading the next time it would happen. And it was going to happen, it was only a matter of time.                  <<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>> Voyager was continuing slowly through the region of space largely by using the sensors to avoid other ships, but it wasn't foolproof.  The day came when they were unable to avoid a confrontation and the resulting battle tested all of their limits, before Voyager emerged victorious, leaving a totally disabled ship behind them.  Tom's brilliant-as-always flying momentarily distracted him but now that the conflict was over, he felt himself shaking, sweating, clothing a nuisance, the lights too bright, the bridge too noisy.  He sat quietly, eyes closed against the glare, trying not to move, to calm his breathing, but the fire in his blood was undeniable and could no longer be ignored. A voice sounded close to his ear, annoying him, like a mosquito whining. He felt hands on his shoulders, turning him around and growled to himself, clenching his shaking hands into fists. The voice sounded again and his eyes flew open, before a snarl burst out of him, the roar that followed nearly knocking Chakotay off his feet.  Tom's gaze flew to the Captain's and she stared as the blue eyes with the elongated irises looked back at her. She barked a command that Tom could barely understand and he found himself in sickbay, growing more angry and agitated with every passing moment. This was *not* where he wanted to be!  He was sure his roar made that abundantly clear to the Doctor, as he violently pulled off his boots, stumbling, before tearing his uniform off of him and throwing it aside, followed quickly by the rest of his shredded clothing.  He found himself looking up at the Doctor and roared again.  Walking on four legs, he headed to the slightly darker area under one of the biobeds, away from the bright light, and crouched down, growling.   Gods, he was hungry. He stared as the Doctor came to kneel before him and he growled a warning, wishing he could just be left alone.  A soft voice from the doorway, calling his name, brought his head around.  Harry.  Tom felt the anger leave him abruptly as he met Harry's eyes.  They looked frightened. Of him, for him, it made no difference, they stilled him, taking the angry wind out of feline sails.  He headed out from under the bed, but the light hit his eyes and he retreated, whimpering in frustration.   Immediately the light dimmed and Harry was there, stroking him gently, urging him out into the room.  He went quietly, following his friend, and froze when the Captain came through the door. He looked at the corridor behind her longingly, wondering if he could get there . . and then the doors swooshed closed.  He looked sadly at Harry, before dropping onto the floor and resting his head on his paws.  The only comfort that existed in his world right now, came from Harry's hands. He would have cried, if he could, the fire banked, now, leaving him in misery, all alone if not for Harry.   He panted, still feeling hot, tired, and generally unhappy, when a shallow dish of water was placed before him. He looked up, meeting Harry's soft smile. He mrrrowed his thanks quietly and drank, feeling the cold water sooth his throat, as gentle hands soothed him, scratching his ears and his head, petting him, calming him. It felt wonderful and his eyes closed in blissful contentment.  He was exhausted, hungry and still not very happy with things, but they were looking up.  Harry was watching out for him.  A huge yawn nearly cracked his jaw and he felt his eyelids grow heavier.  He tried to open them, he really did, but it just wasn't happening.   Vaguely, he became aware of a soft, yielding surface under him and cooler temperatures around him and sighed.  It came out as a quiet purr.  Gentle hands were still stroking him, a soft voice still murmuring, as he slid into sleep. He awoke a short time later, starved and refreshed . . and naked.  In his own bed, thankfully, in his own quarters.  A presence on his head made him turn it and Harry's hand slid off.  Harry.  Sitting on the floor next to his bed, dozing, head resting on one folded arm.  Gods.  No one, man or beast, had ever had such a friend as this one. Tom smiled softly, loath to wake him, but a growing hunger was making it impossible for him to remain in bed any longer.  He got out quietly and made his way to the bath, taking a quick sonic shower.  Water just seemed so . . wet and he decided against it.  Quickly throwing on some clothes, he placed a gentle hand on Harry's head and his friend woke, blinking up at him. "Hey there," Harry said, still slightly disoriented, but relieved to see his friend back on two legs. "Hey," Tom responded, deep voice resonating in the silent room.  "Want to go get dinner?  I am *starving*," he said quietly, standing back as Harry nodded and rose to his feet, stretching. "Sounds like a good idea, as long as you don't have to kill it, first," he said quietly, face breaking into a huge grin at Tom's bark of laughter, as they headed to the mess hall.                   <<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>> A couple days later found Tom in his quarters, alone.  He sighed, looking down at his half-empty plate.  In spite of his bleak mood, he grinned. Harry would say it was half-full.  He was starting to get sick of replicated beef.  Gods, what he wouldn't give for dinner on the hoof, as it were.  He groaned, thinking venison, antelope, when the door chimed, knocking him from his reverie. "Come," he called out, placing the plate on the floor next to him, out of sight.  He'd discovered that a number of people couldn't bear to watch him eat, hence dinner alone in his quarters.  His grin widened, when he saw Harry come through the door. Fortunately, his best friend wasn't one of them. "Hey there," Tom said warmly, reaching down to get his plate again, when he smelled something . . different.  And wonderful. He looked up puzzled. "Your whiskers are twitching," Harry deadpanned, making Tom laugh.  Harry was the only one comfortable enough with him to tease him and he loved it. "What is that . . delicious aroma?" Tom asked, not able to place it. Harry grinned, holding out a covered bowl.  He lifted the silver cover off with a flourish.  "Buffalo!" he proclaimed, smile widening as Tom reached in with his fingers, snagged a piece, tossed it into his mouth, then leaned back against the couch and chewed, eyes closed, a totally rapturous look on his face. "Pretty good, huh?" Harry asked, almost gloating. Tom opened his eyes, pinning Harry, who looked sheepish, taking a seat next to his friend.  "Speaking from experience, are you?" Tom asked, smiling. Harry shrugged.  "I wasn't about to bring you anything *I* found inedible. The rabbit was a little too stringy, the bear too fatty, and the squirrel . . well, let's not talk about the squirrel, okay?" Tom roared with laughter, tears coming to his eyes.  Gods, only Harry. "Whatever you blew in rations, I will make up to you. Don't argue with me," he warned as Harry protested, before yielding graciously. "Actually, you have the Commander to thank for the buffalo.  It was his suggestion," Harry imparted, watching his friend's eyes grow large. "You're kidding," Tom said quietly, not quite believing it. Chakotay had been one of the ones most awkward around him. Of course, roaring in his face a couple of days ago hadn't helped matters any, either. "Nope, I'm not," Harry said sincerely.  "He said some early American Indian tribes used to follow the herds across the plains of Old North America, using every part of the animal they could.  He had buffalo, once, when he was younger, during a ceremony with a tribe he visited.  Said he remembered liking it, so I thought I'd take a chance.  He was right, it's good.  Of course, he ate it cooked, but, oh, well," he finished, brown eyes meeting blue ones that appeared more amused than they had any right to. "Thank you," Tom said softly. "You're welcome.  I knew you had to be getting weary of the same old, same old.  It's no big deal," Harry waved it away. "It *is* a big deal," Tom corrected him, finding himself at a loss for words, for once in his life, to express his gratitude. Harry just smiled.  "Eat your buffalo," he said, reaching into the bowl for another small piece for himself, letting Tom have the lion's share.  No pun intended.                    <<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>> Tom should have known it would happen again.  He wasn't even on duty, when the warning sounded, and every fiber of his being *still* went into full alert.  