A Fan Page for Commander Keen

The coolest 8 year old hero I can think of !

Commander Keen is a series of Computer Games created by the original guys at Id software, before they did Wolfenstine 3D, or Doom.

He is an 8 year old kid by the name Billy Blaze, with an IQ of 314, who puts on his brother's football helmet, and becomes COMMANDER KEEN !

He's just plain cool dangit, and in later updates I'll explain why, and have more neat keen stuff here, for now this will have to do.

Here is some Midi music from the Commander Keen games

Music from Goodbye Galaxy

Aliens ate my babysitter

A World Of Wonderment

Be Sphereful With My Diamonds

Jazz Me

Make It Tighter

Mamba Snake

To The Future

Wednesday On The Beach

Welcome To A Kick In The Pants In Good Old Hillville

Music from Secret of the Oracle

You've Got To Eat Your Vegetables!

A True Type Font based on the Language used on all the signs in the game

The Standard Galactic Alphabet True Type Font