**************************************************** Disclaimer time once again! Thirty-seventh verse same as the first . . everybody *sing*: I don't own these characters, (chorus) Paramount does! I don't own this venue, (chorus) Paramount does! I am making no money off of this, (chorus) Paramount does not either! This story involves sex between two men, (well, mostly) aka: slash.  If that is *not* your cup of . . tea, sweet as it is , then don't read it! (simple, ain't it??) Feedback is *very* much appreciated, and always answered.  Flames will be passed around to friends and chuckled over.  :) First in the 'Bound In Blood' Series. 'Consanguinity' by Amirin **************************************************** "Hail them again, Harry." I'll say this for the Captain, she doesn't like to give up.  So, I hail them again. "Still no answer, Captain." I check the instruments for the fourth time, but the distress beacon is still signaling, loud and clear, even though we're getting nothing from the sensors. "Maybe there's no one left alive *to* answer, Captain," Tom speaks up, always the optimist, as he turns in his seat, grinning that grin.  His eyes meet mine and I grin back at him. It's one of those things I can't help doing, like a conditioned response.  He grins, I grin back.  He touches me, my cock hardens to the point that I could punch holes through the hull with it.  Simple reflex.  Not a damned thing I can do about either one.  I only wish I had the opportunity to try and do something about the latter with Tom, if at all possible.  But he doesn't know and I'm not about to tell him. "Harry, where is the beacon?"  The Commander this time, after exchanging one of those *looks* with the Captain over Tom's statement. "On the surface, Sir.  Easily accessible," I look back at him innocently, but he sees the burning curiosity in my eyes and he and the Captain exchange another look.  I just sigh inwardly.  I've come to hate those looks. "Harry, Tuvok, go check it out," the Captain says and even though it's her command voice, she still sounds indulgent. I grin good-bye at Tom, and Tuvok and I are making our way to the transporter room, to try and figure out this latest mystery. A planet, shrouded in cloud cover, almost like nuclear winter, with a sun in permanent eclipse by a moon in an identical orbit.  The whole planet is in constant night, every single day of the year, no matter what time of day it is, no matter how it spins on its axis.  I've never seen anything like it, which maybe doesn't say much, but neither has anyone else.  Maybe Tom was right, maybe there's no one left alive to answer our hails. What could possibly survive in near-total darkness? Tuvok is silent and I respect that, keeping my thoughts to myself until we beam to the planet, to the sight of the distress beacon.  Everything's immaculate, which makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. Someone has taken very good care of things.  I meet Tuvok's eyes to voice a question but it never gets uttered.  We're surrounded before I can speak, blink, move. Gods, I've seen anyone move so fast. Tuvok makes the standard greeting and they're largely unimpressed.  I look cautiously at the . . aliens around us. Male and female, mostly young. No, wait, *all* young, the oldest no older than I am.  I make eye contact with the one who seems to be the leader and wish I hadn't. The look in those eyes goes from triumphant and mocking to hungry in an instant. "Take him," he snarls, nodding at Tuvok.  "But leave this one for me." The rest of the group is no happier with that statement than I am, but a cold look shuts them all up quickly and they leave with Tuvok.  A hand touches my face and I flinch. I can't help it; the man is *freezing*. "We're here to try and help you," I say, with what Tom calls my natural enthusiasm.  "We don't mean you any harm." He smiles at that.  I really wish he hadn't.  The smile is as cold as his hand on my cheek.  He brings the other hand up to cover my other cheek and sighs, like he's warming them on my face.  The chill goes right through me. I cover his wrists with my hands and he looks startled for a minute. "Let me help you," I say and he nods, grinning, his smile off and odd. "Oh, you will," he says confidently, stroking my cheek.  "You won't be able to help yourself."                    <<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>> "Emergency beam out, two to sickbay." Fortunately, Tuvok recalls next to nothing.  He remembers meeting the aliens, he remembers being taken to a room and having some sort of medical procedure performed on him, and he remembers their displeasure when they got the results.  They couldn't use him, not at all, and were going to kill him until I changed the rules they played by, just a bit. Playing *along* is one of my best things.  Going with the flow. Tom discovered that about me early on and used it to his advantage.  Little did he know that I would have gone along with him on anything from the moment we met. Life with him is a constant adventure.  But, back to the point. I played along with Saik'lin, acting like this wasn't such a bad thing, making noises about how tired I was of everyone I knew on board treating me like I was a child, or worse.  How much I was looking forward to ruling them at his side, like he ruled the others lured to this place, kept like cattle for them to make use of.  The others were fed enough to keep them alive and reproducing; the underground greenhouses and farms manufactured enough food for all of them, hundreds of times over.  I expressed my appreciation for how efficiently everything was run and he smiled. He wanted me to call the ship, ask for help, bring more people down and I promised I would help him, I just wanted to know as much as possible about what had happened so that I could explain it to my crew, make them understand.   