From: Groh ********************************************************** Disclaimer time once again! Fifth verse same as the first . . everybody *sing*: I don't own these characters, (chorus) Paramount does! I don't own this venue, (chorus) Paramount does! I am making no money off of this, (chorus) Paramount does not either! This story involves sex between two men, aka: slash. If that is *not* your cup of tea, sweet as it is, then don't read it! (simple, ain't it??) Feedback is *very* much appreciated, and always answered. Flames will be passed around to friends and chuckled over. :) Just remember, it's not the fall that kills you, it's the sudden stop at the end. ********************************************************** Tom just lay there for a moment, trying to get his wind back, while taking a quick inventory of his injuries. Right leg broken in probably three places, left arm broken in two and the shoulder dislocated, maybe a couple of cracked vertebrae, and a slight concussion, judging from the way the floor was moving, and the splitting pain in his head. It would have been worse if he hadn't landed on . . oh, god, Chakotay. Scrambling as quickly as he could, ignoring his own discomfort, he grabbed the small medkit, took out the tricorder, and ran it over the unconscious man lying next to him. Oh, *damn*, massive head trauma, with a skull fracture and concussion, broken back, broken hip, broken pelvis; the man was a med student's nightmare. Tom attempted to contact Voyager, but wasn't too surprised when the attempt failed. They had lost touch with Voyager around the eighteen hundred foot mark; they wouldn't be able to get back in touch until he, somehow, got them back up to that point. He ran through the stock in the medkit. There were a few drugs that would keep the swelling down inside the Commander's skull, and, hopefully, enough painkillers for Tom to do what he had to. Fortunately for them both, most of the gear survived, except for the snapped guide line that had brought them here, to the bottom, somewhat faster than they had planned on. Tom wasn't taking any chances; he hooked himself up to *both* of the remaining lines in the front, and used what was left of the broken guide to make himself a set of climbers. He'd just have to stair-step his way out of here, if his leg could handle it. With enough painkillers, he wouldn't feel much of anything. He hoped. The only thing that bothered him as he was putting himself together was that there was no way he'd be able to hook Chakotay onto either of the lines; he'd need both hands to hold the clasp, unpin it, slide it further up the rope as he went, and repin it. He only had one hand available, the left shoulder and arm he'd wrecked, grabbing the Commander's line to try and halt his fall, were practically useless. He'd just have to support the man with his own body and stay awake, no matter what. He had no choice; if he slept, his hold on Chakotay would loosen, and he'd drop him. The man would die. Tom kept repeating it to himself, 'I sleep; he dies, I sleep; he dies' over and over again, a mantra to remind himself that napping on the way up was *not* an option. Even when he no longer gave it conscious thought, part of his mind was still working on repeating it, again and again. I sleep; he dies, I sleep; he dies. He shot the Commander up with one of the painkillers, then one of the swelling-reducers. He dosed himself as well, then put the empty vials in his right pocket, and slung the kit over his neck and shoulder, unfortunately resting on the dislocated one, but at least he could get to it with his right hand. He maneuvered the man's body on top of his own, putting his right leg between Chakotay's and curling his left around the back of him, wrapping him up. It took some time before he was able to get his feet into the steppers he'd made, and grabbing hold of the lines in his right hand, hauled them upright, their weight on his intact leg. His legs would be doing damn near all the work, once he got going; the right arm and hand would just make sure the line stayed straight and fed down through the rings without snarling, as well as supporting the Commander. he thought to himself, trying not to look up at the distance he had to go, . He started stepping with his legs, like climbing a set of stairs, each foot bringing the clasp up a few inches at a time, only to hold in place until the next pull up with his foot made it release the line. It only moved upward, the set tension locking the mechanism in between steps. He ignored the throbbing in his leg, it was bearable. Certainly not doing the limb any good, but bearable. He didn't want to take another painkiller; the discomfort was actually helping to clear the haze in his head, helping him stay awake, through the drowsiness the concussion was causing. He thought back to the beginning of this particular away mission, sighing. The luck they had, all bad, repelling into shafts, on the way to some treasure trove of needed minerals; it was enough to make him chuckle. This one was no different. Just the two of them, going down a shaft some thirty-one hundred feet long, with a huge deposit of halanite just waiting for them at the bottom. After making most of the descent without incident, Chakotay's line had snapped, somewhere along the length, causing him to drop like a rock. Tom had grabbed onto it, with his left hand, the gloves he was wearing the only things keeping flesh on his fingers, as he tried to halt the Commander's descent. It slowed him down somewhat, until the pins pulled out of the rock wall, the ones supporting his weight and Chakotay's, with the added stress and weight, and the two of them dropped the remaining forty feet, or so, Chakotay landing hard, and Tom quickly arriving right on top of him. Tom found himself tempted to use nine hundred pound titanium cable, if they ever did this again; it was becoming ridiculous. He estimated that he had been going about an hour, perhaps, trying not to think about it. He started going through a mental inventory, everything he could think of to forget how slowly the time was passing, how long it was taking to get them both the hell out of here. He ran through every song he could remember, singing the lyrics, knowing Chakotay probably couldn't hear him. The nineteen-sixties and seventies kept him busy for quite awhile; those were a couple of decades of great rock-n-roll. Some of it was terrific for getting his adrenaline going. After a decent length of time, he shifted around carefully and got one of the empty vials out of his pocket and dropped it. He counted off slowly and heard it land on the rocks below and estimated that he had gone maybe four hundred feet. In about nine hours. Damn. He'd be going slower and slower as the ascent went on, due to fatigue; it could take a couple of days to get up to the eighteen hundred foot point where he was hoping to contact Voyager. Eighteen hundred feet was his goal; he hoped like hell he wouldn't have to go any further than that. The throbbing in his leg was starting to became a hindrance, so he stopped, getting the hypospray out of the medkit, and shot them both up with painkillers, then added another of the swelling-reducing drugs for Chakotay. The wristlight wasn't the greatest, but even Tom could see how pale the man was; not a good sign. His heartrate and blood-pressure seemed okay, a little slow, a little weak, but steady. Tom grinned slightly in the dark as he shut off the light. Steady had always been one of the Commander's best things. Time was starting to crawl again, so he went through the plots of damn near every movie or vid he'd ever seen, just the good ones, though, the ones that would keep him alert, not the snoozers he'd sat through, on occasion. That was good for what felt like a long time, he hoped it was a long time; he was starting to get drowsy, despite the pain in his leg and shoulder and back, and, oh, hell, everywhere. He fished another vial out of his pocket and let it go. He could it crack against the rocks as it landed, and figured he'd maybe come about five hundred more feet. In the last twelve hours. He was elated that they were halfway to the point where Voyager should be able to beam them out of here, but not pleased that he was making slower progress. There wasn't a damn thing he could do about it. He was tired, hurt and hungry. And the Commander was heavy, and it was dark, and . . Tom stopped himself as he realized he was psyching himself out. Whining and feeling sorry for himself weren't going to help one damn bit. God, he needed a nap, but couldn't, there was no way, not without losing the Commander. Which was *not* going to happen. He sighed and got under way again, after dosing them both up, he only had one more of the stronger painkillers. Shouldn't be too bad, though, the weaker ones would still take the edge off, and the remaining pain would keep him from falling asleep. The Commander's vital signs were still mostly steady, but weakening. "Hang in there, Chakotay," he muttered aloud, the 'hanging' pun appealing to his sick sense of humor, making him snort, as he got his tired legs going again, making the arduous ascent. He thought of everything, going over physics problems, quantum mechanics, warp technology, staying away from the boring theory stuff and just thinking about the parts that had to do with flying. He began talking aloud, without really noticing it, setting up arguments with Chakotay, then defending both sides. He was vaguely aware of the fact that he was losing it, but it kept his mind awake and aware, and that was all he cared about. He waited what seemed to him to be a long time before dropping another vial to check his progress. He was exhausted, and didn't need a discouraging several hundred more feet to go to sap his strength, make him give up. He checked the time, another fourteen hours had passed, and he hoped that he'd gone at least another five hundred feet. He was ecstatic when he finally heard it hit bottom, figuring that he'd gone closer to six hundred, meaning only three hundred more to go. Only. Shit. Maybe seven or eight hours and they'd be out