Send Me A Present: I'm really happy here at Dog Heaven, but there are a few things I like. Cute little sweaters to keep me warm in winter, Pupperonis, and if you really want to give me a thrill, take me for a ride in your car!
Turn-ons: I must be the center of attention at all times, and if there is a lap available, I'll be there. If you leave me in a room or outside away from people too long, I will let you know about it! I am a burrower, and love to sleep under the covers as close as I can get to a human. At night when Lynn comes home from work, we play tug of war with her hair ribbons or old socks, and I'm really good at shredding up Kleenex and pulling thread out of old rugs. A slow ride on a sunny day where I can smell all the wonderful scents is my favorite thing in the world! History: I was born around Ozark, but am the most well- travelled of all the Dog Heaven canines. When Jack Deaton gave me to Rene and Lynn I started a new exciting life. I flew on airplanes whenever I could have my own seat or ride with the people (Lynn would never let me go as cargo!), and we travelled to many places by car, too. I lived down in Atlanta and returned to Dog Heaven with The Callalys. Eamonn took me to visit Uncle Bill in Anna, and I'm looking forward to some more trips this summer. Hit your back space key or follow this link to Dog Heaven: