Trading Places by: Laura

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OL: JOEY: Bessie! I'm going to kill you!


Joey is holding up what once might have been a red tank top. Now it looks like it was made for a doll. Bessie comes running in, alarmed.

BESSIE: What? (Joey shows her the shirt.)

JOEY: You *shrunk* my favorite shirt! How do you manage to ruin all my clothes!

BESSIE: (apologetic) Joey, I'm sorry, I didn't *mean* to wreck it!

JOEY: Now what am I going to wear tomorrow? (She tosses the shirt onto her bed, next to the suitcase she is currently packing.)

BESSIE: You'll find something, I'm sure. (She rolls her eyes at her younger sister and walks out. The phone rings.) (OS) Joey! It's Dawson! (Joey runs into the kitchen and to the phone like a child would run to presents on Christmas Day. Bessie smirks slightly at Jo's obvious delight, which she can not hide. Bessie childishly makes a kissing face at Joey. Joey pushes her as she takes the phone. The shot switches back and forth between Joey and Dawson, in his bedroom.)

JOEY: Hey.

DAWSON: Hey gorgeous, what's new? (Joey blushes to herself.)

JOEY: Why *must* you call me that?

DAWSON: Cause that's what you are.

JOEY: Am not.

DAWSON: (laughing) Aw, just accept the compliment and shut up, Josephine Potter.

JOEY: (smiling) I can hang up on you right now if you'd like me to.

DAWSON: No, that's okay. We can keep talking. You're not that horrible. So...all set for the trip?

JOEY: Pretty much, except a certain sister of mine shrunk half my clothes in the wash yesterday. (Joey glares at her sister. Bessie sticks out her tongue and sticks a dish in the dish washer. Alexander starts to cry from his crib in the living room, and Bessie runs to see what's wrong. Joey covers her ear, trying to hear what Dawson is saying.) Are you?

DAWSON: Yep, all packed and set to go. I was thinking we could do something tonight...go for a walk, see a movie, rob a bank, you know, the usual. We need to have some fun before we throw ourselves into a pitiful weekend of school spirit.

JOEY: Yeah Dawson, we can be Bonnie and Clyde.

DAWSON: That wouldn't work. Bonnie and Clyde weren't romantically involved.

JOEY: Yes they were.

DAWSON: No they weren't. It's a common misconception.

JOEY: Is it.

DAWSON: It is.

JOEY: How do you know so much about Bonnie and Clyde?

DAWSON: (laughing) I take midnight classes at the college about 20th century crime. It's a top-secret course. Not just anyone can get in, you know.

JOEY: Sure, whatever. What have you really got planned for tonight, Mr. Capone?

DAWSON: Well, I was thinking you could sleepover and we could have a Spielberg marathon all night, then we could leave together to meet the bus in the morning.

JOEY: Sounds like a plan. Let me check with Bessie. (Bessie comes back into the kitchen, hearing her name.) Bess, can I-

BESSIE: Yes, whatever it is, do it. Get out of the house, I am going to *strangle* someone! (Bessie goes to the sink and starts rinsing out her shirt. Alexander had thrown up all over it.)

JOEY: Yeah, I'll be there in an hour. It'll take me awhile to get my stuff together.

DAWSON: Great! See ya soon, sweetheart.

JOEY: You're such a pain.

DAWSON: I try.

JOEY: I love you anyway.

DAWSON: I love you too. (They both pause, not wanting to hang up.) Kay, so, see you in awhile?

JOEY: Yep. See ya. (She hangs up with a happy sigh. Bessie gives her a questioning look.) Shut up, Bessie.

BESSIE: Did I say anything? (Joey heads back to her room.) Damn! I can't get this out. I'm going to have to wash it.

JOEY: Make sure not to shrink it! (Bessie sighs as she hears Joey's door shut.)

BESSIE: *Very* funny, really!



There are 3 luxury buses lined up in the parking lot. The sun is just coming up. The parking lot is crowded with kids and their parents. Jen is standing with her grandmother, waiting. Pacey is standing off to the side, alone, holding one small bag. He watches as Grams lectures Jen about proper behavior.

GRAMS: Now, Jennifer, I am trusting you to behave while you're in Boston. No alcohol, no boys-I don't want any bad reports. I didn't call your parents about the little *incident*, but if anything happens...

JEN: I know, straight to them with the whole story.

GRAMS: Exactly. (She gazes around the crowd.) This is the entire Junior class? Quite large this year. (she sighs) I still can not figure out why they are taking you children on a trip when it's only your second week of school.

JEN: Maybe it's all part of *God's plan*, Grams. (Grams turns to her, not amused.)

GRAMS: Jennifer, I don't appreciate your sarcasm. Do you want me to stay until the buses leave?

JEN: (shaking her head) No, you can leave. I'll be fine. (Grams gives Jen a kiss on the cheek and nods.)

GRAMS: I understand. I wouldn't want my grandmother hanging around me either. Have fun, and *behave*. (Jen smiles and waves, then her face falls.)

JEN: Hey, Grams? (Grams turns around, expectantly.)

GRAMS: Yes, dear?

JEN: You''re okay with me going, right? I mean, are you going to be okay by yourself? (Grams smiles.)