of here. Everything hurt, muscles burned like fire, his legs weren't steady enough for him to stand on, he knew. But, he didn't need to stand, only to keep bringing one foot up, letting the climber catch, then bringing the other up, and so on. Chakotay wasn't doing well, his breathing was too shallow, the heartrate too slow and faint, but Tom refused to let himself panic. Panic would kill them both, he knew it. He found himself telling the unconscious man in his arms all about his best memories, the ones about fishing and swimming with his favorite uncle, his mother's brother, at his place on those too brief vacations when his father was off to heaven knew where. The house on the lake, the talks, his mother's contented silence, the sunrises and sunsets, how clear the sky looked, how bright the stars, the wonder of it all. He bypassed his father's indifference, sharing the delight of an exchanged look with his mother, when they knew they were both remembering happy times. He left out as much about his father as he could, the anger only served to weaken him. He talked about the best times at the academy, his favorite books, how he discovered many of his favorite foods there, and music, as a whole new life opened up before him. Only the good times, the happy ones. Even current ones, with Harry and Kes, and B'Elanna. He felt he'd talked for hours, but wasn't sure, he knew he was going a lot slower than he had been, his steps not as high, the distance traveled, less. But he tried his comm badge, anyway. Nothing at all, not even a crackle. He got into his pocket and brought out another vial and dropped it. He waited, straining, but couldn't hear it land, they were too far up. Which was a good thing, but he couldn't tell *how* far up, or how much further they had to go. That was *not* a good thing. It was hard to keep up one's morale when you had no idea if you were making any headway. He thought about morale, and Neelix, and how some of what came out of the Mess Hall fit the name of the place. Then he started thinking about food, then talking about food, going through menu after menu, thoughtfully throwing in a few things he knew Chakotay liked, as well. His mind struggled to make links to things that would keep him alert, keep them both alive, but the exhaustion was nearly overwhelming and there wasn't much left for his mind to hold onto to. He'd been talking, non-stop, for over a day, and his voice was nearly gone, as was his strength; he was operating automatically, now. No thought save for keeping going, more and more inches coaxed out of legs he could barely feel anymore. He'd stopped to shoot up the Commander, but hadn't taken anything, himself. He knew he needed the edge the painkillers would've taken away. The spreading numbness through his back worried him somewhat, but even more of a worry was Chakotay's barely discernible breathing, so slow, and a heartrate that damn near wasn't. All Tom could do was continue, eventually Voyager had to locate them. Finally he heard a crackle on his comm badge, then the blessed voice of Tuvok. He couldn't say a word, even to acknowledge he'd heard him, and although he recognized the voice, the meaning of the words escaped him. His legs kept going, one after the other, like they'd been programmed to, almost without his knowledge, his body crying out for rest and sleep, while in the back of his mind the words kept repeating themselves, with every step he took. Right step, I sleep; left step; he dies. Over and over again. As Tom felt the transporter beam lock-on to them both, he was barely aware of it. He saw the Doctor's concerned face, in Sickbay, and Kes's, hearing their voices as though through a long tunnel, with odd echoes, as they worked to get him free of the gear. Later, he saw Chakotay lying on the biobed next to his, saw them working on him, felt distant relief himself when he saw the same emotion on their faces, as they worked feverishly over the man on the other bed. The frantic activity slowed down, Tom saw them both smiling, then the Captain, saying something to him, something he couldn't for the life of him understand. He saw Kes's concerned face as the Doctor held a hypospray to his neck. He kept his eyes on the Commander, as he felt an odd warmth flow through his bloodstream, and his eyes closed. He felt himself come to, almost immediately, feeling so tired, but not asleep, and he didn't know why. Chakotay was still there in the bed next to him, looking somewhat better, a fact he noticed, dimly, and was grateful for. He felt so odd, disoriented and completely worn out, but not in pain, anymore, for which he was faintly relieved. He tried to sit up, but couldn't move much, so he slowly rolled over and watched the Commander, reassured that he was alive, and well. He saw Kes looking at him, and knew who she was, heard her talking as she moved closer to him, then saw the Doctor come into his field of vision and frown. He saw the Doc check the hypospray, check his vital signs, and looking faintly perturbed, put the hypospray against Tom's neck, again. He sighed, he thought, as he felt that same warmth flow into his body. He let his eyes close, and drifted for awhile, not really going anywhere, just sort of hovering, almost in a dream state but with no dreams. The rest felt good, but he still wondered why he wasn't sleeping, as he floated just this side of wakefulness, never venturing further. He opened his eyes after a while, saw he was still facing the Commander, noticed his color looked good, his breathing seemed regular, his chest rising and falling with ease. He sighed, and lay there quietly, simply watching the man. He didn't know for how long, until Kes walked in front of him, and seeing him, looked faintly startled, as she walked around the Commander's bed and came over to him. "How long have you been awake?" she asked softly, frowning slightly. Tom didn't understand the question; he'd never been asleep. But, he just shrugged slightly, pleased when the movement caused no discomfort in his formerly dislocated shoulder. He tried to talk to her, to explain, but his voice was still shot, apparently, as she brought the Doctor over. The HoloDoc had a rather more annoyed look on his face, mixed with perplexity, muttering about how he didn't understand it, the Lieutenant should have been sound asleep three times over by now, and no, he didn't know what the problem was, there didn't seem to *be* a problem. Tom heard the words, but didn't bother to respond as he kept watching Chakotay sleep, never taking his eyes off the man. He felt the hypospray hiss against his neck again, wondered idly why the Doctor was even bothering. He knew it wouldn't work, something in his head told him so. The fact didn't disturb him at all, it simply was. He let his eyes shut partway, as Kes and the Doctor moved off, apparently satisfied, and opened them again as soon as they were out of sight. He lay there, staring at the man next to him when no one was around, closing his eyes and feigning sleep, the times when people were hovering. He saw Chakotay come to, saw Kes's smile, heard the Doctor say something about making a full recovery, just a matter of time, and sighed to himself. That was good to know. He saw the Captain come in, stop by Chakotay's bed and talk to him. She glanced up to look at him and he forgot to close his eyes. The Captain mentioned something to Kes, who came right over, with the Doctor on her heels. Tom heard him tell the Captain about his being nonresponsive, not saying a word since his return, allowing for the strain on his vocal cords, an indication that, possibly, the Lieutenant had talked himself out during the ordeal. Tom's eyes never left the Commander's face, even when the man turned his head to face him, looking him straight in the eyes. Tom heard Kes tell the Captain that they couldn't keep him asleep, that they had pumped enough sedatives into his body to drop half the bridge crew, but it hadn't bought him more than a couple of hours total, at the most. Tom saw the concern on Chakotay's face, and smiled slightly. "You okay?" he rasped, softly, to the astonishment of those present, ignoring the Doctor's ascerbic comment that he knew the silence was too good to last, as Kes hushed him. Chakotay nodded, a small, confused smile on his face, as he whispered, "Yes." "Good," Tom sighed and, closing his eyes, fell asleep, under the puzzled, though watchful eyes of the Commander. ********************************************************* Tom woke abruptly a couple of hours later, to find Chakotay's eyes still on him. He grinned weakly, simply looking back at the man, until Kes came over, saw his eyes open and sighed. She looked up over him and he turned over to see the Doctor with another hypospray at the ready. With a move like lightning, he grabbed the Doctor's wrist, prompting him to comment that nothing was wrong with his reflexes, at least. "Doc, don't bother," he said quietly, "I'm sure I'll sleep just fine in my own quarters, in my own bed." The Doctor nodded once in agreement. "Then you may leave, Lieutenant," and turning, proceded to examine the Commander. Kes helped him into a sitting position, slowly, as the room moved slightly. Taking a firm, yet gentle grasp on his arm, she announced to the Doctor that she'd be back as soon as she'd walked him to his quarters. They walked the hallway to the lift quietly, Kes taking measured and concerned looks at him until he had to smile. She smiled back, looking pleased, as they stepped into the lift, and headed to the deck his quarters were on. As they entered, Tom stopped and took both of Kes's hands. "I'm fine, really. I just need some sleep, food, more sleep, more food . . " he paused as she laughed softly at him. "If you need anything, come back to Sickbay. Promise me, alright?" she said, making sure that he agreed before she left him alone. The fog in his head seemed to have lifted somewhat, things seemed less odd, less distant, than they had earlier. He replicated some hot soup, and a couple of sandwiches, and grinned, thinking about all the elaborate meals he had created while hanging in a shaft for two