Readings on Archaeology and Computer Simulations

For the new student or the interested outsider, there are several areas of literature that may be important depending on one's goals. No bibliography could be complete and this list is intended only as a bare bones introduction. References have been included from several fields listed below.

Researchers have developed their simulation programs both from mathematical models such as the Lotka-Volterra model of inter-specific competition (Thompson 1977) and from traditional verbal descriptions. An example of the latter is Hosler et al.(1977) who developed a simulation of the collapse of the Classic Maya based on a verbal description developed by Willey and Shimkin (1973). Doran and Gilbert (1994) present a concise discussion of the types of models used in simulation studies and issue of validity in simulation studies.

During the 1960s, initial efforts at simulating social phenomena were build around systems of interrelated equations and tended to be deterministic these were popularized by Jay Forrester. Randomness in simulations was introducted through programs referred to as "Monte Carlo" models and took a huge leap forward in the later 1980s with the rise of fractal geometry and advances in the study of dynamic systems popularized by James Gleick in his book Chaos. At about the same time rapid progress was made in the understanding of the theoretical mathematics underlying dunamic systems, progress was also made in programming languages that would facilitate implementing simulation studies.

For those readers inclinded to history, I have included a number of works that are dated but fundamental works in their field. Such references include Norbet Wiener's seminal work on cybernetics, Ludwig von Bertalanffy's description of General System Theory, Jay Forrester's early computer models, and Robert Axelrod's study in the evolution of social cooperation.

Material not covered

There are a number of topics related to archaeology and computeres that are not addressed in this list of sources. There is nothing specifically about recording field notes or analyzing them. Standard office applications such as word processors, spread sheets, data-base managers, and presentation applications are also absent for the most part. These applications are important but they are developing at such a rate that the the interested reader would be better advised to refer to the home pages of the various manufacturers.

Archaeology, Cultural Evolution and Computer Simulations

Introductory Bibliography

Adams, Robert McC. 1966
The Evolution of Urban Society: Early Mesopotamia and Prehistoric Mexico.
Aldine de Gruyter: Chicago

Alexrod, Robert 1984
The Evolution of Cooperation
Basic Books: USA

Beltrami, Edward 1993
Mathematical Models in the Social and Biological Sciences
Jones and Bartlett: Boston

Bertalanffy, Ludwig von 1968 General System Theory: Foundations, Development, Applications
George Braziller: New York
ISBN: 8076-0453-4

Boone, Margaret S. and John J. Wood 1992
Computer Applications for Anthropologists
Wadsworth: Belmont, CA.
ISBN 0-534-17166-4

Bousquest, C. Cambier, C. Mullon, P. Morand, F. Quesnsiere
"Simulating Fishermen's Society" in
Nigel Gilbert and Jim Doran (eds)
Simulating Societies: The Computer Simulation of Social Phenomena
London, 1994

ISBN 1-85728-082-2 HB

Briggs, John and F. David Peat 1989
Turbulent Mirror: An illustrated Guide to Chaos Theory and the Science of Wholeness.
Perennial Library: New York

Britwistle, G. M. 1979
Demos: A System for Discrete Element Modeling on Simula
Springer-Verlag: New York

Buckley, Walter 1968
Modern Systems Research and the Behavioral Scientist
Aldine: Chicago

Caldas, Jose Castro and Helder Coelho
"The Simulation of Trade in Ogligoplistic Markets" in
Nigel Gilbert and Jim Doran
Simulating Societies: The Computer Simulation of Social Phenomena
London, 1994
ISBN 1-85728-082-2 HB

Carneiro, Robert L. 1970
"A Theory of the Origin of the State"
Science 169:733-788

Carneiro, Robert L. 1987
"Cross Currents in the Theory of State Formation"
American Ethnologist 14:756-770

Casti, John L. 1995
Complexification: Explaining a Paradoxical World Through the Science of Surprise.
USA: Harper
ISBN 0-06-092587-6

Caudill, Maureen and Charles Butler 1990
Naturally Intelligent Systems
MIT Press: Cambridge

Chabris, Christopher F. 1987
Artificial Intelligence & Turbo Pascal
Dow Jones-Irwin: Homewood, IL.

Cohen, Jack and Ian Stewart 1994
The Collapse of Chaos: Discovering Simplicity in a Complex World.
Viking: New York
ISBN 0-670-84983-9

Doran, Jim and Mike Palmer, Nigel Gilbert, and Paul Mellers 1994
"The EOS PRoject: Modeling Upper Palaeolithic Social Change" in
Nigel Gilbert and Jim Doran
Simulating Societies: The Computer Simulation of Social Phenomena
London, 1994
ISBN 1-85728-082-2 HB

Doran Jim (J.E.) 1981
"Multi-Actor Systems and the Maya Collapse."
Congress de l'Union Internationale des Sciences Prehistoriques and Protohistoriques Collocquium 5 on Data Management and mathematical methods in Archaeology (preproceedings).

