Arizona CP

Traditional and Alternative Therapies H-N

Where available we will list providers in Arizona for each topic.
*Please note: a treatment being listed here does not indicate our endorsement of the treatment. Please do your own thorough research before trying any of them.
If you have updated information on providers for any of the treatments listed here or new treatments please contact us so we can keep our list up to date. If you have tried any of these treatments and would like to add a comment, please contact us. Herbs for Health search

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Sound Listening and Learning
CP and Deaf Organization
Arizona Association of the Deaf
Search Deafness and Hearing Problems
Sign & Say - Interactive Language Series

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The benefits of horseback riding are as numerous as the types of disabilities and conditions served. Research shows that students who participate in therapeutic riding can experience physical, emotional and mental rewards. Because horseback riding gently and rhythmically moves the rider's body in a manner similar to a human gait, riders with physical disabilities often show improvement in flexibility, balance and muscle strength. -NARHA
"Participants learn riding skills, receive therapy, and enjoy the freedom of movement on their horse. Leaving wheelchairs and walkers behind, they control their mounts through obstacles and journey where they couldn't otherwise go by themselves." -Paraplegia News
List of Providers in Arizona*note-not all are certified by NARHA
Theraputic Riding of Tucson
North American Riding for the Handicapped Association

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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
HBOT involves delivering 100% oxygen to body tissues under pressure, the equivalent of going 8 - 24 feet below sea level, in a special chamber. HBOT at these pressures causes virtually no side effects and is, in fact, a pleasant, comfortable experience for most children.
When tissues are deprived of oxygen, damage occurs. Children with cerebral palsy have experience some form of injury to their brain before, during or shortly after their birth. The availability of oxygen is essential to any healing process. The purpose of HBOT is to oxygenate the cells of the body to promote healing of damaged tissues, to decrease swelling and to improve circulation. In the case of cerebral palsy, there may be some recoverable (dormant, not dead) brain tissue around the damaged areas that may be able (when activated by HBOT) to take over some of the functions of the damaged areas.

Dr Frank George D.O. M.D.(H.) 12611 N 103rd Ave Suite A, SunCity Az 85351 623 876 9045 Fax 623 876 8854 e-mail: He has a single unit chamber and charges $125.00 per 1 hour session.

Spire Institute
MUMS list of HBOT providers
Ricky's Hope Foundation
Austin's Quest
Kyle's HBO Journal

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Infantile Spasms
Infantile Spasms/West Syndrome Info

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Ketogenic Diet
The ketogenic diet is a special diet used to treat seizures. It was initially studied in the 1920's as a treatment option for those with intractable epilepsy. Since then, medications have replaced the diet, but there is now a resurgence of interest in the Ketogenic diet. The diet is high in fat, and low in carbohydrate and protein, which results in ketosis. In addition, fluids are limited, which helps contribute to the diet's success. This ketotic state exerts an anti-epileptic effect, though its precise mechanism of action is not completely understood.
Ketogenic FAQ's
*Recommended reading: Epilepsy Diet Treatment: An Introduction to the Ketogenic Diet

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Learning Disorders
Learning disabilities are characterized by a significant difference in the child's achievement in some areas, as compared to his or her overall intelligence.
Students who have learning disabilities may exhibit a wide range of traits, including problems with reading comprehension, spoken language, writing, or reasoning ability. Hyperactivity, inattention, and perceptual coordination problems may also be associated with learning disabilities. Other traits that may be present include a variety of symptoms, such as uneven and unpredictable test performance, perceptual impairments, motor disorders, and behaviors such as impulsiveness, low tolerance for fustruation, and problems in handling day-to-day social interactions and situations. Learning disabilities may occur in the following academic areas:
1. Spoken language: Delays, disorders, or discrepancies in listening and speaking;
2. Written language: Difficulties with reading, writing, and spelling;
3. Arithmetic: Difficulty in performing arithmetic functions or in comprehending basic concepts;
4. Reasoning: Difficulty in organizing and integrating thoughts; and
5. Organization skills: Difficulty in organizing all facets of learning.-
NLD-Nonverbal learning disorder

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Magnet Therapy
Magnetic therapy is used as an official medical procedure to treat arthritis,carpal tunnel syndrome, back pain, headaches, and many other inflammatory orthopedic and neurologic problems in Japan, Germany, Russia, Isreal and over 40 other countries. Also used to decrease stress, improve sleep, increase energy, relieve pain and improve the quality of life when suffering from atherosclerosis, cancer, diabetes, Eye problems such as cataracts and macular degeneration, headaches, infections, mental problems, and seizures.-Magnetic Therapy Center
Magnetic Therapy
M+ Magnet Therapy- Tucson

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Massage Therapy
An increasing number of research studies show massage reduces heart rate, lowers blood pressure, increases blood circulation and lymph flow, relaxes muscles, improves range of motion, and increases endorphins (enhancing medical treatment). Although therapeutic massage does not increase muscle strength, it can stimulate weak, inactive muscles and, thus, partially compensate for the lack of exercise and inactivity resulting from illness or injury. It also can hasten and lead to a more complete recovery from exercise or injury.-American Massage Therapy Association
AMTA list of Arizona Massage Therapists
Desert Dolphins Aquatic Massage Therapy

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Music/Listening Therapy
"Music therapy is the prescribed use of music by a qualified person to effect positive changes in the psychological, physical, cognitive, or social functioning of individuals with health or educational problems." ~ American Music Therapy Association
Contact the Arizona Music Therapy Association at:
What is Theraputic Listening
Classical Music for Kids
Sound Listening and Learning Center- Phoenix (602)381-0086

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Nutrition Tips
The growth in scientific knowledge of the relationship between diet and health has been integrated into current dietary recommendations and sparked national campaigns to educate Americans on healthier eating habits. Federal and State agencies, the private sector, and voluntary organizations have been active in the past decade, in efforts to improve the nutritional health and well-being of Americans through informed food choices.
Nutrition and the child with a G tube
Arizona Project Chance
Tufts Education Nutrition Navigator Nutrition Info

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