GRAMS: Yes, I'll be fine, Jennifer. (She pats Jen on the cheek comfortingly.) You have to remember your grandfather is watching out for me now. No need to worry. (Jen smiles faintly as Grams walks away. Pacey approaches her.)

PACEY: All ready for a weekend of complete and utter boredom?

JEN: (unconvincingly) Come on, it might actually be fun. After all, it *is* a weekend without parents in a big city.

PACEY: True enough. (He looks around him.) Have you seen Dawson and Joey?

JEN: (saddening) No... (Pacey notices the frown covering her face.)

PACEY: Jen, are you going to be okay with this?

JEN: Yeah...fine. I just have to get used to hearing their names paired together like that. You know, Dawson *and* Joey...

PACEY: Sorry...their names have always been paired together. I do it naturally...but I'll try not to...

JEN: I never noticed that everyone referred to them like that...or maybe I did and ignored it.

JOEY: Ignored what? (Jen turns, with a superficial smile. Joey and Dawson are walking towards them, hand in hand.)

PACEY: Where've you guys been?

DAWSON: You will not believe it! We totally overslept-

JOEY: *Right* through the alarm-

DAWSON: So we're rushing around my house like crazy lunatics trying to get everything set.

JOEY: And when we finally get in the car and I realize I left one of my bags up in his room, so I race back-

DAWSON: And then my Mom has to go to the bathroom, so we're waiting for her to come back, and then we practically speed here. I'm surprised we didn't get a ticket!

PACEY: Nah, Deputy Doug's off-duty today and he's the only one who actually gives out tickets in this stupid town. (Everyone starts to move towards the buses. Dawson and Joey pack their stuff in the storage compartment of the second bus and climb on, with Pacey and Jen following. Joey gazes around the bus, slightly disgusted as she realizes the bus is almost entirely cheerleaders and football players. She and Dawson head towards the back.)

JOEY: Why is it, that out of three whole buses we end up on one like this? (Dawson lets Joey take the window seat and climbs in next to her. Pacey and Jen sit next to each other in the seat in front of them. Mr. Gold climbs on the bus.)

MR. GOLD: Attention! Attention, please! (Everyone starts to quiet down.) Okay..okay...Let's see... (He starts to take attendance.)


Clueless is playing on the bus' TV. Dawson stares up at the screen, completely disgusted. Joey seems to be even more sickened than Dawson.

DAWSON: How can anyone call this an actual movie?

JOEY: It doesn't even have a purpose. The whole synopsis of the movie pretty much speaks for its societal value.

DAWSON: If someone is even going to make a movie looking at teenage life of *any* nature, be it that of an immature, childish valley girl or a teenage genius, they could at least give the movie a *direction and meaning*. Directors today really need to look back at John Hughes films and appreciate them a lot more.

JOEY: The crap put on the screen today is just *unbelievable*. But with the declining moral values and social awareness that are present today, what can we expect? The entertainment industry has always been representative of the current time period and it's values so when *film* goes bad, I guess we have to look at ourselves because media is just a reflection of our own culture.

DAWSON: But movies also have that inherent *responsibility* to raise these issues and make them known to the whole world, not just a select few. It's the whole purpose of cinema.

JEN: (annoyed, she peers over the seat) I thought the whole purpose was to be *entertaining*.

JOEY: But films *also* serve as a message to the viewing public-(A girl with dyed blonde hair done up in a ponytail, wearing a slutty tank top turns from her seat across the aisle to look at Dawson and Joey.)

GIRL: (snottily) Do you *mind*? I happen to *like* this movie and you're making it hard to hear with all your stupid talking! (Dawson and Joey just watch as the girl turns back to watch the move with a haughty sigh. They both lean back in their seats.)

SIMULATANEOUS-DAWSON AND JOEY: Idiot. (They both look at each other and start to laugh. Jen plops back into her seat.)


Joey has fallen asleep against Dawson's shoulder. The bus slowly comes to a stop and Joey wakes. She peers up at Dawson, who is just waking up himself.

JOEY: Are we there?

DAWSON: (looking out the window) I don't...we're in the middle of nowhere.

JOEY: (confused) Huh? (She sits up and looks out too. Dawson reaches over the seat and taps Pacey on the shoulder)

DAWSON: Pace! Do you know what's going on?

PACEY: Haven't got a clue. (At that moment, Mr. Gold appears at the front of the bus.)

MR.GOLD: Okay, everyone, this is nothing major. Bus #1 blew a tire. We have to wait here until a service truck comes to change it. (There is a chorus of groans throughout the bus.) It won't take long, I'm sure. In the meantime, I brought The Way We Were! (Pacey snorts at Mr. Gold's movie choice.)

PACEY: He should really meet up with Deputy Doug. They would make a good match.

JEN: (shocked) You mean..Mr. Gold is...

PACEY: Yep, 100% gay. (The shot shifts to Dawson and Joey.)

SOMEONE ON BUS: Can't we watch Face/Off?

ANOTHER STUDENT: Yeah, come on, Mr. Gold!

DAWSON: (ignoring the obnoxious yelling) Remember when we watched this? That one night when-

JOEY: We ate that whole container of ice cream and I threw up all over the place? (They both laugh)

DAWSON: I haven't been able to eat mint chocolate chip since.

MR.GOLD: All right, all right, we'll watch Face/Off. I don't understand teenagers today. (The camera switches back to Jen and Pacey, who are listening to Dawson and Joey talk.)

