Anwar Online

This page has been set up to help you to download all the contents from Anwar Online to your local disk so that you can browse it off line.

Each of the archives is self extractor zip file. After downloaded to your hard disk, double-click the file and click Unzipto start extracting into a default folder (c:\~Anwar).

After extracting, go to folder c:\~Anwar and  double click the file ~Anwar_Offline.html to start browsing (without connecting to internet). Or you can click here.

Please report any fault in archives to 
Dark Justice

FastCounter by bCentral

  All-in-one archive, 4/9/98-15/11/98:
Anwar1-6.exe (1261K) (Total 216 files) 

Separate archives: 

Anwar07.exe (  ) 
(16/11/98 - 25/11/98)
Anwar06.exe (253K)
(8/11/98 - 15/11/98)
Anwar05.exe (94K)
(29/10/98 - 7/11/98)
Anwar04.exe (100K)
(21/10/98 - 28/10/98)
Anwar03a.exe (Part A, 240K)
Anwar03b.exe (Part B, 247K)
(15/9/98 - 20/10/98)
Anwar02.exe (66K)
(10/9/98 - 14/9/98)
Anwar01a.exe (Part A, 257K)
Anwar01b.exe (Part B, 225K)
(4/9/98 - 9/9/98)