He was headed to the bridge in the turbolift, when the ship rocked and he was thrown against the wall.  He saw red as the anger filled him, liberally spiced with concern for Harry.  The turbolift shifted again, when Voyager was hit, and became stuck.  His breathing increased, his heartrate sky-rocketed, and he felt the familiar heat rise up through him. Dammit, not now.  He roared, feeling the change begin, as boots and clothes went flying, and heard the moment the sound changed from man to animal.  And he was trapped. It was all he could think about, the vague horror of being confined in a small space, and he paced, trying not to panic, for several quiet minutes.  That was something to be grateful for; the battle seemed to be over.  His commbadge finally chirped and he growled, frustrated at being unable to answer it . . wait a minute. He stepped on it lightly with one delicate paw and heard B'Elanna's voice. "Tom, we'll have power restored in a minute, are you okay?" she asked worriedly, before a loud roar came over the comm.  "I'll take that as a 'no'," she said, working frantically to reroute power to get the 'lift moving. There!  Finally.  She quietly called the Captain, warning her that her pilot was currently a feline, trapped in the turbolift, sounding not too pleased about it, and on his way to the bridge. Janeway paused.  She could override the destination, send him to another deck, but decided against it at seeing Harry's worried face. As long as he behaved himself, he could remain on the bridge.  She acknowledged B'Elanna's warning, thanking her for it, as the 'lift doors opened and Tom came bounding out, looking more than a little glad to be out of there. Gods, was he! Tom turned around after exiting the 'lift and growled at it, before taking a few hesitant steps onto the bridge. He was a little surprised to find himself here, actually.  He really thought he'd end up in sickbay, his quarters, someplace other than the bridge.   Janeway smiled at him, heart constricting at how lost he looked. "Are you all right, Mr. Paris?" she asked quietly, as he walked down the steps to stand next to her. Tom nodded, looking over her shoulder to make eye contact with Harry.  He exhaled heavily in relief.  The Ensign seemed fine, grinning back at him. Tom cocked his head and winked at him, prompting a chuckle.  He looked at the Conn, at Ensign Ciscio, and nodded.  She looked uncomfortable but it wasn't her fault.  Large felines weren't exactly standard issue on Federation starships.  He walked past Chakotay, resting his head on the man's arm for an instant, startling him. It wasn't the kind of thing he'd ever do otherwise, but he still felt badly for what happened during the last attack.  Chakotay had only been trying to help. The Commander was smiling slightly at him, now. He seemed to understand. Tom headed up the ramp, coming to stand next to Harry.  He mrrrowed a 'hello' and flicked his tail against Harry's leg. "Hey there," Harry said softly, looking down at him. "You okay?" he asked, before grimacing at such a stupid question.  "I'm an idiot.  Forget I asked," he berated himself, as a golden-furred head was suddenly at his elbow, Tom standing on his hind legs next to him. Harry couldn't help it, he reached out and rubbed Tom's head. Oh, heaven. Tom closed his eyes, relaxing against Ops, when a loud rumble startled them open again.  Shit, he was *purring*? He looked up at Harry, then quickly away, embarrassed. Harry didn't stop, just kept on scratching Tom's ears, wondering what the hell he was doing, but not caring too much. If Tom didn't want him to, he could move away, growl, whatever.  He ran his fingers through the soft fur, one following the black nose, another trailing a furry cheek, a couple scratching under the chin.  The rumble began again, but this time Tom didn't make himself quit.   Harry grinned at himself.  He was petting his best friend on the bridge. Gods, he was nuts.  He sighed and blue eyes opened again, looking at him. His hands slowed down a little and Tom protested, leaning into one and rubbing his cheek against Harry's palm.  A wide yawn startled them both, Tom, because he didn't realize how tired he was, and Harry, because it was the first time he'd really gotten a good look at Tom's teeth.  Yikes. Tom moved back, letting his front paws hit the floor, again, and lay down at Harry's feet. He opened his eyes, when he heard Harry's voice, too quiet for anyone's ears to catch but his. "Don't worry," Harry murmured softly, knowing Tom was listening by the way his ears turned toward the sound.  "If you start changing, you'll be back in your own bed before you know it, okay?" Tom opened one eye and nodded, before letting his chin drop to his paws again.  He found himself wondering vaguely why he needed sleep so much in feline form and reminded himself to ask the Doctor about it, later.  Much later.  He knew he was drifting off and just let himself doze, knowing Harry was keeping an eye on him. Tom woke some time later, still on the bridge and still in fur. He was puzzled, wondering why the change hadn't happened.  He looked up at Harry, who squatted down next to him. "Shift change, you want to leave?" Harry asked, also wondering why Tom was still a feline. Maybe he needed to sleep longer than he had, to become human again. Tom nodded, rising and stretching, yawning, then walked down the ramp to Chakotay, butting him gently with his head. Chakotay's hand came up automatically, stroking Tom's ears, before he realized what he was doing and paused. Tom looked up at him and snorted, wondering what the Commander would do if he gave in to the impulse inside him and . . Chakotay was hard pressed to stifle a gasp when Tom's tongue licked his hand, before devilish blue eyes blinked innocently up at him. He just shook his head and whispered, "Nice kitty," prompting a quiet growl from Tom, who looked as disgusted as a cat possibly could, before heading over to the Captain, after throwing one last glare behind him and thwacking the Commander's knee with his tail.  Chakotay just grinned at him. Even in fur, the Lieutenant still had to have the last word. Tom shook his head.  He mrrrowed at the Captain, who had been watching it all with more than a little amusement, although only her eyes gave her away. "You're dismissed, Tom," she said quietly, just a little worried that he was still in feline form. Tom nodded and followed Harry into the 'lift, after looking at it uncertainly. Harry knelt next to him as soon as the doors closed and stroked his fur, nails scratching lightly along his backbone, from neck to haunches.  Tom arched up into it, like he could help it, and purred loudly, the sound echoing in the small space.  "Sounds like someone needs a good back scratch, huh?" Harry asked, going a little harder and using both hands, when the 'lift arrived at their deck and the doors opened. "Enjoying yourselves?" B'Elanna asked sardonically, seeing the grin on Harry's face and a look barely short of ecstasy on Tom's. Harry jumped, looking up at her wryly, before climbing to his feet.  He opened his mouth to explain but decided the hell with it.  "I'm taking Tom back to his quarters for dinner, want to join us?" B'Elanna smiled at him, still faintly amused at Harry's having adopted the role of caregiver so easily.  She nodded.  "Sure, what's on the menu for tonight and can I have mine cooked?" she asked, getting a chuckle from Harry and a snort from Tom, before they headed to his quarters. Several hours and a huge dinner later, B'Elanna left, making her excuses. Seeing Harry with Tom was rather . . odd.   Tom was perfectly capable of feeding himself, but ate from Harry's fingers, anyway, carefully taking the offered pieces of meat and watching his teeth. For all they knew, a slight scrape would be enough to give Harry 'the gift'.  The spaces of time in between bites were filled with pets and ear scratches.  B'Elanna snorted.  Harry had even called him 'Tomcat' once and Tom hadn't so much as blinked.  B'Elanna had once gotten up to get a bowl for Tom to drink from, when Harry had simply poured the water into his hand and let his friend lap it up from there.  It had definitely become time to leave when Harry had plunked himself on the floor in front of the couch and Tom had come over to lay next to him, head in Harry's lap. B'Elanna shrugged mentally.  It was something she'd have to talk to Harry about tomorrow.  This was getting way too bizarre for her. Back in Tom's quarters, Harry sat on the floor quietly, fingers running through golden fur, as his friend slept peacefully.  