Go out of your way to read these writers!

    here's the deal, this is all under construction-
    (yet updated daily)-
    so bear with me...
    this page is created half in part to give kudos to writers I think
    deserve attention..and half in part to the fact that we all have been Emailing sites
    of these same authors between us, and my mailserver must hate me!
    These are authors that I would recommend to anyone, and have probably 
    reccommended to everyone!  If you have been sent here by me or a friend, please visit these people, they truly are incredible
    people and writers!
      In case you are new to Arisilon, we are a group of writers who look
    out for each other.  There is a private chat room now, and meetings will be held to meet
    each other in "person" (our writings are only a part of our persons)
    Please sign the guestbook. To say anything else, or just to say hi
    Email- arisilon@hotmail.com  
      I cannot stress enough! Visit these people! They are incredible!
    sign their guestbooks and any critizism is allways appreciated
    where words bloom!
    New updates-Check out the list of influential writers!
    -special guest chats
    -Poetry and Art!
    -and as always!-NEW WRITERS!!!I got your names and links, so be patient!To tell the truth I didn't
    think this site would be this popular! Keep coming, and tell your 
    friends, and keep linking here! 
    UPDATE!!!--We are VERY proud to be Tripod's BEST OF POD!!!!
         --John Rohner

In no particular order:

Aly Stealey
Aly is incredible! Although there is not one lick of imperfection, I especially enjoyed "The Something Better". She writes with an honest feeling that is very relatable.
Archie R. Whitehill
Archie is a good man, and an incredible poet! Give special attention to "The Prodigal Son"-great story!
Rabbit of the Sun
An Incredibly talented writer that will blow your mind! Try "Grassland"!
Victor Buhagiar
Victor is a great author of short stories. There is six available including the great "To Kill A Wife".
Ken Goldstein
Ken is off to good start with this sampling of published shorts. Enjoy the intriguing "Bottomless Cup of Coffee".
Donald Cline Jr.
Donald's excellent "Generation Ex" is a refreshing change of pace from monotony! enjoy
Theresa Mascari
Welcome her by reading "Time Protects"!
Betsy Davis
Go and read these great works!
Crimson Raven
For the dark side in everyone

More tomarrow!

John Rohner
Our featured author
Back to the front

This page has been visited times in June.