Disclosure by: Fionna

"Disclosure" written by fionnab@hotmail.com ©1998.

Rating: PG-13 (some innuendos)

Spoilers/References: If you've seen "The Breakfast Club" (Episode 107), then none of the following should surprise you. If you haven't, then watch it!! Reference to the beginning of "Look Who's Talking" too (Episode 106).

Classification: Dawson/Joey romance E-mail is a fan fic writer's paycheque! Please send all comments, criticisms & compliments to: fionnab@hotmail.com


This episode takes place immediately after "The Breakfast Club." In my own twisted little universe, I always found it a little weird that Dawson was in such deep denial about how Joey felt about him -- I mean, it was so OBVIOUS to the rest of the characters! It also bothered me that neither one ever referred to their kiss with the other during that episode at any later point in any other episodes.

This fan fic's title, "Disclosure," is taken from the movie starring Demi Moore & Michael Douglas. It refers to when someone must divulge all the information or details they know about an incident ...

This is a one part story.


Dawson's bedroom, twilight. His small bedside table lamp is the only source of light in the room. Dawson is sitting on his bed, legs out in front of him, arms folded, scowling at the TV. An old black & white movie is on, but he is only half paying attention to it. Every so often, he glances over at the open window, as if expecting someone.

He gets up, fluffs up his pillow and moves it from the head to the foot of the bed, then lies down on his stomach and tries to get comfortable. He sighs and exhales loudly in disgust. He fidgets some more and changes position on the bed, this time sitting Indian-style. Dawson picks up the remote, fast forwards for a while and tries to keep watching the movie, but clearly isn't into it. He sighs in disgust again, then fast forwards some more. He watches for a few seconds, wrinkling his brow, then throws the remote down and gets up.

He sits at the edge of his bed, hands on either side, and stares at the ground for a long moment, lost in thought. The movie is still droning on in the background. He looks up anxiously towards the window again. Dawson gets up and aimlessly walks around his room, picking up random objects and placing them down again restlessly -- his E.T. doll, his mask from the movie "Scream," the "Jurassic Park" video.

He sighs deeply again and leans back on his bed. He slightly shakes his head and wrinkles his brow, tilting his head back against the wall and exhaling in frustration. Dawson closes his eyes tightly for a moment and rolls his head to the right. Opening his eyes, he looks at the clock on the bedside table.

After staring at it for a moment, he suddenly gets up, clicks off the television with the remote, grabs his jean jacket off the back of the chair by his desk and heads out of his room, slamming the door behind him.



Twilight. Dawson rows the last couple of strokes across the creek and ties up the rowboat at a small dock. Joey's house is in the background. He knocks on the door. Bessie answers, carrying Alexander on her hip.

Dawson: Um ... hi. Is Joey around?

Bessie: (looks at Dawson curiously) Yeah, sure. (she nods slightly) She's out back.

Dawson: Thanks.

Dawson turns and walks around to the side of the house. He opens a small, rickety, squeaky gate and enters the back garden. Joey is in the background, sitting down leaning against a tree. Though she is not crying, it is obvious she has been -- her eyes are red and the expression on her face is full of sadness. She looks over in surprise when she hears the squeaking. Dawson approaches her cautiously, keeping a good distance away.

Dawson: (gently) Hey. (smiles)

Joey: (almost inaudibly) Hi.

A long silence passes between them. Dawson watches Joey intently, while she stares at the ground, absently tracing a path in the ground with her finger.

Joey: So ... to what do I owe this pleasure? (looks up at him)

Dawson: (smiles and shrugs his shoulders) I just can't do movie night solo. E.T. doesn't appreciate my scintillating observations and wit the way you do. (pause) Where were you? I waited for hours for you to make an appearance.

Joey: The continuing melodrama in my own life makes anything I could view on the silver screen pale by comparison. (pause) I just didn't feel like it.

Dawson: Jo, what could possibly be so bad that it would make you bail on movie night? You haven't missed a movie night in four years!

Joey: (lamely) I ... I told you, Dawson ... I just ... wasn't up to it.

Dawson: (thinks a moment, then speaks softly) This wouldn't have anything to do with your quick exit from detention today, would it? When Mrs. Tringle let us go? You bolted out of there like you were in training for the Olympics. (He sits down beside her) Joey, what's going on? (pleading) Talk to me.