Doran, Jim (J.E.)1982
"A Computational Model of Sociocultural Systems." in
C. Renfrew, M. J. Rowlands, and B.A. Segraves (eds.)
Theory and Explanation in Archaeology
New York: Academic

Doran, Jim (J.E.) 1987
"Anthropological Archaeology, Computational Modeling, and Expert Systems." in
Quantitative Research in Archaeology: Progress and Prospects
M. Aldenderfer (ed.)
London: Sage

Doran, Jim (J.E.) 1989
"Distributed Artificial Intellegence and Modeling of Socio-Cultural Systems." in
L. Murray and J. Richardson (eds.)
Intelligent Systems in Human Context: Development, Implications, Applications.
Oxford: Oxford University Press

Doran, Jim (J.E.) 1990
"Computer Based Simulation and Formal Modeling in Archaeology: a Review" in
Proceeding of the Conference on Dynamic Modeling and Human Systems Mathematic and Information Science in Archaeology: A flexible Framework.
Studies in Modern Archaeology, vol III
A.Voorips (ed)
Bonn: Hosverlag

Doran, Jim and Nigel Gilbert
"Simulating Societies: An Introduction" in
Nigel Gilbert and Jim Doran
Simulating Societies: The Computer Simulation of Social Phenomena
University College London Press: London, 1994
ISBN 1-85728-082-2 HB

Dunnell,R.C. 1980
"Evolutionary Theory and Archaeology"
M.B. Schiffer (ed)
Advances in Archaeological Method and Theory, Volume 3
Academic Press: New York

Drugal, Alexis and Jacques Ferber
"Multi-agent Simulation as a Tool for Studying Emergent Processes in Societies" in
Nigel Gilbert and Jim Doran (eds)
Simulating Societies: The Computer Simulation of Social Phenomena
University College London Press: London, 1994
ISBN 1-85728-082-2 HB

Ennals, R. 1985
Artificial Intelligence Applications to Logical Reasoning and Historical Research
New York: John Wiley

Fagan, Brian M. and George H. Michaels
"Anthropology 3: An experiment in the MultiMedia Teaching of Introductory Archaeology"
American Antiquity, 57(3), 1992, pp.458-466

Flannery, Kent 1968
"Archaeological Systems Theory in Early Mesoamerica. in
B.J. Meggars (ed)
Anthropological Archaeology in the Americas
Washington DC: Anthropological Society of America

Gatewood, John B. 1992
"GODZILLA: A Simulation Program for Learning Popluation Genetics" in
Margaret S. Boone and John J. Wood (eds)
Computer Applications for Anthropologists
Wadsworth: Belmont, CA.

Gell-Mann, M. 1994 "Complex Adaptive Systems" in
Cowan, G.A., D. Pines and D. Meltzer (eds)
Complexity: Metaphors, Models, and Reality. Proceedings Volume XIX. Santa Fe Institute in the Sciences of Complexity.
Addison-Wesley: Reading,MA.

Glass, Leon and Michael C. Mackey 1988
From Clocks to Chaos: The Rhythms of Life.
Princeton University Press: Princetom, New Jersey
ISBN 0-691-08496-3

Gleik, James 1988
Chaos: Making a New Science
Viking: New York
ISBN 0-670-81178-5

Gilbert, Nigel and Jim Doran, (eds)
Simulating Societies: The Computer Simulation of Social Phenomena
University College London Press: London, 1994
ISBN 1-85728-082-2 HB

Goldberg, Samuel 1986 (1958)
Introduction to Difference Equations With Illustratuve Examples from Economics, Psychology, and Socialogy.
Dover: New York
ISBN 0-486-65084-7

Gould, Harvey and Jan Tobochnik 1988
An Introduction to Computer Simulation Methods: Applications to Physical Systems (2 volumes)
Addison-Wesley: Reading, MA.

Gumerman, G.J. and J.S. Dean 1989
"Prehistoric Cooperation and Copetition in the Western Anasazi Area." in
Cordell, L.S. and G.J. Gummerman (eds)
Dynamics of Southwest Prehistory
Smithsonian Institution Press: Washington, DC.

Gumerman, G.J. and M. Gell-Mann (eds) 1994
Understanding Complexity in the Prehistoric Southwest. Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity Proceedings Volume XVI.
Addison-Wesley: Reading, MA.

Horgan, John 1995
"From Complexity to Perplexity"
Scientific American June

Hosler, D., J.A. Sabloff, and D. Rung
"Simulation Model Development: A Case Study of the Classic Maya Collapase." in
Hammond, N. (ed.)
Social Process in Maya Prehistory
Academic Press: London, 1977

Huston, M., D. DeAngelis, and W. Post 1988
"New Computer Models Unify Ecological Theory"
BioScience 38:682-691

Johnson, Gregory A 1978
"Information Sources and the Development of Decision Making Organizations." in
C. L. Redman (ed)
Archaeology as Social Science
Academic Press: New York

Judson, O. P. 1994
"The Rise of Individual-Based Models in Ecology"
Tree 9:9-14

Kaufman, Arnold and Madan M. Gupta 1991
Introduction to Fuzzy Arithmetic: Theory and Applications
Van Nostrand Reinhold: New York
ISBN 0-442-00889906

Kaufman, S. A. 1993
Origins of Order: Self Organization, Evolution and Natural Selection. Oxford: Oxford University

Kaufman, S. A. 1994
"Whispers from Carnot: The Origin of Order and Principles of Adaptation in Complex Nonequilibrium Systems." in
G.A. Gowan, D. Pines, and D. Meltzer (eds)
Complexity Metaphors, Models, and Reality. Proceedings Volume XIX. Santa Fe Institute Studies in
the Sciences of Complexity.

