Disclaimer time once again!  Twenty-eighth verse same as the first . . . everybody *sing*: I don't own these characters, (chorus) Paramount does! I don't own this venue, (chorus) Paramount does! I am making no money off of this, (chorus) Paramount does not either! This story involves sex between two men, aka: slash.  If that is *not* your cup of tea, sweet as it is, then don't read it!  (simple, ain't it??) Feedback is *very* much appreciated, and always answered. Flames will be passed around to friends and chuckled over.  :) This is the sequel to 'Outrageous'. Yep, more of the C/P backstory to Yvette Kendall's Tuvok/Kim series, which can be found at R'rain's archive.  Go read them, they're wonderful!!! This is Yvette's universe; I'm just visiting.   ************************************** B'Elanna fumed quietly as she worked, trying to override the privacy lock on Holodeck One.  She was already late for dinner with Donna, who would be understanding but less than thrilled, and Paris's damn lockout would take at least another twenty minutes. "Problems, Maquis?" She looked up into the amused but curious gaze of her favorite Ensign. "Hi, Starfleet," she sighed, before thumping the panel with her fist. "Hey, easy, what's wrong?"  Harry asked her. "I have a report I need to give the Captain tomorrow and I have to ask Chakotay about a couple of things before she sees it and he's been locked in here with Paris for the last hour and a half and neither of them are answering their commbadges," she said in a rush, still trying to unjam the door codes and having no luck. "Let me," Harry offered, coming around to her side and punching in a rather long set of alphanumeric algorithms.  The doors hissed open and he flashed her a grin. B'Elanna growled faintly.  "I'm not going to ask how you knew that." "Okay, Harry, give." "I thought you weren't asking." "I'm not asking.  I'm ordering," she groused, then grinned as he practically came to attention before she slugged his shoulder. "Tom gave it to me in the event of a slightly-less-than-red-alert emergency," Harry admitted.  "He knew I wouldn't abuse it," he looked at B'Elanna meaningfully. "I didn't see half of it and I've forgotten the rest," she replied instantly, smiling at Harry's laugh. It was nice to see him laughing again.  He'd been so quiet, lately, and serious; it had really been bothering her. For a brief while, she'd wondered if he was pining over Tom, or maybe even Chakotay, but the amusement and fondness on his face during some of their more public antics had eliminated that worry.  He'd been working an awful lot with Tuvok lately, recalibrating the sensors, but she didn't think there was a problem in that corner.  She still didn't know what the problem was, or with whom, but renewed her determination to pay more attention in future. She followed Harry through the now-open doors and paused outside the entrance to Sandrine's, hearing the usual heated argument within.  They both sighed and rolled their eyes at each other, exchanging a grin.  Gods, these two were *always* fighting about one damned thing or another. B'Elanna seriously wondered if they did it just so they could make up afterwards.  A shuddering thud into the wall to their right had both of them hurrying for the doors.  They each stopped in their tracks, just inside, to gawk at the Commander who had the Lieutenant pinned to the wall with his body.  The two of them remained there long enough to see Chakotay tear the teal-blue shirt Tom was wearing open, then off, as the pilot groaned passionately into the mouth that was ravishing his own. B'Elanna backed slowly through the doors, hand on Harry's arm to pull him along with her. They paused outside until they heard Tom's shout, followed immediately by Chakotay's rough, deep laughter. "I'm late for Donna," B'Elanna said, shaking her head as Paris's voice raised into a scream that nearly shattered the windows.  "I mean dinner," she stuttered.  "With Donna.  Bye, Harry."  And with that, she fled from the holodeck, having decided that maybe she'd just leave Chakotay a message later.  Tomorrow morning.  *Late* tomorrow morning. Harry just sighed a pensive sigh as Tom's voice fell out of a range best heard by dogs.  "Lucky you," he murmured, as he walked slowly toward the arch, encompassing both of his friends with those words.                     <<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Aren't they gone?" Tom panted breathlessly into Chakotay's ear, his almost painful erection trapped against the hardness of his lover's thigh. "Uh huh," the Commander affirmed, running his hands roughly over the sweat-slicked body in front of him. "Then, shouldn't we quit, now?" Tom asked, groaning as teeth came together on his ear lobe, before his head fell back to hit the wall he was pinned against. "Unh uh," Chakotay growled, caressing Tom as he licked his way across the man's chest.  He wasn't about to stop loving his lover simply because the audience had left.   They'd been enjoying a quiet game of pool, grateful for the chance to be by themselves and not have to perform for anyone, when Harry and B'Elanna had entered the holodeck. The code Tom had given Harry triggered a recorded message that someone had overridden the privacy lock, just as Tom had arranged.  The early warning had allowed them to quickly set up the scene those two had walked in on.  Harry might not say anything about it, but B'Elanna would surely tell Henley and most of Henley's cohorts couldn't keep a secret on a dare.   The story would grow until the version the Captain heard would make her call Chakotay and talk to him, ostensibly wondering if he and Tom were having any problems, but really just wanting to hear the lowdown.  He'd sigh, maybe blush a little, hem and haw, and tell her nothing, leaving her as frustrated as she'd made him over the last few years.  Damn, this was fun. "We both have quarters, you know," Tom was barely able to say as his lover raised him up off the floor. He wrapped his legs around Chakotay's waist and held on as the man ground his hardness into his own, sandwiching him between the unyielding wall and his equally unyielding body. "I know," Chakotay gasped as Tom's rigid length slid along his, the sensation overwhelming, even through two layers of clothing.  And only two. They'd mutually decided weeks ago that underwear was a waste of replicator rations. "And those quarters have beds, you know," Tom grated out as he felt the familiar surge of heat moving into his body from Chakotay's. "I know," Chakotay groaned as Tom's hands found his ass at the same moment the man's mouth found his neck. "We could use them on occasion, you know!" Tom cried out as Chakotay's thrusts against him turned fast and furious. "I know!" Chakotay answered loudly, his eyes tight shut, the look on his face almost like pain, as teeth nipped him, fingernails scored him, and long legs tightened around him. "I mean . ." Tom began only to have Chakotay interrupt as their breathing quickened with the pace of their increasingly frantic movements together. "SHUT *UP*!" Chakotay roared, as his climax swept over him, catching Tom in the current and bringing him along for the ride. The air grew heavy with the scent of their shared release and Chakotay slowly slid Tom down the wall until the long legs dropped from around his waist and the man found his feet again.  They kept going, leaning against the wall, getting their heartrates back to normal levels and ended up sitting side by side on the floor, legs stretched out parallel to each other, Chakotay's head resting on Tom's shoulder. Tom looked down at the Commander's dry chuckle.   "I swear, one of these days I'm going to gag you," Chakotay growled playfully, laughing at Tom's snort.   "I didn't know you were into bondage!" Tom exclaimed with delighted innocence, laughing out loud as his lover recovered enough to push him to the floor, tickling him into hysterics. "You are *impossible*!" Chakotay yelled, making Tom laugh again at the thought of the Captain seeing her XO totally lose his famous cool.  The laughter faded as he took in the light shining through the eyes of the man he loved. Chakotay stilled at Tom's sudden sobriety, looking down at him tenderly before kissing him softly, nuzzling the faint marks he'd left on the incredibly fair skin. "That can be another one of the things you love about me," Tom said quietly, returning Chakotay's kisses. "It already is," Chakotay informed him in a whisper that made him shiver with delight.  Damn, this was fun.                      <<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chakotay stood in the turbolift, seemingly oblivious to the looks he was receiving from the other occupants.  The tale of his and Tom's adventures in the holodeck the night before had reached truly galactic proportions and he'd been getting strange looks from nearly everyone on the crew, ranging from fascinated to incredulous.  Apparently, some had problems believing the more, um, creative versions.   He was off duty now and, barring a call from the Captain, looking forward to another incredible night with Tom.  