Hello and welcome to my den. Arbitrarily named, purely for humorous value. Join me as I attempt to expand my internet dwelling, armed only with a caustic sense of reality and a copy of Time Life Books' Home Improvement Series: "Breakfast Nooks and Dens of Shame".
That said, feel free to stumble around:

Well, the end has come. This page will no longer serve as my active homebase. It will, however, continue to hold my archives and photos and useless personal information. I will add pictures from time to time and I'll let you know when that is, but the bulk of new stuff is going to be somehwhere else. Don't be too sad, I don't think anyone really read this anyway.

black and white photography Da Photos Poke around inside my head Links Hall of Arms
Black and White

Comments, questions, cries of outrage, monetary grants, sacrificial offerings, psychotic stalker letters? Mail me.

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Or just read it.