January 14, 1998

    Algeria Watch International
    Tel: (414) 543-6534
    email: awi@afn.org
    URL: https://members.tripod.com/~AlgeriaWatch/index.html
    January 14, 1998
    Dear Friends:
    This is the first of regular weekly Wednesday communications in which I will
    share with you -- on behalf of the Board -- the latest activities of AWI.
    Since our establishment, our main tasks have been (1) to recruit new members,
    (2) to advertise our existance and presence, (3) gather information on the Algeria,
    and (4) to establish contacts with people who are interested in doing something
    about the Algerian crisis.  It would be an understatement indeed to say that we
    have faced more challenges than we anticipated.  Aside the difficulties of managing
    a serious effort that demands our attention on a daily basis, we have been
    disappointed by the slow response from people.  But we also understand that
    perseverence is our only option if we truly wish to succeed in contributing --
    however modestly -- to a solution to the Algerian crisis.
    During the last month or so since our inception, we have come to realize that the idea
    behind AWI is dead on target: there does exist a great deal of demand out there for
    information on the Algerian tragedy (the most recent example of this being the
    communication we received from Suzanne Kassem, staff member of Rep. Kucinich (OH)).
    To be sure, a sea of data does exist out there, but the challenge -- as always --
    has been and remains archiving such information and ordering it so that it may be
    easily and quickly retrieved upon demand.  This is the task that we MUST begin fulfilling
    without delay.
    AWI today stands at 21 members (see below for complete list).  Of these members,
    only 6 have officially taken on a specific function!  I strongly urge the remaining
    members of AWI to take on a task -- ANY task, no matter how small -- they think
    they can fit within their schedule.  We can go a VERY long way if each of us
    picked up two or three peaces of information a day and sent it to AWI.  So far,
    the BOD has shouldered the whole of AWI activities.  This is runs exactly against
    the spirit of AWI!  We want MANY people to do small tasks rather than three people
    do BIG tasks.
    As you know, our former General Manager, Myriam Nia, was unable to stay on board
    with us.  The General Manager position within the BOD -- a crucial position -- therefore
    remains open.  So far, the reamining three BOD members have temporarily taken on the
    various functions of the General Manager, but we are continuously seeking a
    permanent replacement.  If you are interested in joining the BOD as a GM, please
    send a mail message to the BOD at .
    The AWI Web page is continuously being updated and refined.  Please visit it and
    share with us your feedback.
    On the behalf of the BOD, I want to thank you for being part of AWI, and I
    urge you to take on a specific task as soon as possible.
    Ahmed Bouzid
    General Field Officer
    Algeria Watch International
    1  Achab, Abdenour     aachab@analogy.com
    2  Ahmed-Yahia Ahmed   khellaf@execpc.com               (BOD: Treasurer)
    3  Alili Larbi         Alili@casema.net
    4  Amrani, Yassine     amrani@mail.med.upenn.edu
    5  Besseghieur  Adda   adda@bc.sympatico.ca
    6  Bohyn Koenraad      veda.n07300kb@memo.volvo.se
    7  Boughida Karim      boughidk@ERE.UMontreal.CA        (Executive Officer)
    8  Bouzid Ahmed        bouzid@slu.tr.unisys.com         (BOD: General Field Officer)
    9  Diff Karim          karim@gator.net                  (BOD: President)
    10 Djaziri  Lamine     lamine@worldnet.fr
    11 Djerroud  Beramtane djerroud@nsrlc6.nsrl.rochester.edu
    12 Haque, Hasibul      hhaque@rocketmail.com
    13 Hassaine Omar       omar@west.sun.com                (Executive Officer)
    14 Henniche M'hammed   m'hammed.henniche@lipn.univ-paris13.fr
    15 Khan Mustapha       khan@vulcain.gme.usherb.ca       (Executive Officer)
    16 Mansour, Azzédine   aaf633@agora.ulaval.ca
    17 Mouloua Mouloud     Moulmoul@aol.com
    18 Mutton, Troy        troy@eagles.bbs.net.au
    19 Nyssen,Philippe     fanchon@technologist.com
    20 Oumerzouk  Larbi    larbi@frmc-inc.com
    21 Sennour  Larbi      larbi@ptac.com