He debated getting up, but feared Tom would wake.  He was convinced that all his friend needed was more sleep and he'd be back on two legs by morning.  At least he hoped so. He *really* hoped so. He smiled as Tom's ears twitched in his sleep.  He softly stroked the short fur on the bridge of Tom's nose and the large feline settled quietly again. Harry sighed, letting his head drop back onto the couch behind him, and drifted off, not particularly caring how stiff he was going to be, come morning. He was awakened many hours later, much the same way he had been on the planet, to feel Tom quaking against him. He reached behind them, pulling the blanket off the sofa and spreading it over Tom's body.  Harry watched the transformation quietly, feeling Tom change against him, seeing the fur vanish and the limbs move, as his friend's eyes opened.  He rested a comforting hand on Tom's head, stroking hair that was just as soft as the fur had been and sighed as blue eyes opened and the irises altered.  Human, again.  Harry grinned with relief and Tom sat up, checking himself out, making sure all was back to normal, as much as it could be. Tom turned, sitting next to Harry, and yawned, as his friend turned sideways, placing a hand on his bare shoulder. "You okay?" Harry asked quietly. Tom nodded, smiling self-consciously.  "Yeah, Har.  I didn't mean to force you to spend the night on the floor," he grumbled, feeling guilty. "You didn't force me to do anything.  I just didn't want to leave," Harry said honestly, smiling when Tom's hand covered his own, squeezing it. "Thanks for staying.  I mean it," Tom said when Harry shook his head.  "I'm glad I didn't wake up alone to find I was still a member of the wild kingdom." Harry frowned.  "Was there any doubt?  That you'd change back, I mean?" he asked worriedly. Tom ran a hand through already tousled hair. "I wasn't sure it was going to happen. It seems I'm spending more time on four legs than I am on two. I don't know how many shifts I have left, Harry, before I'm permanently feline," he said quietly, letting Harry see his doubt, the slight fear. "Part of me couldn't care less if I stayed a cat for the rest of forever, but that's the human part, the part that can still reason, think, and act intelligently. Pah'lil said I would lose that, if I couldn't change and didn't mate. And *that's* what scares me. The human being basically ceasing to be, replaced by some animal that wouldn't know a friend from a Kazon.  Gods, Harry.  To hurt someone I cared about and not even be aware of it.  That's the worst, you know? That I would have no idea of what I'd done, because I wouldn't have the human mind left to feel rotten about it," he finished, looking at his best friend's complete understanding. "So, find a mate," Harry said quietly, eyebrows raised as Tom shook his head violently. "*Never*," Tom bit off.  "I could never ask *anyone* to share this kind of existence with me, ever.  It scares the hell out of *me*. And it wouldn't be a temporary thing.  The 'gift' is permanent and Ki'gali mate for life. I couldn't do it, Har.  I just couldn't," Tom replied, looking as alone as Harry had ever seen him. "The Doc will figure something out.  He's been working on this non-stop since you got back," Harry paused, considering for a moment, wondering if this was a good time to show Tom his surprise.  "Come on, get dressed," he decided.  "There's something I want you to see."  His mounting excitement was contagious. Tom looked at him before sighing dramatically and rising then went into his bedroom to throw on some clothes. Harry rose and stretched.  Damn, his ass was numb.  He shook it off.  It was worth it.  His friend was worth it. Tom came back into the room and he and Harry headed out into the corridor and down the hall. He watched Harry rocking on his toes, looking rather pleased with himself, as they rode the turbolift in silence.  They got out and Tom wondered if they were heading to the holodeck.  Sure enough, they stopped outside the doors and Harry spoke a command.  The doors opened and Tom found himself back home. He was stunned, as they walked along the familiar river, stepped over the rocks and went into the forest. It even smelled the same.  He looked at Harry and couldn't stop the tears he knew were filling his eyes. Harry felt as emotional as his friend looked.  "It isn't complete.  I know you have the whole planet stored in racial memory, or whatever it is. You'll have to finish it.  But it's got everything I remember.  Just in case.  I even threw in a few buffalo," he laughed, through tears.  "In case you have to spend the rest of your life in fur. At least you can be here," whatever else he was going to say got choked off when Tom's arms came around him. "You won't be able to come visit, you know," Tom whispered, miserably.  "I won't know you.  Promise me, Harry.  Promise that you won't try and see me. The cat wouldn't care if I killed you, but it would destroy whatever shred of humanity remained within me, if I did.  Please, Harry," he pleaded, as Harry nodded. "Don't worry," Harry said softly.  "It won't happen."  And he found himself back in his friend's embrace for a moment, before they parted, grinning, composing themselves before leaving to change for duty. They met back on the bridge and took their posts after one last shared look.  Tom winked at Chakotay and grinned when the other man snorted at him. Duty shift was going smoothly until Tom smelled something strange.  Turning around in his seat, he checked out the crew.  Janeway was about to ask him was the problem was when Harry's excited but guarded voice entered the relative silence. "Captain, I'm picking up some strange readings about eight light years from here.  I think I've found a wormhole," he finished in slight disbelief, looking up right into Tom's startled look.  Harry's excitement, *that's* what he had smelled? "Mr. Paris," Janeway began, noting her pilot was already making the preliminary adjustments, finding their course automatically. "Let's take a look at Mr. Kim's wormhole." "I'm on it, Captain," Tom said, beginning to pick up on the nervous tension flying around the bridge.  The hair on the back of his neck was standing on end but he tried to ignore it. In no time, they were at the entrance to the wormhole.  Harry was conducting sensor sweeps to his heart's content, while Tuvok launched a probe into the opening.  The results were nearly immediate and dramatic. "Four thousand, two-hundred light years from here *and* in the right direction," Harry said, his voice hushed. The bridge was deadly silent, then a collective sigh of relief went up from the group. "Four years closer to the Alpha Quadrant," Janeway murmured. "Mr. Paris, take us in." Tom watched his course carefully, trying to compensate for the fact that his hands were shaking.  He didn't feel the flush of heat that signaled an impending change, although his heartrate was increasing.  Simple excitement, he told himself, damn, get over it. They emerged quickly on the other side and things got quiet again as Harry confirmed their new position. "Captain, everything checks out fine, we're four years away from our previous location," he said, almost gleeful. "And just that much closer to home," Janeway said, grinning at Chakotay, who smiled back. Tom sat there still as stone.  Gods, what the hell was wrong with him? He should be delighted.  Four years was four years less they'd have to travel. He thought about home and his breathing sped up when he realized that home, for him, was four years *behind* them.  He swallowed heavily, watching as his hands trembled. "Captain!" Harry's voice sang out.  "It's disappearing!  The wormhole, it's collapsing," he informed them as Janeway whirled around to look at Tuvok. "Confirmed, Captain," the Vulcan said calmly.  "Our passage seems to have caused its collapse." Janeway heaved a sigh.  The destruction was regrettable, but it had gotten them a little further along, in their journey home. She turned to Tom, to ask him to set course for the Alpha Quadrant and noticed his shoulders shaking.  Oh, gods.  She walked carefully forward, remembering Chakotay's reception the last time Tom had started changing on the bridge.  Putting a cautious hand on his shoulder, she spoke softly. "Tom, are you all right?" she asked, getting a bad feeling when he shook his head 'no'.  She looked back at Chakotay and saw him realize that something was wrong with their pilot.  "What is it?" she queried, as he turned his head to her. Damn, elongated irises and blue eyes full of tears. "I'm not heading for home," Tom said, his deepening voice soft and choked. "I'm heading *away* from it."  