Joey: (jumps up, defensively) There's nothing to say. I'm fine. Momentary lapse of sanity, must have been a full moon or something.

Dawson: (laughs) At five o'clock in the afternoon?

Joey: (smiles a little) It could happen. Haven't you ever heard of a lunar eclipse?

Dawson: Come on. (He stands up and pulls Joey by the arm) If we hurry, we can still make it back before it gets really late, and our four year record will remain intact. I've already got the VCR warmed up.

Joey: No, Dawson ... I'm pretty beat. I think I'm just going to have an early night.

Dawson: Jo! Come on. Look, I know you've got a lot on your mind lately --school, work, the new baby ... your brain's on overdrive. So you wigged out a little today? So what? You're entitled. That's what happens when your brain short-circuits. Sometimes it's unhealthy to think too much or to over-analyze.

Joey: (laughs in disbelief) That's precious, coming from you.

Dawson: (smiles sheepishly) Perhaps a tad hypocritical. But true, nonetheless. I know what I speak of. You need a healthy dose of escapism. Like when my life runs away with me. All that heavy-duty baggage with my mother's affair and Jen's past ... the only time I don't have to think about it, the only time it doesn't matter, is during movie night, with you. (pause) It's an oasis in an otherwise stormy life.

Joey lowers her eyes and smiles.

Dawson: Look, just put your life on hold for the next few hours. Leave all the anguish and mental torture behind. Whatever the problem is, you don't have to deal with it when you're with me, in my room, watching movies. I'll help you forget about it. (grins) I'm the perfect antidote for everything that's driving you crazy.

Joey looks at Dawson with an expression of disbelief, her eyebrows raised and her mouth open slightly.

Joey: (doubtful) You are?

Dawson: (laughs) Of course I am. Jo, no matter what happens in the other realms of your life, "we" are always a constant. Everything else can totally crash and burn, and I'll still be here, same as always. Our friendship will never alter, mutate or change in any way. I promise.

Joey closes her eyes, shakes her head slightly and sighs in frustration.

Dawson: (taken aback, misinterpreting her reaction) What? You don't think that's true?

Joey: (flatly) No, Dawson. I know it's true. I know our friendship will never change in any way.

Dawson: (a little hurt) What's that supposed to mean?

Joey: (rolls her eyes) Nothing. I'm fine. Let's go watch movies. (she walks toward the dock)

Dawson looks at her with a puzzled expression for a moment, then follows her to the dock. He unties the rowboat, gets in and holds out a hand to help her in. Joey hesitates a moment, then grabs his hand and seats herself.

Dawson rows away slowly. Neither says anything for a few moments. The only sounds are those of crickets chirping and the oars splashing. Joey drapes one arm overboard, trailing it in the water. Her face is illuminated in the moonlight as she stares absently across the creek, lost in thought. They continue along in silence about three-quarters of the way back to Dawson's house.

Dawson finally has enough of the silence.

Dawson: (softly) Penny for your thoughts?

Joey: (smiles) Don't waste your money.

Dawson: Okay, can I ask a question for free, then?

Joey: (induging him) What.

Dawson: What happened today? In the library?

Joey: (wide-eyed and hesitant) Wh-what do you mean?

Dawson: (softly) At the end, before Mrs. Tringle came in. What were you... I mean, what ... what was going on with you? What were you talking about?

Joey: (defensively) I thought we were going to watch movies tonight. I thought I was supposed to be temporarily running away from my so-called life and all the stuff that's stressing me out. Escaping. Relaxing!

Dawson: We were, but clearly you're not in the mood to relax. You're a million miles away, in some alternate-reality universe where all is wrong with the world. I just thought that maybe it might do you good to get whatever is bothering you out of your system now, so you can just forget about it and enjoy movie night in peace.

Joey: That's a nice theory, Dawson, but I can foresee problems in its practial application.

Dawson: Joey, just try. Talk to me. (pause) One of the things I admire the most about you is your strength. You've been through so much in such a short time, and you're still standing. I can't imagine having the kind of courage and dignity and determination that you do, to have bounced back from all that. You amaze me, you really do. (pause) But the thing is, Jo, everyone has their limit. You can't handle everything on your own all the time. Whatever this is that's bothering you must be pretty major. I haven't seen you this bent out of shape since ... well, in a long time. And maybe if you get whatever's bothering you out of your system, instead of keeping it all bottled up inside, then it won't seem so awful or, or ... overwhelming.