Spirits, he was having a wonderful time.  The man was an amazing lover, one who could switch from ferocious to tender in a heartbeat, depending on what Chakotay thought he wanted or needed at any given moment. Only in the back of his mind existed the reason for the whole 'relationship': to get the Captain to see him in a new light and decide she wanted him for her own.   Chakotay didn't think she was there, yet.  She seemed to feel him out on occasion to see how he and Tom were doing, but didn't ask the questions in such a way that Chakotay had any hope of her ever coming around.  It didn't disturb him as much as it once would have. Not since he and Tom had gotten together. At that moment, the object of his ruminations was waiting patiently for the 'lift to arrive, rocking on his heels.  Tom had been idly hanging around for the last four hours, waiting for Chakotay to get off duty.  Gods, this was becoming ridiculous, how his life went on hold until the Commander was available. Sometimes he hated it, the way he made himself so easily accessible to the other man, but what else could he do?  Being with him was a hell of a lot better than being without. The doors to the lift opened and there stood the object of *his* thoughts. He cursed himself as he realized that everything he'd been thinking about for the last few minutes was probably written on his face.  Again.  Damn, he hated it when that happened. Chakotay heard the doors open and looked up reflexively, right into the startled eyes of his lover. Tom stepped forward, some part of his mind noticing that there were several other people in the lift, and came to stand next to Chakotay. "Hello," Chakotay said quietly, trying not to grin as everyone grew still. Like they were afraid the slightest sound might make them miss something worth repeating later. "Hel-lo," Tom answered in that sing-song flirtatious tone that drove Chakotay nuts. "What have you been up to?" he asked, wondering if Tom was intending to create another scene. "Oh, nothing," Tom answered, too innocently.  "Just waiting for you to get off.  Duty.  Just waiting for you to get off duty," he amended with deliberate haste, the smile in his eyes making Chakotay's knees weak. Chakotay tried not to return that smile, but a grin poked through when Tom saw his attempts at control and snorted. "Behave," he said in a suggestion of a whisper, but everyone heard him, anyway. "Where's the hell's the fun in that?" Tom asked, moving close enough to Chakotay that the man could feel the heat coming off of him. The Commander didn't miss the phrasing; it was identical to what Tom had said the night they started all this, the 'public as well as private' part of the conversation.  Well, they couldn't get more public, being surrounded by other people as they were. "You are so bad," he murmured, letting Tom know he got it. The man wanted public.  So be it. "You gonna punish me?" Tom asked, his voice sounding breathless to his own ears. "Don't tempt me," Chakotay retorted, realizing that that was the wrong thing to say as soon as the words left his mouth. Tom laughed quietly.  "Oh, but I like tempting you," he returned, helpless to keep himself from flushing as Chakotay raked a scorchingly possessive look over his body. "And you do it so well," Chakotay whispered, moving toward Tom with intent. They both groaned when Chakotay's commbadge chirped and shared a grin when they realized they weren't the only ones who groaned. Tom's eyes fixed on the door as the Captain's voice filled the 'lift.  He sighed inwardly, trying not to let his fear and disappointment show. He nodded distantly as Chakotay said he'd see him later and stepped aside to let those behind him leave the 'lift.  He pretended not to see the looks he was getting and moved to leave when a familiar hand on his arm halted him. They shared a heated look, one that would shortly be making the gossip rounds, before the doors closed and they found themselves alone. Chakotay murmured a terse order for the turbolift to take him to the bridge and enfolded Tom in his arms.  The air seemed awfully chilly all of a sudden. "I'll be as quick as I can," he stated, feeling the need to reassure Tom, but uncertain as to why. Tom nodded.  "It's okay.  I'll go see what Harry's doing.  Maybe he'll be up for some dinner." Chakotay moved closer to kiss his lover, then frowned at the unusual lack of response. Tom answered the question in his eyes as soon as he stepped backward. "I don't want you going to the Captain looking like you've been kissed senseless," he explained, stopping before adding that he didn't want the Captain to know how damned gorgeous the Commander *looked* after being kissed senseless. Chakotay grinned at the comment, then took his lover's face in his hands again, meeting those beautiful blue eyes slightly hidden behind long lashes.  