The shaking got worse as he admitted it, to himself as well as the Captain. Janeway's eyes closed as understanding filled her and her hand covered her mouth for an instant, until she saw how hard Tom was fighting, trying not to let the change happen on the bridge, again.  Tom's soft growl seemed to thank her as she ordered him transported to his quarters. Harry sighed heavily.  Dammit, anyway.  He knew how Tom felt about the planet he was 'born' on; he'd seen the man's reaction to seeing it again on the holodeck.  He tried not to think about it, but it was impossible.  He concentrated on his work as much as he could, willing his shift to go as quickly as possible, until his relief arrived and he was free to leave.  He wasn't sure Tom was in the mood for company, but he didn't want him to be alone, just in case. Harry keyed the door open to Tom's quarters and stepped inside, not seeing his friend on the floor in front of the couch, as per usual. "Tom?" he called out cautiously, breathing a sigh of relief when he heard a mrrrow from the bedroom.  He turned the corner and froze, grimacing.  Tom had shredded the bedclothes; the sheets and blankets lay in pieces all over the floor. He sighed sadly.  A feline temper tantrum.   "I don't blame you," Harry said softly, walking slowly over to the bed and sitting on it, next to his friend.  "I bet it felt a lot like when we knew we were all stranded here, years ago, if not worse.  I know part of you was kind of glad it happened, then.  Relieved.  I can only imagine what you're going through, now.  I'm so sorry," he finished, as Tom rolled over, putting his furry head against Harry's thigh.  He stroked the fur gently, trying to comfort his inconsolable friend. "You hungry?" he asked, scratching Tom's ears as he shook his head 'no'.  "Would you rather be alone?"  He hated to ask, afraid Tom would nod, but the 'no' was repeated.   Harry shifted, tossing the miraculously intact pillows behind him, and lay back against them, holding out his hand.  Tom wriggled his way up the bed, coming to rest against Harry's side, tail flicking over his friend's legs as he leaned into him, seeking the compassion Harry gave so freely. They lay there for a while, not speaking, as Harry petted and Tom purred. Neither noticed when they slipped into sleep. Harry surfaced briefly the next morning, instantly realizing where he was and wondered what had woken him. Tom wasn't shaking, as usual.  Tom wasn't next to him, either.  He sat up and looked around for his friend. Not in the bedroom.  He got up, stretching, and found Tom on the floor in front of the doors to his quarters.  Harry swallowed.  Tom was still in fur and was looking at him warily. "Hey there," Harry said, trying to be cheerful and not let his friend know how concerned he was that he hadn't changed back.  He headed toward Tom, only to stop in his tracks when he heard it.  Tom was growling, ears flattened, backed against the door.  Harry could feel the blood draining from his face. Maybe Tom was only hungry. He shook himself.  That growl said a lot more than 'Feed me'. He walked over to the replicator and ordered a large bowl of buffalo meat for Tom.  It was still his favorite, as far as he knew.  He walked slowly toward the large cat until he heard the snarl begin again and set the bowl down, then backed away.  All the way.  He kept backing up until he hit the wall on the other side of the room and slid down it, trying to be as nonthreatening as possible. Tom came forward hesitantly, sniffing.  Part of him knew Harry didn't mean him any harm, but part was totally unsure exactly who 'Harry' was and that frightened him. The bowl confused him but the meat was fresh and he dug in.  It was gone on no time and he wandered around the small area looking for more, until he remembered, hazily, that the original batch had come from the man sitting against the wall and he headed over, carefully. Harry stiffened and Tom froze, sniffing the air.  Harry watched the ears go flat and the eyes look at him warily before a growl came again.  He slowly moved his hand and tapped his commbadge, thanking whatever deity was responsible for him falling asleep before undressing, or it would still be in the bedroom. "Kim to sickbay," he said quietly, noting how Tom's ears came up, before they flattened again and the feline hissed at him. "Sickbay here, Ensign.  How may I help you?" the Doctor's voice sounded, making Tom growl when he couldn't find the source of the noise. "Tom didn't change last night, Doctor, and I don't think he knows just who I am," Harry said softly, not wanting to alarm Tom further. "Then I would suggest you leave, immediately," the Doc said, as though stating the obvious. "He's between me and the door," Harry informed him, flinching as Tom growled loudly. "Since there's no one in sickbay, at present, I'll beam him here," the Doctor offered. "I don't think he'll be too fond of that idea," Harry warned him, but the Doctor cut him off abruptly. "It will also be much easier for me to examine him here, Ensign. Energizing," and with that, Tom disappeared, snarling angrily, into the transporter beam. Harry lowered his head to his knees, wrapping his arms around them.  This was it, then.  He knew he shouldn't give up hope, but realistically, he knew it was unlikely the Doctor could do anything.  He felt the tears fill his eyes and brushed them away, in annoyance.  There was no point in acting like Tom was gone forever.  There was always the chance the Doc would come up with something. He got to his feet, moving like a man four times his age, and returned to his quarters to shower and change before heading toward the bridge.                   <<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>> Several hours later, they were in the middle of a senior staff meeting, with one member noticeably absent, when the Holodoc appeared.  Janeway wasn't the only one surprised.  She took one look at his face and asked him to have a seat. "Any progress, Doctor?" she asked gently, knowing how hard he'd been working to find a way to bring Tom back into his human form again. "Regretfully, no, Captain," the Doctor admitted with great reluctance. "And we have another problem." A collective sigh came from those assembled, as the Doctor went on. "Mr. Paris has lost most of his human visual acuity," the Doctor informed them.  "He sees better than anyone here and that's the problem." Janeway looked puzzled, resting her chin in her hand. "Explain." "He can no longer see me," the Doctor said quietly.  "He can hear me, but he can't tell what's making the sound.  It agitates him a great deal.  I leave him alone as much as I possibly can, to keep him calm."  He paused, seeing a lot of unhappy faces. "It gets worse.  I transported him to the holodeck, to the forest simulation Mr. Kim programmed, to see if he would take a holographic mate. Unfortunately, he could tell it *was* a simulation.  He followed the boundaries exactly, in a perfect square, and roared.  He did not sound happy. Mr. Paris couldn't see the holographic female, the holographic game, or the holographic water.  In short, Captain, he was very much aware that he was not in a natural setting.  For all I know, he can see the grid on the walls.  However, he cannot see the forest, *or* the trees," he finished wryly, but sobered instantly. "I don't believe there's anything else for me to do, Captain. Short of building an arboretum for him, and I don't think we can create one large enough for a feline of his size, on this ship.  I am loath to admit it, but I have run out of options.  There is nothing more I can do for him, medically speaking," the Doctor concluded, unhappily. Janeway paused, thinking carefully.  "I don't want to leave him behind, on some planet in this quadrant, but this ship is no place for a wild animal. I have the safety of this crew to consider, as well as his well-being. Let's take some time and try to come up with another option.  Dismissed." Harry left the Captain's ready room deep in thought.  He was glad his duty shift was over, he was way too distracted to man his post, right now.  He felt slightly guilty.  He had been the one who found the wormhole that took Tom four years from the one place he could have made a life for himself, even if he hadn't taken a mate. Which he probably would have, but would still have been trapped on the planet of his 'birth'.  Ki'gali mated for life and hated technology.  None of them would've wanted to leave their home and follow Tom back into the Alpha Quadrant and he would've had to remain with them.  