Lemessos for all seasons and reasons

The city of Lemesos (Limassol) is situated in a picturesque location on the shores of the Bay of Akrotiri in the narrow coastal plain, between the two ancient city kingdoms of Amathus to the east and Kourion to the west. It is within an hour's drive from the capital Lefkosia to the north, the port cities of Larnaka to the east and Pafos to the west and the main mountain resorts of the Troodos range. In the city's environs there are numerous archaeological sites to visit covering the whole spectrum of the island's history and even pre-history from the neolithic settlement at Sotera, to Roman Kourion, to Mediaeval Kolossi Castle, to Byzantine churches. Then there are the picturesque villages on the mountain slopes, known the world over for their excellent wines, including the famous Commandaria. Higher up the mountains still is the summer resort of Platres and the Monastery of Trooditissa among the pine forests of the Troodos massif.

Limassol PortLemesos is today the island's second city with a population of 150,000, the most important tourist and commercial centre and the biggest port. It was already the island's main port during Lusignan times. However, by the 19th century, after being ravaged by fires, floods and earthquakes, it lost most of its importance to Larnaka and Ammochostos (Famagusta), which became the main ports of the island. It gradually gained in importance during the British colonial period with the establishment of Cyprus's first industrial units - mainly agricultural product processing (winemaking, fruit-juice production, fruit canning) and light industry (shoe making, clothing). Its population grew rather rapidly during the first half of the 20th century mainly because of the influx of rural populations from the district itself as well as from Pafos district to the west. Following the Turkish invasion of 1974, Lemesos took over from Ammochostos as the island's biggest port. It also became the island's biggest commercial and tourist centre while industrial activity also increased. The population of the city increased dramatically in 1974 since tens of thousands of refugees from Turkish occupied Cyprus found refuge here. The city's cultural life is quite hectic with ancient Greek drama, Shakespeare plays and modern works being performed every summer in open air Greco-Roman theatre of Kourion by local and visiting theatre companies, contributing greatly to the cultural life of the island. The city based theatre companies continue their activity during the winter season in city theatres.

The city offers a great number of luxury hotels, most of them on the shore along a 15km coastline, some of them with their ownLimassol's beach marinas. Restaurants and taverns also abound serving the whole range of local, regional and international dishes. It is famous for the variety of its night entertainment, its taverns with Greek bouzouki, modern discos and steamy nightclubs. The hospitality and lively nature of Lemesianoi, the local people are well known to both Cypriots and foreign visitors alike. This lively nature becomes more pronounced during the course of the two big festivals taking place in the city. First, the Spring Carnival with its traditional Parade and, second, the late summer Wine Festival.

Limassol is the city of fun as its called in Cyprus and it is the home of the world famous wine festival, a ten-day event end of September, where you can mingle with the crowds in the beautifully decorated Municipal Gardens to sample our wines which flow freely during the event. Limassol is also the home of the Carnival parade in spring, and the hundreds of parties around the city where an exhilarating atmosphere is created during the week long celebrations. If you decide to visit us during the hot nights of July and August, Limassol still offers you amongst other pleasures, the international Dance Festival, at the Garden Theatre, or the possibility to watch a play, a Greek drama or a concert at the ancient theatre of Curium. It is not by chance the fact that Limassol has most of five and four star hotels on the island providing unforgettable experience to the business and pleasure traveller. We can also offer budget hotel apartments, fully serviced and hotels to the budget conscious traveller. Like all the Mediterranean tourist destinations, Limassol gets its share of sun and sea worshippers every year who want to run away from the everyday problems and stressful commuting of the large northern cities of Europe to the relaxing environment of a coastal city under the sun. Conference tourism is growing alongside the islands status as a business centre and the continued upgrading of the infrastructure needed to host business meetings, Limassols hotels are offering state of the art conference facilities, value for money and the right infrastructure for your business meetings. Limassol hosted over 50% of the international conferences for 1994. Limassols port serves more than 700,000 people a year. The majority of those visitors are tourists who want to combine a visit to Cyprus with a three, five or longer cruises to Egypt, the Holy Land or the Greek islands.


Kourio ancient theatre
The ancient Theatre of Curium in Limassol

Kolossi Castle
The mediaeval castle of Kolossi in Limassol

Limassol aerophoto

Limassol view

Molos area

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