Joey: I wish it were that easy.

Dawson: It is that easy.

Joey: No, it isn't! It's a Pandora's box, with all sorts of ramifications! Trust me on this, some things are just better left unsaid.

Dawson: Joey, you're my best friend! Let me be there for you. Let me help. Whatever this problem is, we can tackle it together.

Joey: Not this time, Dawson.

Dawson: (frustrated) Why!?

Joey: Because ... this is something I have to deal with on my own. (softly, on the verge of tears) This is my problem. You can't help me.

Dawson has a hurt and confused expression as he rows the last few strokes up to his family's dock. Pacey is riding his bike down Dawson's driveway as they pull up in the rowboat. He spots them and rides across the lawn over to the top of the dock.


Pacey: What's with the long faces? You two look like you just lost your best friend, which, of course, you couldn't have, because I'm right here.

Joey: Then why don't you validate that sentiment and get lost, Pacey?

Pacey: Such hostility! Is it coming up to that special time of the month for you, Josephine?

Joey: (makes a face) Aren't you depriving a village somewhere of an idiot?

Pacey gives Joey a dirty look. He puts his bike down and joins them on the docks.

Dawson: So, what brings you to Leery manor this fine evening?

Pacey: Ah. Deputy Doug found out from my mom why I got detention today. I thought it might be in my best interests to play it safe. Fly solo for a while, until the tension eases.

Joey: Isn't that what got you into detention in the first place?

Dawson laughs while Pacey gives Joey a withering stare.

Pacey: (sullenly) Funny, Joey. Just hilarious.

He sits down and stares down into the creek, while Dawson and Joey, still standing, look at each other and shrug. There are a few moments of silence among the three of them.

Pacey: Do you remember when we were about seven and we used to play house in Mr. Leery's garden shed?

Joey: Pacey, as I recall, you used to try to play doctor in Mr. Leery's garden shed.

Pacey: Yeah, and as I recall, you were a most unco-operative patient.

Joey: Surprising how some things never change. I was repulsed by you then, I'm repulsed by you now.

Dawson: Okay, enough. (sits down beside him) Pace, does this little trip down nostalgia lane contain anything resembling a point?

Pacey: I was just thinking, life used to be so simple back in the days of playing house. I miss it. You two were always the mother and father, and I was always your kid ... except for that time you two got married, and I had to be the priest.

Joey and Dawson look at each other for a long moment as Pacey starts to speak. When he comes to the part about the marriage, Joey blushes slightly and looks away.

Dawson: (laughing) You were also the flower girl, best man and --

Pacey: (interrupting) -- Right, well, anyway, I was just thinking that even as a pair of seven year-olds, you two were better parents than the set I've got now.

Joey: Pacey, don't say that.

Pacey: Why not? It's true. They don't give a damn. They don't care what I do, or where I go ... it's like I embarrass them by existing, so they just ignore me and pretend that I don't. My whole family does -- except for my brother, of course, who has taken a vested interest in me as his own sadistic little rehabilitation project.

Joey: At least your family isn't a talk-show episode waiting to happen. I mean, if we're handing out awards for Most Dysfunctional Family this evening, then clearly, I win, hands down. (pause) You're not the only one who wishes time could travel backwards, Pace.

Dawson: Hmm ... (he smiles) that innocence, that total lack ofcomplication ... where the biggest struggle you have to face is whether to spend your pocket money on a chocolate bar or a comic book ... I miss that, sometimes. I really do.

Pacey: No offence, Dawson, but of the three of us, your home life most closely resembles the games of our childhood.

Dawson: Yeah, well, thanks to my mom, lately our little version of Happy Families is not so happy and not so much a family.

All three reflects on their own individual situations in the long silence that follows.

Joey: (smiles sadly) I guess it's true what they say ... you really can't go home again.

Pacey: Well that's good, because home is really not a place I want to be right now.

