Reply to information queries

    Dear []:
    Thank you for your note.
    The following is Algeria Watch International's mission statement:
     Algeria Watch International's mission is to bring to public world attention actions
     that: (1) violate the human rights of Algerians and non-Algerians in Algeria,  (2)
     violate or restrict freedom of expression of Algerians and non-Algerians in
     Algeria,  (3) violate principles of democracy and fair political participation
     in Algeria, (4) hinder real progress towards a lasting resolution to the tragic
     conflict in Algeria, and (5) lead to the degradation of the economic and social
     conditions in Algeria.  Such actions  Algeria Watch International will condemn
     and will call upon public world opinion to do likewise. By the same token,
     Algeria Watch International will bring to the attention of the world actions
     that : (1) promote the human rights of Algerians and non-Algerians in
     Algeria, (2) promote and defend freedom of expression of Algerians and non-Algerians
     in Algeria, (3) promote principles of democracy and fair political participation
     in Algeria, (4) promote real progress towards a lasting resolution to the tragic
     conflict in Algeria, and (5) promote better economic and social conditions in
     Algeria.   Such actions Algeria Watch International will applaud and will call
     upon public world opinion to do likewise
    Our strategy for accomplishing our mission is twofold: (1) we gather
    information on the Algerian crisis (reports, articles, statistics, etc.),
    and (2) we issue statements, action calls, and alerts, to draw attention
    to the Algerian crisis.
    For a list of position statements we issue, please consult:
    For more information on AWI, please visit our main site at:
    To join AWI, please either use the application form through our main page
    or send an e-mail message clearly stating your intention to join to:
            Ahmed Bouzid
            AWI President