The discipline of pistol metallic silhouette is one which is truly a family affair and a spectator sport, as few shooting disciplines are. Both men and women shoot it, with a higher proportion of women shooters than most other disciplines. The kids come along to help set up targets and watch Mom and Dad do their best. The name of the discipline is pretty self explanatory: it involves using a pistol to knock over metal targets shaped like animals and birds at varying ranges according to the competition and the firearms being used.
Matches are usually forty shots long and there are ten targets set at each of the four ranges. A shooter starts out by shooting ten chickens at the closest range (40 yards), then ten pigs a bit further out (50 yards), then ten turkeys a little bit further away (75 yards), and finally ten rams at the maximum distance for the match at 100 yards. Competitors engage the targets from left to right and are allowed one shot at each target. Targets shot out of sequence are scored as misses. In order for a target to be scored as a hit it must be knocked over. Targets that are merely struck, or turned on their stands, count as a miss.
One reason for the rise in popularity of metallic silhouette shooting is the fact that new competitors do not require fancy equipment or custom guns. The sport is structured to allow shooters to compete in the following categories: Hunter's Pistol, Smallbore Hunter's Pistol, Hunter's Pistol Open Sights, Smallbore Hunter's Pistol Open sights, Smallbore Hunter's Rifle, Smallbore Rifle, Cowboy Lever Action Smallbore, and Cowboy Lever Action Centerfire. Also the fact that beginning shooters do not compete with Master shooters increase interest at the entrance level. Once a shooter qualifies he or she is group as follows: 0-14 shots B Class, 15-21 shots A Class, 22-29 shots AA Class, 30-35 shots AAA Class, and 36-40 shots Master Class.
If you are interested in pistol shooting and you like a challenge and a lot of fun to boot, then silhouette is something that will get you involved and which you can enjoy with like minded shooters. Come check out the Rupert Pistol Club and join in on the fun. Just writing about a pistol silhouette match has my trigger finger itching. You might have the same reaction. For more information call:
Gun Categories: Hunter's Pistol, Smallbore Hunter's Pistol, Smallbore Rifle , Smallbore Hunting Rifle, Smallbore Cowboy Lever Action, and Centerfire Cowboy Lever Action.
Directions to Range: Located on Big Mountain Road four miles northwest of Rupert, West Virginia, Greenbrier County, on the north side or the right side of Big Mountain Road.
Competition is open to: Competition is open to all.
Firing times: Firing will start at 10:00 A.M. Entries will be accepted until 3:00 P.M. Please call and confirm all shooting times and range conditions before match dates. (304-392-5028)
Rules Current NRA Silhouette rules will apply.
Classification: NRA competitors must have a current NRA classification book. If a competitor does not have a current book, one can be purchased for the price of $11.25 at the match. If known, prior shooters who have no classification book will shoot in the highest available class until classified.
Entry fees: Entry fee will be $6.00 for members of any recognized gun club per event. Non-members will be charged $9.00 per event. There will be an additional $1.00 charged if target setters are supplied.
Awards: One award will be given for each five shooters in each class. Competitors will be eligible for silhouette pins. At least one award will be given. Awards will be trophies, plaques, or points at the discretion of the Rupert Pistol Club.
Targets: The course of fire will consist of ten shots on chickens at forty yards, pigs at fifty yards, turkeys at seventy-five yards, and rams at one hundred yards. Competitors will fire on two bays of five targets each before targets are reset. Smallbore Hunter's Pistol course of fire is the same but on lighter silhouette targets. The course of fire for smallbore rifle will consist of ten shots on chickens at forty-five yards, pigs at fifty-five yards, turkeys at seventy-five yards, and rams at one hundred yards. Smallbore hunting rifle will be the same as smallbore rifle. Smallbore Cowboy Rifle is a new class firing at the Hunters Pistol Targets with Lever & Pump Action open-sight 22 rifles.
Firearms: Current NRA standards will apply
Range is approximately one mile south of Brenton West Virginia, on right side of road. Look for sign. Range is about 100 yards off of Route 97.
Smallbore Hunter's Pistol, Smallbore Hunter's Pistol Open Sights, Hunter's Pistol, Hunter's Pistol Open Sights,(fired on heavy targets) Smallbore Hunting Rifle, Smallbore Rifle, Smallbore Cowboy Lever Action, and Centerfire Cowboy Lever Action.
Firing starts at 11:00 A.M. Entries accepted until 3:00 P.M.
Dates: Second Sunday of the Month March through December
W.C. Johnson II
P.O. Box 111
Rockview, West Virginia
304-732-7195 before 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday
Andrew Tokarz at 304-392-6020