For the rest of his life.  Gods, what a long time *that* would've been. Harry couldn't even conceive of being around for *centuries*. The things you could see and do.  The next sixty years would fly by and Tom would only age what, ten?  He'd be Chakotay's age when they returned to Earth.  Harry himself wouldn't be much older than Tom was, now.  Damn, why was he thinking about it like that?  Like it was happening to him? He had to be honest, he could see himself actually doing it, returning home with the children and grandchildren of his crewmates, still a young man. He entered his quarters, but left the lights off.  He and Tom would be two of a kind, a whole new species.  The man was his best friend and he did love him, but could he love him *that* way?  Mated for life.  To Tom Paris. He waited, giving himself plenty of time to shudder at the thought, but it didn't happen. He paced, wondering if he could actually do it and tried not to think about whether Tom would do it for him, whether he'd want to. Tom was the sort who just jumped into things like this without considering the consequences of his actions.  Harry was the one who thought everything to death, weighing the pros and cons carefully.  He had to admit that Tom probably would, if there was no other way.  He didn't want to think about whether Tom would regret it, or not. Harry sighed.  Could he do this?  Yes.  Did he want to?  He got butterflies thinking about it but he thought he did.  Yes.  Not knowing how Tom felt about him, or could feel someday, shouldn't have any bearing on his decision, but it did.  Did it matter? Some, yes.  If Tom couldn't, or wouldn't, love him, it would be a very long lifetime.  His gut told him to go for it, his head was having fits.  He sighed, stiffening his spine.  If he was going to spend the rest of his life as a Ki'gali, he was going to have to learn to listen to his instincts.  And there was no time to start, like the present.  He took a deep breath and nodded to himself, before heading out of his quarters and making his way to sickbay. Harry paused briefly on entering sickbay to let his eyes adjust to the darkness.  Where was . . there, under the biobed.  Tom.  In full fur. Harry stood quietly and watched the glowing eyes watch him, before the vaguely feline shape emerged from the shadows.   Tom recognized the scent of the man coming closer, associating it with vague perceptions of being cared-for and protected.  The earlier confusion was gone and with it, the fear it caused.  He was wary, but no longer frightened.  Some small part of Tom was actually relieved to see him. Above all, he knew that this man must not be harmed. Harry walked cautiously towards Tom, hoping he wasn't being perceived as threatening.  Tom backed away, growling, and crouched low, headed for the wall.  Harry felt a little lost at the seeming loss of trust and began talking quietly, soothingly. "Hey, there, I'm not going to hurt you, Tom.  You know that; you *know* me. I'd never hurt you," he paused in sudden realization. "Wait a minute. That's not it, is it?  You're afraid you'll hurt *me*." He froze as Tom began moving away from him, head down, not meeting his eyes, following the wall until he bumped into a corner.  It startled a plaintive sound from him. "Easy, it's all right," Harry whispered, not wanting to upset him, not wanting him to feel defensive.  He knelt, thinking that maybe it might help Tom feel better, if he wasn't towering over him. Tom immediately flattened to the floor, chin resting on his front paws as he looked at Harry quizzically. Harry took a deep breath and pulled off one of his boots.  Tom's head shot up, but he remained on the floor. Harry tugged off the other one and undid his jacket, shrugging it off and setting it on top of his boots.  He was a little shaky but surprised he didn't feel more so.  He pulled his turtleneck off and Tom shot out of the corner to hide under the other biobed. Tom was starting to shake and part of him wondered why he was so panicked. A rather large part of him wanted to get closer to the man on the floor, close enough to touch, lick, bite. Mate with.  He shivered again, fear coursing through him at that thought.  Why the unwillingness to do this? Why deny what he needed, wanted so badly?  He didn't understand and he wavered, some small part of him not wanting to hurt this man, whose soft voice he knew.  He shook his head, growling to himself at the argument within him. Control vying with need, reason warring with instinct.  One thing he did know, he was deathly afraid of hurting this two-legged one. And that must not be allowed to happen. Harry had jumped a little at the speed with which Tom moved, swallowing heavily, but simply turned to face his friend. "Maybe part of you is still aware enough that you know why I'm here, and what I'm doing.  I don't think there's another option, Tom.  I know the risks and I'm willing to take them.  You'd do the same for me, I know you would, if it was the only way." Harry tossed his turtleneck onto the growing pile and undid the slacks, shimmying out of them, getting rid of the socks at the same time.  Still in his shorts, he crawled slowly toward Tom, trying not to spook him, and halted when he heard a warning growl. "Shh, easy.  It's okay.  It's just me. It's Harry.  Tom, it's okay.  Trust me," he whispered, reaching out a hand to gently touch a softly-furred side.  "Oh, gods," he said, feeling Tom shaking under his hand.  It wasn't fear, he knew that.  It was Tom fighting for control, fighting his instincts, fighting what Harry intended for him to do.  He buried his fingers in the golden fur and Tom hesitantly inched his way closer to him. "That's it," Harry crooned, moving his hand over Tom's head as he came nearer, to lay his head on Harry's thigh, closing his eyes tightly. Harry heard soft, distressed sounds coming from his friend and hastened to reassure him. "It's all right.  It is.  I swear.  It'll be okay, Tom."   Tom got slowly up, still shaky on four legs, and placed a careful paw on Harry's arm, just batting him a time or two.  Harry moved his hands around the ears and chuckled as they rotated like deflector dishes.  Tom's eyes closed in ecstatic delight and he growled, softly.  He quivered once, then looked Harry straight in the eye and opened his mouth, heading for Harry's bare shoulder. Harry took a deep breath and wrapped one arm around Tom's body as those incredibly sharp teeth closed lightly over his skin, without breaking it. Tom shook and made as if to move away, but Harry hung on, holding his head right where it was.  The anguished roar that came from Tom's throat shocked him, making him jump, before Tom pushed Harry back until he lay on the floor and straddled him. A rough tongue swiped at his neck once, then again, and Harry closed his eyes, murmuring quiet encouragement. "That's it.  Go ahead.  Come on, Tom," he whispered, then chuckled, wryly. "I can't believe I'm saying this but, bite me, already." Harry felt a soft, wet touch on his shoulder and shook with the tremors going through Tom, who tried to step away, but Harry clung to him, tenaciously. "You're not going anywhere.  It's okay.  Do it.  Go on, Tom.  You have to. It'll be okay," he said firmly and sighed as warm, rapid breaths fanned his ear.  He stroked Tom's head, pushing him towards his shoulder again and felt those sharp teeth just barely close around him. He held Tom tightly, maybe too tightly, but his friend didn't struggle.  A slight clenching of Tom's jaw was all it took for the teeth to pierce Harry's skin.  Harry drew a quick breath, trying not to flinch, and shut his eyes, just letting it happen, as easily as it could.   Tom slowly moved his head from side to side, just a fraction, worrying Harry's shoulder.  Harry knew he was being as gentle as he could be and the slight, sharp pain was already growing warm.  Wrapping his arms around Tom, he simply held on as the minutes passed and tried to relax.  He found his own breathing speeding up, noticed his hands shaking as they ran through the soft fur covering his friend.  He was becoming lightheaded and was glad he was lying down, then remembered that Tom had pushed him down and he sighed silently, grateful. A musky odor filled his nostrils and he blinked as the room seemed to grow brighter, realizing his sensitivity was increasing with every passing moment. Tom had pulled back and was licking the slight amount of blood away, but Harry was nearly oblivious.  He tried to speak and startled himself at his own faint growl.  