Once I got him started, he told me everything, everything I needed to know to bring *him* down.  I asked enthusiastic question after question and he laughed, ruffling my hair, always touching me as he answered.  He frowned when I grew colder and did what he could to keep me warm until I got used to it.   Saik'lin was delighted with how quickly I adjusted, how quickly he'd won me over after he was finished with me, and I denied the side-effects long enough to totally take him by surprise.   I told him I wanted to try it out, with him, see what it was like first-hand, experience the miracle, and the fool let me. I seduced him, there's no other way to put it, and left him unconscious, nearly dead, becoming what he'd made me, then headed back to the site of the beacon.  I was determined that they weren't going to use the damned thing to lure anyone else down to this place ever again, and destroyed it.  It was then that I found the impressive technology that kept the moon exactly where it was and I grinned bitterly as I blew it away.  The only thing still functioning when I left was the piece of equipment that blinded Voyager's sensors. They enjoyed the darkness, reveled in it.  Damned near every building was made of totally transparent material and once the sun started shining around the moon, they were in *big* trouble.  The artificially induced eclipse was over and sunlight hit the planet with a long-denied vengeance, seeking out and illuminating corners, wiping out every shadow as it ate through the population on this side of the planet.  Eventually, it would get them all, leaving only the others behind, to move their greenhouses and farms to the surface and begin a new life in sunlight, unless they decided to leave in the ships they originally came in, still stored underground.  I tried to feel badly about killing over a million . . people?  But, I couldn't bring myself to regret it, not right then. I made my way back to Tuvok, using those underground passages, found him still alive, and thanked the gods on every planet I'd ever been to that he was Vulcan and that his copper-based blood was useless to them.  That only *I* had to deal with what I was . . I watch the Doctor work on him, now, replacing what he's lost, what they took to experiment on, and convince the Captain that nothing happened to me, there wasn't time. She looks appropriately horrified when I make the suggestion that Saik'lin was interested in me on a more personal level and we leave it at that.  I feel badly about lying to her that much, but I have nearly a millennium of legends and hysteria working against me and can't think of anything else to do.   She calls a senior staff meeting and I tell them what happened, or at least as much as I want to tell them, for now.  I make up a story, on the spot, about two factions, one below ground and one above, and how the ones above had used the absence of sunlight to convince those living below that they had the better deal, literally keeping them in the dark about the fact that the eclipse was not a natural phenomenon.   I tell them of the games played, moving the moon to allow things to grow, making it disappear when those below came to the surface.  How some had grown suspicious at our arrival, how we'd been summoned to the planet, and why, and had knocked out the beacon, as well as the system that held the moon in front of the sun.  We'd left as war had begun to wage over the rights to live on the surface and the Captain agrees that we got out of there just in time, as the Commander nods along with her. Only Tom looks at me like he doesn't believe a word of it, but he says nothing.                       <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> It only dawns on me when I hear Harry talking about what happened on the planet, that he's changed.  He sounds differently, moves differently.  And, as I come to realize, acts differently.  What he is saying seems like the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, but the *way* he's saying it gives evidence to the fact that he isn't saying everything.  Maybe Saik'lin *had* . . . in spite of Harry's statement that the guy hadn't had time to get around to him. Gods, I want to kill the bastard all over again, but Harry says he was wiped out in the first attack, so there is no target for my anger.  And I am angry, believe me. And worried. The Captain dismisses everyone but him and I leave, thinking about things I don't want to think about in the same thought as Harry.                          <<<<<<<<>>>>>>> The Captain dismisses everyone, but keeps me behind, to tell me how impressed she is with my performance, how I used the confusion of battle to rescue Tuvok, how I kept my head, even after Saik'lin . . She leaves it delicately right there for a moment, before suggesting that maybe I should talk to Chakotay, or the Doctor about the experience, if I feel it warranted.  I protest that there is nothing to talk about, that the conflict escalated too rapidly for Saik'lin to do more than make his interest known.  That I'm fine. Really.  She smiles with relief and gives me the next couple of days off.   I smile back, but feel like cursing.  Two days off to think about what I've become.  Ponder it.  Dwell on it.  Agonize over it.  Wonderful. I thank the Captain when we're finished, and leave, heading to my quarters, wondering what I'm going to do now.  How I can get what I need to survive without hurting anyone. The thought occurs to me that the Doctor has some of what I need in storage and I know I can use the replicators to increase the amount.  I hack into the computers in sickbay and find the samples taken during my last physical.  