**************************************************** Disclaimer time once again! Forty-first verse same as the first . .everybody *sing*: I don't own these characters, (chorus) Paramount does! I don't own this venue, (chorus) Paramount does! I am making no money off of this, (chorus) Paramount does not either! This story involves history between two men. If that is *not* your cup of tea, sweet as it is, then don't read it! (simple, ain't it??) Feedback is *very* much appreciated, and always answered.  Flames will be passed around to friends and chuckled over.  :) Spoilers galore for 'Killing Game'. Companion piece/sequel to 'Comrade-in-Arms'. 'Call-to-Arms' by Amirin **************************************************** Shit.  I can't believe I did this.    Oh, hell. Why? Dammit, I don't even *know* why, not really.  Okay, so maybe . . . maybe I do.  My own curiosity, once again.  When will I ever learn?  Fuck, all I wanted was to find out why the hell the insides of his quarters were suddenly so damned fascinating to him. Gods, none of us had laid eyes on the man off-duty for, what, damned near two months?  Look at that paragraph.  What are there, seven curse words in as many lines?  I've got to watch that, I know, don't say it.  It only happens when I get knocked off-kilter.  Which is exactly what's happened. Knocked off-kilter and right on my ass. Anyway, back to my . . *our* First Officer.    Yeah, okay, so I hacked into his computer and dug into the Hirogen's logs a bit.  Big deal. I knew he was supposed to be scrounging through them, looking for anything that could help the ship, just because Captain Janeway had asked him to. And before you ask, no, I *don't* know why she asked *him* to, instead of me, especially since I know more about holo-logs than any ten people on board.  She just stated how important it was and never took her eyes off of him until he volunteered.  Like he had a choice.  But, damn, that choice became something like an addiction, for him.  The records of his time spent looking at the logs confirmed that. Only six hours of sleep a night, eight more on duty and the rest watching the logs.  Even *after* the 'project' was done.  Yeah, me too.  I didn't get it, either, and wanted to find out what the hell was so damned interesting, so I followed him through the maze of log entries.  Basically.  He wasn't paying a whole lot of attention to anyone's but his. And mine. Which were practically identical since we hardly ever let each other out of our sights.    Just about joined at the hip, we were.  Buddies.  Yeah, I know. Shocked the shit out of me, too.  But, there it was.  The two of us.  Fighting together (but not with each other, go figure ), living together, eating together, talking together, and I mean *really* talking together.  Not just him speaking in my general direction and me mock-snapping to attention and obeying his commands with a grin on my face, but *talking*, ya know?  *With* each other.  Granted, everything we talked about was a load of crap, but still . . . Where was I?  Oh, yeah.  Anyway, I tracked him through the logs like he would track me through the woods, following his footsteps, ignoring what he'd ignored, until I found his notes about what he was seeing.  About 'Bobby'.  Me.   Ya know, he was thinking the same thing?  Marveling at how well we got along, not at each other's throats, or anything, but as friends. Commenting on how well we worked together.  How almost . . . angry he was that the memories of those times had been swept from his mind like cobwebs. And how much he wanted them back.  I guess I can understand that.  I did, too, sort of.  He talked about how the Hirogen had taken so much from us, our identities, our senses of reality, our *ship*, for cryin' out loud.  I think it was partly a control thing for him.  That doesn't explain what it was for me.  Or why I did what I did.  Yeah, I followed him there, too.  Wouldn't ya know it?  The Doc didn't even have the grace to *act* surprised when I showed up with Chakotay's request on my lips - to fill those damned black holes in my head.  True, part of me wanted the equal footing, the level playing field, as much as it could be.  But, most of it was curiosity.  I'll admit it, hell, yes.  I didn't like having him know more about me than I did about him, even if it was all fiction, with no more depth than a holocharacter. Okay, so there were a *lot* of reasons for me to have gone through with it, but shit, the chaos whirling through my mind, now, gods, it's enough to make me scream.  I wasn't expecting that.  I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't that, wasn't *this*.  This feeling . . hell, I don't know.   I mean, I know we were friends, right?  Okay, I *know* that. But, this . . this friendship feels like what I have with Harry. It's like Chakotay and I have . . oh, fuck, I can't believe I'm saying this, but it's like we have *history* together.  All right, so that was awful, shit, give a guy a break, will ya?   Gods, that's something else I remember.  How much time we spent laughing at one damned fool thing or another. Sometimes, we got so punch drunk, we were falling all over each other, trying not to collapse in hysterics.  In the middle of fucking wartime, yeah.  Oh, well.  Damn, I miss that.  I really do. I remember how . . I dunno, safe? I felt when I knew he was just a radio call away.  A couple of times I got penned down by enemy mortar and I told the Cap I was in trouble, gave him my position, and that calm voice of his punched through the static and crackle . . . 'Don't move. Don't even *think* about moving, you hear me, Soldier?  I'm coming, just hang on, I'm coming' . . . And he'd be there.  Always.  As soon as he could get to me, he'd be there.  He'd give me a hand up out of whatever hell I was in and I'd grin and nod at him and he'd just grin back . . . And then, there were the times he *wouldn't* give me the order to go.  I'd just look at him and suddenly he was telling me why, which is not SOP, not by a long shot.  'Not this time, Bobby.  You stay with me'. I wouldn't do much more than nod and answer 'I'm with you'.  And I stayed. He made it almost bearable, man's inhumanity to his fellow man. That strength of his. Damn, we *all* leaned on the Captain, me more so than any of the others, I guess.  He kept me with him, kept me at his side, saved my life a dozen times over.  He was a friend, the best.  Throughout all that ugliness, I had him.  And he made it bearable.  One man. Just one man and he made *World War Two*, for fuck's sake, bearable for me.  Made my *life* bearable.  Just like he does now. I still need that strength.  I still lean on him, hell, we *all* do. And I still have the *man*, but I miss the *friendship*, now that I know what I'm missing.  I could admit being scared to the Captain, at night, in the dead-quiet, and he never thought less of me for it.  Gods, I'd rather take a phaser-hit than admit anything like that to Chakotay, now.   Or, I used to, at least.  Now, I'm not so sure.  I still look to him, when I'm not too sure I know what the hell I'm doing, and even when I am.  I still follow his lead.    Or, I wouldn't be *here*, now, would I?  I wouldn't have all the memories of that whole time, if I hadn't followed him. I would've followed the Captain to hell and back and sometimes it *was* hell. Hell on Earth.  Because it was war. Gods, it was *war*. Ya know, war hasn't changed much, really.  No, it hasn't. It's no more civilized, now, than it was, then.  People still died. Sometimes a round would wipe out the three guys in front of you, the one next to you, two more behind you and leave you standing, drenched in more blood than you had in your own body.    Who knows why?    Gods, I hate this. Fuck, would you look at my hands?  Shit, I'm glad no one expects me to fly, right now, because I'd probably crash Voyager into a sun or something. I remember what it was like, ya know?  all the . . the incredible adrenaline surge in the heat of battle, and . . and . the explosions, the gunfire, the fighting, screaming, men, my *friends*, dying . . dying all around me.  Fuck, Tommy, calm down.  Shit.  What the fuck is this? Shit, don't tell me I'm getting *shell-shock* on top of all this. Breathe, calm down.  Dammit.  *Dammit*.  Not working . . it's not working. I don't *need* this . . Dammit, I need . . I need . . "P-paris to Chakotay." "Chakotay here." "Cap?  I-I'm in trouble." "I'm coming.  Just hang on.  I'm coming." ****************************end