Wichita Creek by: Monique

Author's Note: If you’ve seen the movie Little Darlings, then you may recognize this plot. Except I’ve switched it around. It’s Jen and Joey who are trying to lose their virginity at Camp Wichita after a bet is made. Abby never died. Jack is not gay. Andie never went to the mental institution or whatever she went to. This is A/U, taken place right after the second season finale. This is eventually Pacey/Joey.

Wichita Creek

A bus is coming down a clean and narrow road headed to Camp Wichita. It is a pretty day, warm and sunny, and the shade from the forests they are passing created a sort of darkness blocking out most of the sun. There are at least 14 people on the bus including the bus driver, an older male sitting in the front, and twelve teenagers ready to counsel for the first four weeks of the summer. Joey Potter sits quietly in a seat by herself staring out of the window. Joey didn’t exactly like the thought of camp, but once she began thinking of the drudgery that had become her life, she perked up a bit. Whoa, she thinks. This could be good be good, no school of course, no Bessie, no Alexander screaming in my ear. No substantial conflict with a certain blonde from across the creek. Joey hadn’t talked to Dawson since the whole putting her own father back in prison incident. She’d said some cruel things to him that she knew she couldn’t take back. She had forgiven him, but it was a little late for that. He didn’t call or talk to her at all after that. She felt more than guilty, but she had bigger things to worry about. Like the fact that she had to get yet another job. Andie had talked her into becoming a camp counselor. Andie had just returned from visiting her father in Providence. She thought it should be fun to take some time off the help the youth of Capeside have a fair summer... not to mention Pacey was going to be there, of course. Joey figured it could be a good way to earn some easy money, After all, how hard can it be to watch over a couple brats for half of the summer? she thinks to herself.

The bus stops to pick up a girl sitting on a suitcase. It is none other than Miss Jen Lindley. She gets on the bus and almost everyone stares, as there is only one seat that doesn’t have a body in it or luggage. It is Joey’s, who had begun dozing off. Jen walks over to her seat and sits down--Joey jumps a little.

“I’m sorry, were you asleep?” she asks, situating herself.

“No, I was in deep thought,” she answers sarcastically.

“Sorry,” she says apologetically.

“It’s fine.” Joey says putting her head back against the window.”

“So...what are you doing here?”

“I was going to ask you the same thing,” she says eyeing her.

“Dawson invited me.”


“Yes, Dawson.”

“Well, where is he?”

“I don’t know...he should be on the bus already.”

“What?” Joey asks rhetorically in disbelief.

She looks behind her quickly only to see Pacey and Andie behind them asleep. She looks past the other counselors scanning the bus. She leans over Jen, half of her body in the aisle. No Dawson.

“I don’t see him," she says finally in disappointment.

“What are you doing?” Andie asks leaning over Pacey meeting Joey’s face only inches apart.

“None of your business. Aren’t you supposed to be asleep anyway?”

“Sorry.” Andie says, surprised by Joey’s agitation.

“Sorry for the attitude Andie, but have you seen Dawson.”

“No, but he should be on the bus already, picking up Jen was probably the last stop.”

“How come I don’t see him.”

“Perhaps you should get your lazy ass up, go to the back, and actually see for yourself.” Pacey says annoyed at the girls talking over him. ”Yes you all have achieved your dream, I’m officially up.”

“You’re welcome.” Joey says happy that everyone was up again.


“Oookay, there is absolutely nothing to do. Oh I know lets play the name game!” She wails excitedly.

“I don’t think so Andie.” Jen says quickly.

“Yeah McPhee, save the kiddy games for when we actually get to the friggin’ camp.”

Joey gets up and walks slowly toward the back.

“What is she doing, the bus is still moving, if we were to get into an accident...” Andie says cautiously.

“She would go flying through the window...hey be quiet Andie, it looks like she’s just gonna have to learn her lesson the hard way.”

“Shut up Pacey.” Andie and Jen say in unison.

Joey walks back to their seat. Jen gets up so she can sit back down.

“Well?” Jen asks expectantly.

“No Dawson.”

“Are you serious?” Jen asks shocked looking back for herself. ”Hey he said he was going to be here. Pacey have you talked to him about it?”

“Yeah, like two days ago. He said he was going to be here.” Pacey says remembering a previous conversation he’d had with him.

“Jen what did he say when you talked to him?” Joey asks.

“He said he was definitely going to come. He sounded kind of exited it was so cute.”

Pacey looks over at Andie who is looking suspicious.

“What did you do?”

“W-What do you mean?” She asks, her head down.

“I mean, that for some unforeseen reason you are sweating like a hoe in church.”

“I am not.”

“Andie what happened?” He asks, noticing by the expression on her face that she probably really did have something to do with it.

“We were talking, and I told him that this whole experience should be fun. And that I couldn’t wait to see and talk to everyone when we get there--and I did mean everyone.”

“Meaning?” Pacey asks in a get-to-the-point tone.

“Meaning, I told him that I invited Joey along.”

“So then...he just didn’t want to come because he heard that I was coming?”

“Joey, I didn’t think it was a big deal.”

“Well apparently he does.” She says hurt and confused.

“Just give it some time Joey. His ego is a little bruised ok...he’ll come around.” Jen says reassuringly.