DAWSON: Oh come on, Joey, you never beat me. It was a misunderstanding.

JOEY: No, Dawson, you *forgot* the dialogue! Pacey was there. (Joey jumps up in her seat and looks at Pacey.) Pace, you remember when we watched old Clark Gable movies, and Dawson bet me he knew the dialogue to the final scene from Gone with the Wind better than I did?

PACEY: (burying his head in his hands) Oh no! Not *this* argument again.

JEN: (curious) Why, what happened?

JOEY: Dawson screwed up and wouldn't admit it.

PACEY: They fought about it for ages.

DAWSON: I *did not* screw it up, Jo. I checked the tape!

JOEY: Say what you'd like to, Dawson. You were wrong.

PACEY: She's right, and you know it.

JEN: (sitting up) You know, this little trip down memory lane is getting tiring.

JOEY: (hearing the bitter tone in Jen's voice, decides to change the subject as Face/Off starts to play on the TV screen.) This movie is pretty cool. Full of unecessary violence and bad language of course, but what can I say?

DAWSON: (finishing Joey's thoughts) It's such a typical guy's action flick. With an intellectual twist.

PACEY: Itellectualism is highly over-rated.

JOEY: You are a perfect example of that. (Pacey rolls his eyes, bored with her comment. Everyone is silent for a minute. Camera focuses on Pacey as he tries to strike up a conversation with Jen, awkwardly.)

PACEY: (turning to Jen, glancing at the screen as Travolta's name appears in the opening credits.) So, Jen...are you a Travolta fan? You know, Saturday Night Fever, Urban Cowboy, that whole bit?

JEN: (thinking) I loved it when he was on Welcome Back, Kotter. I used to watch all the repeats on Nick at Nite when I was little.

PACEY: Yeah, the whole Vinnie Barbarino thing was great.

JEN: Great example of secondary characters taking over the screen. (They both pause. Jen tries to think of something to continue the conversation.) I've never seen Saturday Night Fever though. Is it good?

PACEY: You've never seen it? It's a classic. Defined an entire era. Wouldn't you agree, Dawson? (There is no reply.) Dawson? Don't you think Saturday Night Fever was a perfect portrayal of the Disco Age? (There is still no reply.) Dawson? (Pacey turns to look back at them. He and Joey are kissing, completely oblivious to the rest of the world. As Dawson moves closer to Joey, Pacey gives up and turns back to face the front.) Well, anyway, it's a good movie. Even if disco was really stupid.

JEN: (trying to hide her sad and jealous feelings.) Yeah....I'll rent it sometime... (Jen focuses on the movie, and Pacey takes it as a sign she doesn't want to talk any more. He looks out the window.)



The large group of tired, weary and grumpy students slowly make their way into the fancy, ritzy lobby of the hotel. Joey walks in, looking around the room. Dawson follows, carrying his things as well as Joey's.

JOEY: Wow...this place is gorgeous.

DAWSON: Yeah...ow...(He tries to re-arrange the heavy bags on his shoulder and ends up dropping one on his foot. Joey quickly grabs her things from him.)

JOEY: Sorry. I forgot you were carrying those. (She tosses her backpack over her shoulder and picks up her suitcase. Mr. Gold and a few other teachers come back from the front desk.)

MR. GOLD: Okay, kids. This is going to be tough. I want everyone to get in a line here, and we'll hand out the room keys. Everyone remembers who they're rooming with, right? (Joey turns, looking for someone. She sees Jen and smiles. Pacey walks over to Dawson.)

PACEY: We're still rooming together, right?

DAWSON: (wondering why Pacey was even asking) Of course we are. (Mr. Gold and others start to hand out keys, looking completely frazzled and frustrated as the students grab and reach for their keys, impatient. Joey gets her two keys first, and hands the other one to Jen. Then she looks at her room card. Dawson and Pacey get theirs, and Dawson quickly turns to Joey.) Jo, where's your room?

JOEY: It's 220. Where's yours?

DAWSON: 205...

JOEY: Could they have put us *any* farther apart? (Dawson looks dismayed.)

PACEY: (laughing) Relax, you guys. At least you're on the same floor. You won't *die*. (He leans towards Joey with a wicked smile) That is of course, unless the hitmen I hired finally get their butts in gear and do their job.

JOEY: Yeah, Pace. I'll make sure to watch for those snipers dressed in black tonight. (The four of them head to an elevator.)


Sunlight sneaks in through the closed blinds. It's a nice room, with a dark blue rug, a tv, a table, and two beds. Jen is sound asleep on one of the beds, but the other bed is empty and unmade. The sound of the shower running causes Jen to slowly wake up. She looks across to the other bed and blinks, then realizes Joey's in the shower. There is a knock at the door. Annoyed, Jen stumbles out of bed, rubbing her eyes with a small yawn. She runs her fingers through her hair, and then opens the door. She takes a step back when she sees Dawson standing there. He smiles. He's obviously wide awake and happy. He's dressed very nicely.

JEN: Dawson...hey...

DAWSON: Hey. Is Joey up yet? I was going to go down to breakfast. (Jen backs away from the door and lets Dawson walk in. Dawson closes the door behind him. He turns on the light.)

JEN: She's in the shower. (Dawson looks towards the bathroom.)