days, wrapped around the unconscious Commander. He ate, feeling the fatigue settle into him with each bite, until it seemed he couldn't keep his eyes open another minute, and he stumbled into bed. Less than two hours later, he became aware of screaming that tore him out of sleep, snapping him bolt upright in bed, his heart threatening to beat right out of his chest. The screaming had been his, but for the life of him, he didn't know why. No nightmare, no nothing. He lay back and waited for his heartrate to come out of the triple digits, noticing his right hand was shaking, again, not knowing why. It hadn't been injured, it was the one that had helped support the Commander; there wasn't any reason for the tremors he watched running through it. It stopped, eventually, and he ran his fingers through his hair. he thought impatiently, feeling the tiredness steal back over him, as his eyes closed again, falling gently back into sleep in moments. About an hour and a half later, the screaming yanked him back into full wakefulness again, tearing through his throat and chest and leaving both hurting like hell. It was only 2000 hours, and this was getting ridiculous. The Doctor had told the Captain that he should be ready for duty stations tomorrow, after a whole day recuperating in Sickbay. It wasn't going to happen at this rate. Even Chakotay had been told that he was well on his way to making a full recovery; after a good night's sleep, in his own quarters, he'd be on the bridge for a half shift, at least. Tom decided to go to Sickbay, see if the Doc could give him anything to help him get through the night. He didn't even pause to glance at himself in the mirror, and so didn't see the pale skin, the dark circles around his eyes, the hard edges on his face as he made his way to Sickbay. The Doctor, however, noticed all of them, when Tom came through the door, looking absolutely awful. "Still not sleeping?" he inquired. Tom just shook his head, his throat too raw to speak. The Doctor simply nodded, and came over with a hypospray. Tom thought, tiredly. The Doc told him he had about fifteen minutes to get back to his quarters. Tom just nodded again, and left, missing the Doctor's concerned face totally. He made it back to his quarters completely unaware of the double-takes people were doing as they saw him. He felt his mind clouding over again, and though he hated the feeling, he was still glad; it meant sleep was on the way. He ordered the lights off and fell into bed, barely aware of throwing the blanket over himself before sleep claimed him, once again. Two and a half hours later the screaming woke him again, with some memories of a dark, quiet place, peaceful, really, in it's own way. There was nothing there that could possibly be causing nightmares, no trauma, no danger, no nothing. He sighed, heavily, exhausted but awake, and tried to remember more. Maybe there was something he was missing, some impending jeopardy that could explain his violent reaction. The more he thought about it, the more he realized there simply *wasn't* anything, nothing at all. He ran his fingers through unruly hair and decided to give the Doc another try at knocking him out. There had to be something stronger he could give him. Heaving himself out of bed, he made his way slowly to Sickbay. Tom walked through the doors into Sickbay and missed the Doctor's stunned expression at seeing him back so soon. "You can't possibly be awake," the Doctor insisted with a singlemindedness that would have made Tom laugh, if he had any voice left to do it with. Tom merely spread his arms apart as if to say 'Here I am', causing the Doctor to sigh as he headed to give the Lieutenant something stronger than before. "Here," he started, filling the hypospray, and emptying it into Tom's neck, "This should give you at least eight hours of uninterrupted sleep, without the hungover feeling." Tom just smiled his thanks and headed back to his quarters, leaving the Doctor to wonder what he could do for the man if he came back again this night. Once again falling into bed, he hoped, really hoped, that this would be the end of it. Shortly after midnight, less than an hour and a half later, he was brought painfully back into wakefulness, near-silent screams tearing through a ragged throat. Again, he remembered nothing in his dreams that could possibly be causing this, there wasn't even anyone else there *in* his dreams to harm him. He thought about going back to the Doc again, but exhaustion took him before he could get out of bed and he fell into a restless sleep. A little before three in the morning, he woke himself up, with no throat left to scream with, just the terror and the panic, for still no reason that he could fathom. Now he made himself get out of bed, before sleep claimed him, taking him straight to hell. He made his way to Sickbay again, staggering through the doors, calling the Doctor's attention to him. "This simply isn't possible," the Doctor stated in a huff, making Tom feel like apologizing. He strode over to one of the tables, grabbing the most potent sedative he had at his disposal, warning Tom that this would knock him out totally, possibly for ten to twelve hours, and that he might well feel groggy afterwards. Tom made his way back to his quarters, luckily running into no one in the deserted corridors on the way. He entered, and barely made it to his bed before passing out, not even getting around to the blankets. He slept the sleep of the near-dead until around seven in the morning, about four hours later, waking as had been his custom all night. He gave up, sleep was right up there next to hell in his book, now, and he was not going back. He went into the shower, letting the hot water turn icy, trying to get as much as possible from what he remembered of the dream. He couldn't even call it a nightmare, it wasn't. He was alone, it was dark, peaceful, totally quiet. Well, not totally, there was one slight sound, too far away to make out if it was a voice, or what it was, and that was all. No hostile aliens, no trauma, no loud noises, nothing chasing him. He couldn't figure it out, and finally gave up. He struggled into his uniform, the thought of not reporting for duty never entering his mind. God, his chest hurt, and his throat, and his voice couldn't even be called one. He debated getting something to eat, but thought he'd skip it for now; he had no appetite and it would hurt like hell to swallow. He made his way slowly to the bridge, feeling a little better since the shower, but still ragged. He didn't realize how god-awful he looked until he entered the Captain's ready room and heard more than one gasp at his appearance. He fell into his chair, ignoring the looks he was getting from the rest of the senior staff. "God, Tom, you look like death warmed over," Harry said, softly, stunned as he took a seat next to his friend. "Are you kidding?" B'Elanna asked hotly as she took the seat on Tom's other side, "Death warmed over looks a *hell* of a lot better than he does." Tom glanced up and saw the Captain shaking her head at him. "Sickbay, Mr. Paris," she said firmly, not expecting an argument. "Been there, done that," he rasped in a voice it hurt most people to listen to, "And done that, and done that, and done that . ." he trailed off as he realized he wasn't making any sense to those sitting around him. Just then the Doctor's voice was heard over the comm and, per his request, the Captain activated her monitor. "Captain, I wanted to let you know that Lieutenant Paris will not be reporting for duty today. He came to me several times last night, for something to help him sleep. Nothing seemed to be working until a few hours ago when I shot him with enough diazamine cholide to stop a charging targ in its tracks. I feel confident he should sleep throughout the morning, possibly into the afternoon," the Doctor was smiling smugly, until he heard Paris's voice. "Guess what, Doc, the charging targ is still awake," Tom said in a rough whisper, really hating to rain on the Doc's parade. "That is simply not physically possible," the Doctor sputtered, until Janeway interrupted him. "Doctor, I will be sending Mr. Paris back down to you, shortly. Please do whatever you feel is necessary to help him get some rest, Janeway out," she ended before the Doctor could resume sputtering. She looked at Tom, worriedly. B'Elanna was right, death warmed over *did* look better than he did, by a lot. "Sickbay, Mr. Paris," she said softly, as he sighed and slowly got out of his seat, making his way to the door, hands on the frame to help himself through it. He wouldn't have made it if not for Harry, who, at the Captain's nod, had come around the side of the table, pulled Tom's arm over his shoulder, grabbed him around the waist, and practically carried him into the lift. Tom arrived in Sickbay under more of Harry's steam than his own, and crashed onto one of the biobeds, as Kes came over, looking at him in dismay as her shocked eyes met Harry's, who nodded sadly. The Doctor came over, and brusquely thanking the Ensign, dismissed him, saying he would take over now. Harry made it back to the Captain's ready room, about the same time as Chakotay, who looked good and felt better after getting the good night's sleep that had so eluded Tom. He was filled in upon his arrival, sombered by the concerned faces around him, as they told him what the Doctor had said, and how terrible Tom looked. The meeting adjourned, they took their places on the bridge, waiting for word on Tom's condition to come from the Doctor. Finally, after several hours, the Doctor reported in. "Captain, Mr. Paris seems to be unable to sleep due to a recurring dream. I've tried to drug him through it, but his body still reacts dangerously to whatever terror he's experiencing, his blood pressure rises to dangerous levels, his heartrate shoots above one hundred; Captain, I'm afraid he'll go into cardiac arrest is this keeps up much longer. His dream sounds perfectly innocuous to me, but whatever he is experiencing is slowly killing him, a piece at a time," he paused, seeing the horrified look on Janeway's