Dawson: (glancing over at Joey) Running away from it isn't going to fix anything, Pace. Neither is walking around suffering in silence. (Joey catches Dawson's gaze and looks down at the ground.) You've just got to confront it, head-on. Clear the air. Otherwise, nothing is ever going to change, and you're going to spend the rest of your life miserable.

Pacey, meanwhile, nods in agreement. There is a long silence, as each of them is lost in their own thoughts again.

Pacey: Anyway. All this philosophizing has made me tired. What's on the agenda for the rest of the evening?

Dawson: (with a broad smile) What else? The Color Purple and Schindler's List, followed by E.T., of course. Want to come with?

Pacey: (forced laugh) As appealing as that sounds, I think I'll take a rain check. I suppose I'd better make an appearance at the Witter family penitentary before my brother starts plastering all of Capeside with Wanted posters. (He gets on his bike and salutes Dawson and Joey) Over and out. (He rides his bike standing up, across the lawn to the street and cycles down the road.)

Dawson: (holding out his hand to Joey, who is still deep in thought) Come on. It's getting cold.

Joey smiles her lopsided, sheepish grin and takes his hand. They walk in silence across the lawn and climb the ladder into his room. Joey flops down on the bed. Dawson looks around for the remote, finds it and turns on the television.

El Nino continues to punish the eastern coastline with gale-force winds and hail --

Dawson changes the channel

Channel 2: Drowning in debt? Call Tucker, Doolan &Travis for confidential legal advice --

He changes the channel again.

Channel 3: We'll return to Truth or Dare, starring Madonna, after these messages from your local station --

Joey: Tell me we're not watching that.

Dawson: Uh, no. Not likely. (He sits on the bed beside Joey and presses the play button on the remote) I think we've both had enough of that game for one day.

Joey: One day? Try a lifetime. God, I could kill Abby for conjuring that one up.

Dawson: Wait in line. (smiles)

Joey: (testing the waters) I don't know who's more twisted -- her for suggesting it, or us for participating.

Dawson: I'd say it's a tie, all around.

Joey: (persistently) I mean, really, what a stupid idea.

Dawson: Yep.

He continues to watch the movie, as Joey's eyes wander about the room restlessly, focusing on nothing specific. After about 10 seconds, Dawson glances over at her and sees she isn't watching the movie.

Dawson: Look, Jo, if it makes you feel any better, you weren't the only one who felt uncomfortable today. I mean, some of the stuff we did (the expression on his face is one of amazement, and he shakes his head in disbelief) ...let's just say that I could write a really good script for the Twilight Zone around it.

Joey: (prompting him) Such as?

Dawson: Well ... (he exhales, pausing for a long moment) ... for starters ... that kiss today, in the library ... that was ... weird.

Joey: Weird? Weird as in "a little unusual" or weird as in "completely bizarre"?

Dawson: I don't know. (pause) Just ... weird.

Joey doesn't say anything, but has a hurt look on her face.

Dawson: What, you didn't think it was weird? Awkward? I mean, two people who clearly aren't attracted to each other being manipulated into such an intimate situation in front of an audience? I'd call that weird.

Joey: (irritated) I wouldn't. I'd call it a possibility. An opportunity to experience something that, under any other circumstances, would never take place.

Dawson: Just because an opportunity presents itself doesn't mean you have to act on it.

Joey: (clearly upset) Oh no, of course not! Especially when the thought of the people involved actually kissing fills you with that much revulsion!

Dawson: Joey! Come on! What did you expect me to do when I saw Pacey and Jen going at it? Capture it on film? Make it a Kodak moment so I could replay it in vivid technicolour for years to come?

Joey: (slowly) Pacey and Jen?

Dawson: Yes, Pacey and Jen! (He gets up off the bed and paces around the room) God, the sight of those two crushed up close together in a tight embrace, lip-locked ... the whole experience was just ... (his voice trails off as he stares at nothing in particular, but then looks up at her as he continues)... weird.

Joey: (embarassed but relieved, in a small voice) Oh. (small smile) Right.(Joey nods, as they settle into another long silence.

Dawson: (puzzled) Why ... what did you think I meant?

Joey: (looks up to start talking, but her voice trails off as she meets Dawson's eyes.) Well ... I ... I mean, what about ... (pause) what about ...

(she looks down at the floor again)

Dawson: (confused) What? What about what?