DAWSON: I guess I'll wait. She takes quick showers. (He plops down on the bed near the TV and turns it on.) This is great. Free HBO.

JEN: (falling back onto her bed.) Yeah. Amazing. (Dawson looks at her.)

DAWSON: Jen, are you okay? You seem...

JEN: No...I'm fine. Travel just makes me overtired. (Dawson accepts this excuse. The shower stops. A few moments later, Joey steps out of the bathroom, with a towel wrapped around her, her wet hair dripping onto the rug. Dawson looks up.)

DAWSON: (smiling) Hey. (Joey looks surprised, but to Jen's own surprise Joey doesn't seem to care she's only in a towel.)

JOEY: Why are you here so early?

DAWSON: It's not really *that* early. I was going to go down to the lobby for that continental breakfast, you know, before all the football players get there and eat everything.

JOEY: Sounds logical. (She smiles, and looks at Jen.) Jen...are you going to come down too? (Jen just closes her eyes.)

JEN: Nah....I have to take a shower... (She slowly sits up in her bed, and then gets up. Everything seems to hurt her. She walks to the bathroom and shuts the door. Dawson pulls Joey close.)


JOEY: So... (Dawson begins to kiss her, in a way the Joey knows is leading somewhere. She pulls away.) Dawson! Jen is *right* in the bathroom!

DAWSON: (smiling as he starts to kiss her again.) That's good, cause if she was in here it'd be hard to have a private moment, wouldn't it? (Dawson puts his hands around her waist and their lips meet. Things head in a more drastic direction as Dawson lightly tugs on Joey's towel. She breaks away with a laugh and quickly tightens her towel again.)

JOEY: *Dawson*! We can't even *think* about doing that! (Dawson laughs too, and playfully tickles her. She slaps his hands away.)

DAWSON: And why not?

JOEY: (whispering) Jen can probably *hear* us, you know!

DAWSON: Yeah, you're probably right.

JOEY: Aren't I always?

DAWSON: I don't think so! (He grabs her and starts to tickle her again, and she scrambles to get away, shrieking. Jen comes out of the bathroom as Joey and Dawson fall to the floor laughing. Her jaw drops. Joey sees her and quickly stands back up.)

JEN: I...I'm sorry...I forgot my shampoo... I didn't mean to interuppt. (She hurries to her bag, which is sitting on her bed.)

JOEY: (quickly) Oh, we weren't-we were just being stupid. It wasn't-

DAWSON: You didn't interuppt anything. (Jen looks from Dawson to Joey. Joey pulls her towel even more tightly around her. Jen gives them both an awkward smile and walks back into the bathroom. Joey slaps Dawson's arm.) Hey! What was that for?

JOEY: I told you she would hear us or something! Now she's probably feeling terrible.

DAWSON: *Embarassed*, maybe, but not terrible! (Joey sighs, wondering how Dawson can be oblivious to the fact Jen still likes him.)

JOEY: (sadly) Well, I have to get dressed. I'll meet you out in the hall. (Dawson nods and lightly kisses her cheek, then opens the door and leaves.)


Jen shuts the door to the bathroom, trying to bite back tears. She hears murmuring through the door, and then she hears the door open and close. She knows Joey is still in the room, but can not control herself any longer. The tears start to flow down her cheeks and they can't be stopped. Putting her hand in her hair, Jen leans against the bathroom door and slides to the floor. There she just sits and cries quietly.


A small group of students are walking along the pier, not seeming to have any purpose being there except to kill time. Dawson, Joey, Jen, and Pacey stop along the railing and look out onto the ocean.

PACEY: This whole thing has been pretty pointless. If I see one more historical landmark I'm going to go over the edge, I swear it.

JEN: And you're the one who said it was going to be *fun*.

PACEY: *You* said it was going to be fun. Not me.

JOEY: Right, Pacey. You're a guy who never has *any* idea what he's talking about. (Pacey just falls silent. Joey is a little surprised that he doesn't have a comeback, so she falls silent herself. Dawson tries to start the conversation up again.)

DAWSON: So, where do you guys want to go for dinner?

JOEY: I don't know. I was know that little place we passed awhile ago? The tiny Italian restaurant with the red and white checkered table cloths and drippy candles?

DAWSON: The one that looked like it came right out of a movie?

JOEY: That would be the one!

JEN: (quickly)I don't really feel like Italian, guys. What I *really* need is to find a chocolate store, or a Baskin Robbins or something. I feel like eating junk food till I explode.

PACEY: (muttering) Death by chocolate. What a way to go.

DAWSON: (a little annoyed) Well, where else could we go for dinner, then? (He looks at Jen, questioningly)

JEN: (sighing) You know, why don't you and Joey just go to that restaurant...I think I'm just going to get something at McDonald's or something, then go back to the hotel. Catch up on my sleep.

JOEY: (looking a little concerned) Are you feeling okay?

JEN: (unconvincingly) I'm fine! It's been a long day.

DAWSON: Are you sure? (Jen nods. Dawson shrugs.) Okay, if that's what you want...Pace, you coming?

PACEY: (he eyes Joey nervously, but no one notices.) Naw...I'm going to go for a walk. I'll catch up with you guys later. There's that dance thing tonight, right?

JOEY: There's a dance? Oh no....