face. "Captain, Kes has volunteered to go through it with him, to see if she can tell what it is he's reacting to so badly. I don't like the idea, but she's insistent." Janeway looked thoughtful for a moment. "Doctor, what is the dream he's having?" she asked, knowing Chakotay, Harry, B'Elanna and Tuvok could hear her clearly. "He seems to be alone, in a dark, quiet, place; there's no one else present, he's in no apparent danger. He hears a sound in the distance, but can't tell what it is, it's too far away. He doesn't know if someone's trying to tell him something; he hears no voices. Then he wakes up, screaming his vocal cords bloody. And that is all he can remember, Captain." "Let Kes do whatever she feels is necessary, Doctor, but keep an eye on her." "Absolutely, Captain," the Doctor said in a slightly insulted tone of voice, as if he would *do* anything else. Janeway met the eyes of her worried crew, and sighed. "I wish her luck," Chakotay murmured softly, as Janeway nodded. "So do I, Commander, so do I." Several hours later, the Doctor called with a progress report. "Captain, Kes is on her way. She'll explain everything when she gets there. I would appreciate it if she only had to tell it once," he said quietly. If Janeway didn't know better, she'd swear he was tired. "Will Lieutenant Paris be all right?" she asked as the Doctor sighed. "I'm afraid that remains to be seen, Captain. I will, of course, do everything I can," and with that he signed off. Janeway convened another meeting, everyone waiting for Kes's arrival. When she came slowly through the door, Janeway was shocked at how awful she looked, how much she looked as Tom had earlier, as she stood and, taking Kes's hands, led her gently into the chair B'Elanna held for her. She smiled her thanks and sat down. "He went through it four times for me," she started, slowly, "He wouldn't give up. It almost killed him, the way his heart reacted to the last one, but we know, now," she sighed and continued. "He's in the shaft, again, and it's dark, and he's alone. The sound he hears, in the distance, is the Commander's body hitting the bottom," Kes looked up and met Chakotay's eyes as she heard the sharp inhalations of most of the people in the room. "*That's* his nightmare, that he fell asleep, and let you fall, let you die. And then he wakes up screaming," she paused and took a shaky breath, tears in her eyes, as the Captain squeezed her hands for reassurance. "The doctor thinks that part of Tom's mind doesn't believe that he can sleep without it killing you. The dream wakes him up, so he can't sleep, so he won't let you die. Nothing we do seems to help, that part of him remains unconvinced that he can sleep without you suffering for it, but it's killing *him*," she trailed off, seeing the concern in Chakotay's eyes. "Captain," he started, looking at Janeway, seeing her nod, already way ahead of him. "Go, Commander. Please, keep us informed." Chakotay walked Kes back to Sickbay, slowly and quietly, his thoughts troubling him greatly, knowing that Paris was killing himself, rather than let Chakotay die, in his own mind. It saddened him, greatly, and puzzled him. Why would Paris let this happen to himself, why would he care? He didn't get much further in his thoughts, as they arrived at Sickbay. Upon entering, Kes headed directly for the Lieutenant's bed, Chakotay right behind her. The sight of the man shocked him, skin so pale it was nearly gray, eyes circled with darkness, looking like he'd been a brawl, features so tight and hard, it hurt to look at him. Chakotay stood there shaking his head, that the man should have come to this. He noticed the man's right hand shaking, twitching, on his chest, as his legs shifted. Chakotay eyes widened as he watched the readings overhead show steady and alarmingly rapid increases in pulse, blood pressure, everything, all of it on the rise, as Kes called out for the Doctor. "Here we go again," the Doctor sighed, with a couple of hyposprays in his hand, watching the Lieutenant's vital signs rocket into danger zones across the board. Chakotay came forward and took the man's shaking hand in his own, feeling the heartbeat, too damned fast, beneath his hand on Tom's chest, leaned down to put the other at the top of his head, and whispered softly into his ear. "I'm okay, Tom. You're all right and I'm right here. You didn't let me die, I'm right here next to you. I know you can hear me," he paused and squeezed the hand he held, the hand that was no longer shaking, "Feel that; I'm right here, relax, I'm right here." He stopped to see the Doctor looking at the readings with some amazement. "Why, that's incredible, everything's leveled off and he never even woke up. Commander, this is astounding," he continued babbling excitedly as Kes smiled and led him away, grinning with relief the whole time. Chakotay checked everything; the Doc was right. All the vital signs had come out of the danger zones, and the Lieutenant was sleeping peacefully. He was still standing there some moments later, when the Captain came in and walked up to him. "I hear we had a breakthrough, Chakotay" she said with gentle cheer in her voice, ignoring the fact that her First Officer was holding her pilot's hand. "Apparently so, Kathryn, though I don't exactly know why," he said softly, looking at the readings, amazed. "It has something to do with you, Chakotay, that much is obvious. I'm pulling you off of bridge duty today; you might want to change into something else, unless you mind . . " she trailed off to see him shaking his head. "No, no, I don't mind, Kathryn, whatever it takes." "Good," she said, pleased that this was one less thing for her to worry about, with him taking over. He took off for his quarters to change into comfortable clothes, in chocolate brown and burgundy, before heading back to Sickbay. Chakotay took up position right where he'd left, holding Tom's right hand, resting them both on the man's chest, feeling the steady, slow heartbeat under his fingers, his other hand on his head, touching the soft red-gold hair. He talked to him in a low voice, a lot of thinking out loud, really, grateful that the Doctor and Kes had left them alone. Stories from his childhood, tales of his people, his adventures and misadventures, the memories, cherished now, of his father, and his home. Something about all this seemed familiar to him, somehow, but he couldn't place it, so he gave up, simply talking to the man before him. Tom reacted to his dream twice more, his vital signs going high but not as dangerously, before Chakotay's voice and presence relaxed the nightmare's grip on him, letting him fall peacefully into deep sleep, again. Finally, after several hours, Tom's blue eyes flickered open, gazing in startled puzzlement at his hand in Chakotay's, feeling another one on his head. His eyes widened, seeing the Commander's gentle smile, as he watched Tom take it all in. "You gave us all quite a scare," he said softly, his face only inches from Paris's. "What happened? How long have I been asleep? What did the Doc do to me?" his whispered questions rapid-fire as Chakotay smiled wider. "Kes found out what the nightmare was, do you remember that?" he asked then continued at the man's nod. "I came down here to see if I could help. Apparently I was able to convince you that you could sleep without killing me. You've been out like a light for eight and a half hours," he stopped at Tom's wide-eyed look. "Eight and a half *hours*? Good god, whatever you did, it must have worked great," he said, still whispering, his throat not yet up to letting him speak louder. "It seems to have worked fine; you haven't had the nightmare for the last four hours, you woke up on your own," Chakotay said in a gentle voice, as if afraid of frightening the man. "It's almost midnight," he added, then halted, seeing Tom look at him with amazement. "You've been here all this time, with me?" he asked in disbelief. Chakotay nodded. "You took care of me, watched over me for two days, Tom. At the very least, I owed you this much. I was glad to do it," he smiled, pulling away when the Doctor showed up to examine the Lieutenant. After much grumbling, he sent Tom to his quarters, not believing he'd have any more problems, since it seemed to have worked itself out, with the help of the Commander's vigil, at his bedside. ************************************************ Tom made it back to his quarters under his own steam and all but fell into the room, still beat. He felt better for having had the last several hours of sound sleep, nearly human again. He was having a few odd moments, though, remembering the feel of Chakotay's hand in his, resting on his chest, the feel of the other one in his hair, gentle on his head. He shook himself out of it, these were things to think about when his mind was completely functional. He stripped out of his clothes, took a warm, long shower until he felt utterly drained, then crawled into bed, looking forward to a peaceful, quiet night. Three hours later, he was riding the Nightmare with a vengeance, coming out of it as he had before, throat raw, and shaking. *Damn*, he moaned to himself, sinking a fist into the pillow in frustration. He got up and threw on some clothes, heading for Sickbay. The Doctor felt like groaning when he saw the Lieutenant enter again, looking like hell and, no doubt, feeling worse. He was almost tempted to call for the Commander's assistance, but decided to give modern medicine another chance. He hooked Tom up to alpha inhibitors, sedatives, neural blockers and tranquilizers, everything he could think of with the pool of knowledge at his disposal. Throughout the rest of the night he worked, seeing the Lieutenant growing worse by leaps and bounds, until he thought of playing the recording he'd made, admittedly without the Commander's knowledge or permission, of the stories he'd told Tom earlier, the tales he'd shared. The low, soothing sound of Chakotay's voice seemed to quiet the sleep of the man on the biobed, finally permitting him to get a scant four hours of admittedly restless sleep, before he insisted on leaving the next morning, still