Real Name:
Meredith Salenger
March 14, 1970
Birth Place:
Malibu, CA
Contact Address:
Meredith Salenger
c/o Harry Gold
3500 West Olive Ave. #1400
Burbank, CA
Agent: Gold Liedtke
Interesting Facts about Meredith Salenger
Meredith was born and raised in Malibu California. She began acting at the age of 8 and starred in her first major film ("The Journey of Natty Gann") at the age of 14. That was the first American film to ever win the gold award for best picture at the Moscow Film Festival. That role also won Meredith - Best Actress in a dramatic motion picture in 1985 at the Youth in Film awards (she was nominated opposite Drew Barrymore).
In 1988, Meredith went off to Harvard to get her degree in Psychology . Meredith graduated cum laude from Harvard in 1992.
Meredith Salenger's Links
Meredith Salenger's Official Page with photos
An Amazing Site with great photos of Meredith
Merediths Filmography
More Information on Meredith
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