From before . . this.   I stand in front of the replicator and see what I've been reduced to.  I shudder, and wish more than anything that I could call Tom.  I can't.  And the isolation and misery of that knowledge brings tears to my eyes.   I pick up the decanter, like the beautiful crystal will somehow make this less ugly, and pour myself a glass.  Nauseating. But, it will keep me alive and no one has to suffer for my continued existence.  I can do this. I have no choice.                     <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> I waste time fidgeting, waiting for the Captain to be done with Harry, until the computer tells me he's back in his quarters and I invite him out for dinner. He refuses, says he wants to hole up for a while, think things over, get his bearings back, but something else is going on, I can hear its omission in his voice.  I just don't know what.   He doesn't join me for dinner and only comes out of his quarters once over the next couple of days, to visit the resort.  He won't come to Sandrine's. Enjoys the sunshine, he says, even if it is holographic.  Whatever that means. He seems sad, depressed, and I find myself watching him obsessively the day he returns to duty, looking for any clues in his behavior that might tell me what really happened to him. But, he isn't around enough for me to watch.                    <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> Another day, another bottle.  This is barely living.   Back at my post, now, and I can no longer feel anything close to excitement about the job I'm supposed to be giving my undivided attention to.   I don't look at myself in the mirror and I don't leave my quarters any more than I have to.  *I* don't want to see me; I don't want anyone else to have to see me, either. I'm distracted, uneasy, anxious. And Tom won't leave me alone.  Still.  Damn him. Thank the gods. As long as I can see myself in his eyes, I'll still be here. I'll still be Harry Kim.                       <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> Four days have passed, since Harry's return from that planet.  He's been back on duty for the last two, and I'm no closer to any answers.  Lots of suspicions, yes, but no answers.  I hate the helplessness, the inability to *do* anything to help him.  And he needs help. Badly. I keep pushing, keep after him, making him deal with me, be with me. I have no choice.  It's like I'm the only one who remembers how he *used* to be.   I invite him for dinner and he accepts, but without his usual pleasure.  I don't care.  Anything is better than nothing. I sit in the mess hall and wait for him to join me and can't taste a damned thing on my plate. Harry walks in and I can feel the tension rise as people see him, some of them for the first time in days.  He looks like hell. Like he hasn't been eating, sleeping, all those wonderful things you have to do to keep a body healthy. He's pale, listless, no light or life in his eyes, no smile on his lips.  This isn't Harry, not *our* Harry, and the thought that this silent shadow of a man might well *become* Harry for all of us, scares the shit out of me. He heads in my general direction and I give him my most welcoming smile. The corners of his mouth barely turn upward, but it's a start. "Hey, Har," I say with quiet cheer as he sits across from me. "Dinner almost looks appetizing tonight." He looks at his plate like he's faintly surprised he bothered to get one and begins moving the contents around with his fork.  His silence is unnerving and I talk enough for both of us for a while, until he looks up at me and something in his eyes shuts me up between one heartbeat and the next.  And damn me if he doesn't look apologetic for doing it. "Sorry," he murmurs.  "I'm just not very good company right now." "Would something else help?" I ask, feeling desperate and cold.  "Anything you want, dinner's on me." I have to fake the grin and I don't think I'm fooling him for a second. "I don't feel much like eating," he says quietly, but his voice is almost wry, like he's found himself to be the butt of a not-very-damned-funny joke. "Maybe you need sleep more than food right now," I suggest, taking a long, hard look at my best friend, yet again.  The man is *grey*, I kid you not. Like something is eating him alive right in front of me. For about the thousandth time, I wish he could tell me what the hell happened to him on that planet.  What they did to him, how they stole Harry away and left this shell behind, all of it. Damn, it makes me angry and he seems startled for a minute when he sees it in my eyes.  He's out of his seat, before I can tell him that it isn't directed at him, and out the door, hopefully going to his quarters to get some sleep. Dinner doesn't look all that great to me either, suddenly, and I'm out of my chair, heading to my own quarters to see if I can figure out what's happening to my best friend. Damn, I feel *good*, I realize, finally feeling like I'm *doing* something to help, instead of waiting for Harry to come to me. I enter my quarters and pace aimlessly for a minute, making a mental list about what's different.  Try everything.  Okay, let's start with the obvious.  He isn't eating.  He makes a game show of it, but the food never actually touches his lips. I pause, realizing that I'm exactly right about that, and try to recall when I last saw him eat.  Not since he got back, is the disturbing answer, and I am over at my computer before the thought is finished. "Okay, Har, let's see what you've been replicating, cause you couldn't go for four days without eating *something*," I mutter to myself, getting into the files and digging around. Privacy locks??  He put *privacy locks* on his replicator usage?  