deadly tired. Tom headed back to his quarters and, glaring at the bed, grabbed a hot shower, and put on his uniform. This morning, he still didn't have much appetite, but knew he needed something to keep him going, so he headed for the Mess Hall. He missed Neelix's stunned silence at his appearance, missed Neelix comming Kes about it, and missed her coming into the Mess to see him at a quiet table, in the corner, trying to keep from falling forward and sleeping in his breakfast. She saw Harry and B'Elanna come through the line, and stop and stare at Tom before heading over to join him. Tom looked up with reddened eyes at Harry and B'Elanna and they both would have sworn it took him a few seconds to remember who they were, as they sat down. They looked at each other worriedly, then watched Tom not eating his breakfast. Chakotay entered, with the Captain and stopped. It was obvious, at a glance, that they were right back where they started from. Dammit, why hadn't Tom commed him, let him know . . His thoughts trailed off as he realized that Tom was on a collision course with the floor. Harry saw it, too, but before he could move around the table, suddenly, from out of nowhere, came the Commander, who made it to Tom's side as he passed out, falling from his chair into Chakotay who was on his knees next to Tom's seat. With the unconscious pilot in his arms, he maneuvered the man back against his chest, resting the pale head on his shoulder, his body on the floor. Tom's eyes slowly came open again, gazing at him, unseeing, as Chakotay held him gently. "You are going back to bed," he said softly, firmly, as Tom's eyes focused and he began slowly shaking his head. "No . . not that . . please . . Cha . ." his whisper trailed off as his eyes slid shut, the words hitting Chakotay hard, making his gut twist. he realized with anger and horror at what circumstance had brought the man lying in his arms to. "Listen to me," he said quietly, trying to contain his anger, for fear the Lieutenant would think it was directed at him, "Tom, look at me," he felt ridiculously pleased as the blue eyes opened and stared at him in trepidation. "You will not be alone, I will be there. Trust me, please, I'll be right there with you." He finished looking up at Janeway, who nodded as she whispered, "As long as it takes, Commander. Whatever you need, for as long as you need it." He nodded, and pulling his arms more tightly around Tom, barked for the computer to beam them both to the Lieutenant's quarters. He lifted the man up into his arms when they arrived, and carried him to the bed. He set him down gently then proceded to take his uniform off him, boots first, socks, then the rest, shaking his head in frustration. He left the shorts on, not knowing what Tom slept in, if anything, and got him under the sheets, settled in before getting out of his own boots and clothing. He left his shorts on as well, and climbed in next to him, reducing the lights to low. He propped himself up on his left elbow and looked at the near wraith lying next to him, wondering what it would take to break the cycle and allow him to experience sleep as the mind and body's rest and recovery, instead of some vicious torment. He saw the right hand twitch at Tom's side again and took it into his own, threading his fingers through the long, pale ones before him, resting their linked hands on Tom's chest, watching it rise and fall, feeling the heart beat somewhat unsteadily, but slowly. He watched for a while before sleep claimed him, his head sinking into the pillow under it, as his eyes closed. Sometime later, he woke to find himself on his back, Tom lying on his chest, his ear over Chakotay's heart. The Commander found one hand still around Tom's, both resting on his own chest, his other hand wrapped around the man's head, holding it where it was, fingers gently threaded through hair that shone like gold in the soft light of the room. He could see the man's face and realized with a start that the eyes were open, simply staring straight ahead at nothing. He could feel the lashes of the eye closest to his chest every time the other man blinked; they tickled softly and he smiled. "Why does it matter so much to you, whether I live or die?" he whispered the question, softly, that had been plaguing him for so long, not knowing if he'd even get an answer. "Because I need you," Tom answered him simply, quietly, honestly. "What do you need from *me*?" Chakotay asked, still in a whisper, not wanting to disturb the stillness in the room. "I need your strength," Tom began, in a sleepy murmur, as though unaware of what he was saying, "I need your serenity and your peace. I need your integrity and your calm. I need your sense of self, your knowing that who and what you are, you are supposed to be. I've never found those things in me, the closest I ever get to them is when you're near. I need you near me, need to know you're near me. You're my anchor, Chakotay. You keep me grounded. That's why I need you." Chakotay sighed thoughtfully, deliberately running his fingers through Tom's hair, feeling the man sigh in contentment, feeling the soft exhale on his chest. "I've always envied *you*," he whispered, meaning it, returning some of what Tom had just given him. "Why have you envied me?" Tom asked softly, wonderingly. "I used to wonder why anytime something dangerous came up, you were right in the middle of it. I used to think you were reckless, a daredevil. Then, for a while, I thought you had a death wish, a disregard for your own life that would endanger others. Then, I realized that the things you went into, you did because you could do them, and no one else could. It made me afraid for you, how willingly you dove head first into the darkness, going without a thought, for yourself, into places where angels feared to tread. I admired your courage, and envied your tenacity, how you never gave up. When you set yourself up for the Kazon to come after you, to expose the traitor among us, it was because only you could do it. And when you brought Voyager back to us, taking her from the Kazon, it was because only you could. That's why I envy you." Tom didn't look up at him, just sighed, closed his eyes and easily slipped into a calm, restful sleep again. Chakotay ordered the lights lower, and breathed softly, holding the man in his embrace gently, as if he were fragile, letting sleep overtake him, as well. Many hours later he awoke to find that Tom had shifted up so that his head was on his shoulder and his own arm had come around the man's back, as Tom's was flung out across his chest, his fingers softly tracing patterns around his chest, down his breastbone, along his ribs and up again, oh, so softly along the collarbone, then out onto his shoulder and down his arm, taking Chakotay's hand once more in his, lacing their fingers together. Chakotay knew his breathing had quickened, it felt to him like he was nearly gasping. He brought his cheek down and tenderly lay it on Tom's forehead, gently caressing the bare back under his hand. He felt Tom sigh, felt the man reach up to bury his face in Chakotay's neck, as Chakotay brought their joined hands up to rest upon his chest, holding the other man's hand over his heart, so Tom would know how fast it beat. The Commander called for the time and was amazed to hear that it was almost dinner time; they'd slept nearly ten hours since Tom had passed out in the Mess Hall earlier. "Hungry?" Tom asked quietly, slipping out of bed at Chakotay's nod and, stretching in one fluid movement, arms over his head, went over to the replicator to order an assortment of different things for both of them. Chakotay simply watched him, admiring the effortless grace of the man, looking at him with new eyes. Cheeses, fruits, breads, just cold food, but so good after having no real want for food, to speak of, for some time, now. They ate on the bed, Chakotay chuckling at Tom's tossing the strawberries up and catching them in his teeth, avoiding the green tops completely, Tom grinning at Chakotay's amusement. Neither mentioned their newfound intimacy, or the way they were finally at ease in one another's company, enjoying this time, even, both of them. Later, Tom realized, all this might scare the hell out of him, but for now, he was simply delighting in it. Chakotay, too, wondered if this would be something he'd run from thinking about later, and decided he wasn't going to worry about it; he was enjoying himself too much. Dinner demolished, they fell back into bed, not really tired, just feeling lazy. Tom grinned at the end of dinner, yet another meal that wasn't one of the three to seven course food-a-thons he'd been rambling about to Chakotay when he was unconscious. "What the devil are you grinning at, now?" Chakotay asked him, smiling. "When you were out, in the shaft, I kept myself busy by planning these insanely huge meals . . " he trailed off as Chakotay froze. "Spareribs, caesar salad, new potatoes with chives, macaroni and cheese, and apple pie with ice cream?" Chakotay asked, grinning at Tom's astonished face. "I remember that, sort of," he said softly, his head propped on his arm again, trailing a finger down the face of the man lying next to him, the blue eyes closing, lips smiling slightly, halting at Tom's next words. "The Earth Mother and Father Sky, your father, with you, in the rainforests of South America, looking for your ancestors, and the time you got locked out of your room at the Academy by your roommate, and went through the wrong window into Becca Montgomery's room, where you stayed the night because she took pity on you," Tom finished, opening his eyes and smiling at Chakotay's astonishment. "I remember, too, sort of, like a dream. A good one, though." "I told you those things when you were in Sickbay; I've never told anyone before," Chakotay said quietly, "I didn't realize you could hear me." Tom looked at him for a moment without speaking. "No one will ever know about them from me; you, too, heard things I thought you were too far gone to hear, or remember, things no one else knows about me. Keep them, I know that no one will hear