He swallowed heavily and brought his mouth to Tom's. The pilot couldn't hold back any longer and met the man's considerable passion with his own. "I can't deny you anything," he murmured against Chakotay's lips. "Good," the Commander whispered, resting his forehead against Tom's as the doors opened again.  "I'll see you later," he promised, brushing Tom's hair away from his ear then striding out of the 'lift. "See you later," Tom echoed before the doors closed in front of him. The 'lift held still, waiting for his next command and he asked the computer where Harry was. He found the Ensign sitting on the floor of the gym, looking like he'd just lost his best friend. Tom was startled to realize how close to the truth that thought might be.  He'd been neglecting the man horribly for . . Gods, was it months already? Tom felt really lousy after Harry made the comment that he was the closest thing Voyager had to a monk, as they walked the distance from the gym to Harry's quarters.  Plans for dinner rapidly followed when he noticed the tightness in his friend's face, the misery in his eyes.  Something was really wrong, but what? After a couple of hours of gossip and laughter over some really good Thai, he asked. And Harry told him. "I'm in love with Tuvok." Tom's mind went a complete blank for a minute while Harry told him how much he thought of the Vulcan, fantasized about him, dreamed about him. And it wasn't all just about sex, either. Harry seemed to want a life with him, a future. He had to jolt Harry out of his thoughts when the Ensign's eyes went glassy. Oh, did he have it bad.  Tom grinned in commiseration; he knew the feeling.  He leaned forward as Harry told him about the self-defense lessons he was learning from Tuvok and what had happened when the Vulcan pinned the Ensign to the floor during one particular move. Uh, oh. Tom sighed as Harry went on about his reaction, then his panic, wondering if Tuvok was a touch-telepath or not.  His suggestion that Harry wait for Tuvok's Pon Farr was not met with the relief he'd expected.  He couldn't blame Harry for wanting a lover more than once every seven years.  Their talk about the mating habits of Vulcans ended abruptly when Chakotay finally arrived. Tom got up to greet his lover with a kiss, just a quick one, and waited for Chakotay's arms to come around him. Instead, he saw the Commander's eyes flick to Harry before Chakotay settled for brushing his thumb over Tom's lips in lieu of the hug he'd been about to give him. The pilot wasn't happy with Chakotay's aborted attempt at an embrace, but they'd both been pretty restrained around Harry lately, not wanting to make him uncomfortable.  Tom resolved to tell Chakotay as soon as possible that it wouldn't be a problem any longer, as the man pulled up another chair and the talk shifted to general business. They left a while later, Tom feeling much better now that he and Harry seemed to still have their friendship intact.  He decided not to let too much time pass before he spent another evening with the man. And as often as Chakotay got called away by the Captain, it shouldn't be a problem. He tried so hard not to let it drive him nuts, but it did.  Scared the hell out of him, too, the possibility that one of these days the Captain would greet his lover at her door in something elegant and sexy and he wouldn't see Chakotay until the man came home the next morning.  He sighed and suddenly realized they were back in his quarters and Chakotay was looking at him oddly. "Where were you?" Chakotay asked, taking Tom in his arms. He frowned at his lover's stiffness until the pilot's arms wrapped around him and he visibly melted. "Just thinking," Tom tried to say lightly, like it was no big thing.  But it was. "About what?" "Um?  Oh, Harry and Tuvok, of all things," Tom improvised quickly, easing back as Chakotay pulled away, looking more than a little surprised. "*Is* there a 'Harry and Tuvok'?" the Commander asked incredulously. "Harry wishes there were." Tom informed him about Harry's dilemma and cringed when Chakotay told him that yes, the Vulcan *was* indeed a touch-telepath. "Oh, he's not gonna be real thrilled to hear that," Tom said in sympathy for his best friend. "Probably not," Chakotay agreed.  "But, the good news is that Vulcans don't only have sex during the Pon Farr." Tom raised an eyebrow as he looked at him, grinning evilly. "You say that with such certainty, Chakotay.  Care to elaborate?" Chakotay sighed, running a hand over his face.  Damn, the man was perceptive. "One of my former lovers was Vulcan," he murmured, blushing a little as Tom crowed with delight. "Tell me, tell me, tell me," he teased, scooting closer to Chakotay. "Damn, you're perverted," Chakotay groused.  "I cannot believe you want to hear about my old lovers." "Well, not all of them.  Unless they become relevant," Tom allowed.  "But Harry's miserable and has been for months, watching you and me and B'Elanna and Henley doing what we do so well.  I just want him to be happy. It's taken him forever to get over Libby.  And he seems so excited now.  It's been missing.  And I didn't even notice," Tom admitted guiltily. Chakotay smiled fondly at his lover.  Gods, the man had such a generous heart. "Okay, I'll tell you everything Harry will need to know," he sighed.  "I can't believe I'm doing this . . ."                    <<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chakotay groaned as the alarm sounded, pulling his pillow over his head. Damn.  He and Tom had stayed up talking for hours after coming back from Harry's quarters.  He couldn't believe morning had arrived already; it felt like he had just gone to bed. And he had an early shift this morning, while Tom got to sleep in, the lout.  Sometimes life just wasn't . . wait a minute, what was that? Tom had grinned as his lover woke groaning at the alarm.  He'd decided not to tell the man he'd set it to go off early, so they could have some time together before Chakotay went on duty. He ran his fingers lightly over the Commander's morning erection, smiling at the soft hiss of pleasure.  Things had gotten much easier when they'd reached the same conclusion about sleepwear that they had about underwear. Chakotay chuckled warmly when Tom's hand wrapped around him and the man connected to that hand moved closer to him. "Good morning," he murmured as a hot mouth covered his own. "'Morning," Tom sighed before sliding under the sheets, his tongue laving a trail from his lover's chin to his thigh.  He worked his way back up and repeated the process down the other leg, shivering at the cool blast of air that accompanied Chakotay's flipping the bedclothes out of the way.  The man wanted to watch. The Commander moaned quietly as a hot tongue steamed its way around the head of his cock.  He had to shut his eyes when Tom looked up at him, winked, and took him down to the root. He damn near screamed.  And he could *feel* Tom smiling when he realized it, too.  The pressure built up quickly, too quickly, and he found himself moving, thrusting upward into that hot, wet haven. Hands on his hips forced him into stillness and he thrashed, nearly bucking Tom off.  Damn, his climaxes were always more intense when he wasn't able to move, to dissipate some of the building energy, and Tom knew it.  And used it to shameless advantage.  Frequently. Strong suction joined a tongue swiping eagerly around the base of his cock, as his lover brought his head up, keeping the suction tight and hard all the way.  It was too much. Chakotay kept a death-grip on the sheets, not wanting to hurt Tom, and groaned as his upper body rose off the mattress before Tom did something ingenious with his fingers that brought his climax up and out of him with a hoarse shout. Tom slid up Chakotay's body with a self-satisfied smirk that the other man was aching to wipe off his face, judging from the glare he was getting. Chakotay ran a shaky hand along the length of Tom's thigh, up his abdomen, through the reddish-gold curls dusting his chest, and finally settled on his shoulder.  He rolled onto his side as his fingers retraced the path downward, one lone finger following the length of Tom's erection with a teasing touch.  Chakotay smiled as Tom hummed into a sigh and the hot, silky hardness throbbed under his caress.  He wrapped his fingers around his lover, sighing himself at the hard, heavy weight in his hand.  His thumb slid over the head, growing slick on the clear fluid leaking from the tip.  Leaning forward to kiss his lover's chest, he grinned around a nipple when he heard Tom's breath catch and stroked the man repeatedly until that beautiful cock was jumping at his touch.  He tightened his hold just a little and rewarded Tom's slight whimper with another kiss. Tom opened his mouth immediately, encouraging Chakotay to come inside, and groaned into the sweet mouth when their tongues touched.  