Joey: (She looks up, taking a deep breath and staring him right in the eye) What about our little experience, Dawson? (more quietly) Was that "weird" as well?

Dawson leans against his desk and concentrates on a spot on the floor, arms folded across his chest. After a long moment, he looks up at Joey.

Dawson: It was ---


There is a knock on Dawson's door just then, and Jen enters.

Jen: (brightly) Dawson! (She starts to walk towards him but stops when she sees Joey) I -- Oh! Joey. Hi. I'm sorry ... I, uh, I wasn't expecting to see you here.

Joey gives her a withering stare, then looks away in disgust.

Dawson: Jen! What's up?

Jen: Nothing. Nothing at all. Actually, I came over to find out what was up with you. I, uh, called a few times earlier on, but your mom said you weren't home. When I saw your light on, I snuck out. Your dad let me in. I just wanted to come over and make sure you were okay, after everything that happened today. You were pretty quiet walking home.

Dawson: Oh. (pause) No, I'm ... I'm fine, really. Just tired and stuff.

Joey gives him a withering stare, then looks away in disgust.

Jen: Oh. (nods) Good. I was worried.

There is an unconfortable silence between the three of them. Jen forces a smile and nods slightly. She looks around the room aimlessly, her hands stuffed in the pockets of her jeans. She spots a couple of videotape boxes on Dawson's desk.

Jen: (nods in the direction of the boxes) Movie night?

Dawson: Yeah. (brightly) Can't go wrong with the classics. (smiles, a long silence follows)

Jen: Well. (pause) I guess I better head out before Grams does a bed check. You're sure everything's okay?

Dawson: Never better. (He kisses her on her forehead). I'll call you tomorrow.

Jen: Okay. (frowns slightly, as though she doesn't quite believe him) 'Night, Dawson. (turns to Joey) Joey.

Joey: (mutters under her breath) Goodnight.

Jen pauses in the doorway a moment, as if she is going to say something, then turns away and closes the door quietly behind her.


As soon as the door shuts, Joey turns to Dawson with a look of pure aggravation.

Joey: (bitterly) She thought it was movie night, yet she wasn't expecting to see me here. Where did she think I'd be?

Dawson: Maybe she forgot.

Joey: Not likely.

Dawson: Joey! I don't understand your intense, passionate dislike for that girl! I mean, what has Jen ever done to you? She's an amazing person, you haven't even given her a fair chance. You know, I bet you'd actually like her, if you tried. You ... you could even be friends! In fact, when Jen and I went to the movies the other night, she was telling me how much she really wants to be your friend, and --

Joey: (gets up, and speaks with increasing frustration) Jen! Jen! I am so sick and tired of hearing that name! You're like a broken record, Dawson! It's the only thing that ever comes out of your mouth! "Jen's so great ..." "Jen and I did this ..." Can't you ever discuss any other subject? Because frankly, I'm getting a little tired of being the human diary to which you divulge all the details of your relationship with Jen!

Dawson: What!? Where did that come from? This isn't about my relationship with Jen, this is about your friendship with Jen, or lack thereof!

Joey: I have enough friends. I don't need any more. So stop trying to force Jen and I into some sort of contrived friendship, because it won't work. (pointedly) You can't force someone to feel something that just isn't there.

Joey's words hang in the air in the silence that follows.

Dawson: (after a few seconds) Fine ... well ... you are not my ... human diary, Joey ... I resent that. (lamely) And I talk to you about lots of other things besides Jen.

Joey gives Dawson a doubtful look.

Dawson: Well ... even if her name comes up in conversation more than other subjects, I thought you were my friend ... my best friend. And I thought our friendship meant that you could tell me anything, and I could tell you ...everything. Obviously, I was wrong on both counts.

Joey: There's a limit, Dawson.

Dawson: A limit? On what? Our friendship, or what we can tell each other? Because either way, that's ridiculous. How can you place a limit on friendship? Either you're friends, or you aren't. And if you are -- if we are -- then as best friends, there shouldn't be any limits on what we can say to each other.

Joey: (hurls herself down on Dawson's bed) It's like I've been saying all along ... there are some things that we just can't talk about.

Dawson: Wait a minute. (he holds up a hand) I thought we'd been over this already, weeks ago, the whole breasts and genitalia thing, remember? And I thought everything was cool.