DAWSON: What do you mean, *oh no*? What's wrong with a dance? (Jen quietly slips away, and no one notices.)

JOEY: Dawson, that's the stupidest question in history.

DAWSON: I'm sure there've been many much more stupid than that. Don't you want to go to the dance? You danced with me at that picnic thing a couple of weeks ago! It'll be fun.

JOEY: That wasn't a *real*, actual *dance*. This dance you have to *dress up* for. This is a dance held in a hotel hall with your fellow imbecile classmates who worship the music of rip-off artists like Puff Daddy, Dawson. How much fun could it be?

PACEY: Is this a private conversation or can anyone join? (They both stop talking and look at Pacey.) Kay. I'm leaving. I'll meet you guys in there at 8:00. (He walks away, leaving Joey with Dawson.)

DAWSON: Do you think Pacey's been acting strange lately?

JOEY: (rolling her eyes) Oh come on, Dawson. Pacey is always acting strange. Don't worry about it-it's probably just a phase or something.

DAWSON: A-ha! So you *have* noticed it.

JOEY: (shrugging) All I've noticed is that he hasn't been as loud, obnoxious and annoying as usual. It's a bit odd that he doesn't say as many mean things to me anymore, but I can get used to it, believe me. (She takes Dawson's hand and they walk down the docks, back towards the restaurant.)


Dawson and Joey are sitting at a table for two, one single white lit candle in the middle of the table. They stare at each other over the dancing flame, both a bit entranced with the other. Dawson reaches across the table and takes her hand.

DAWSON: You know what this reminds me of?

JOEY: Hmm...let me think. The restaurant they talk about in The Parent Trap.

DAWSON: Martinelli's! How'd you know I was thinking of that?

JOEY: Magic. (Dawson smiles. The waitress walks over and sets their food on the table, trying hard to look graceful while doing it.)

WAITRESS: Anything else I could get you?

DAWSON: thanks. Thank you very much. (She nods and walks away.)

JOEY: So...there's kind of something I want to talk to you about.

DAWSON: That sounds *ominous*.

JOEY: (laughing) It's not. Really. It's actually about Jen.


JOEY: Yeah.

DAWSON: (suspicious) What about her? (He takes a sip of his water.)

JOEY:'s have to know by now that Jen still likes you.

DAWSON: (laughing) Joey, please! The last time she even *hinted* at something like that, it had to be over *four* months ago. Stop being so paranoid.

JOEY: Dawson, this isn't paranoia. I'm really being serious.

DAWSON: (confused) Joey, but you're the one who said you were sick of me running to her rescue.

JOEY: Dawson, I know I said that. But saving her from her own drunkeness is completely apart from saving her from the reason she got drunk in the first place.

DAWSON: And that reason would be?

JOEY: She's *upset*! Over us. Haven't you noticed how she's been lately? Tired, moody, etc?

DAWSON: I noticed it, but I haven't really been paying that much attention to it.

JOEY: (meeting Dawson's eyes.) I think you ought to talk to her about it.

DAWSON: (laughing, picking up his fork to start to eat his food.) Joey, you're crazy. What am I supposed to say to her? "Hi, Jen. I know you have the hots for me, but gee whiz, I'm sorry, I just don't feel the same way"?

JOEY: (sighing) Just...just tell her that you're still her friend. And tell her that it doesn't have to be this way. Say whatever you think is right.

DAWSON: I don't know...

JOEY: Please? Just talk to her tonight at the dance. (Dawson still looks reluctant.) For me? For my sake?

DAWSON: If you don't mind me asking, why does this matter so much?

JOEY: (quietly) Cause....I know how it watch the guy you love drool over some other girl... (Dawson's smile fades as he realizes what she means.)

DAWSON: Okay...I'll talk to Jen. For you.

JOEY: (smiling at him) Good.

DAWSON: (he looks at Joey, his eyes full of wonderment.) Sometimes it just astounds me that it took me so long to realize that.

JOEY: What, that Jen still liked you?

DAWSON: (shaking his head) No...that I love you. (Joey smiles.)


Pacey is walking along the pier, alone. He seems very sad and lonely. He shuffles his feet as he walks, and kicks a stone out of his path with a sigh. Pacey stops and leans against the railing along the edge, staring out at the sunset. Slowly, he takes out his wallet and flips through it. He looks at a picture he has of his family, then at a picture he has of Ms. Jacobs, that looks as if it had been ripped out of a yearbook. His eyes then fall on a photo of Joey, Dawson and himself. He takes all three pictures out and rips them in half, all at once, and tosses them over the railing onto the beach. Then he walks away.


Jen comes out of the bathroom as Joey opens the door and walks into the room. She gives Jen a half-smile, then sighs as Jen falls onto her bed.

JOEY: (softly) Hey.

JEN: Hey.

JOEY: (she looks at Jen, who is face down on the bed, wearing her pajamas) You aren't going to go to the dance?

JEN: (rolling over onto her back) No...there's a good movie on TV at 8:30. I might just hang here.

JOEY: Then I'll stay with you.

JEN: (sitting up) Thanks, but I don't want your pity, Jo.

JOEY: (defensive) It's not pity!