What the *hell*? I dig around a little more and am able to access a set of instructions for the replicator.  He's been increasing the quantity of a sample he entered into the computer.  I sigh, thinking. "Sample of what, Har?"  The computer can't or won't tell me. "How about, where did it come from?" I start a new trail and find that the sample came from sickbay.  Damn, this is getting stranger by the minute. "Okay, where in sickbay?" I stare, as the data from the typing storage flits across the screen.  Typing storage?  Blood?  Sweet Gods, *whose*?   I get into the files, using my access and discover that he's been using his own, that Harry Kim's coding is on the sample.  I sigh and dig back into the replicator files, trying to find out how much Harry is replicating.  I don't even want to think about the *why*.  My back hits the chair when it comes up.  Nearly two liters worth, no more than once a day.  And not every day, either. "Dammit, Harry, what did they *do* to you?" I stand and pace, wondering if I should share this with the Captain, Tuvok, Chakotay, even; he has to talk to *somebody*.  Then, I realize that he would've told them, would've told *me*, if he could. I walk and think about what could have happened to Harry, what all of this means. Part of me refuses to accept the obvious and I try to tell myself that I simply don't want to jump to any conclusions.  I lie to myself rather well most of the time, but this is beyond even my ability. "Shit," I mutter to no one.  "Harry's a vampire."                       <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I haven't felt well for days.  Tom's noticed, I know he has. He's getting a permanent frown right between those beautiful blue eyes of his and I can practically smell his worry, lately.  Damn, I don't want him looking too closely for what's 'wrong' with me. I'm afraid he'll find it. Speaking of finding, I find *myself* thinking of the oddest things, now. Like wondering which planet I had seen my last sunrise on.  I can't remember, but I hope Tom was there. Whether I'm going to miss beer, or if the appeal was only in the company I've enjoyed while drinking it.  If my clarinet playing will improve noticeably.  I hear myself sigh and lie there, my quarters silent, staring at the ceiling over the couch.  Again. You know, the amount of time I've wasted recently, memorizing what my ceiling looks like, is astounding.  I can tell where every slight deviation is, every minuscule change in texture, color, depth.  Everything. The doorchime ends my fascination with the ceiling. "Come."  Gods, Tom.  What on earth is he carrying?  *Two* bottles of wine? Good grief, how drunk does he think I need to get? "Hey, Har."  Soft voice.  He looks so hesitant.  What the hell is going on? "Hi.  What's with those?" I ask him, nodding to the bottles in his hands as I slowly right myself on the couch. "Something I think you could really use right now," he says quietly, with unusual seriousness.  I can't help grinning, but I do so carefully. "You think it's that bad, huh?" I try and joke, but it falls flat. And now he's not even looking at me. I clear my throat and start again. "Replicated?" I ask, nearly certain of the answer. "No," he answers me gently.  "Mine." He grins at the puzzled look on my face, but I don't know where he got them, or where he's been hiding them.  I thought we polished off his stash months ago. "Chateau Paris," he says, looking at me as he slowly walks over to sit down at my side.  "It's a very good year." A wry smile flits across his face, one bottle gets placed on the floor and he twists the cork out of the other.  Damn, the fangs start growing as soon as the smell hits me.  Blood. Salt.  Sweet, so sweet.  The lush, heady scent, so familiar . . oh gods.  His.  It's his. I move fast, trying to get away from him before I do something stupid, but the heat of his hand on my arm stops me, cold. "Don't," I growl.  I can't help it, it comes out sharp and mean, but he ignores it, like he was expecting it.  Shit.  I keep my eyes closed; I know what's happening to me and the hunger is growing and I can't . . I can't. Gods, I just can't . . "It's okay, Harry."  Soft voice, low and gentle.  My damnation.  Or is it my salvation?  I open my eyes to turn and look at him and the surprise on his face when his eyes catch the fangs is fleeting, like he'd just gotten the answer to a minor question.  "Damn, Har." I chuckle helplessly at the awe in his voice.  "How did you know?" I ask, and it sounds petulant, almost like a whine. "I figured out something was wrong the second night I watched you not eating your dinner," he says calmly, like we're discussing nothing of importance, but he can't take his eyes off my teeth.  "It was pretty easy to crack into the computer and find out what you *were* eating."  He smiles roguishly at me. How the hell can he *smile* at me, knowing what I am? "Or drinking, as the case may be," he adds, nodding down at the bottle in his hand before his eyes meet mine again and he holds it out to me. I notice my head shaking before I can even voice my protest and he's nodding, and still smiling. "I can't," I whisper, my voice thick, fighting its way around both the fangs and my hunger. "The replicated stuff isn't working," he says, stubborn, now, and insistent.  "You're fading more and more every time I see you and I'm not going to sit by and watch until there's nothing left of the Harry I know." Gods, the pleading in his voice is a thousand times worse than the hunger in my body. "I've already replaced what I withdrew," he says cajolingly, like he's trying to convince me to go along with something foolhardy, but ultimately fun. He puts his thumb over the open neck of the bottle and tips it, covering it with his own blood.  