He gasped when his lover sped up the hand covering him and arched his hips upward helplessly, thrusting into that firm, warm grip.  Dimly, it occurred to him that Chakotay wasn't doing much more than holding him; he was doing all the work as the man watched him slowly bring himself to orgasm.  He moved faster when he heard his lover groan his name and clutched his hands into the sheet below him, driving himself harder.  A thumb caressing the slit on the head of his cock added just enough stimulation to make him climax and he came, shuddering, as he filled Chakotay's hand over and over again, until at last he stopped, exhausted.  His head lolled onto Chakotay's shoulder and he smiled tiredly at the soft kiss on his forehead. Chakotay cleaned his hand off on the sheet beside him before bringing the one down by his knees up far enough to cover his shivering lover.  He was almost recovered enough to want to start over.  Watching Tom had definitely woken him up.  He grinned appreciatively when the blue eyes flickered open and waited as they took a moment to focus on him. "That was incredible," Chakotay said quietly, running his lips over Tom's cheek and up onto his forehead. "You always say that," Tom reminded him, slurring his words a little. "It's always true," the Commander said simply, pulling Tom closer to him with a strong, gentle arm. "Yes, it is," Tom said quietly, open eyes staring at nothing as he wondered silently how much longer they had together.                         <<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tom snagged Harry as soon as he entered the mess hall, anxious to tell him all about what Chakotay had revealed to him the night before.  He grinned when Harry seemed to want to sink under the table after he told him that, yes, Tuvok *was* a touch-telepath.  The Ensign brightened considerably when Tom said that Vulcans did have sex as often as humans and the mental link worked just fine between them. Harry admitted to some intense fantasies about Tuvok but refused to give details, *and* called Tom a sexual deviant on top of it.   Tom thought, grinning as he told Harry about how Chakotay had learned some wonderful things from his Vulcan lover.  Tom caught movement behind Harry, but didn't really notice who it was until Harry spoke. "How do you tell a Vulcan you've got the hots for him?" Oh, damn.  The movement had been Tuvok, who would have heard Harry's question even if he *hadn't* been standing right behind him, with that enhanced hearing of his. Tom flushed in sympathy as Harry shakily acknowledged Tuvok's comment that their exercises would have to wait until another day, before his head dropped to the table in humiliation and misery. "Oh, gods, just let me die now." "At least he knows," Tom murmured quietly, as Harry's head shot up. "And you think this is a *good* thing?" Harry said incredulously. "You can go for it now, Harry, and you won't take him by surprise," Tom reasoned, meeting Harry's wide eyes.   "You've got to be kidding me," Harry muttered into his hands. "Har," Tom said softly, "you've got nothing to lose."                      <<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>> Tom went back to his quarters after Harry headed to the bridge for his duty shift with leaden feet. He felt badly that Tuvok had overheard what he did, but was still sort of relieved for Harry's sake that it was out in the open.  At least the Ensign wouldn't have to endure the uncertainty of knowing how the Vulcan felt about him. They'd either end up together, Harry and Tuvok, or not; none of this sort-of relationship like he had with Chakotay. And if they did get together, Harry would have no doubt how Tuvok felt about him, the link wouldn't allow it.  Oh, how Tom envied his friend. He spent the next few hours wondering if there was anything he could do to help, but realized it was up to Tuvok and Harry, now, whatever happened. He was finishing getting dressed, when Chakotay entered, having just come off duty. "What the hell happened?" was the first thing that came out of the Commander's mouth, knowing he'd missed something just since this morning. Harry had been glued to his console all day, obviously agitated about something, and even Tuvok had seemed . . preoccupied.  As much as a Vulcan could be, of course. Tom explained how Tuvok had overheard Harry's telling question in the mess hall and how profoundly embarrassed the Ensign had been.  