about them from you. I trust you with my life, Chakotay. I can certainly trust you with my memories," he finished softly, putting a hand to Chakotay's face, resting it there. "Thank you for that, all of it," Chakotay whispered, covering the hand with his own, smiling at Tom's poorly hidden yawn. "Come here," he offered, as he lay on his back, holding his arms open, bringing Tom to him as he came into them without a second's hesitation. They each felt the other's sigh of contentment, as they held one another, and gradually drifted into sleep. The next morning found Tom asleep on his stomach, with Chakotay lying across the man's back, cheek resting on one shoulderblade, arms around him. Chakotay sighed and moved off carefully, but Tom came with him, putting his arms around the other man, resting his chin on Chakotay's shoulder, looking into his eyes. "So, same time tonight?" Chakotay asked lightly, letting the man know he had no intention of letting him try it again, alone, yet. "How long are you willing to be my security blanket?" Tom asked softly, wry amusement coloring his voice. "As long as it takes," he answered, firmly, but gently, relieved when Tom's face relaxed. Tom sighed. "I haven't needed a teddy bear to get me through the night since I was three; I feel ridiculous." Chakotay chuckled, shaking his head. "Don't. Part of this is what you did to yourself in order to stay awake and keep me alive. It's only right and fair that I help you let it go." Tom snuggled in deeper, enjoying the feeling of being cherished as the other man's strong arms tightened around him. Then he sighed, knowing it was time to get to the bridge; since he'd stuffed himself last night, the *last* thing he wanted was breakfast, right now. Chakotay headed to his own quarters after throwing on his clothes, Tom watching, and enjoying, the way the man moved. He heaved a sigh as he crawled out of bed and headed for the shower. Gods, he hadn't slept so damn much in years. He felt as much pleasure as he did irritation that he'd needed Chakotay to get through it all without the nightmare, the screaming, the waking up. He tossed his own uniform on and took a long look at himself in the mirror. He did look better, still faint circles under his eyes, still slightly pale, but another night or two like last night, and he'd be back in top form, again. He almost felt like whistling as he left his quarters, heading for the bridge. Tom arrived in the Captain's ready room before Chakotay, grinning at Harry and B'Elanna, who both grinned back. This was the Tom Paris they were used to, not the wreck of a man who looked like he was at death's door, the one they saw in the Mess Hall yesterday at breakfast. Whatever the Commander had done, it certainly looked to be working like a charm. Both of them were somewhat startled when Chakotay walked in, whistling some tune, stopping when he saw Tom. "What *is* that?" he asked, unable to get the song out of his head. "'Thank You, For Letting Me Be Myself' by Sly and the Family Stone," Tom answered, grinning. "I like that song," Chakotay smiled at him. "I *love* that song," Tom returned, as they both started laughing, right as Janeway walked in, stopping and staring in amazement, at her First Officer and Conn Officer, laughing, *together*. "I take it you spent a lot of time singing," Chakotay teased, as he took his seat. "Hey, I don't just do menus, and you should be thankful that you were unconscious at the time," Tom shot back, sending them both into laughter again, as Janeway took her seat, and brought things to order. She didn't miss any of the smiles and looks that went from one side of the table to the other, as the staff went through reports and took care of ship's business. She was delighted with their newly evident friendship, but puzzled at the camaraderie and closeness they had managed to forge, in such a short time. She shook herself and let it go; she'd been hoping these two could find some common ground for years, and she wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. Meeting dismissed, they all headed to their posts, B'Elanna remaining on the bridge to work on one of her pet projects. It was a quiet day, thankfully, and Janeway was glad to have both her officers back where they belonged. Tom seemed relaxed, even happy, and gods knew, he certainly looked better than the day before. Nothing had ever worried her quite so deeply as when she saw him, out cold in the Mess Hall, then coming to and pleading with Chakotay not to make him sleep. Thank god that was over. Chakotay seemed to be out of his seat every few minutes or so, leaning over the Conn, as he and Tom bantered back and forth on the various merits of this course versus that one, and other seemingly minor things. Janeway realized it was bantering she was hearing, neither one of them had their backs up, the barely disguised hostility right below the surface that had bothered her for so long. They seemed to be *enjoying* this. Something was odd with this picture, though and it took her a moment to figure it out. Chakotay was standing right beside Tom, to his left, with his right hand on Tom's right shoulder. That in itself was strange, they *never* touched. But Chakotay's thumb was on the back of the Lieutenant's neck, slowly moving in small circles against the skin. Janeway had to look twice, just to make sure she wasn't seeing things. The kicker was that *neither* of them seemed to be even remotely aware of it. She was just about to ask the Commander for a moment in her ready room, when he leaned closer to Tom, and his hand moved slightly on the other man's shoulder, and the . . *caress* stopped. Janeway had decided to let it go, no one else noticed, when Chakotay began stroking the side of Tom's throat with his index finger, slowly up and down, again not even aware of it. Janeway put her hand over her eyes and heard something behind her. Turning, she saw Ensign Kim standing there, with a wicked grin on his face, his hands over his ears. She heard something coming from her other side and turned to see B'Elanna with both hands over her mouth, looking like she was solely responsible for the lack of canaries aboard Voyager. Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil, oh god, and just a moment ago, she herself had been See No Evil. They knew, the both of them, and had seen the Commander's behavior. She called out in a strangled voice that Chakotay had the bridge before she fled to her ready room to indulge in a laughing fit. It left Chakotay wondering what was going on, as both Harry and B'Elanna simply looked at him with too-innocent expressions on their faces, before returning to work. Janeway managed to compose herself, but nearly lost it again when her eyes met Harry's as she returned to the bridge. She leisurely strolled past his station, startling him by asking quietly if she'd missed anything, seeing him bite his lip to keep from laughing. "Not a thing, Captain," he replied, when he could, as Janeway moved off, slightly grinning, heading over to B'Elanna. B'Elanna looked up at Janeway with wide-eyed innocence, but gave up when she knew the Captain wasn't buying it. She nodded over to Tom and Chakotay who were once again practically joined at the hip, the Commander's hand again resting on Tom's shoulder, and sighed, smiling slightly. Janeway looked at the two men, wondering what the hell was going on with them, when she saw Tom's left hand come up as he threaded his fingers through Chakotay's on his right shoulder, his arm across his chest, still deep in conversation with the Commander, and not paying the slightest bit of attention to this inappropriate behavior. "Commander, could I see you for a moment?" she asked quietly, seeing the looks on both of their faces as they realized they were holding hands, practically, also seeing the soft, warm smile they exchanged, before Chakotay squeezed Tom's shoulder and followed Janeway into her ready room. ******************************************************** "Captain, my apologies, it won't happen again," Chakotay began as Janeway waved him into a chair. "Relax, Commander, please," she started, then paused, not knowing how to continue the conversation with *this* man about his behavior regarding the *other* man still on the bridge. "I can't tell you how delighted, and relieved, I am that you and Lieutenant Paris seem to have discovered a way to get past your differences. Your obvious friendship is a pleasant surprise; I'd nearly given up hope," she continued, wryly, "But the bridge is a difficult place to maintain proper boundaries, even in the best of circumstances. Just use caution, that's all I ask. I don't want either of you suffering any repercussions because of your new relationship, whatever it may be." "Understood, Captain," Chakotay said, unable to keep the smile off his face. "Should I ask what's going on with the two of you, Chakotay?" Janeway inquired gently, giving her First Officer an opening. "I don't know yet, Kathryn. We seem to be on the same path, for once, but I'm not exactly sure where we're going. I'll let you know," he finished with a smile, drawing one from her, as well. "Very well. Dismissed." She sighed as he left, hoping that wherever they were going, they would enjoy their journey together, for as long as it lasted. Tom looked inquiringly at Chakotay when he returned to the bridge, then seeing his reassuring smile, answered with one of his own, and went back to work, suddenly impatient for the shift to be over, feeling slightly fatigued, again. He looked up, finding Chakotay at his side, and smiled. "Are you okay?" Chakotay asked softly, looking down at Tom with some concern. Tom smiled up at him, warmly, a smile Janeway caught in full when she returned to her chair. He nodded. "I'm fine, just a little tired. I'll make it, don't worry, it's only another hour or so," he quietly told Chakotay, who was having a hell of a time not putting a hand on the man looking up at him so openly. Chakotay nodded. "Dinner in my quarters, tonight? I don't really feel like braving the Mess Hall," he said lightly, loving Tom's wider smile at the idea. "Sounds wonderful. I