My eyes close when his finger coats my lips and I can't help but lick it off, damn, I can't help it.  Gods, the taste of him on my tongue, fresh and alive.  I start shaking; I can't seem to help that either.  The blood's still warm.  Oh, it's so warm . . The bottle is in my hand, the glass about the same temperature I am, and my mouth closes around the opening and I tilt it back and sweet warmth and wetness slides over my tongue and down my throat and the hunger, the hunger has awoken with a vengeance and I'm . . I'm lost.  Totally lost.  Gods, I'll never be able to drink my own replicated blood again.   It's not just the heat of it, thick, red heat, but the life in it, the fact that it came from something living and breathing and . . Tom.  Oh, Tom. I'm sorry.  I'm so sorry.  The empty bottle falls to my chest, cold and dead and drained dry, and another is placed in my hand, warm and sweet, like the voice in my ears. "You have nothing to be sorry for, Harry," he says, hand rising to my cheek, then down to my throat so he can feel me swallowing, drinking. Drinking *him*.  The look in his eyes is so damned tender it makes my heart ache. I reach satiation a little before I finish it, but I empty the bottle anyway.  "You're too damned delicious for your own good," I murmur, feeling his heat and life fire through me, cleanse me, if that's possible.  *His* heat warming my skin, the color of *his* blood in my hands and arms as I hold them out in front of me. I grin.  His matches my own. "How often do you need to feed?" he asks, like we're talking about dinner. I guess we are. "Tom," my protest is weak and he knows it.  My will is gone. Damn him. "How often, Harry?"  Insistent, again.  Coaxing. "Daily is ideal, but I can skip a day here and there, if I have to," I tell him and he shakes his head at me, one of those 'Harry, you're an idiot' looks on his face. "You won't have to," he says, looking like he's the one who's taking care of me, again.  Which he is.  "I'll see to it," a soft promise, but written in blood.  His. My chuckle is bitter and he frowns when he hears it.  "I feel like such a parasite."  My hands cover my eyes because I'm so afraid I'll see him nodding in agreement and his hands, no warmer than my own for the first time in days, pull mine away. "You are *not* a parasite," he says, his voice almost angry, but still quiet.  "You're my friend . ."  Gods, now *he* looks guilty?  What the *hell* can he be feeling guilty about? "If it were reversed, you would've taken the direct route," and now *his* voice is bitter, such a contrast to the sweetness of his blood that I hate to hear it.  "You probably would've opened a vein for me to drink from. I'm not that brave, Harry. I'm sorry." "Don't."  Uh oh.  The growl is back.  "Don't you *dare* apologize for not wanting me to suck you dry, don't you dare!"  I can feel the anger coloring my eyes and he looks mesmerized, but not fearful.  Damn, even my anger can't make him do the smart thing and run from me.  I flinch when his hand touches my temple and he's looking at my eyes, again. "Gods, what a *color*," he breathes.  Oh, what the sound of his voice can do to me, not to mention the touch of his hand on my skin or the taste of his blood on my tongue.   "Like cherry over chocolate.  That is *amazing*, Harry." Why does he sound like he's discovered something wonderful? "It isn't *amazing*, Tom," I hiss at him and he looks hurt for an instant, until I continue.  "It's monstrous and hideous and . ."  Oh, me and my big mouth. Now, he's pissed. "No, it *isn't*, Harry."  Hell, he's back to being insistent again, too. "It's incredible, *you're* incredible . ." His voice trails off like he knows I'm not buying a word of it and he gets this look, pure evil and mischief, on his face. I'm getting a little frightened here and there's nothing I can do about it. "Tom."  My voice is a warning but he doesn't listen.  Now, why doesn't that surprise me? "You're incredible," he whispers and he's practically purring as he moves closer to me. Warm hands sliding over my chest distract the hell out of me and that must be how I missed him straddling my lap.  Clever fingers part my shirt, quickly undoing it before I can catch them and his breath is hot against my neck, teeth nipping me lightly, coaxing me yet again to join him in something foolhardy, but ultimately fun. Where does my reason go, when I'm with this man? Why does my brain forget the fact that it ever knew the word 'no'?   I shake again, nearly throwing him off when his neck comes into contact with my mouth.  Dammit, what is he *doing* to me? How strong does he think I am, anyway?  Gods, the fangs are descending and I can't *stop* them and he ignores my warning growl.  Suddenly, when the temptation becomes almost too much, he pulls away and kisses me and a different hunger fills me, a new, exhilarating kind of heat. I can feel his erection slowly moving against mine, teasing me, and my growl is changing timber, I can hear it and so can he. His chuckle echoes in my mouth a second before his tongue enters and I cry out, hands gripping him for dear life, *his* dear life, when that hot tongue caresses one of my fangs. The shaking increases and he's holding onto *me*, trying to keep me together, and does it again, winding sinuously around the other one, the tip of his tongue just touching the sharp point of the tooth.  Another stroke, another slow, liquid lick as his tongue moves back to coil around the first one, and I'm moaning again, his scent and taste and warmth and life filling me to bursting. I barely realize I'm vertical, his legs wrapped around me as I carry him, until I'm falling onto the bed I haven't slept in in days and his faint 'oof' is devoured by my mouth.  