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I Was Never

I was never ugly,
But I was never the top 10, 
Always a Melissa or Michelle,    
    before me,
I never got the stares or the great guys,
But they didn't exactly,
    ignore me,
And the stares I did recieve didn't connect with mine,
Focused on areas far from my soul,

They never saw the intensity that consumed my brow,
The fury in my eyes,
I am not innocent with a truthful, raw face,
I don't have cat eyes and swarthy skin, for the exotic pace,
I look like myself,
Not cringe worthy but nothing extrordinaire,
Sunflower eyes and tired blonde hair,
My easy to burn skin,
Is so normal I could fade,

I was never ugly,
I was never top 10,
I was never anyone's type,
But I was human, and I am young,
And I don't want to get all of the stares,
But I did have needs, and I am female,
And I will probably never get the great guys,
Without the flame of my passion, burning in my eyes,