JEN: (on the verge of tears, she explodes) Cause this is something I just have to *get over* on my own. I know what I have to do and everything, I know I have to move on, but it doesn't happen *over night*. And I know that the last thing you want to deal with is your boyfriend's *ex-girlfriend* crying on your shoulder about how much she wants him back. I don't need you to *feel sorry* for me. I know you understand what I'm going through, since you went through it yourself, but right now I don't want any pearls of wisdom, I don't want anyone to tell me it gets easier...I just need a couple of days to sit around and feel utterly *miserable*. Just a couple of days to admit to myself how *horrible* I feel and how *stupid* I've been. Then I can just forget about it. (Jen gets quiet, and then tosses herself back down onto the bed. Joey just takes all the things Jen just threw at her calmly and sits down next to Jen on the bed.)

JOEY: (quietly) It doesn't work, Jen. (Jen looks at her.) The whole *time limit* thing. You can't just say, "well, I'll let myself be hurt for the next two days...then I'll move on." It's like going on a diet and then eating ice cream, saying you'll start the diet tomorrow. It just doesn't work. Believe me, I've tried.

JEN: (sitting up again, with a small laugh) What, dieting?

JOEY: (laughing) No, getting over Dawson, obviously. I mean, you know how long I tried to just *get over* him? He was crushing on you so bad and I just had to sit there like the good best friend I was and listen.

JEN: (sadly) It must have been hell.

JOEY: It was. (She and Jen exchange a look of understanding, then Joey gets up and opens Jen's suitcase.) Come on.

JEN: Huh?

JOEY: (throwing a dress at Jen.) You're coming to the dance with me. (Jen just looks at her.) Come on! Dawson and Pacey are going to be down waiting for us in half an hour. We have a limited amount of time to make ourselves feel gorgeous. (Joey takes out Jen's makeup bag, then starts to get her own stuff out of her own suitcase. Jen smiles.)

JEN: Of all people, I never would've thought *you* would be forcing me to get dressed up and go to a dance.

JOEY: (rolling her eyes) If anyone asks, this never happened. My only explanation for attending this thing is an insanity. When I get away from home, I start getting crazy thoughts. (Jen smiles and stands up.)

JEN: (looking at herself in the mirror) So, what do you think? (She holds her hair up and turns to Joey.) Should I wear my hair up or down? (Joey smiles back.)


The room is packed full of Capeside High students, as well as some other hotel guests. Loud music is blaring so loudly that it sounds like more of a buzz than actual music. Dawson and Pacey are standing by the refreshments table, waiting for Joey and Jen to come. Pacey is still sullen, and Dawson keeps glancing at him, clueless as to the reason.

DAWSON: Hey, Pace? Is there something up? Or...

PACEY: (harshly) *Nothing* is up.

DAWSON: Well there must be something up! You've been acting weird for the whole trip.

PACEY: I have *not* been acting weird, Dawson.

DAWSON: Yes, you have. You're- (Joey and Jen come into the hall, and Pacey sees them. His jaw drops. They are both wearing short, black dresses, their hair done up in French twists. Dawson turns to see what Pacey is looking at and he breaks out into a smile, and they walk over to the pair of girls.)

JOEY: Hey. (Dawson looks at her, almost stunned.)

DAWSON: Wow. You look...great. (He smiles at Jen.) You look great too. (He laughs) How did you convince Joey to dress up?

JEN: (smiling) Actually, Joey dressed *me* up tonight. (Dawson eyes Joey suspiciously.)

DAWSON: Then what have you done with the real Joey? (Joey just laughs a little and looks at him.)

JOEY: (trying to sound evil) I knocked her out cold, tied her up and stuffed her in the trunk of an Oldsmobile out in the back parking lot. (Pacey just stares at Joey, and she feels awkward.) If you make one rude comment about me being dressed up, I will seriously kill you, Pacey. (Pacey shakes his head.)

PACEY: (detached) No, I won't say anything. You guys both look great... (Dawson nods in agreement. Both girls look out onto the dance floor. "Landslide" by Fleetwood Mac begins to play.)

JEN: guys just want to stand here all night or are we actually going to dance?

DAWSON: Oh, right. Sure. (He looks at Joey, and she moves close to him.)

JOEY: (whispering) Dance with Jen, Dawson. Talk to her. (Dawson nods slightly, and looks at Pacey.)

DAWSON: Fine, but you dance with Pace. Something's bothering him and he won't tell me what it is. (Joey nods, and turns to Pacey slowly. Dawson leads Jen out onto the dance floor. She looks confused.)

JEN: Why aren't you and Joey dancing together?

DAWSON: Well, there's something you and I need to talk about, Jen.

JEN: (hopeful) Is there? (They start to dance, but the whole thing seems uncomfortable and awkward. Dawson tries not to step on her feet.)

DAWSON: Yeah...listen, I know this is going to sound *totally* conceited and arrogant, and if I'm wrong about this, you have my permission to just slap me as *hard* as you can, but...Joey says that you're still hung up on me and want me back. (Jen quickly looks away, glancing at Joey, who is walking out onto the floor with Pacey.)

JEN: Joey said that?

DAWSON: Yes. I just want to know if it's true. Because-

JEN: (looking him straight in the eyes.) Because why? So you can help me to feel better? So you can explain that you still want us to be *friends*, and how I deserve someone who loves me as much as I love him? Save the pep talk, Dawson. I've already heard it a million times before. (She tries to pull away, but Dawson doesn't let her. They continue to dance.)