Chakotay cringed in empathy. "The bridge is not going to be a comfortable place for a while," the Commander sighed, dropping tiredly onto the couch in Tom's quarters. "Unless they work it out," Tom reminded him of the scant possibility as he joined him, stomping his feet into his boots as he got ready to go on duty. "What are the odds of that happening?" Chakotay murmured, running a hand over his face. Tom shrugged.  "Maybe better than we think.  After all, some wildly improbable pairings have been occurring on this ship recently," he added mischievously. Chakotay snorted, running a hand over his lover's back, scratching with light nails when Tom sighed and moved into the contact. "Ohh, that feels good," Tom groaned softly, as Chakotay's other hand joined in, scratching briskly across his shoulderblades. After a blissful few minutes, he groaned in reluctance, moving away. "I've got to go; I'll be late," he whispered, turning to brush his lover's lips with his own. "See you later," Chakotay said through kisses, stroking Tom's throat with a gentle hand. Tom kissed him goodbye and headed out the door, shaking his head to clear the lust-webs floating through it.  He walked down the corridor and turned the bend just in time to see Tuvok enter Harry's quarters, right after the Ensign.  Gods, the *look* on Harry's face . . !  Tom caught the satisfied, delighted, yet slightly apprehensive expression just before the doors closed.  Oh, if only there was enough time to tell Chakotay!  Tom sighed, growling inwardly.  There wasn't. He'd have to let the Commander know about this development after his duty shift ended.  He smiled, entering the 'lift and giving the bridge as his destination.  He was delighted for Harry. Concerned, yes.  Somewhat.  But, mostly delighted.  Harry deserved his happiness and, judging from the smile on his face, the man was definitely happy. Tom spent the next few hours wondering what Tuvok and Harry were doing. Talking?  Bonding?  Loving?  He sighed, envying Harry the joy he knew could be found in discovering a lover for the first time.  He was still lost in pensive thought when he reached Chakotay's quarters and keyed the door open.  It was late, but the Commander was still up, finishing a report for the Captain. Tom walked over to the table Chakotay was working at and leaned against the chair his lover was sitting in, as he tugged his boots off.  His uniform went flying as the other man pretended not to notice.  He headed to the replicator to get something to drink before heading to the bed and was about to grab his robe to slip into, when warm hands wrapped around his waist.  He sighed with pleasure, laying his head back against a strong shoulder and overlapping the gentle hands with his own. "Guess what?" he asked huskily as his ear was nuzzled, then licked. "What?" Chakotay murmured, teeth lightly nipping at the tendons on Tom's neck, before heading around to the back of it. His hands separated under Tom's, one heading down to cover a hip, while the other stroked his lover's stomach. Tom fought to clear his mind enough to remember what he'd been planning to tell Chakotay. "I saw Tuvok and Harry going into Har's quarters," he said softly, before gasping into a groan as teasing fingertips trailed along the length of his hardening cock. "Did it look promising?" Chakotay asked, as a hand circling the back of his neck tugged his mouth around for a kiss.  He didn't bother resisting. "Uh huh," Tom's voice was barely in any shape to continue the conversation. "Harry was absolutely beaming." Chakotay felt a chill up his backbone at Tom's rough whisper. Oh, what that did to him. Hell, the man could've been talking about helm specs; that whisper would still drive him up the wall. Chakotay grinned as an idea came to him and he moved Tom against the wall, right next to the stand by the bed. Tom shivered, knowing what Chakotay had planned and leaned back against his lover, breath exhaling sharply as a hand caressed his ass.  He whimpered slightly when his cock was teased, another hand playing with his balls in between long, sensuous strokes. Chakotay used his knee to move Tom's legs apart and pushed the man gently until he was leaning against the wall.  A hand on a pale, glowing back kept the pilot right where he wanted him, as the Commander quickly shed his clothing.  