![]() I Wanted A Picture Of My Daughter Here, BUT......
Izabel is the sunshine of my day. She gives me the reason to smile every day. :-) She is currently (on Oct. 13, 1998) 5 days shy of 10 months old. She has gorgeous blue eyes, and very little hair, and no teeth yet. She has started her own style of crawling--with 1 leg in front, and 1 leg in back. (YES, it looks as ridiculous as it sounds!) She never ceases to amaze me on any given day! She is the best thing to happen to me in a long time. I cherish every minute with her. My husband, Mike, is the other best thing to happen to me. He works so much, and rarely is off. When he is off, it is family time. He plays golf on Sunday morning with his boss, and spends every minute he can with Izabel. When he gets home at nite, I get a peck, then he gets her. That is fine with me. He needs to be with her. We have been together for 7 years. We were married on August 22, 1992. We have waited a while for Izabel to join us and make us a family. All I ever wanted to do was have a big family, and Mike has allowed me to do that. We have only begun on what we hope will be a nice, big, happy family. We are looking forward to our next child, who hopefully, will be born next fall. (Another Christmas baby is not part of the plan.) We will be grateful for however The Lord blesses us, regardless of the birthdate. Angels are all around us. They are not only in Heaven, but also on the Earth. "What good are wings to fly, if you can't feel the wind on your face?" So, Angels come here to feel the wind on their face. Remeber 2 things, please. First: The past can not be changed, but the future is what you make it. Second: Make sure you make the most of time with loved ones. You just never know when they will become the next Angel around you. Always tell them how much they mean to you. Each day and each life are gifts from The Lord. Always, ALWAYS, live your life to the fullest! Hold each memory near and dear to your heart. Izabel update April 8, 1999. Wow! So much has changed with the Lil Peanut! On Halloween, we noticed her first tooth. I think she cut ut that day or the day before. Since then, she has added 4 more to her mouth!! Yea!! She can eat more & more food these days. She started walking on March 10th. This is solo folks! Went from the gate to her Uncle Ed! The lil stinker! Not to her Daddy, but her Uncle!! LOL Oh well. At least we were both home to see this!! She knows about the baby in "Mommy's Tummy." I spend time everyday with her asking where the baby is. She lifts my shirt and points at my belly and says, "See." She also started kissing the belly yesterday. She is talking too. She says, "Hi.", "Blue.", "See.", "Mama.", "Dada.", and a few others of her own...LOL She has learned how to play pattycake this week too. Her rolling needs work, but like her, it's original...LOL She has started kissing the right way rather than with her open mouth! Thank goodness!! She started giving kisses to Storm today. He wasn't too sure about it tho'. LOL She pushed him over in the effort to get close enough to kiss him. That made her giggle. Keep checking back. I hope I haven't missed anything!! LOL
My dad and step-mom JoAnn are retired to Texas. My dad is my hero. He had a brain hemmorhage in January of 1997. I remember wondering if he would be different. Well, he is. Not in a bad way. I would give almost anything for him to not have suffered this ordeal. But, we always say, "What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger." I never knew my dad could be stronger. But, he is. JoAnn has been the best friend to me. We have a Christmas tradition that will have to change now, but all good things must come to an end I guess. Someday, we will shop till we drop again. Just not on Christmas Eve, and with all the good sales and deals we got. My Dad and JoAnn are lifetime nudists as well. Lady. How could I forget Lady? She is my Dad's dog. They even say she is my other sister. How can I compete with that?? I can't. So, I just accept her. She has been just what those 2 needed. She is a companion for Jo, a best friend to my Dad. Another sister for me...LOL. My step-brother Bob, Angie's brother, is always working. On the rare occaision that he isn't working, he is probably sleeping. He works at the bowling alley with my brother, Alan, and they talk and joke all the time, which is wonderful for them. They need to bond. LOL! He really is a great guy. Bob & Regis (Angie's hubby) are both diehard Dallas Cowboys fans! It makes for interesting football seasons, as my dad & brother, Alan, are diehard Bills fans! BOY!! Some Sunday's in that house were almost unbearable!! But, I sure wouldn't trade a minute of my life for a minute of his. He has way too much going all at once. I just don't know how he does it, and I probably never will. My computer experience has been good so far, with the few exceptions I have encountered lately. I tend to stay away from the chat rooms, as it opens my mailbox to soliciting, which I do not