A Letter To M...The Boston Experience
(written by QueenKillerBee (QB), Keeper Of His Aura)

Dear M,

I am writing you to thank you for the chance to experience your music live and for restoring my spirit. Let me tell you, I almost didn;t think i would make it. First, when I heard you were touring I was so excited. Then there were conflicting reports sayin you weren;'t stopping in Boston. Well understandably I was very disappointed but willing to travel.

Then, I found the show was on but had no way to stand in line or call for tix so I had a close friend order me one online. I was going solo to the show cause friends had other plans.

In the meantime, I started to fall in love with a guy I thought was someone special. The drama I put myself through these last few months over this person and other things in my life that had built up ie family, job and just all round drama just totally deterioated my mind, body, and spirit. Needless to say i wasn't feelin you and your music with a broken heart. I was gonna give my ticket away or just not go but after reading some reviews by my fellow keepers I decided this might be just the thing I need. So i made arrangements with a friend to stay at her place and meet her after work.

Well she forgot all about me and this was 2 hrs before the show and i had no where to put my things or change. I called everywhere looking for someplace to to put my things and change. I retired to the fact I wasn't meant to go.

I finally found a friend 1 hr before the show, changed, and was on my way. Feelin' a lil sad seeing all these couples or friends and here I am in Row N by myself. As soon as the lights go down, the excitement grabbed me and held on the whole way through.

I just stared at the stage waiting to see you and your smile. Let's say i wasn't disappointed. I danced, smiled and felt a piece of me come home to my heart. I did shed some tears durning WWW because that's how I felt about this person that even now after everything I would be there for.

The stage and lighting set the mood and by the end of the evening I was glowing like the green lights. The interpretation of submerge and gravity were visually on point, I felt "closer" and Whenyou pulled the girl down for WWW, i wasn't even sweatin it cause I already had my momment with you in NYC at the signing. Those few moments looking into your eyes and you reading my poem was truly special. Ascension was my jam at the show cause that song was when I first fell in love and sumthin had me dancin like no ones bizness!

Your fortunate encores put me over the edge and had me close to diggin' me again, maybe next time you will do that song!

Thank you for sharing a piece of yourself with all of us. It truly was the best medicine and made me realize how far away I got your aura and myself and the friends I've met through your spirit!

Thank you, you're the bomb truly!