House of Worship

Object of Adoration ~ Amelia McDonell-Parry


While I'm hardly head of my personal cheerleading squad, everyone needs a little self indulgence.

Here you will learn everyone you wanted, or didn't want, to learn about me, myself, and I. And isn't it beautiful?
I'm no ingenue, genius, or portrait of perfection, but if you've read this far, you've probably think there is something of interest here. Please take the time to read my stuff, other people's stuff, and follow my links. As we Italians say, "Molto grazie!"


Contact Sheet
Photographs of myself, friends, family, and everything I find glorious. If you're lucky there may be my own photography. This is virtually empty due to my lack of a scanner.
C'est moi
The best part! Where I get to go on all about MYSELF!
Possible Dream Futures
At this point in my life, there are so many paths I could take (or dream I could take), that I could write a paper on it. So I do.
My So-Called Life
What I've always jokingly called my journal (well since the TV show). A place for me to have my say.
The Write Stuff
My essays, opinions, stories, and poems, that I feel like sharing.
People that just make me smile.
Target Practice
People that make me wanna hurl, throw stuff, and scream.
What SHE Said
Essays, poems, stories, and songs written by women whom I respect.

the universe has gained momentum

this page printed on recycled electrons

Apparently,bored people have perused this self-indulgent site...