DAWSON: Jen, calm down, okay? You're right. I mean, that's what I *was* going to say. But you have to know that as clichéd as that may be, it doesn't make it any less true. (Jen sighs.)

JEN: (almost restlessly) I know...I know. But you and two can't play the role of helping friends here. I don't see how you could even imagine that *you* could help me with the problem of still being in love with *you*. I mean...I know both your intentions were well-meaning and all, but this is *really* something I just have to work out *on my own*. (Dawson starts to say something, but Jen stops him.) Dawson, don't feel guilty, don't feel *obligated* towards me, okay? I realized something today, and that's the fact I just have to stop replaying the past in my mind, thinking "what if" or "maybe if this had been different". I simply just have to *get over it* and move on. And you know just as well as I do that moving on is something only you can force yourself to do. Nobody else. (Jen smiles at Dawson reassuringly, and he returns the grin.) Me and Joey are just trading places, that's all. I need time to re-adjust, but I think I'll learn to like my new position. (She laughs a little, lightening the mood.)


Pacey and Joey are dancing together. Joey glances over at Dawson, who is smiling at Jen. She quickly feels a pang of jealousy, then almost laughs at herself for feeling it. She looks up at Pacey, who doesn't look happy. Her smile fades.

JOEY: What's wrong, Pacey?

PACEY: Nothing.

JOEY: (snorting, completely not believing him.) *Please*, Pace. You couldn't hide anything from me if your life depended on it. We've been friends too long.

PACEY: Is that what we are? Friends? Cause I really didn't know anymore.

JOEY: (confused and defensive) What do you mean by *that*?

PACEY: Nevermind.

JOEY: No way! You can't say something like that and then *not* explain yourself!

PACEY: (upset) Joey, I said *nevermind*. I don't want to talk about it.

JOEY: Well you obviously *do* want to talk about it or you wouldn't have brought it up.

PACEY: I didn't bring it up.

JOEY: Yes you did.

PACEY: No I didn't.

JOEY: *Yes*, you did.

PACEY: (breaking away from her.) I'm leaving. (He turns and walks away. Joey is stunned.)

JOEY: *Pacey*? Where are you going? (Pacey continues to leave.) Pacey! (Dawson and Jen look over, and see Pacey walking out of the hall, and Joey running after him. Dawson starts to go after them, and Jen follows.)


Joey runs out of the building and sees Pacey rounding the corner to go into the parking lot. She hurries after him. The parking lot is dark and eerie, except for the faint glow of the security lights along the sides of the hotel walls. Pacey sits on one of the concrete blocks that separate the parking spots from the sidewalk. Joey sits down next to him.

JOEY: You mind telling me what all *that* was about? (Dawson and Jen round the corner, but Jen quickly pulls Dawson back.)

JEN: (whispering) Let her talk to him. (They watch from around the corner. Pacey looks at Joey.)

PACEY: Why do you even care?

JOEY: (stunned) *Where* is all this hostility coming from? Did you open a flood gate somewhere? Repressed memories of me beating you up as a child?

PACEY: You want to know where all this is coming from? It's coming from you and Dawson, okay?

JOEY: Huh?

PACEY: (staring at his hands) Look, I've always wanted you and Dawson to be together, and I'm *really* happy for you and all, but I'm really sick and tired of being the third wheel.

JOEY: I...I don't understand.

PACEY: I've always *known* that someday you and Dawson would realize your feelings for one another. I thought I was prepared for it. But it was always the *three* of us, you know? And now it's...*you two*...and then...*me*. Alone.

JOEY: (understanding) Pacey...(She tries to touch his shoulder but he pulls away.)

PACEY: Lately you don't even talk to me except to put me down. I should be used to it, I guess. That's all anyone ever does...put me down. Tell me I'm a screw-up, a loser. (Dawson and Jen look at each other sadly.)

JOEY: You're not a loser, Pacey, you're-

PACEY: *Yeah*, I *am*, Jo. Everyone says so. My teachers, my parents, my sisters and Doug...other kids...*you*...

JOEY: (quietly) Pacey, you *know* when I say those things I'm just kidding!

PACEY: Do I? How do I know that? It's all you ever say to me. You and Dawson are too busy making out to even have a real conversation with me anymore. (Joey doesn't know what to say. Tears start to run down Pacey's cheeks.) Face it. Pacey Witter is a failure at everything. At school, at friendships, and love...hell, the only girl I could ever get was a *38* year old *English* teacher having a *mid-life crisis*. And I couldn't even keep that.

JOEY: Pacey, how can you say you're a failure? You're intelligent, and and Dawson are still your best friends. Nothing is ever going to change that, no matter what other things *do* change. Life is a roller has ups and downs and it goes by *so* fast...but whether you're screaming with delight or throwing up as you go down that huge the end, there will always be that *part* of you...that is just yearning to go get in line again. It's what makes life *interesting*, Pacey. Not everyone likes the big, steep hills, but once you're on the ride...there's no way to stop it. You might as well learn to enjoy it. (Pacey looks at her, and their eyes meet. He smiles, a bit more reassured. He stands up. Jen and Dawson hurry back into the hotel, not wanting to be caught eavesdropping. Joey stands up too.) I guess we should go back inside before Dawson and Jen start looking for us. (Pacey nods.)