Joey: It's too ... (Joey trails off, running her hand through her hair. She exhales deeply into the silence and speaks softly) It's different now.

Dawson: (exasperated) Why?

Joey: Because ... because of her. Jen. She wasn't a factor before. It's like this new element has been introduced into our previously perfect little equation, and it's throwing everything off balance in some sort of cataclysmic reaction.

Dawson: This has nothing to do with chemistry, Joey.

Joey: (flatly) This has everything to do with chemistry, Dawson.

Dawson: (softly, after a moment of silence) Wait ... wait a second. I think I understand. (Joey gets a terrified look on her face as he continues) You resent Jen because you think she's replacing you. That the more time I spend with her, the less I have to spend with you. (pause) Is that what all this is about, Jo? Do you think I've abandoned you? (Joey makes a face and looks away as he continues) Do you think she'll take your place ... become my best friend? Is that it?

Joey: (sarcastically) Oh yeah, Dawson. That's it exactly.

Dawson: Come on, Joey, I know you, you --

Joey: You know what, Dawson? Maybe you don't know me as well as you think you do.

Dawson: What is that supposed to mean?

Joey: (icily) Nothing.

Dawson: Joey! What is your problem today? First, you're all upset in the library and you refuse to tell me why, then you freak out when I suggest that you and Jen should try to get along and now you're questioning our friendship?

Joey: Fine, Dawson! You want to know what's wrong? I feel like I don't fit into your life anymore! It's like there's Jen on one hand, and there's Pacey on the other, and then there's me ... He's your best friend, she's your girlfriend ... so where does that leave me?

Dawson: (looks at her incredulously) Joey --

Joey: (interrupting) Because God knows, I've tried to figure it out ...what I mean to you, and ... and what you mean to me ... and the thing is, Dawson ... I just don't know anymore. (she waits for him to speak, but he just looks at her in silence) Ever since Jen came into the picture, our whole relationship has changed. Everything's strained now. Everything's ...different. For the past two months, I've had to take a back seat in your life, and well ... I guess I kind-of resent it. I resent ... her. I feel like she and I are in this constant competition for your attention and --

Dawson: (interrupting) What? Joey, that's insane --

Joey: Is it, Dawson? What about last weekend, when she was over for movie night? I didn't want her there, she didn't want me there, you wanted both of us there ... (sighs in frustration) It's a no-win situation. You had to choose between us, and you couldn't do it!

Dawson: (flustered) You and Jen ... it's like comparing Scorcese and Coppola. You're two totally different genres.

Joey: Yeah, she's an epic blockbuster romance, and I'm just some B-movie melodrama that sits on the shelf, completely ignored.

Dawson: No, Joey, it's not like that at all.

Joey: Then what is it like, Dawson? Huh? Could you please explain your convoluted little thoughts to me? Because I give up trying to figure out what goes on in your mind.

Dawson: It's like ... well ... (he gestures with his hands) there's Jen here, and then there's Pacey there, and then there's you. Jen's one extreme, she's the whole ... female, feminine thing. And Pacey's the other extreme ...the macho, buddy kind-of thing. And you're in the middle. You're like the bridge between those two areas in my life.

Joey: (slowly, in disbelief) So ... I'm - I'm a ... bridge? (she narrows her eyes, shakes her head and sighs in disgust) Well, that's just great. Things are crystal clear now.

Dawson: No ... what I mean is, you're like a combination of both those things.

Joey: A combination of what? If Pacey's the guy in your life, and Jen's the girl, and I'm supposed to be a bridge between the two, well, what does that make me? Some sort of hermaphrodite freak?

Dawson: (flustered) No! Wait! I'm not explaining myself properly --

Joey: (folds her arms across her chest) No, you aren't.

Dawson: (still flustered) You're like Pacey, but ... with ... breasts.

Joey: (flatly) Thank you, Dawson. I didn't think I could feel any worse than I did earlier, but clearly I can by a landslide.

Dawson: Wait ...that came out wrong! I didn't mean --

Joey: (She gets up and heads towards the window) It's late, Dawson. Very late. And much as I am enjoying this masochistic discourse, I'm exhausted. I'm going home.