It was enough to bring Tom's head up, before the golden head dipped and Harry felt a warm, wet presence on his chest, leaving faint whorls in the ever-increasing amount of black . . fur? Oh, gods.  Warmth and wetness continued a rapid path, until teeth connected in the waistband of his shorts and shredded them, tearing them off his body and flinging them aside with a toss of a furry head. Harry felt vaguely uncomfortable on his back and rolled to his side, sighing with relief as the pressure eased on his . . tail. Tom's tongue found his ears to be of interest and it tickled, slightly, as he softly batted Tom's head from its task with his . . paw.  A rather pleasant warmth was flowing through him and he found himself filled with restlessness, needing to move, explore, revel.  He felt good, strong, and heard himself roar with delight. Tom quickly pounced on him and he recalled the reason for his transformation.  He met his friend's familiar blue eyes and let his own tongue explore the long whiskers beneath them.  He blazed a trail around one eye and across one ear and Tom growled, softly.  To Harry, it sounded faintly like a moan and he grinned, baring his teeth before realizing that Tom might take it as a hostile act in his current state. That that wasn't the case became apparent as Tom's eyes closed, a look of rapture crossing his feline features. Harry could still feel the golden-furred body trembling, although it seemed to be a little less intense, less desperate, than it was a moment ago.  Tom crouched down next to him, letting Harry explore to his heart's content, until the quivering grew stronger and Harry backed off, then rose to try out all four legs.  It took a little effort and seemed to work better when he wasn't consciously thinking about it, but he got the hang of it.  The dizziness had faded, although the heat remained, and he felt himself growing oddly impatient.  He gently bit into Tom's leg and his friend shot upright, coming to stand next to him. Tom was just a little taller, maybe an inch, and sleeker in comparison.  Harry found him beautiful and opened his mouth to tell him so but all that emerged was a soft grumble.  He thought Tom might have understood; the golden tail twitched behind him. Harry was just beginning to wonder at the mechanics of what they needed to do, when Tom walked around him, licking his flank.  His back arched when the warm tongue began preparing him and his legs shook uncontrollably until a gentle paw rested on his back, calming him. Tom gently pushed him down into a crouch and Harry shivered when his underside touched the cool floor. Tom was right, it would be easier this way.  His friend walked over him, straddling him and Harry made himself relax.  Tom seemed to understand Harry's trepidation and moved forward to caress a black-furred ear with his tongue.  A loud rumble startled Harry, until he realized it was coming from him.  He purred, feeling totally content and Tom slid carefully inside him, softly growling.   Harry thought he was groaning and hoped Tom wouldn't take his response the wrong way.  Tom was rocking gently into him and Harry gained a new respect for his friend's self-control.  He squirmed backward, only to be stopped by a soft, meaningful snarl.  He thought about that sound, for a moment, and squirmed again.  Yep, that snarl was a feline-flavored moan. He grinned when Tom began moving faster and harder and realized that he, himself, was as hard as he could get in his current form. He heard himself growl impatiently and Tom moved faster and Harry rocked backward, getting hotter at the soft sounds his friend, now lover, was making. That heat was a wonderful feeling and he panted, snarling, wanting more of it.  Fingers clenched into his arm and teeth bit him, again, in the same shoulder, not as gently this time and he roared softly, nowhere near as loud as he knew he could.  He felt Tom's arms start shaking, felt the incredibly fast heartbeat against his back and sank his own teeth into one freckled arm.  A firm hand wrapped itself around his own erection and he groaned, thrusting forward into it, then backward into Tom.  It didn't take long, after that. A harsh cry erupted out of Tom at the same time he erupted, filling Harry over and over, drawing Harry's breathtaking climax from him, before Tom slowed to a stop and sank down on top of him. Harry stretched his legs out behind him, easing the cramped feeling considerably, and his arms in front of him, flexing the fingers.  Wait a minute. Fingers?  He looked puzzled, seeing his own flesh, not covered in fur, before him. It had happened, hadn't it?  He shot a glance over his shoulder and saw Tom, flesh-made man, not the fur-made feline of moments ago. Harry grinned.  It had worked; Tom was human, again. Tom slid off Harry's back with a groan and shocked his eyes open at the unanimal sound, as he came to rest next to his friend.  Peering at Harry in the dimness of sickbay, he looked them both over.  Naked and human. He groaned again, covering his eyes with his hand.  Hand, not paw.   "Oh, Harry," he said softly, his voice still about an octave lower than he remembered it being.  "Why?" Harry explained quietly about his eyes and holographic images. And reminded him about his lifespan, in feline mode.   "Decades, maybe centuries, and you would've been trapped. Not to mention the possible danger to the crew.  Which wouldn't have been your fault," he hastened to reassure, "but it might have prompted the Captain to leave you in isolation, or on another planet, for the rest of your life.  It would've been . . inhumane." "I wouldn't have noticed, Harry, or cared," Tom sighed. "Yes, you would've.  On some level, you would have been miserable.  And *I* would have noticed.  And cared," Harry said, softly, finding himself helpless to prevent his hand from reaching out and stroking the golden hair on Tom's head. Tom grinned sadly.  "And now you're condemned to a life like mine," he mourned, shaking his head. Harry smiled at him. "Good thing I like raw meat," he shot back. Tom laughed reluctantly, the sound much deeper and fuller than it had been. "You'll like it even more, now," he retorted and both of them were laughing. "And every so often, we'll lock ourselves in one of our quarters and mate like the animals we are," Harry brought up, fascinated by the blush that was stealing over his friend's now human features. "And you're okay with that?" Tom asked, almost afraid of the answer. "No," Harry said quietly, seeing Tom's eyes close as his face twisted into a pained grimace.  "I'd like it to be more often and out of fur, once in a while, but that's just me," he finished, grinning as Tom's eyes shot open. "Oh, you're kidding me," Tom came onto his side, looking down at Harry, who was shaking his head. "No, I'm not.  Think about it.  We are the only two of our kind in the universe and we're perfect for each other.  You're my best friend and I love you.  Depending on how much time we spend in full fur, we'll probably outlive Tuvok.  It could be centuries.  I want to spend them with you, as friend, as lover.  As mate," he finished softly, forcing himself to meet Tom's stunned look, before the look faded, growing tender, lit by a wondrous smile. "You are going to get so sick of me," Tom said, grinning as he shook his head at the change in his luck. "It's a chance I'm willing to take," Harry answered dryly, as Tom's lips touched his, making him growl. Tom pulled away.  "Just checking," he replied to Harry's silent query, as he trailed a finger over the rapidly healing wound on his lover's bare shoulder.  "Still human," he grinned, foolishly, turning the word 'lover' over and over in his mind.  Yep, he could get used to that, all right. Further thought was rendered impossible as warm lips met his and he sighed.  A hot tongue licked his ear and he groaned, wrapping himself around Harry, who settled gently on top of him. Suddenly, all contact ceased and he opened his eyes, blearily, to gaze at Harry, who was actually pouting.  Gods, he was adorable. "What, no purr?" Harry asked peevishly, grinning at Tom's laugh. "No fur," Tom reminded him, enfolding Harry within his embrace again, just holding him.  He sobered and Harry, sensing the change in mood, remained quiet, snuggling into the warmth found there, with Tom.  A faint whisper reached his ears. "I could fall so hard for you, Harry.  Oh, who am I kidding?  Part of me already has," Tom said, with no regrets.  Only delight. "Go ahead and fall," Harry said softly.  "I'll catch you," and he raised his eyes to Tom's. Tom opened his mouth to respond when a sudden shudder rocked the ship, bringing them both to their feet. He tossed a robe to Harry, who caught it, a startled look on his face. "What, we're wearing *these* to the bridge?" he asked incredulously. "We'll be wearing fur by the time the 'lift doors open," Tom explained hurriedly.  "I bet I know who they are, out there.  And if you think about, so do you." Harry's eyes widened as he realized his friend was right.  How he knew was a mystery, but he *did* know.  He shook his head at the various images crowding his mind, remembered snatches of conversation with Pah'lil, that he had never had. The wealth of information available to him was staggering, millennia worth. He took a deep breath and met Tom's understanding look. "Welcome to the pride," Tom said softly, dropping a quick kiss on Harry's lips before they left sickbay at a run, ignoring some of the wide-eyed looks they were getting and the smiles at seeing Tom back in human form again. On the bridge, Janeway wasn't happy. Pirates.  In this day and age.  Only in the Delta Quadrant, she thought wryly, as she glared at the being on the viewscreen. "Captain, it would be wise to surrender, quietly," Li'bek, the leader of the other ship warned, all but rubbing his greedy hands together.  "You carry no marking of protection and ours is not the only ship in this sector.  Merely the most fortunate," he smiled wickedly, licking his lips. Janeway was about to make a less-than-diplomatic reply, when the turbolift doors opened and two huge felines, one gold and one black, bounded onto the bridge.  *Two*?  She took a closer look at the black one and familiar brown eyes looked back at her. Oh, Harry. Tom stopped by her chair, while Harry headed over to sit next to Chakotay's feet. Tom looked up at the viewscreen and roared indignantly, making Janeway flinch. Her reaction was nothing compared to Li'bek's, whose skin had paled several shades of green lighter.  He looked terrified. "M-my apologies, C-captain," he choked out.  "I did not realize you served the Ki'gali," he grew even paler when Harry growled at the sound of his voice. Chakotay, unthinking, began petting Harry, fingers scratching under the ebony-furred chin, as he murmured softly, soothing the agitated feline. Janeway and Tuvok shared a raised eyebrow, before their attention was commanded by Li'bek. "It will be our great honor to provide you with escort through this space, Captain," Li'bek stated reverently.  "No further communication will be necessary, unless they desire it," he nodded to Tom and Harry.  "We will make certain no one interferes with you and your ship.  And we will be happy to send you all the information we possess, about the planets in this sector.  Including several where they may . . hunt," he finished, looking rather yellow with nausea. "Thank you, Li'bek," Janeway said graciously, about to extend her appreciation when he cut her off, abruptly. "There is no need for thanks, Captain.  It is their due," and with that, he terminated communications. Janeway heard a not-so-subtle throat-clearing behind her. Tuvok.  She focused on what she was doing and found her fingers lightly scratching Tom's cheek, his head resting on her thigh, eyes closed in sublime delight as she stroked his ears and rubbed the top of his head.  She glanced over at Chakotay and grinned.  Harry was resting his front paws on Chakotay's lap and they were nearly nose to nose as the Commander scratched him roughly, muttering, "That's a good boy, yes, it is," with a huge smile on his face. "Commander," she said gently, barely getting his attention. Apparently her own attentions had slowed and Tom protested, compelling her take his face in her hands and scratch his chin and neck. Chakotay looked up and grinned at her. "That's Harry," she reminded him, quietly, nodding at the large black panther-size cat in his arms.   Chakotay nodded.  "And *that's* Tom," he replied, looking at her with a 'who are you to talk' expression on his face.  She glanced down, to find Tom's head in her own lap, both hands firmly lavishing attention on him, and sighed.   "Hard to resist, aren't they?" Chakotay asked, laughing. "They're not pets, they're Starfleet officers," Janeway protested, smiling despite her best intentions, when Tom purred.  Oh, heavens. Tuvok spoke up.  "Captain, it may be wise for them to remain where they are, until we have left this sector of space.  Their presence seems to provide some guarantee of protection," he said, reasonably. "Assuming they can control it, can we make them *understand* that?" Chakotay asked, looking at Harry's eyes for some indication of the intelligent young man he knew.  Harry mrrrowed at him, cocking his head. The Commander looked over at Janeway, startled. The Captain met Tom's blue eyes, exactly like his human ones, save for the iris.  "Do you understand?" she asked softly, hoping against hope. Her own eyes widened as he nodded, right before he winked at her. She almost gasped.  "You're not trapped, anymore, are you?" she whispered, eyes briefly closing in relief when he shook his head.  "How?" she asked, trailing off as she looked over at Harry's feline form.  "Mated?" she whispered, so only Tom could hear. He ducked his head and she knew he'd be blushing, had he been human. He only nodded, slowly.   Janeway nodded, feeling helplessly grateful that Harry had taken matters into his own hands. Paws.  Whatever.  "And you can both change at will?" she queried, making sure, as Tom raised his head again and nodded.  "Are you two all right?" she asked, fumbling for the right words to ask what she wanted to. "Your friendship?" Harry must have heard, because he backed off Chakotay's lap and walked over to stand next to Tom, looking at him with obvious concern and something else Janeway couldn't quite put her finger on.  He made a soft, querying sound and Tom turned, swiping one black ear with a long lick of his tongue. Harry started purring immediately, caressing Tom's cheek with his own, and realization dawned on Janeway's face. She looked up at Chakotay, his startled eyes meeting her own.   "They're together?" he asked, quietly, watching the two of them, seemingly oblivious to everything except each other, at the moment. "Apparently so," Janeway remarked.  "It makes perfect sense for them to pair off," she acknowledged. Harry sighed and dropped to the floor, yawning.  It had been a long, tiring day.  Tom stepped carefully over him and eased himself down next to his mate, head resting on one of Harry's paws, as Harry's rested on the other. His eyes closed, when Harry licked his nose, before he settled in to sleep, content.                  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>> People gradually got used to seeing the two of them together, in fur and out of it.  And they spent much more time in it, except when they were on duty, the lure of near-immortality impossible to resist. Janeway had no objections.  When she needed her human officers, she had them.  She went out of her way to accommodate them, as best she could, but they made few demands on or of her. Their request to share quarters was easily done and when they needed time alone together, as happened on occasion, all they had to do was ask Chakotay. People had gotten used to them coming into the mess hall for dinner and Neelix was always delighted to see them.  They usually ate after most everyone else was done and gone, devouring the raw leftover meat, but B'Elanna was there, most of the time, or the Captain, or Chakotay. They had become the unofficial mascots of Voyager and most people seemed to forget they were still at least half-human, even if they were in fur most of the time.  They tried to avoid it on the bridge, when at all possible, but every few weeks, changing to their human forms became difficult and nearly impossible to maintain.  The Doctor explained it as being a normal part of the mating cycle and it only lasted three or four days, so the rest of the crew adjusted to it. Janeway still welcomed them on the bridge during this time and they sat in on staff meetings, just as they would have had they been human. More times than Chakotay could count, one or both feline heads would end up in his lap, or B'Elanna's, or one in each, and they would find themselves talking ship's business while doling out head rubs and ear scratches.  Only in the backs of their minds existed the fact that these cats weren't, exactly, cats.  No one said anything and it simply became the norm. Other adjustments were easily made. The controls in their quarters were reconfigured so that they could be accessed while Tom and Harry were in feline form and the replicators were lowered for easier reach, programmed to provide nothing but raw meat and water. The Commander had authorized some slight alterations be made to their uniforms, just to make them easier to get out of, when they had to.  