PACEY: You go in. I'm going to stay out here and think for awhile.

JOEY: (gently) You sure?

PACEY: Yeah. (Joey turns to walk back to the hotel.) Jo? (She looks back.) Thanks.

JOEY: Any time. We're friends, remember? (Pacey smiles. She starts to leave again then hesitates and comes back to him.) Ever see the movie The Outsiders, Pacey?

PACEY: (laughing) What? (Joey smiles.)

JOEY: I'm being serious. Have you seen it?

PACEY: That movie with Patrick Swayze and Emilio Estevez? (Joey nods again.) Yeah, I saw it.

JOEY: Then "Stay Gold", Pacey. Cause people are going to trounce all over you, people are going to change. Remember things when you experienced them for the first time and remember when we were all innocent and naive...when we didn't have to worry about things coming between us, like *love* and *death* and that other stupid stuff. (Pacey smiles.)

PACEY: Stay gold, huh? I knew I could count on you to come up with some movie quote to tie up this whole lesson about life. (He grabs her and starts to tickle her. She screams and laughs, and all of a sudden the hotel security guard comes around the corner to see what's wrong. Pacey lets her go.)

GUARD: (sternly, shining a flashlight at the pair) Are you okay, Miss?

PACEY: Hey, we're just playing around! (The guard eyes Pacey suspiciously. Joey starts to laugh.)

JOEY: Really. We were. (He nods and walks away.)

GUARD: (under his breath) Damn kids. (Pacey and Joey both break out into hysterics. Joey falls to the ground, clutching her stomach as she continues to laugh.)



Jen and Dawson are sitting, waiting for Pacey and Joey to come back in. Dawson glances at his watch. Suddenly loud laughter fills the room. Both Jen and Dawson look up to see Pacey and Joey stumbling in the front doors, giggling happily. They stop in front of the confused pair.

JOEY: (mitating the guard.) "Are you okay, Miss?" Did you see the look on his face?

DAWSON: What's going on?

PACEY: We were talking outside and I tickled Joey to piss her off and this guard came-!

JOEY: He thought that Pacey was *attacking* me, so he like, runs over and he has this voice, like he's trying to impersonate a TV cop, you know the kind with the tough guy attitude?

PACEY: But of course he's like 75 years old and has this gut-

JOEY: So real serious-like he says "Are you okay, Miss?" and me and Pacey just start *laughing*.

PACEY: What kind of thing is that to say? If Joey was being raped, you think saying something like that is going to stop an attacker? Especially coming from an overweight,

JOEY: Washed up,

PACEY: Hotel security guard? (Jen and Dawson exchange looks, missing out on the funniness of the situation.)

JOEY: (seeing their faces, and trying to stifle her laughter.) I...I guess you had to be there.

DAWSON: (tightly) Guess so. (he pauses) It's good to see you're feeling better, Pacey.

PACEY: Yeah...I needed to clear my head of some stuff, you know, I think all the heroin was really starting to wear me down. (He laughs a little and looks at Joey.) Speaking of which, I am totally wiped, man. My feet are killing me. (Jen gets up from her seat.)

JEN: Me too. I'm going up. Jo, you coming? (She walks to the elevator with Pacey.)

JOEY: I'll be up in a little while. (Jen nods as the elevator closes. Joey sits down next to Dawson.)

DAWSON: So...I see you talked to Pacey. What was up?

JOEY: (laughing and nudging him slightly) Oh come on, Dawson. Like you and Jen weren't listening to the entire conversation!

DAWSON: (surprised) What? How did you know that-

JOEY: (Smiling and holding up her hand) Cause as I have stated hundreds of times before, I know you like that back of my hand. (Dawson takes her hand a kisses it, then leans over to kiss her.)


Joey and Jen stumble out of their rooms, carrying their luggage awkwardly. Dawson and Pacey come down the hall. Pacey quickly grabs most of Jen's luggage from her.

JEN: (smiling gratefully) Thanks.

PACEY: No problem. Anything for the little lady. (He flashes her a charming smile and they walk down the hallway. Joey and Dawson watch them, pondering the same thing.)

DAWSON: What do you think of that?

JOEY: Pacey and Jen?

DAWSON: Shall we play matchmaker?

JOEY: (picking up her luggage and walking away from Dawson.) It's a nice thought, Dawson, but it wouldn't happen in a million years.

DAWSON: (hurrying after her) Why not?

JOEY: Pacey? Even *Jen* has more taste than that!

DAWSON: (laughing) I knew you couldn't be nice to him for long! (Joey smiles and heads into an empty elevator. She sets down her luggage. A thought occurs to Dawson.) Hey, Jo! We never got to dance last night!

JOEY: (shaking her head warningly as Dawson comes towards her) Oh, no, *no*. We are *not* dancing in an elevator.

DAWSON: Why not? It has music. *Bad* music, but music nonetheless. (He grabs Joey's hands and spins her around the elevator. She shrieks.)

JOEY: Dawson! (They bang into the wall, knocking over Joey's suitcase. Joey kisses him.)

DAWSON: What was that for?

JOEY: So we wouldn't have to *dance* anymore. (Dawson smiles.)

DAWSON: I think it's a fair trade... (They kiss again as the elevator doors close.)


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