He fumbled with the drawer and finally got it open, hand closing around the tube left in there from the last time. "What have you got against beds, anyway?" Tom gasped, as a slick finger leisurely traced the cleft of his ass, making his knees go weak. "Nothing," Chakotay said harshly, sliding his finger smoothly into the tight hole. Tom groaned helplessly, his fist striking the wall with a dull thud when a second finger joined the first and fucked him, slowly. "More," he demanded, moving backward into Chakotay. "Maybe," Chakotay replied, treating Tom's demand as a request, grinning at the growl he got for tormenting the man. A third finger moved into Tom, who rested his forehead against the cool, smooth surface of the wall, spreading his legs even further apart. Chakotay chuckled softly as he ran a slick hand over his own erection.  "I love the way you want me," he murmured into Tom's ear, one warm hand surrounding Tom's cock as the second moved his own into position. "Always," Tom ground out in frustration as Chakotay kept him from thrusting backward and impaling himself on what he knew what waiting for him. Chakotay slid into Tom with maddening slowness, drawing the resulting moan out over two breaths.  Tom's arms moved in front of him, over his head, bracing himself against the wickedly hot invasion of his body and the Commander sighed his pleasure when he found himself buried completely inside his lover.  He withdrew just as slowly as he had entered and kept a firmer hold on Tom when the man trembled against him. The shiver vibrated through his cock and he groaned, feeling the end coming upon him, too soon. He thrust back into the welcoming channel, his body craving the heat within Tom, and his lover groaned again, trying to move faster.  He held on, not too tightly, but not giving Tom any room to maneuver, either. Frustration mated with desperation and he heard the result in Tom's protest. "Dammit, Chakotay!" Tom moaned long and loud around clenched teeth.  "Fuck me, *please*!"  His hands tried to get a grip on the wall, but the slippery surface prevented it.  He was forced to allow the Commander to take it, and him, at his own pace. Chakotay began to move faster, the now-hard thrusts stealing the air from Tom's lungs as the pilot's body fought every withdrawal and rejoiced at every harsh lunge back home. Tom heard Chakotay's heavy breathing in his ear and knew the man was close to coming.  He tightened himself around the deliciously hard fullness within him and grinned wickedly at his lover's groan. "*No*, too soon," Chakotay mourned helplessly as Tom's muscles clenched around him, bringing his reluctant completion closer with every agonizingly sharp spasm. "Not soon enough," Tom growled, making Chakotay's hand work his rigid length harder and faster, keeping time with his thrusts. "Too *fast*," Chakotay grated out, trying to hang on a little longer, delaying his release. "Not fast enough, either," Tom retorted, moving rapidly in Chakotay's hand as the man behind him stiffened, then cried out.  Fluid warmth filled Tom, making him gasp as his lover's skillful fingers brought his own climax from him, and he came, loud sounds emerging from between clenched teeth until his head fell forward, lightly hitting the wall in front of him. Chakotay leaned into Tom for a moment, just long enough to ensure that his legs could support his weight, and he tried unsuccessfully to get his breath back.  He eased backward, pulling out of Tom, who whimpered at the sudden loss. "I know, I know," he whispered soothingly, rubbing his lover's back.  "I hate leaving, too." Tom's mind filled with all sorts of comments about Chakotay's leaving him, but he bit them all back, sighing as a wet, warm cloth began cleaning him up and the wall he'd come all over, as well.  He turned around, leaning back against the cool expanse and watched Chakotay clean himself up, then toss the washcloth into the 'fresher.   Chakotay reached out a hand to Tom, noticing for the first time, the slight bleak look in the eyes, before it vanished as quickly as it had come. Tom's hand shot out to take his and he pulled his lover upright, before steering him to the bed and flipping the sheets back so he could get in. He crawled in next to him, profoundly unhappy that they had to work the morning shift, and covered them both, drawing Tom into his arms. "You're amazing, ya know that?" Tom's sleepy, satisfied voice said quietly as he burrowed into the warmth at his side. "I know," the Commander answered seriously, until Tom's eyes opened just wide enough to glare at him, cuing the chuckle that had been waiting for it.  "I think *we* are pretty amazing," he said softly, kissing the top of Tom's head. "Yeah, we are," Tom answered contentedly, sighing into sleep as strong arms wrapped around him.                      <<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>