No More Running Chapter 6 by: Rachael


A few months later.........

Joey was making her way through the kitchen wearing an extra long t-shirt and boxers. Her belly was well rounded now. Still not very big, but you could tell she was pregnant. There were boxes scattered about as they were getting ready to make their big move. Pacey and Joey had gone to Capeside about a month and a half ago. Bessie and Bodie had taken it well, seeing as how she was 26, not 16. They actually seemed quite thrilled about the whole ordeal, especially the moving back to Capeside part. Jack and Doug had also been a little overly excited about it, now that they wouldn’t have the whole entire restaurant to look after by themselves. They were so smitten with Amy it was hard for them to concentrate on anything else, plus Jack was still teaching. When they had found out Joey and Pacey were moving back to Capeside and that Joey was pregnant, they were overjoyed at the idea of Amy having someone close to her age to play with. After having some orange juice, Joey went back in the living room and started packing the pictures off the mantle. She picked up one that caught her eye. It was the one of when she and Pacey had first gotten together, the one that Dawson had taken and given her at the Christmas party. She loved that one. She had made sure that nothing had happened to it all these years. It brought back so many great memories and also made her think of the ones they were making in the present. Pacey emerged from the bedroom, having just taken a shower, and was wrapped only in a towel. "Whatcha doin', Potter?" He came up behind her and moved his hands all around her belly. He kissed her lightly on the head.


"Why, we have all the time in the world for that."

"I know, just wanted to get some of it done. I am going to go and get ready for our doctor’s appointment in just a minute."

"Have you decided what you want to do about learning the sex of the baby?"

"I don’t think I want to know, Pace. I want it to be a surprise." "Yeah, I do, too." She turned around and faced him and he looked down at her swollen belly. "You are so beautiful."

"I’m fat, Pacey!"

"You are not. You are having a baby, Jo."

"I know, but I feel like and elephant."

"You certainly don’t look like one." He leaned in and kissed her affectionately. He couldn’t lean all the way into her because her belly was in the way, so he sort of had to lean forward. "Now, go get dressed!" He spanked her on the butt as she was walking by.

About an hour later, they were sitting in the waiting room at the doctor’s office. This was the second time they had been together. Pacey had kind of freaked out the last time they came since the doctor told him everything that was going to happen to Joey throughout her pregnancy and that Pacey was going to be dealing with it. He didn’t know if he could handle all those hormones, sickness, labor and all that. Joey looked as if she was in a daze. Pacey grazed her face with his hand. "What are you thinking about, Jo?"

"Do you think I am going to be a good mother?"

"Of course you are!" Shocked she would even ask such a thing, he turned to his side to face her. "What on earth would make you think you wouldn’t?"

"I don’t know, maybe just my hormones, you know." She sighed. "But if this kid is half as much trouble as you, I would have to be a good mother to keep up." She playfully stuck her tongue out at him as she stood up, seeing the doctor in the doorway.

"Hey! I resent that!" He followed her to the back into her room.

"How are we doing today?" The doctor was talking to Joey as she took her place up on the exam table. "Any discomfort or anything?"

"No, not really." Joey tried to be polite, but she hated being up on the table.

"Well, are we ready to see what the baby looks like?" The doctor lifted up her gown and started applying the jelly he used. She just smiled at him as Pacey sat next to her smiling anxiously. The doctor started moving the thing around on her belly then pointed to the screen. "Uh, oh." The doctor was concentrating on the monitor.

"What!? What is it? Is the baby okay?" Joey sounded frantic.

"Everything is fine, Miss Potter. Just a little of a surprise." Joey said nothing but waited on him to finish. "I hear two heartbeats."

Two heartbeats! Oh my gosh! I am having twins! Joey’s mind was screaming, but her mouth was still shut as she just stared at the doctor. Then she looked at Pacey. He was sort of mesmerized by this bit of information, but was grinning from ear to ear.

"It’s perfectly normal." The doctor went on. "You will just have to take a little extra care of yourself. The birth won’t be that much more complicated. It’s really not that different from having one baby."

"Can you see them in there?" Joey asked the doctor.

He pointed to the screen and showed her where they were. "Oh wow." She looked up at Pacey, whom had yet to speak. "Pacey! Say something!" She hit him in the arm and brought him out of his trance.

"Sorry, Jo. Wow two babies! We are going to have two children!"

"I know, this is wonderful. Now, we have double trouble." She hit him again.

"Hey!" He jumped up out of his seat.

Shortly afterwards, the doctor released them. They walked out onto the sidewalk.

"Pacey, do you really think it is okay that we are having two babies?"

"Sure I do. I mean, I own a chain of restaurants and you are a successful journalist. I think we will be more than financially stable."

"Okay, you are probably right. I am just worrying to much."

"You really are, Jo. Just think, we are having two kids!"

"I know it’s exciting. We need to call everyone when we get home. Can we eat first though, please, Pace...." She pouted and nudged his shoulder.

"I suppose...." He leaned over and kissed her as they walked down the street and made their way to a restaurant. She has been pouting a lot since she got pregnant, he thought to himself and just smiled.

A few days later, Joey was back to packing again. Pacey had gone down to the restaurant to make sure the new manager he hired was working out. She hadn’t been packing for very long and decided to take a break and call Andie. She would have to call Dawson’s, since Andie’s practice hadn’t opened yet. She pulled her address book out of the drawer by the phone and dialed the number.

