SilverFox Has Moved

Still here, just a change of name (last time for doing so, Told ya there're many SilverFoxes out there.): p Looking forward to 2000 with curiosity. Haven't got the hang of thumbnails and other fancy stuff. I NEED HELP! Other than some new pics I manage on constraints, I'll try to add some writings, comics . . . once I get started. : / Meanwhile, enjoy this little hideaway of a dreaming realm. (Drawings on these pages are © copyrighted respectively, if you like to feature any on you page, you may request, as I do most of the art) -Arcas Avatar in Bedlam (formerly known as SilverFox)

List to other pages of mine. . .

Alberon's Protectorate
Werecreatures related sites
Book Tower
Recomended Reads
Pictures I did. . .
Avalon's Gateway
Niffty links I like
In Sanity's Moment
About Me