His tongue is still making love to first one canine, then the other, and his shivering registers about the same time that I realize he's naked under me, the clothes I tore off his body littering the floor around the bed.  One of us is still wearing too damned much clothing and I think it's me. A few seconds out of his arms is a lifetime too long and his heat envelopes me, welcomes me back, as I return to him every kiss and caress he's given me over the past few minutes. His moaning is driving me crazy, the faint thrusts of his heat and hardness along my own cloud my mind in a blood-red fog that smells like him, feels like him, tastes like him. Dear gods, my name, groaned on his lips, and my cock is harder than my fangs are. "You don't know how dangerous this is," I murmur, trying to warn him, but, as usual, he pays no heed. I explore his body, more pale than mine since 'dinner', and hold his hands to his sides when they start directing my movements.  He struggles briefly, then melts when I lick my way down his chest, my tongue swirling patterns in glinting hair, the tips of my fangs lightly scraping over his nipples as I work steadily downward, ignoring his whimpers and the begging motions of his body.  His legs open for me, bending at the knees, feet firmly planted on my bed and I settle between them, one pale, lean thigh on either side of my head.  Too late, I realize my mistake. I nuzzle his hip and it occurs to me that I can hear his heartbeat, so damned fast, pounding through the artery in his thigh.  The fangs grow a little longer and the other hunger rears its ugly head. Gods, how can I still be hungry? I release his hands and they coax me, gentle pressure on my shoulders, moving me slightly as his legs rise, draping themselves over my shoulders. I aim for his cock, flushed nearly purple, but he steers me toward his upper thigh. "No!" I growl and pull away and his hands are in my hair; he's trying to lead me back to what he knows I want.  The shaking has returned and I lick his cock,  in an effort to coax him away from this madness, but he is not to be denied. Fingers tighten in my hair and I try again, swallowing his hard length, sucking, but his moan is almost disappointed and I give up, my will gone yet again. My nose finds the strong scent of him and my hand closes around his cock as I turn my head to lick the sweat-sugared skin over the artery that pulses and throbs and drums his life's rhythm with every beat of his heart. "Please, Harry?"  Why is it that I can refuse him nothing? "Drink from me, *please*."  Gods, how can I *not* do this, give him what he wants, when he seems to want it as badly as I do?  I can no longer deny us both and my mouth closes over the tender flesh as my hand speeds him on his way to orgasm.  He bucks upward and cries out and my teeth haven't even touched him yet.  He's so close.  If I can time this right . . . "Damn, you make my fangs ache," I mutter roughly against his skin, barely recognizing my own voice, harsh with hunger and . . hunger. He keens my name, a wailing whimper as his climax surges through him. His scent changes, becomes sharper, and I surrender to the burning hunger within, sinking my fangs into his body, a different kind of penetration, more intimate than sex, and he screams, his hard cock erupting onto my face, my neck, as the hot, clean taste of him explodes on my tongue.  Flame and heat and light and all that is red colors my eyes again and I see him, really see this man, whose unselfishness shames me utterly.  Gods, I know I am not worthy of this gift, given with such trust, and I remind myself to be as gentle and careful as I can with him. I can take the time to enjoy him, savor him, he's already fed me well, and I do, rolling his blood around in my mouth as if sampling the wine I thought he was bringing me earlier.  I drink slowly, not needing much, not taking much, and he quiets above me, faint whimpers signaling the aftershocks still rippling through his body.  I can even taste his sex in his blood, making it sweeter, richer, than it would have been otherwise. And there's so damned much of it.  A thought makes me frown and I withdraw the fangs, soothing the sting I know he must be feeling with a few licks of my tongue as the teeth retract with aching slowness. The blood flow tapers to nothing and I glance up at him when a hand stirs my hair.  Satisfaction the likes of which I have never seen is shining from his eyes and he looks beautiful.  Radiant.  Still.  Even after feeding on him like the leech he'd hate for me to call myself. "You replaced more than just what you gave me, didn't you?" I ask and see the truth in his eyes before I hear his answer.  "You planned this," I say quietly and hear his instant denial. "NO, Harry."  Sharp and quick.  "It was just a precaution.  I didn't know how . . hungry you were and if the need got to be too much for you, I wanted you to be able to drink your fill without worrying about me. That's all.  I swear it, Har." Pleading again, and I hush him, kissing the marks I left on his thigh before licking him clean of the slick, white fluid that's got to be covering me. He moves beneath me with intent and I roll to the side, enjoying a satisfaction of my own as I watch him drag himself, naked, *finally*, out of my bed and head into the bathroom.  Water runs briefly and he's back with a warm towel, cleaning me gently, *gently*, of the evidence of his earlier pleasure. I let him, lying there, feeling the cloth against my skin until he's done and gone and back in my arms, holding me like he doesn't plan on ever letting go. "From me, next time," he says softly, eyes still shining like the sun I'll never see again.  "Fuck the bottle." I laugh, I can't help it, and he smiles, moving on top of me. A soft kiss leads to another and I wonder if he can taste himself in my mouth, the sharp sweet tang of him that still sings through me, sending heat into the coldest reaches of my body.  