
The Bard and Warrior's Place: A chat room: Talk about Lucy, and X:WP!
The Xenite Message Board: Post messages or questions you might have on X:WP
The Picture Center: Pictures of Lucy, Xena, Gabrielle, Renee, and other people of the X:WP cast, and of Lucy's family.
The Sounds of the Warrior and Bard: sounds of Gabrielle, Xena, and other characters of X:WP
Tom's Xena Page: a GREAT site about X:WP: sounds, pics, and more!
Send a Xena postcard!: (from Tom's Xena page)
WHOOSH!: a on-line newsletter about things going on in the Xenaverse
The Xena: Warrior Princess Offical Site: the offical site of X:WP. Check out the upcoming episodes! (Season 2 and some of 3; reruns where I live)
The Amphilpolis Village: Never knew they had a link like that did you??
Argo's Guide to Greece (NEW?): A REALLY cute Xena page about Argo!
GabbyGab's and Mariner's look at Xena: Warrior Princess: A really cool and neat site. I've been there probably 6 times already.
WarriorHeart's Xena Page: If you're looking for sounds, Tom's Xena Page is really the place to go right now because right now WarriorHeart's Xena Page is recontructing they're sounds page.

e-mail me!

Welcome to my Xena page. This site contains of links to my very own Xena chat room, message board, sounds, and pictures of Lucy, Renee, and other actors and actresses on and off the set of Xena:Warrior Princess. Also a page about me, if you were wondering who created this page.

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Xena fans and/or Lucy Lawless fans haved visited this site since June 15, 1998