Addison-Wesley: Reading,MA.

Klir, George J. and Bo Yuan 1995
Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic: Theory and Applications
Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ.
ISBN 0-13-101171-5

Kolher, T.A. and C.R. Van Van West
"The Calculus of Self Interest in the Development of Cooperation: Sociopolitical Development and Risk Among the Northern Anasazi" in
J. A. Tainter, B.B. Tainter (eds)
Evolving Complexity and Environment: Risk in the Prehistoric Southwest. Santa Fe Institute
Studies in the Sciences of Complexity, Proceedings Volume XXVI.

Addison-Wesley: Reading, MA.

Kosko, Bart 1993
Fuzzy Thinking: The New Science of Fuzzy Logic
Hyperion: New York

Kruse, R., J. Gebhardt, and F. Klawonn 1994
Foundations of Fuzzy Systems
New York: John Wiley and Sons
ISBN 0-471-94243-x

Lansing, J. Stephen 1987
"Balinese 'Water Temples' and the MAnagement of Irrigation."
American Anthropologist 89(2):326-341.

Lansing, J. Stephen 1991
Priests and Programmers: Technologies of Power in the Engineered Landscape of Bali
Princeton Univercity Press: Princeton,NJ.
ISBN: 069102863X

Levy, Steven 1992
Artificial Life: A Report from the Frontier Where Computers Meet Biology
Vintage Books: New York
ISBN 0-679-74389-8

LLoyd, Alun 1995
"Computing Bouts of the Prisoner's Dilemma" The Amateur Scientist Column Scientific American June

Lowe, J.W.G 1985
The Dynamics of Apocalypse: A Systems Simulation of the Classic Maya Collapse.
Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press

MacNeish, Richard S. 1978
The Science of Archaeology?
Duxbury Press: North Scituate, MA

McNeill, Daniel and Paul Freiberger 1993
Fuzzy Logic: The Revolutionary Computer Technology That is Changing Our World
Simon and Schuster, Touchstone Books: New York.
ISBN 0-671-87535-3

Mithin, Steven 1989
"Evolutionary Theory and Post Processual Archaeology.
Antiquity 63: 483-94

Mithin, Steven 1990
Thoughful Foragers: A Study of Prehistoric Decision Making.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Mithin 1991
"A Cybernetic Wasteland? Rationality, Emotion and Mesolithic Foraging."
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Mithin, Steven 1994
"Simulating Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherer Societies" in
Nigel Gilbert and Jim Doran
Simulating Societies: The Computer Simulation of Social Phenomena
London: University College London
ISBN 1-85728-082-2 HB

Nowak, Andrjez and Bibb Latane 1994
"Simulating the Emergence of Social Order from Individual Behavior" in
Nigel Gilbert and Jim Doran
Simulating Societies: The Computer Simulation of Social Phenomena
London, 1994
ISBN 1-85728-082-2 HB

Nowak, Martin A., Robert M. May and Karl Sigmund 1995
"The Arithmetics of Mutual Help"
Scientific American June

Oberg, Kalevo 1955
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Palmer, M and J. Doran 1992
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Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology
Aarhhus: Aarhus University Press

Pearce, David, Neil Adger, David Maddison, and Dominic Moran 1995
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Scientific American June

Penn, Alan and Nick Dalton 1994
"The Archetecture of Society: Stochastic Simulation of Urban Development" in
Nigel Gilbert and Jim Doran
Simulating Societies: The Computer Simulation of Social Phenomena
London, 1994
ISBN 1-85728-082-2 HB

Pfennig David W. and Paul W. Sherman 1995
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Scientific American June.

Poundstone, William 1985
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Contemporary: Chicago

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New York: Academic

Prigogine, Ilya 1980
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Prigogine, Ilya 1984
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Bantam: New York

Renfrew, C. and J.F. Cherry 1986
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"Problems in the Modeling of Social Cultural Systems"
European Journal of Operational Research 30, 179-92

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Reynolds, Robert G. 1994 "Learning to Cooperate Using Cultural Algorithms" in
Nigel Gilbert and Jim Doran
Simulating Societies: The Computer Simulation of Social Phenomena
London, 1994
ISBN 1-85728-082-2 HB

Rietman, Edward 1993
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ISBN 0-8306-3137-2
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Sablof, J. (ed) 1978
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Sigmund, Karl 1993
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Simulating Societies: The Computer Simulation of Social Phenomena
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ISBN 1-85728-082-2 HB

Waldrop, M. Mitchell 1992
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