I shudder when he licks the fangs, as if coaxing them to come out and play, but they are sated and remain dormant, for now.  Then, I realize he's trying to get another part of me to awaken and I take his shoulders, pushing him away from me, gently. "I could hurt you," I protest, but his mouth, sweeter than his life's blood, silences me. "You won't," he says with an assurance I just don't feel and I have to try again. "I *could*." "You *won't*, Harry," Tom says, gazing at me with the most astonishing look in his eyes.  I recognize it.  Dear gods, it's my own.  That look I can feel crossing my face whenever he tries to talk me into something.  The look that tells him I'll do anything for him, with him, all he has to do is ask me. Is it my turn?  Is that it?  That he'll follow me straight into Hell if I let him? The look on his face changes to something almost affectionate and I bury my face in his shoulder and shake my head.  "Don't look at me like that, please," I beg him quietly.  "Please."  None-too-gentle hands in my hair tug my head up and he frowns at the tears in my eyes. "How am I looking at you?" he asks me softly, but I move away.  He doesn't let me go far, though. "Like you don't hate the monster I've become," I say mournfully into the sweet skin of his neck. "I don't hate you, and you are *not* a monster!" he says sharply, but of course he'd say that.  He's my best friend. "Tom, I am a creature of nightmare, now.  Vampires have horrified mankind for centuries," I tell him, trying to make him see. "You are not a nightmare, Harry, and nothing about you horrifies me," he says, nuzzling my throat, then changes topics so quickly I find myself struggling to keep up.  "Are you going to tell the Captain?" I inhale raggedly and he pulls away, seeing the fear on my face. "What do you think she'd say about this?" I ask him bitterly. "That I'm feeding off one of her crew . . ?" "Who volunteered," Tom reminds me, with a gentle smile. "If you want me to make it go away, Harry, I can *try*," he offers, kissing my face.  "I'm on sickbay duty tomorrow. Maybe I can find a cure.  If you want one." "Why wouldn't I want one?" I ask him in disbelief, truly stunned that he'd think I *want* to stay this way. He shrugs, not about to tell me, whatever it is, and moves his hips, caressing my cock with his body, trying to distract me. Gods, is it ever working.   I flip him onto his stomach without thinking about it, barely noticing his startled yelp, and open the drawer in the table by the bed.  He stretches out under me, opening his legs, shivering slightly, but I can't tell why.   I coat my fingers and quickly move them into his body, grinning harshly as the sounds of his arousal and need interrupt the silence.  My cock is aching as I cover myself as well, taking up position behind him so I can pull him backward onto his hands and knees.  My sticky hand wraps around his own hardness and he thrusts forward, then moves backward to feel me just outside his body.  I do my best to enter slowly and see-saw back and forth until I'm imbedded deeply inside him. "Oh, Tom, you feel so good," I murmur, starting to plunge into him, withdrawing to do it again.  He's shaking under me and I speed up until he's crying out on every thrust home. His head falls back, baring his throat to me, which would not be a smart move if I were hungry, but I'm suffering from a different hunger, now, one that I can't sate with his blood, only his body. He moans when I nip him, pushing his neck against my lips, as though urging me to bite him. "Take me, Harry," he groans out, fingers tightening in my sheets as he holds on. "I am," I whisper and he shivers, moving frantically under me, shaking his head. "No," he whimpers.  "With your teeth.  Please.  I want to feel them in me, like I feel your cock in me. *Please*, Harry. Please." I speed up, understanding what he wants from me and I can't help but wonder if this is why he's so okay with what I am, now.  It turns him on.  Gods, help me.  Help us *both*. I fasten my mouth onto his neck and feel his cock grow harder in my hand as he fucks it.  He's whimpering again and I lick that hot place over the artery before positioning my fangs, as long and hard as I am, with the same care I used earlier.  I enter him slowly with my teeth, still fucking him with my cock, and he shouts out loud, cursing, trembling violently beneath me. "Fuck me, Harry, gods, *yes*," and his words are silenced as I drink, just a little, just enough for him to feel it, and I use my cock much rougher than I'm using my fangs, taking him furiously.  His body seizes up under mine and I move faster, harder, possessing him in every way a man can possess another man, until he's screaming, back arching, and I'm coming inside him as he tightens around me, the once white haze of orgasm blushing red behind my eyes. He collapses under me and I fall on top of him, not wanting our connection to be severed.  My fangs are still buried in his neck, but his body is forcing out my spent cock with every beat of his thundering heart. I move to withdraw my teeth and he voices a faint protest, but I do it anyway. They're growing far too comfortable in his throat.  I lick over the wound, angry and red, bruising already, two small holes offering mute witness to what I've done to him and he rolls over before I can castigate myself further and smiles at me. "Thank you," he says, then frowns at the slight twinge of pain he gets from speaking, from making those muscles move around the still-oozing wound.  