just hope I can stay awake long enough to eat," Tom replied, grinning. "If you can't, we sleep there," Chakotay said, getting another smile from Tom and returning it, his fondness for the man obvious to anyone who bothered to look. And most of the bridge crew were looking, with interest, marvelling at the affection between these two, wondering what they'd missed, and how and when. Chakotay returned to his seat, feeling rather proud of himself that he'd managed to keep his hands off Tom, doubting his ability to keep such contact strictly professional, at the moment. He found himself looking forward to dinner with an anticipation completely out of proportion to the meal. He also found he was looking forward to spending some time alone with Tom, and wondered if he felt the same. Finally the shift was at an end, and the two headed off the bridge, mindful of the grins and looks they were getting. They managed to keep the conversation on general topics, minor subjects, trivial things, until they reached Chakotay's quarters. As soon as the doors closed behind them, they were in each other's arms, feeling somewhat foolish, but feeling better, too, knowing that the need to hold and be held was equally strong for both of them. Tom felt Chakotay's sigh and answered it with his own, revelling in the warmth and closeness of the man with him. He pulled back slightly, not able to take his eyes off the Commander's smiling lips, even when those lips were no longer smiling. He looked at Chakotay's eyes, saw the tenderness there, the genuine liking the man had for him, things he'd not seen before these last few days spent with him. His gaze returned to the man's mouth, those full lips, and what he did next, he found himself helpless to resist doing. His hands came up to touch Chakotay's face softly, as blue eyes met brown, asking, seeking. He hoped he wasn't reading the answer wrong as he moved forward slowly and touched Chakotay's lips with his own. He felt warm hands on his face and, opening his eyes, pulled away, to find Chakotay looking at him with continued warmth, possibly even greater heat, as he felt himself being pulled in again and, going willingly, felt Chakotay return to him the most gentle of kisses. The softness under his mouth was a surprise, he'd never imagined the man would feel like this, he'd never imagined how Chakotay would feel, period. He leaned into the kiss, loving the way those lips caressed his, the merest of brushes, the most feather- light of touches, against his own. Feeling Chakotay's mouth move oh, so slowly, along his jaw to his ear, made him moan, barely a whisper, as he felt those lips tracing the outer curl there, before kissing the lobe, the kissing continuing down his neck, taking his quickening pulse, as his mouth came back up and, once again, touched his own. His hands never left Chakotay's face as his lips moved over the other man's, licking their outline with just the tip of his tongue, softly moaning again when he felt Chakotay's tongue caress his own, as he followed it back into his mouth, the kiss deepening and expanding. He felt the need for air and breathed in as Chakotay exhaled, then breathed back as he felt the other man inhale. He felt almost high, he was so lightheaded, as they continued to breathe for each other, never stopping the kiss that was wreaking such havoc on their senses. He tasted that incredible mouth, never before knowing, or even imagining, that such delight existed there. Felt the soft warmth of it, tasting that which was Chakotay, fire and forest and heady, sweet spice. He felt himself shaking, felt the man before him tremble as well, as they parted, slowly, stealing quick, light kisses, eyes meeting eyes, looking for assurance, finding it, as their arms came around each other. They held on tight, hands caressing backs, as heartrates slowed to lower numbers. "So, how bad is it?" Tom asked of the man in his arms, the man he never wanted to let go of, as he felt Chakotay's chuckle rumble in his chest. "Oh, it's bad, Tom, gods help us, it's bad," Chakotay answered, turning his head to kiss Tom's neck, hearing the soft breath that sighed forth from him. "What's happening to us? How did this happen?" Tom asked breathlessly, looking for the answers in the tender, brown eyes before him, as Chakotay moved slightly, to kiss him again, that incredible taste and heat filling his senses to overload. "People have been asking questions like those for centuries, and no one's figured it out yet," Chakotay whispered against his lips. "Then, I don't have a prayer of finding the answer," Tom concluded softly, thinking about nothing other than the feel of the man before him, as that mouth touched his own, asking, answering, sharing, demanding, as their lips met again, and again. "Oh, fuck it," he moaned softly into Chakotay's mouth, the sweet assault unrelenting, "*You're* the answer." Chakotay moved away, slowly, chuckling, taking in Tom's glazed, darkened eyes, the kiss-bruised mouth, the heightened color of his skin, and stopped, staring. Seeing the soft smile, the tender heat in his eyes, he was floored. "What?" Tom asked, seeing the stunned look on the other man's face. "Chakotay, what is it? You look like you've never seen me before." Chakotay reached out a hand and cupped Tom's cheek. "I haven't, not looking the way you do right now," he said reverently, his thumb stroking the too-sharp cheekbone. "Why? How do I look?" Tom asked, faintly puzzled. "Come here," Chakotay said, taking his hand and moving him over to stand in front of the mirror, looking over his shoulder, as Tom leaned back into him, pulling Chakotay's arms around him, crossing them over his chest, watching them in the mirror. Tom noticed his color was higher than normal, his breathing more rapid, his eyes darker, as he met Chakotay's eyes in the mirror. He felt his heart speed up as Chakotay caressed his chest, his shoulder, with one hand as the other moved back to stroke his neck softly. Chakotay kissed the side of his neck, moving around to the back, watching Tom's head drop, hearing him moan. He saw the color rise again, saw that wonderful mouth come open slightly, saw the eyes half close, as he licked the other man's ear, kissing his way down the side of that long throat, wishing he could heal all the recent damage from the outside. Tom looked at Chakotay in the mirror, feeling unbelievable jolts of arousal course through him as their eyes met again and those strong, gentle hands started slowly undoing his uniform. He saw the question in Chakotay's eyes, and didn't honestly know if he was up to the answer. Chakotay saw it, and whispered, "Just to hold you, touch you, that's all, like last night, in my arms." Tom nodded, letting the man strip him down to his underwear and lead him to bed, reminiscent of the day before when he was too out of it to help. Chakotay took off his own uniform, aware that Tom was watching every move he made. He shivered at the look in the other man's eyes, then abruptly remembered they still hadn't eaten dinner. He headed to the replicator, cocking his head at it. "What sounds good?" he asked, wishing he'd rephrased it another way when a slow, wicked grin spread over Tom's face. He sighed, smiling. "For dinner?" he amended, inhaling sharply as Tom leaned back into the pillows, and brought his arms over his head, lacing his fingers behind it, shoulder and chest muscles flexing, looking for all the world as if he didn't have a clue what his provocative posture was doing to Chakotay. "Grilled swordfish, with garlic and lime, and wild rice," Tom said, sighing at the thought. "Garlic? With Fish? Think I'll be kissing *you* again tonight, think again," Chakotay said, grinning, as Tom laughed. It did sound pretty good, though, so he ordered two, bringing them back to the bed. Eating together was still fun, with Tom stealing bites off Chakotay's plate, until they were both laughing. "Can't help it, yours tastes better," Tom grinned into Chakotay's glowing face. His grin widened as Chakotay began feeding him off his plate, loving the way Tom's eyes closed the same time his mouth closed around each morsel, savoring the food and the company, sighing in blissful contentment. Tom thought fair was only fair and fed Chakotay off his plate, looking askance at the man's puzzled expression. "You're right, yours tastes better," he said, sharing Tom's smile, as well as his dinner, until nothing was left. Chakotay got rid of the plates, lowered the lights, then came into bed, already used to the wonderful feel of Tom's arms around him, as he lay his head on the strong shoulder, loving the slow caress of Tom's hand on his back. Tom felt Chakotay turn his head and kiss his chest, felt his heart jump in response as he sighed. "Gods, I love the feel of you, Chakotay. I can't get over it, the scent, the touch, the heat, all of it. I don't think anything has ever hit me like this." Chakotay sighed. "It's not just you, you know," he said quietly. Tom put a gentle thumb under Chakotay's chin, tilting his head up for his kiss, wrapping his fingers around the back of the other man's neck. His lips brushed lightly back and forth, more caress than kiss, until Chakotay rolled on top of him, resting his forearms on either side of Tom's head, kissing him back with a gentle intensity. Chakotay felt Tom's fingers move into his hair, first massaging his scalp, then holding him right where he was. He felt Tom's arms quivering somewhat and backed off slightly, seeing eyes narrowed in both arousal and fatigue, and eased off his assault on the other man's senses, bringing them both back down gently. He rolled off Tom, taking him along, and settled him into his embrace, hushing both protest and apology with soft kisses, bringing the golden head down onto his chest. He felt Tom sigh as his arms came around him, felt his breathing gradually level out, become deeper. He reached to the side and grabbed the covers, flicking them over the two of them, bringing them up to Tom's shoulders, as he kissed the top of his head, and settled in to sleep. He surfaced briefly during the night, to find they'd rolled onto their