Specific Rwanda Links
Frontline: The Triumph of Evil
An excellent cite from PBS that covers the warnings of the upcoming violence, interviews with key players, the events of the acutal genocide, and more.
Leave None to Tell the Story: Genocide in Rwanda
Excellent information from the Human Rights Watch. This is the online version of their official report on the killings. Provides extensive background information. Interested people can also sign up for daily e-mails with updates on current human rights issues around the world.
Genocide in Rwanda
Information from Covert Action Quarterly. This is another good site on the genocide. It covers the wrongdoings the church and of David Rawson, the then US ambassador to Rwanda.
Amnesty International: Country Page - Rwanda
This human rights organization has links to other important sites as well has links to their own reports and articles on Rwanda.
The US and the Genocide in Rwanda 1994
This is an excellent site for information on the genocide and it gives indisputable proof of inappropriate US and world action before, during, and after the genocide. This page provides downloadable pdf files of important documents regarding the genocide. These include memos sent from the US State Department to the United Nations and from Maj. Gen. Romeo Dallaire [Force Commander, United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda] to Maj. Gen. Maurice Baril [United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations]. This is the one of the best sites to visit.
Bystanders to Genocide
Excellent article from The Atlantic. Includes information on the people involved in the mess, the events leading up to the genocide, and the actual genocide. Has much of the same information as the Human Rights Watch, but much more condensed.
The UN & Rwanda: Abandoned to Genocide?
Radio National's Weekly Investigative Documentary: Background Briefing [Online transcipt of interview]
1994 Rwanda Genocide: Could it have been prevented?
Short, simpler explanation of the genocide with narrative pictures that depict the horror.
Ex-French officals deny France aided Rwandan genocide-April 21, 1998
Short article from CNN on French connections to the killings. Links to related articles available.
French official defends France's role in Rwanda- May 5, 1998
Continued coverage from CNN on France's connection with Rwanda. LInks to more related articles available.
Prosecutorial Incompetence Frees Rwandan Genocide Suspect
Press release (November 1999) from Human Rights Watch on ICTR trials.
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
The tribunal was "established by a United Nations Security Council Resolution in 1994 to prosecute the organizers and leaders of the genocide in Rwanda in 1994." The web site allows you to find out anything about the organization and work of the Tribunal.
Google Directory - Regional > Africa > Rwanda
Check out links for business and economy, education, government, maps and views, news and media, science and environment, society and culture, travel and tourism.
Rwanda Picture Gallery
See more pictures from Rwanda and other pictures from Africa, courtesy of J.B.
Other Links
United States Institute of Peace Library
Resources regarding courts and tribunals, genocide studies/projects, governmental agencies, and selected documents and decisions.
University of Minnesota Human Rights Library: War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity, Genocide, and Terrorism
Various documents on the rules and procedures for crimes against humanity. [i.e. Principles of International Co-Operation in the Detection, Arrest, Extradition and Punishment of Persons Guilty of War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity]
About.com: African History
Links and articles to anything a person might need to know about Africa. There is also a personal guide to help you out. I e-mailed the guide, Alistair Boddy-Evans, for help. Unfortunately, while he said he would he never did.
Embassy of Rwanda, Washington, D.C.
Basic information on Rwanda.
**see Works Cited and Works Consulted pages for more sources on Rwanda