**************************************************** Disclaimer time once again!   One-hundred-and-third verse same as the first . . . everybody *sing*: I don't own these characters, (chorus) Paramount does! I don't own this venue, (chorus) Paramount does! I am making no money off of this, (chorus) Paramount does not either! This story involves love and sex and affection between two men, aka: slash. If that is *not* your cup of tea, sweet as it is, then don't read it! (simple, ain't it??) Feedback is *very* much appreciated, and always answered.  Flames will be passed around to friends and chuckled over.  :) Fiftieth story in the Stage Direction series.  Sequel to 'Ssst', 'Growl', 'Chuckle', 'Sob', 'Grin', 'Sigh', 'Smile', 'Yawn', 'Whisper', 'Groan', 'Hover', 'Waffle', 'Comfort', 'Fidget', 'Grimace', 'Sizzle', 'Glare', 'Shrug', 'Doze', 'Snort', 'Whack', 'Stretch', 'Snicker', 'Pace', 'Hug', 'Clink', 'Wonder', 'Kiss', 'Doubt', 'Surprise', 'Cuddle', 'Ahem', 'Confer', 'Recover', 'Rant', 'Soothe', 'Hold', 'Whistle', 'Feel', 'Squeak', 'Move', 'Splash', 'Shiver', 'Advise', 'Fly', 'Reconcile', 'Mend', 'Miss', and 'Chat'. 'Forgive' by Amirin **************************************************** "Come."      "Harry?"    "Hey."      "I, uh, I just got done talking to Neelix.  About, um, you."    "Oh, boy."    "Yeah.  He's pretty, um, merciless, you know. Where you're concerned."  "Yeah, he is."    "You seem to have emerged relatively unscathed."  "Yeah.  He left before any permanent damage was done."      "Har . . .?"  "He also left me with a lot to think about." "And I've been thinking."  "And?" "He's right.  About a lot of things."    "I miss you.  Even more as a friend than as a lover."  "For so long, it was just you and me, remember?  Before B'Elanna, before any of it.  And I miss it."      "Me, too."    "Yeah?"    "Yeah.  I love Neelix, I really do . . ."  "I know.  And he's head over heels for you, too."  "I know."    "But, I still miss you, Har. There's this empty place where you used to be.  I hate it."  "Like part of you is missing?  And I have that part?"   "Actually, that's exactly what I was thinking."    "I said that to you when you were in the coma."  "You came . . .?"    "Of *course* I came!  I practically *killed* you, Tom.  I had to see if you were okay."   "I had to."  "It wasn't your fault, Harry.  It was an accident."  "It *was* my fault.  I just keep hurting you and hurting . . . Mmmph."    "It was an accident. And I'll never believe otherwise.  *Never*, Har."  "Tom, I'm so sorry."    "I know. Shhh, I know. And you're forgiven."         "And I'm sorry I've been such an idiot about Neelix, too."  "You're part of a large majority." "Not any more. An awful lot of people like the idea of the two of you together."  "Don't tell me, let me guess.  B'Ela's been threatening to toss anyone  who says a nasty word about us into the warp core, right?"   "No, actually.  Chakotay's been verbally busting chops since he reprimanded Rollins."  "*He* reported Rollins?"  "Yup." "I thought the Captain . . ." "No, but she went on record to back Chakotay up.  Cited numerous examples of Federation dictates about tolerance for other species, quoted chapter and verse on Starfleet protocols regarding bi-species relationships.  All very official.  They let Rollins have it."  "The old 'one-two punch'."  "He never knew what hit him.  And you missed his ultimate shame. I just heard about it from Sam Wildman, on my way here. She was taking Naomi to the holodeck for ice cream."  "What happened?"  "Naomi walked right up to Rollins in the mess hall and told him he should be ashamed of himself.  That her Mommy and Daddy were two different species and if they hadn't loved each other, she wouldn't be here. She was almost in tears."  "Oh, damn.  Poor kid."    "Yeah.  She told him that the same was true for B'Elanna, too, having a Mommy and Daddy that were different.  And then came the best part."    "What?  Come on, Har, you're killing me, here." "She told Rollins that Neelix was a beautiful person and that if you could see it, and she could see it, then he had no excuse not to see it.  And then she tossed a glare around the room and said, 'And that goes for the rest of you, too'.  And turned on her heel and walked out the door."      "Gods, I adore that kid."  "She's something else, all right."    "Har?  You up for some ice cream?"    "Yeah.  I'd like that.  I'd like that a lot." ********************end