sides; he was spooned up behind Tom, curled protectively around him, hand on his chest, holding him back against Chakotay's, feeling the man's slow, steady heartbeat beneath his fingers. He moved even closer, heard Tom murmur in his sleep, and closed his eyes again to join him there. He woke early the next morning to find Tom lying on his side next to him, one fingertip softly tracing his tattoo. He smiled to see Chakotay's eyes open and bent down to kiss him, mouth opening to moan as the other man returned it. Chakotay's arms came around him, one hand holding the back of his head, the other stroking his back as the kiss escalated in intensity and passion until they were both hard and breathless. Tom tore his mouth away to breathe, only to groan as he felt Chakotay's mouth move up his neck, the sweet assault making him hotter than hell. He shifted his way down the Commander's body until he was able to return the favor on Chakotay's chest, licking and nibbling, tonguing the man's nipples into hard points, dragging his teeth across them until he heard him groan. Chakotay's back arched up off the mattress as Tom continued to nuzzle him, gently rubbing his unshaven cheek on his chest, the rasp of stubble increasing his skin's sensitivity even more. Chakotay couldn't bear the passive enjoyment any longer and, wrapping both arms around Tom, flipped them over, moving on top of him to kiss and torment the beautiful man lying beneath him. He kissed his way slowly down Tom's chest, watching his face mirror what his body was feeling, until he came to the waistband of Tom's shorts. He traced it with his tongue, hearing Tom gasp, dipping into his navel, just to make him writhe. Using one hand, he tugged the shorts down, Tom lifting his hips to help him, then slid them down his long legs and off. He looked at the flushed face above him to make sure Tom didn't have a problem with what he was doing. His blue eyes looked unbelievably turned on, glazed and darker than usual, but not unwilling. He bent his head to use his tongue on Tom's upper thighs, feeling the golden body tense. He glanced up to see the man gripping the sheets in his hands, knuckles going white, and grinned to himself. He lightly touched Tom's hardened cock with his tongue, just around the head, loving the sweet-salt taste of him and damn near got bucked off the bed in response. He licked his way slowly up the length, loving the faint gasps and moans coming from the man moving restlessly under him, before taking him into his mouth and sucking, hard. "Oh, dear *God*, Chakotay," Tom moaned, thrashing on the bed, his upper body rising up only to crash back onto the sheets. He felt Chakotay's hand come up to caress him, moving slowly over his balls, as he opened his legs wider to allow him greater access. It had been a while and, damn, he was so close, already. Chakotay felt Tom shift and increased his speed, knowing from the shuddering and shaking that Tom's orgasm couldn't be far off. He moved easily up and down Tom's cock, swirling his tongue around the head, down the underside, as the groaning got louder. "*Yes*, oh, yes . . I'm coming . . I'm . . oh, god . . *Cha*," Tom barely got out before shouting, back arched nearly to the breaking point, as he exploded in Chakotay's mouth, matching the explosion inside his head. He was dimly aware of the man licking him clean before he felt Chakotay move up next to him and pull his unresisting body into his strong arms. Damn, he was exhausted, too tired to even open his eyes. He heard Chakotay speak to him softly, then with urgency, and forced his eyes open. Focusing took him a minute, finally coming when he realized the Commander was looking at him worriedly. "Oh, thank God. Tom, I'm sorry. I should have known it was too soon for this," Chakotay started guiltily, stopping when the man in his arms shook his head. "Don't you *dare* apologize. You still would've blown my head off, no matter what shape I was in. Damn, Chakotay, you're *good*," Tom grinned at him, an odd combination of wicked and exhausted, before pulling Chakotay's mouth down to his own, tasting himself in the long, lingering kiss that followed. He felt Chakotay groan into his mouth, felt his warm body move over his own, then felt the unmistakable evidence of arousal pressing insistently into his thigh as the kiss heat up. He let his hand roam lower, stroking Chakotay through the fabric, before moving his hand inside. Tom felt the other man shudder violently, and heard him gasp into the kiss, as he brought one hand up to hold his head still for his lips' assault, while the other stroked his erection to nearly painful hardness. Chakotay tried to move, but Tom threw a long leg over him holding him immobile while his lips and hand continued to drive him out of his mind. He couldn't move, couldn't do anything but enjoy the kisses and caresses. Tom's tongue plunged into his mouth, stroking and playing with his own, while a gentle thumb teased the head of his cock, spreading the precum around the entire surface. He groaned as Tom began mimicking the thrusting of lovemaking with his tongue, his hand moving to tug the shorts off Chakotay, before coming back to run over his cock. Chakotay began thrusting into Tom's hand, as Tom was into his mouth, when he felt the man pull away from him. He opened his eyes to see Tom shaking his head at him. "In *me*," he whispered, kissing Chakotay all over his face. Chakotay shook his head, "Tom, there is no way you're up to that." Tom chuckled, running his hands all over Chakotay's body, "You'll be doing all the work, Cha," he said roughly, turning his aroused eyes on Chakotay, letting him see his need. "I want to feel you come inside me, please," he finished, running his hand down Chakotay's length, wrapping around his cock, feeling the man shudder, hearing him groan. He knew he was hardly playing fair, but he really didn't give a damn. He had to have Chakotay inside him, now, before the desire burning within him set the sheets on fire. Chakotay nodded, groaning, his eyes still closed, as he moved up between Tom's legs. His weight on one elbow, he began caressing the man under him, opening his eyes to see Tom bringing those long legs up around his neck. He turned his head to lick down the thigh, grinning slightly at the gasp he heard. He moved his hand up the other leg, then underneath that beautiful body, fingers touching experimentally, gently working into the small opening, first one, then two, loosening the tight muscle. He noticed Tom was getting hard again and grinned, loving the man's responsiveness. Chakotay reached up and opened the drawer in the stand by the bed, getting the small tube of lubricant there. The slight pressure of his hand opened the valve, allowing a fair amount to ooze onto his fingers, before he relaxed his grip, letting the valve shut off, tossing it next to him on the bed. He touched Tom tenderly, making sure he was well prepared; all that mattered now was pleasure, pain was completely unwelcome after the events of recent days. He felt Tom's hand groping about on the bed until he found the tube, squeezed some onto his own hand, and began stroking Chakotay, the warmth and slickness making him moan. Gods, he could come from this alone, he knew, but took Tom's hand and wrapped it around his own cock, as he slowly slid into his lover's body. The incredible tightness took his breath away, as he began gently rocking back and forth. Seeing Tom's hand tighten on himself, slowly but roughly stroking himself, was driving him crazy, and from the look on the man's face, he damn well knew it, too. Tom was drowning in sensation, feeling Chakotay thrusting into him, watching the man watch him pleasure himself. He sped up his own rhythm, groaning in delight when Chakotay did the same. His back arched, beyond his control, as he felt Chakotay moving deeper and faster into his body. He tightened his hand, speeding up to that tempo that never failed to get him off, groaning Chakotay's name. Chakotay had never seen anything hotter and more beautiful in his life, than watching Tom jerk himself off as he arched and moaned and thrashed in response to what Chakotay was doing to him. He sped up again, when he noticed Tom had done the same, going a little harder, a little deeper, making him lose his mind. He could feel the pressure building up behind his eyes, in the back of his head, everywhere, as he watched Tom bring himself off. Tom couldn't take it anymore; he felt himself falling as his body shook with the incredible force of his orgasm, felt Chakotay falling right along with him, as he cried out, coming in long hot spurts over his own chest. He saw his lover's head thrown back, heard him yell, and felt his body tighten, than powerfully release, as he came hard and deep inside Tom, then fell forward onto his chest. Tom let his legs slide off Chakotay's shoulders, as his lover moved slowly up his body and collapsed at his side. Tom was still floating somewhere out in the ether, when Chakotay moved closer and wrapped himself around the gorgeous body shivering next to him. He felt one of Tom's arms slowly come around his waist, felt the head turn into his chest to kiss it, and sighed to feel Tom settle his head over his heart. It had been a long time since he'd connected with someone so well, and Chakotay knew how rare this was. His only regret was the three days of hell his lover had to go through to bring them here to this point. He smiled to himself as he thought ahead to all the wonderful, different ways he could make it up to him. He felt Tom's breathing slow down and even out, felt his body relax, melting into Chakotay's, as he sighed in contentment. "What are you thinking?" Tom asked softly, glancing up at Chakotay to see the smile on his face. "I'm thinking about how much I'm going to enjoy making up for all the time we've lost, now that we've finally found each other." Tom grinned. "Hmm, that could take a while," he murmured, as Chakotay lowered his head to gently kiss him. "I'm counting on it," Chakotay replied, smiling into Tom's blue eyes, as their lips came together in a kiss filled with passion and promise.