Welcome to mark to of Arikel’s Haven. If you haven’t been here before the name that friends and family know me by is Simon Peter Munoz. I am here to bring you a little slice of my life. You will find pictures of the people I know and the places I like to visit on the web. I have conveniently separated everything into to neat little sections so you can look at whatever interests you the most. Hopefully you will find something you like and you can explore things that you’ve never seen before. Enjoy your stay and don’t forget to sign the guest book.

Ah the first picture on my site, and what a beauty it is. This is my mother and on the train (what a happy start to my page). It’s a decent picture and as soon as my mom gets a computer she can see it.
If you would like to contact me for any reason you can do so by clicking HERE. I will gladly take any questions and comments and would love to here from those who visit. If you can’t think of anything now not to worry I have added a place to email me at the bottom of each page.
These are the sections of my page. Each is linked to an aspect of my life. The first three are about the people in my life and the last few are about things I enjoy. Look at then as you see fit, each is enjoyable in it’s own right and each is a part of me.
The first section is about myself and the things that are just, well, me. Here you will gain a general understanding of me, what I like, what I dislike, the things I do and a general life story of things going on. I’d like to think that I’m an interesting fellow but I leave that up to you.
Here is the place to see my family. They are a large part of my life, seeing as I wouldn’t really be anywhere without them. You know on account that without moms we’d all be kinda screwed.
These are the other people in my life my friends and acquaintances. Now I know a lot of people and I do mean a lot. When possible I supply web pages for each of them and I’ve tried to put up pictures but I have very few. I didn’t put e-mail addresses but I suspect that for the ones with web pages you’ll be able to find their addresses posted there.
Now I spend most of the free time I have Role-Playing. It’s something I enjoy a lot and have been doing for a number of years so I thought dedicating page to it might be helpful.
Some of the other things I excel at are Writing and Poetry. Actually I have an only partially deluded dream of becoming a writer so I thought it would be wise to put something up about it. Not all of the stuff here is mine I have a lot of writer and poet friends so I’m going to post some of their pieces too.
Everybody likes Music of one type or another and I’m no exception. Here I’m going to allow you to explore my musical tastes that is of course if you think you can handle it.
I’m a reader but I admit that the genre I read most is science-fiction/fantasy. I’m a real fanatic when it comes to sci-fi and fantasy so I figure I had to add something and I did. Enjoy.
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enjoy your stay and come again.
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