“Yeah--whatever.” she says returning to her staring match with the window.

Abby Morgan leaned in from the seat across from Andie and Pacey.

“Hey Jen.” She says sweetly.

“Abby.” Jen answers looking ahead.

“Oh is it like that?”

“It’s like that.”

“Fine, be that way.” Abby says faking anger.

“Abby why don’t you go climb a speed bump.” Pacey buts in.

Jen giggled a little. Andie looked as if annoyed that Abby was communicating with them in the first place. And Joey was still staring out of the window depressed.

“Whatever. So is Pacey your real name-- because if it is your parents need to be shot.” She says seriously.

“Abby, I was never told not to hit girls you know.” He says smiling.

“That wit...my god it astounds me Witter. Look, why don’t you just make sure your girlfriend’s taking her valium on time.”

“Bite me Abby.” Andie says angered.

“Nice to know that I can still get a rise out of you losers.”

“Why are you even here Abby?” Pacey asks exasperated.

Abby ignores his question and looks around for her next victim. She discovers Joey over by the window with tears in her eyes.

“What the hell is her problem?”

“It’s really none of your business Abby.” Jen says looking at Abby.

“What’s the matter Joey? Oh yeah, I forgot your daddy lost his final battle with the judicial system. This has to be a mortal nightmare for you...so that’s why *you’re* here you need the extra cash flow.”

“Drop it Abby.” Pacey says defensive.

“Yeah Abby you don’t know...” Andie tries to join in but is interrupted.

“You guys I can fight my own battles.” Joey says rolling her eyes. “Abby have you been wondering again without supervision. Looks like they’re gonna have to start upping those drug dosages huh?”

The bus finally pulls into the camp-site. All of the teens load off of the bus and walking up to the first cabin they see.’

“Where do we go?” Asks one of the six male counselors.

“Right here!” Called out a tall blonde in her mid-twenties standing on the porch of the apparent main cabin.

“Hey.” Most of the boys yelled.

They all walked into the cabin and sat down.

“Alright now, there are six boys, and six girls as requested. Could you all give me your names girls-to-boys please?” The lady asks expectantly.


“Andie, so you’re a girl right?” She asks joking. There’s light laughter.

“Yes.” She says slightly embarrassed.

“Oh so your name must be Andrea.”

“That’s right.” She says cheery.

“Oh ok. People keep it going please.” She says handing Andie a name tag.


“Ok, Buffy. How do you spell that?”

“How do you think genius?”

(scoffs)”Whatever.” Hands her a nametag.

“Yeah so you misspelled Buffy. You only put one F in it.”

“Oops my bad. I guess I’ll correct that later.”


“Alright.” Hands her nametag.

“Jen. Just Jen.””

“Well, Just Jen, here you go.” Hands her nametag.

“Joey. No jokes necessary.”

“Ok.” Hands her a nametag.”


“Oh, Lena is such a pretty name.”


“Mmm hmm, boys?”






“Alright, here you guys go.” She hands them all of they’re nametags. “If you guys wanted to know, I’m Cameron.”


They all follow her outside. She shows them around and explains the rules. The boys get two cabins to share, and the girls get two cabins to share. The kids won’t be showing up until morning, so they have time to unpack and split assignments. She leaves them all alone to sort things out on their own while she finishes inspecting all of the children’s cabins, to make sure there are no snakes, or safety hazards.

Joey sits on a log next to Andie.

“Hey.” Joey pipes up.


“You ok?”

“I was until Abby showed up. I mean, what could she possibly have to gain from this? If she’s bored she should go find something better to do than to bring up old and might I add disturbing news.” Andie says almost rambling off.

“I can’t believe Dawson. What a coward, how are we ever going to fix this if he doesn’t even try.”

“Well at least Pacey’s here I don’t know what I would do if he wasn’t.”

“Yeah--wait huh?”

“Are you even listening?” Andie ask laughing, knowing the answer.

“I’m sorry Andie.”

“It’s cool, just relax. This is going to be our home away from home for the next four weeks. Just us and nature right?”

“Oh joy, oh bliss.”

“Come on let's go see what they’re talking about.”

They both get up and make their way over to where everyone else is talking in a circle.

“Alright girls take left cabins and we’ll take the right.” Chris says sure everyone was going to listen.

“No way.” Buffy yells.

Pacey walks over to Andie and puts his arm around her.

“This is going to be a loong day.”

“No Pacey, this is going to be a loong four weeks. Ok people listen up, we are not going to get anywhere by arguing.” Andie says trying to gain some authority.

“Oh yeah and what is it you suggest we do Mary Poppins?” Chris asks annoyed.

“Hey watch it.” Pacey says sternly to Chris.

“How about this girls. Myself, Jen, and Joey take cabin B. Lena, Abby, and Buffy can take cabin C.”

“Well that sounds good to me.” Jen says satisfied.

“Good. Joey?”

“Sounds good to me.”

“Alrighty, now boys I think you guys can work this out amongst yourselves. Let’s go girls.”

All of the girls go to their cabins to unload they’re things leaving the boys to work it out.

**************************************************************************** **

This just a slow start it’ll pick up the next chapter. Tell me what you think.

Email Monique


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