I lick him clean again and he sighs, languid and depleted and beautiful at my side. "How can you enjoy this?" I ask him with gentle anguish and he flames red, my favorite color, not looking at me when he answers. "Because it's you," he says, stroking my arm down to my hand to lace his fingers through mine. I bring his hand up and kiss the wrist, nuzzle and lick the pulse I feel pounding there and his eyes go dark again.  I snort in disbelief at his response to me, to *this*, and he looks shamed as he recognizes my knowledge of his need, seeing it in my eyes. "I'm sorry," I say instantly, kissing him everywhere until he relaxes against me again.  "I'm sorry.  I'm so sorry, Tom. I'm not mocking you, I swear I'm not.  I just can't believe you're so turned on by something that disgusts me." "It shouldn't," he protests immediately, rising until he's leaning over me, touching my face with his fingers, easing my lips back from my teeth until he can see what would be fangs, if I were hungry for blood or just hungry for him. His fingertip strokes one pointed tooth, pushing on the end as if to test the sharpness of it and I sigh and let him, lightly licking his finger as he explores.  His expression reflects utter fascination and I see none of the revulsion I've found in my own eyes when I look at myself in the mirror. "But, it does," I admit when he pulls back, curiosity sated for the moment. "It scares me and shocks me and horrifies me and I hate it," I tell him ruefully and he looks so sad on my behalf. "I'll help you, anyway I can," he vows as he kisses me again. "Cure me," I say instantly and see him nod with surprising reluctance. "If I can," he says and nestles against me. I throw the covers over us and sigh when his arms come around me. Fullness joins forces with exhaustion against me and I find myself tumbling into sleep at his side.                       <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> I watch Harry sleeping, not knowing how the hell this can disgust him. He's never been more beautiful.  I see his face, now, slack with sleep; he's almost glowing and I can't take my eyes off of him. What's happened to him is amazing and I don't understand why he won't tell anyone, but I respect his choice and will say nothing without his consent. He's just a different life-form, now, right?  Sort of like before, with the Taresians, but this time it's for real, it's not a trap, and he may be this way for the rest of his life.  I wonder if he's immortal, like the vampires of legend.  Shit, Harry's a creature of *legend*. Not a nightmare.  Never a nightmare.  Why can't I make him *see* that . . ? I can feel his heartbeat under my cheek, loud and powerful. And I know I'm going to be bruised from the grip he had on my hips while he was fucking me.  His hands are so damned strong, now.  He's always been strong, that sort of underestimated kind of strength, but when he's cornered, gods help the one who put him *in* that corner.  I find the strength exciting, I really do, more so now than ever before. Underestimated has become overwhelming and, damn, is that a turn-on. The fangs are something else, again.  In sleep, you can't see them; he looks perfectly normal.  But, gods, the first time I saw them, what I felt . . . Not fear, it didn't even occur to me to be frightened of him, but captivation.  So apt, that, my being his captive, bound in blood . . . And seeing them retract, painted red, as he licked my life from his lips, eyes darker, deeper than ever, showing me his hunger . . He can't hide it from me; I won't let him. Those breathtaking eyes are closed, now, that startling color they have when angry, aroused or hungry, banked.  It *was* like cherry over chocolate, sweet and utterly mesmerizing. The heat those eyes are capable of, the hunger, the need. For me. Hell, I can feel my body responding to him, even now.  I crave it.  The feeling that I get when he's drinking from me, that I'm keeping him alive, fed, is indescribable. That look of satiation on his face when he's had his fill of me, for the moment. Shit, what that does to me. I'd let him drain me dry in a second, if I could see that look before I died. Why does this excite me so damned much? Why did his fangs in my neck get me hotter than his cock in my ass?  It feels like he had sex with my neck, it really does.  That ache I get when I've been fucked good and hard, taken apart and put back together again, with ecstasy used as glue?  I *feel* that where he bit me, sucked me, drank from me, I swear I do, even as my fingers trace the tiny holes left behind as evidence of his possession of me. It feels like he's given me alternate orifices for him to fuck, using those teeth.  And my thigh, shit, it burns even now.  I can't even move around to see what he did there; I don't want to wake him. So beautiful.  *Gods*, so beautiful.  He looks better, now, than he has for days, since before he left, even.  Golden and glowing, faint smile touching his mouth as he dreams.  What do vampires dream of?  Blood?  Fuck, he can have all of mine that he wants.  *Anything* of mine that he wants, any way, anytime. I promised him that I will try and help him find a cure and I will.  But part of me hopes it doesn't happen. Damn, is that selfish, or what?  I can see how this is tearing him up inside, but I can't understand it.  He's not a monster, not some hideous, evil thing.  He's *Harry*.  And he's fucking gorgeous.  If only he could see himself through my eyes, he'd never want to be anything other than what he is. But, I will help him any way he needs me to.  If he wants me to try and find a cure, I will.  If he needs me to help him survive this, I will.  He doesn't have to kill anyone to feed the hunger inside him and he's not like the others on that planet, the ones who made him this way.  I can replace what he takes from me at any time.  Dammit, why is this so awful for him? What's so terrible about being a vampire? *************************end