care for. I am online quite often during the day. I welcome nice IM's, or considerate EMail to:AnglBluGr@aol.com. If you send me porn or unsolicited mail, I will send it to the proper place. So, please don't waste my time, or your time. Thank you. I am easy to get along with, unless you cross me. Also, remember, I may be logged on, but not necessarily at my keyboard. I have my own 9 1/2 month old girl, as well as a 10 1/2 month old boy I take care of during the week days. On October 18, she turned 10 months old. She is crawling now. All over the place, and into EVERYTHING!! The boy I speak of, Storm, is a whole new experience for me. LOL--just kidding...I have 3 littler brothers. Storm is crawling as well, and is the one who taught my daughter, Izabel, how to get EVERYTHING out of the toy box! I thank him everyday!! LOL j/k I think there is a budding romance here. I am joking! They smile when they see each other, and when he goes home, she looks sad. I swear this is all true. Could I make this one up?? I have pictures of them "hugging" and playing together so nice, and I have to think of those when they go after things thay can't have after I have told them no. They really are Demon Seeds sometimes!! LOL!! J/K! :-) But, still wouldn't trade a minute of it for anything! I am glad I decided to stay home! Now, onto my brothers! Alan Jr. is 19. He is my bigger, littler brother. Growing up, he was "My Protector", as long as they weren't bigger than him. He is an overall good guy. I guess he can stay--for now anyway. (J/K)I love him dearly. He is so great to Izabel. I don't think I have ever met an Uncle that is prouder than him, to be an Uncle. Andrew is 13. A full fleged teenager!! Look out world!!Hard to believe, but true. He is a computer guru, as are many kids these days. He probly could run this in his sleep! I was there to watch him be born. At 12, that is really cool! I knew what I was in for when I had Izabel! He is a good kid overall. He looks alot like my dad. Matthew is 8. He is quite a risk taker. He has had more bumps, scrapes, bruises and stitches than the other 3 of us combined! He is a good kid though. Somedays, he is too rambunxious and needs to be dropped a peg! LOL My mom is wonderful! She is very crafty, and is going to help me make my Christmas gifts this year, rather than buying alot of things! She has tried to teach me to be crafty, but I am far to messy with the hot glue gun! Glue ends up everywhere!! She has been my best friend for a long time. We have had hard times between us. But what mother & daughter hasn't? Things have improved so much in the last year between us! I am glad too! (She moved a block away from me for her job!) It would be very hard to be this close if we were still estranged. She is the person that got me hooked to AOL. Thank you Mom! My husband has a brother, Ed, who is (He'll kill me if I am wrong!) 21 now. He has a little boy, Kyle, who lives with his mother, Chris, who has remarried, and given Kyle a little brother now. He is a darling boy. He will be 4 in November! I can hardly believe it! The years have gone so quickly. I blinked I guess. Well, I have more pages to build. Won't you please sign my guestbook? I hope you enjoyed the brief overview of my family, and my life. Please come again, as I hope to update these pages quite often. Thank you for visiting! Update: February 3, 1999. On December 18th, 1998, which was also Izabel's First Birthday, we found out that we are expecting number 2! We couldn't be happier. We were and are still hoping for a girl, as we are somewhat set as far as clothes go. We will be very happy with whichever gender we have. I guess if we have a boy, that won't be so bad.....LOL At least our family would be "Politically Correct" Just Joking! I would be very happy with a Seth or an undecided girl at this time. We are due August 17th, 1999. I am glad to be having a summer baby. I am also very glad not to be due in September, when Mike was born. His poor mom! As we get further through, I will update so you know when the "bundle" gets here. We have heard the heartbeat as well already. Sounded good & strong Doc said. That made my day! Ultrasound should be in early March! Keep checking! Update: April 8th, 1999. So far, I have had 2 ultrasounds. Neither of them would let us know the sex of the baby. I was rather upset with the technician the 2nd time. She spent 20 minutes measuring the baby and wouldn't even look to see the sex. I don't buy the facts she gave me. I know better and have asked around. She said at 18 1/2 weeks it was still too soon. Bologna! I know plenty of people on here that found out at 18 weeks. I knew with Izabel at her first ultrasound, so I don't know why, other than this lady just doesn't care to look. Maybe she isn't confident enough in her decision to say. Who knows. She was also this way at Izabel's 2nd ultrasound. Keep checking. Mid-June will be next ultrasound. HOPEFULLY we will know then!! ;)
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