"Hey, Jo." Andie picked up the phone, knowing it was Joey, since she called everyday around this time, in addition to the caller ID.

"Andie, did Dawson tell you?"

"You mean about the twins? Yeah, I think it is wonderful."

"I am so excited, it’s just a little overwhelming."

"I can imagine."

"So, how are things with you two lovebirds?" Andie smiled so big, Joey could even hear it on the other side of the phone.

"Jo, can I tell you something?"


"I love Dawson. I am supposed to be looking for a house of my own, but I really don’t see the point. I can’t be without him for more than 24 hours as it is now. He comes home early nearly every day. I just don’t want to say that I have up and decided not to move out."

"Andie, I am sure that you will find, that Dawson feels the same. He probably doesn’t want you to go. He was in love with you a long time ago, he just never admitted that to you."



"How is it that you and Pacey always know the right thing to say?"

"Just a gift, I guess."

"All right, well I am glad you are doing well. I better go, Dawson will be home soon. We will see you guys in a couple of weeks, right?"

"Right. I love you, Andie."

"Love you, too, Jo, say hi to those babies for me."

Dawson walked into the house, smiling at the thought of seeing Andie at any moment. He dropped his bags and his laptop by the door and went in search of her. He had searched the whole house, except one room, hers, because she was hardly ever in there. Even the majority of her stuff had made it into his room. He opened the door and saw her. She was standing out on the balcony. She had a long pink dress on, blowing in the wind along with her hair. She was just standing looking out over the yard. She almost looked peaceful enough that he didn’t want to disturb her. He walked up behind her and held her hair over to one side and kissed her neck. "Mmm." She moaned and leaned back into him. "How was your day?" She turned around so that she was facing him, still in his arms.

"It was good, minus that I was lonesome."

"You always say that."

"Because I am lonesome without you."

"I am lonesome when you are not here, too."

"Andie, I wanted to ask you something?"


"Okay, here goes. I love you. I don’t see any reason why you need to look for another house. If we love each other, this is going to happen eventually. I want you to stay here with me."

"I love you." She leaned up and kissed him passionately. It felt magical, with the wind blowing all around them. It was amazing how right he felt with her, how much love was between them. They broke apart and Andie leaned back. "So, when are we leaving to go and help Joey and Pacey move?"

"Probably Tuesday afternoon?"

"That sounds good."



They took each other’s hand as they started walking off the balcony. The rest of the night after they made dinner together, they talked about some of the changes Andie wanted to make to the house to give it a more "womanly" touch. Dawson knew that he was happy as long as she was.

Pacey walked into the apartment and noticed Joey leaning on her back, hands over her belly, sleeping on the couch. Twins, he thought to himself. He couldn’t believe how lucky he was. He had the woman he had practically loved all his life and two children on the way. He walked over to Joey and put his hands on her belly, he leaned his head over on it. Then, Joey moved her hands to his head, ruffling his hair. "Hey, baby." She looked at him sweetly.

"Hey, my love." He moved up and planted a kiss on her lips.

"Everything okay with the new manager?"

"Yep, we will be moving on Tuesday as scheduled."

"It’s going to be so nice, living on the creek again."

"It really will, Jo." They just stayed there for a while, pondering thoughts of what their life was going to be like. Even though, the majority of both of their lives, they had been dreaming of this moment, both two afraid to tell the other for a decade.

Tuesday, the four friends had packed everything into a U-Haul and Dawson’s truck. Joey and Pacey were going to drive the U-Haul, then ride back up with Dawson and Andie to retrieve Joey’s car. Pacey had refused to let Joey carry anything that weighed over about 6 pounds. She was making her way down the stairs with a lamp. "I think this is the last of it." She handed the lamp over to Pacey, who put it in Dawson’s backseat.

"Yeah, I think that’s about it." Pacey stepped back over to Joey and pecked her on the cheek. Dawson and Andie walked up beside them, their arms wrapped behind each other.

"Oh, I forgot something." Joey ran back in the house, then back out again. She held the object up for everyone to see. It was the old picture of her and Pacey that Dawson had given her during the Christmas party in high school. Attached to the side of it was the sonogram picture of their twins. Pacey smiled up at her.

"We should get going." Pacey directed them all. They took their places in the vehicles. Then, they were off. Of course, Joey had to stop and use the bathroom once every hour. Pacey thought it comical, though. He was enjoying the ride with her. Even if they were in a U-Haul, he still thought it peaceful. He looked over at her. She was leaning back, hands resting on her belly, eyes closed. She had the window down, so her hair was blowing around her face. God, she is beautiful, he thought. After almost a whole day of driving, they made it to Capeside. The stopped at the park, so Joey could get out and get some air by the water.

"Shall we go to the house first?" He turned so he was facing the three of them.

"I think that would be the best, Pace, seeing as how we have all this crap to unload." She stuck her tongue out at him.

"Joey..." He laughed at her, "This is all YOUR crap." She had become a little more moody as time went by, but he didn’t mind. He knew it was part of it.

"What exactly are you trying to say?!" She barked back at him. Dawson and Andie were just smiling at the love-hate thing Pacey and Joey had going on. They had been doing it since high school.

"I am not TRYING to say anything. This is mostly all your stuff, Jo." Pacey tried to walk over to her, but she turned her back. "Hey....." He looked at her and she turned around and threw herself in his arms.

"Sorry, Pace", she said through tears. He chuckled at her lightly and just pulled her closer.

"Let’s go home." She nodded her head and he held her all they way to the truck.


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