I am alone in this bitter world
Anger surrounds me
I have been forsaken
I have built a wall of stone around my aching heart
Yet it crumbles easily
Allowing you, once more, to hurl your weapons at me

I am defenseless against your attacks
I can only cry helplessly
Clinging despreately to my sanity
As your evil rains down upon my world
My kingdom, the castle of my soul, fallen to ruin
I am defeated

I am not myself
I am lost, confused
Where is the woman who fought to the death?
Why have I allowed this tragedy to occur?
Have I forgotten who

I am not the prey
To be hunted and destroyed
I am not the helpless, frail woman you see
I am not the victim you have created
You shall not savor your victory
It is to be short lived

I am warrior
This battle is far from finished
I am ruler
This is my kingdom, my castle
You should beware
Because I am coming for you

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