How to Link to Us

If you have visited this page and like it, and have a page of your own, we would appreciate it if you would link to our page from yours. To do so, you can use the banner below, or just text if you want. Thanks!

To get this pic, just shift-click on it and it should download. If it doesn't, right-click and select "Save Image as...". It should bring up a box asking you where to save it. Give it a name you will remember (we think the name it has is fine, but each to his own), and click Save. Then add the following line of HTML code to your links page, replacing the word "URL" with the URL of wherever you store the graphic. (You can use notepad for this if you want.)

<A HREF="">

<IMG SRC="URL" ALT="AragornNatedog Banner">



If you just use text, add the following lines of HTML code:

<A HREF="">

<P>Aragorn and Natedog's War2 Page</P>


Mail us your links and we'll put them up on our links page!

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