Dawson: Joey! No, wait, wait! (He catches up with her and grabs her by the shoulders) You can't go home now, it's almost one o'clock in the morning. Just stay. We can start Round Two tomorrow. (pause) Besides, I don't want to be worrying about you out on that creek at this hour.

Joey: (folds her arms across her chest) I'd feel more comfortable out on that creek right now than in here.

Dawson: Joey. (he tilts her chin up with his hand, she stares down at the floor) Josephine. (when she does not respond, he sighs) Aw, Jo, look, I'm sorry. I have this incredibly bad habit of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. You have to know, I would never say anything to deliberately hurt you. What I meant was ... Pacey may be a really good friend, and Jen may be my girlfriend, but you're my best friend. Our relationship exists on a whole other dimension.

Joey: (sarcastically) Yeah, like the Twilight Zone.

Dawson: No, I mean like on a level that transcends everything and everyone else. Jo, I'm probably closer to you than to any other person in my life, including Jen. No matter what, she'll never come between us, don't even think that for a second. And Pacey's great, but he's not you. You and I ... I can't even begin to explain or understand our relationship, but all I know is that it's about the only thing in my life right now that makes any sense. And I'm sorry if I neglect you when Jen's around, I don't mean to, really ... I don't know what comes over me half the time. But I do know that having you in my life is so important to me, and I don't ever want to lose what we have, or take it for granted. (pause) So what do you say, Jo? Truce?

Joey: (feebly) Fine. Truce.

Dawson: Let's just get some sleep, okay? (She heistates, then nods. Dawson unbuttons his long-sleeved shirt) So ... if Jen's genre is romance, and you're drama, where do you suppose that leaves Pacey?

Joey: (taking off her jean jacket) Horror. All the way ... either that or a porno.

Dawson: Or science fiction?

Joey: (nods) A definite possibility. (they both laugh)

Dawson: (yawning) You know, I don't think I ever got around to answering your question.

Joey: (taking off her shoes, puzzled) What question?

They get into Dawson's bed and lie down in the darkness, side by side. Dawson folds his hands behind his head, while Joey crosses her arms across her chest.

Dawson: The question you asked ... about ... our little incident this afternoon. During Truth or Dare.

Joey: (a little too quickly) Oh, that.

Dawson: You asked me if I thought it was weird, and I was just about to say --

Joey: (holding up a hand) Don't.

Dawson: (turning to look at her) Why?

Joey: Just ... don't. (she shakes her head and gives him a halfhearted smile) We both know what you're going to say.

Dawson: Really? Well, to quote a good friend of mine, maybe you don't know me as well as you think you do. (Joey smiles sheepishly) ... Because what I was going to say ... before Jen walked in ... what I was about to tell you ...is that it was ... weird. (Joey's face goes blank, and she looks away) But not at all as weird as I thought it would be.

Joey: (in a small voice) Oh ...

Joey looks back to face him. They smile awkwardly at each other in the darkness, both not sure what to do or say. When their smiles fade, they stare into each other's eyes for a long moment. Dawson looks down at Joey's lips intently, which causes her to bite the bottom one self-consciously and look away, flustered. After another long silence, Dawson speaks.

Dawson: (softly) Well ... 'night, Jo.

Joey: 'Night, Dawson.

Dawson turns to face the other way, with his back to Joey. She lies on her back and stares up at the ceiling for a while. After a few minutes, she looks over at Dawson sleeping and watches his back rise and fall.

Joey: (quietly) Dawson? You awake?

Dawson does not answer. There is silence for about 5 seconds.

Joey: (whispering) Dawson?

Dawson does not answer. Joey watches him sleep for a few more moments.

Joey: (sighs softly, her voice barely a whisper) You got it backwards earlier, Dawson. (pause) I don't resent Jen because I'm afraid she's replacing me in your life. (Her eyes brim with tears) The thing is, it's me who wants to replace her. (pause) I don't want to be just your friend anymore. I want you to look at me the way you look at her, I want you to think about me the way you think about her, I want you to ... (her voice breaks as a tear rolls down her cheek) I want ... you. (pause) I want you.

Joey rubs her eyes for a moment, then turns her back to Dawson and looks out the window, while on the other side of the bed, Dawson is awake and staring into the darkness with a stunned look on his face.


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