It was either that, or constantly replace the shredded ones.   Things had changed but Janeway was more than willing to go along with them as long as they could still perform their duties. And they were actually better at them, now.  Reaction times were faster, Harry's sharp eyes read sensor reports at lightning speed, Tom's flying was more brilliant than ever, and one or the other of them were almost always picked for away missions. Federation technology couldn't compete with their senses and instincts. They knew when people were lying, spotted traps a light-year away, and could tell when someone genuinely needed their help. The Captain couldn't have been more pleased.  Even to the extent of stopping at one planet or another, to let the two of them off to hunt, run, whatever.  The holodecks were all but useless to them, now.  Both of their eyesight had improved so much that they couldn't use them, in full fur. So, whenever Voyager stopped by an uninhabited planet to pick up foodstuffs, Tom and Harry were turned loose. Today was one such instance.  Tom was laying back, in the soft grass, watching the clouds roll by and letting dinner settle.  His fingers were lazily playing with Harry's black fur, as his mate sprawled across his chest, dozing in the dappled, near-dusk sunlight at the woods' edge. He sighed, feeling wonderful.  And stuffed.  A slight breeze caressed his skin, making him shiver a little.  Their clothes were around here, somewhere, but he couldn't be bothered to move, right now.  He scratched Harry's ears and the large feline opened one eye at him. "Hey, there, furry-face," Tom teased, seeing his lover's eyes roll, before a rather human-sounding snort came from him.  He laughed and it turned to a soft groan when Harry licked his chest, before that long, slow tongue worked its way steadily downward. "Uh, Har?  What are you . . ohh, Harry," Tom breathed, feeling the hot wetness rasp against his skin. Harry lay quietly, paws on Tom's thighs, claws carefully sheathed, and enjoyed his mate's response.  He licked Tom's stomach, paying particular attention to his navel and headed downward, wrapping his tongue around Tom's hardness. "Har?  This is a little weird," Tom protested half-heartedly.  "I mean, I know you're still you and . . oh, sweet heaven, Harry. Don't stop.  Damn, don't listen to me. Ah, Kitten, please . ." and it stopped.   Tom's head came up to find Harry glaring at him. "All right, I'll try and quit calling you that.  I promise I will.  Later," he sighed, as Harry continued his ministrations until Tom was a wreck beneath him. 'Kitten', indeed.  So what if he was younger?  'Baby' was bad enough, but 'Kitten'?  Argh.  He snarled softly and Tom writhed under him. He lapped gently at Tom's weeping cock until his lover was arching beneath him, fingers clutching at his fur.  He made as if to turn Tom over onto his stomach, but the man resisted, looking incredibly aroused, yet slightly uncomfortable. He sighed.  Tom apparently wasn't ready for that kind of sex, yet.  Harry had barely finished the thought, when Tom rolled over on his own, stretching his arms out in front of him, before turning his head to face Harry. Tom nodded at Harry's raised eyebrow.  "Sorry about that," he apologized quietly.  "I know it's no different than when we spontaneously change in the middle of having sex and the gods know, we've done *that* often enough," he paused, when Harry lay down next to him, looking at him thoughtfully, lovingly swiping his shoulder with long strokes of his tongue. Harry locked his mouth around Tom's arm and tugged.  Tom's eyes widened. "You want me to . . are you sure?" he asked, not too certain, himself.  At Harry's nod, he moved back and straddled his mate, feeling silky fur caress the insides of his thighs.  Harry's tail switched past his back, making him gasp.  Strange as it felt, he was getting hotter by the minute. As much as he wanted to, he knew Harry wanted it more and he leaned forward, teeth tugging on one black-furred ear. "No," he said quietly, feeling Harry's disappointed sigh leave his body. "*You* do it," he grinned as his lover's head whipped around, nailing him with a look, before inching forward, letting that wonderful fur move along his body. He lay down again, opening his legs when he felt Harry carefully step between them.  A hot tongue caressed him intimately and he gasped, fingers digging into the grass below him. Claws gently scraped down his back, barely enough to leave marks, thin, red trails, behind them.  Tom was so distracted by the slight sting, he barely noticed Harry's tongue enter him. When he did, his groan brought a furry, black head up, rather quickly, til Harry realized all was well and continued.  Harry moved forward, legs on either side of his mate's body and slowly, gently, pushed inside him, backing out a little, before doing it again. Tom's heartrate skyrocketed and his breathing sped up, as Harry thrust into him. His mind was trying to tell him that a very large feline was fucking him but his body knew it was Harry and his heart was overjoyed.  Gods, it felt wonderful! Harry knew his own pulse was increasing and he took Tom a little harder, faster, before his lover rocked backward into him, groaning.  He felt his legs shaking and knew he was close.  He nipped lightly at Tom's shoulder, laved the mark with his tongue, then whipped it around his lover's neck, nuzzling one ear.  A strangely familiar scent was rising from Tom's body, but he didn't slow down.  He grinned, felt the same heat begin to warm him and growled.  The sound made Tom tremble and the vibration hummed along his own fire-filled veins.  He saw his limbs begin to change and watched in awe as the transformation hit Tom.   They passed by each other, both on the way to the other's location, and for an instant they were both man and cat, loving, and being loved by, another exactly like them.  The only other exactly like them.  Harry's growl became a groan midway through the sound and he moved faster, shivering as the breeze swept over his heated skin.  He dug his fingers into Tom's fur, gasping as he rode his mate harder, feeling the shaking overtake them both. Tom arched under him, harsh sounds driving Harry to completion, and Tom's feline roar answered his own human one.  Fire flowed through him, lighting his nerves like a fuse and he felt the explosion come upon him. He cried out as he emptied himself into his lover's body then lay his cheek on a warm, furry back, resting briefly, before he slid bonelessly off of Tom into a panting heap at his side. Tom turned his head to lick the cooling sweat from Harry's body and his lover wrapped shaking arms around him, pulling him closer for warmth and comfort. Harry smiled softly, snuggling into golden fur, as Tom lay down on top of him, nose rubbing his own.  He brought a hand up to trace the whiskers with a finger, the tips of his ears, which twitched under the tickle-caress, and his cheek, before Tom lay on his chest and listened to his mate's quieting heartbeat drumming in his ears. Tom sighed in sweet contentment as a soft whisper caught his attention. "I love you, Tomcat," Harry's deep voice fueled the warmth flying through his lover's blood. Harry's hand felt fur vanish, become glowing skin, as Tom's own low voice was heard. "I love you, too, Kitten," Tom said, sounding serious until Harry pulled back to meet blue, smiling eyes. "Tom!" Harry said with familiar indignation. "Well, I *do*," Tom replied, trying not to grin, failing and rolling them both over, laughing, until Harry was on top. Harry growled and Tom's eyes met beautiful dark brown, the changing black iris barely visible against the warm, rich chocolate. Tom felt the tremor pass rapidly through his mate and found himself nose to nose with a very large, annoyed, black feline. He smiled fondly, scratching Harry's ears till the rumblings filled his own. "Point taken, purr-beast," he said quietly as heavy-lidded eyes tried to open up and look at him but only one was successful. "Harry," Tom whispered, until both eyes were open and both ears facing forward.  He sighed, smiling sleepily.  "I really do love you, you know." Harry nodded, paw batting lightly at Tom's nose, til his love chuckled, grabbed it and held it to his chest.  Harry's head followed, eyes closing again, as Tom's arms came around him, holding him gently as sleep claimed them both. ************************************end