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From Zea W..."Although I love every song Garth has ever recorded, none will ever have such an impact on me as...'The Dance'. It is, without a doubt, the most beautifully written (and sung) song of all time!!!"
From Tonya..."My song is 'Thunder Rolls' and 'Unanswered Prayers' that's just a couple...love all your songs! "
From Megan D..."I love the song 'To Make You Feel My Love' From the Hope Floats soundtrack."
From Jenny P..."My favorite Garth song is 'Two Of A Kind Workin' On A Full House'...I hope I'm that lucky someday."
From Paul R..."My favorite song is 'The River'.
From Melanie L..."Your Song" was so awesome! When I watched the show on NBC all I could do was cry. It was such a beautiful song. I would love to have the lyrics. Garth you're the best!"
From Jen Sharon..."My favorite Garth song is 'Unanswered Prayers' I love that at his concerts the crowd sings the song for him and he loves it!"
From Julie..."My favorite Garth song is...'Much Too Young To Feel This Damn Old."
From Lisa T..."My favorite Garth song is, 'The Thunder Rolls'.
From Nikki..."My favorite Garth Brooks song is 'Two Pina Colada's' it's really cool."
From Sarah Y..."Ain't Going Down til The sun comes up" is my very favorite Garth song next to..."The Thunder Rolls", 'Rodeo', and 'Friends In Low Places'...It reminds me of myself. Garth, gotta love the man!!"
From Tiffany... "My favorite song is 'Two Pina Colada's' I love Garth Brooks he is so cool and I have listened to him all my life."
From Amy C..."What can I say? Garth is amazing! It's really difficult for me to choose one favorite, but I guess it would have to be his latest 'It's Your Song'. It makes me cry every time!
From Stephanie B..."My favorite Garth Brooks song is 'Your Song'. Up until that song came out, my favorite song was 'The Dance'. "Your Song" makes me think of my nephew, who is autistic, and everytime I look at him he gives me courage to go on with what I am doing."
From T.Tucker..."Learning To Live Again" After being married and divorced, I had those exact same feelings. So that song really meant alot to me."
From Shannon..."My favorite Garth Brooks songs are 'Callin Baton Rouge', 'The Red Strokes' and 'We Shall Be Free', thanks for asking!!!"
From Nicole N..."My favorite song is 'If Tomorrow Never Comes' Because it reminds me of my father who died 3 years ago."
From Charo..."I love the song 'You Move Me' from the album 'Sevens'. The reason I like it is because it moves me!"
From Emily M..."My favorite song is 'The Dance' I like it because it has brought a special loved one into my like and it is the basis of our love. I wish that I could tell Garth what he has done for me and my sweetheart. That song has so many memories for the both of us."
From Tina B..."The River" is my favorite Garth Brooks song. Inspired by the great James Taylor... the places that song can take you...Check out my GB pictures at www.geocities.com/Nashville/Opry/8863/
From Hayley H..."I like the 'Thunder Rolls'
From Michelle..."My favorite Garth song is from the soundtrack Hope Floats. It's called "To Make You Feel My Love"
From Jessicka O..."My favorite Garth song is 'Friends In Low Places' because it reminds me of my friends- and the third verse rules!"
From Vicki S..."My favorite Garth Brooks song is 'The Change'.
From Carmen A. G..."My favorite Garth song is 'The Dance'.
From Amy T..."The Dance"
From Meredith..."I htink Garth is one of the most talented people around. His songs move me in a way that no one elses do. Thanks Garth for staying around to make your dreams come true."
From Fallon S..."My favorite song is a tie between 'Friends In Low Places' and 'The Dance'.
From Eric A..."My favorite Garth song is 'The Dance' It was played at my fathers funeral unfortunately on October 4,1997"
From Mike Casey.."The River"
From Rose..."I am writing for a friend who loves Garth Brooks! Her favorite song would have to be "You Move Me".
From Carrie..."Baton Rouge"
From Ramey M..."My favorite song is 'The Dance'
From Jessica..."The Dance"
From Lisa S..."All songs... "The Red strokes" and "The Dance"
From Sherri M..."The Dance"... Keep em coming.
From Lauren... "I love 'The Dance' by Garth Brooks."
From Susan..."The Dance" is my favorite song. I love Garth Brooks"
From Mike G..."My absolute favorite Garth song is 'The Change'
From Brian J..."Friends In Low Places"
From Tricia..."Shameless" and "The Change"
From Frisco..."Callin Baton Rouge"
From Dalene..."I love Your music"
From Mike F..."The Change"
From Kerri..."You Move Me"
From Aaron..."I like them all. They're all my favorite."
From Angie..."The Dance"
From Henry..."My favorite Garth song has to be 'The River'
From Mike K..."Unanswered Prayers"
From Michelle P..."My favorite Garth song...It would have to be 'The Dance' as it portrays my life."
From Dorinda S..."My favorite song is 'Unanswered Prayers'.
From Jamie H... "The Cowboy Song" -- In Pieces
From Shadow39..."Thunder Rolls"
From Karen..."I think all his songs are great but if I had to pick one it would have to be 'The Dance' because, it says so much about how we have to take chances in life in order to live it to the fullest."
From Michael R..."The Dance" and "We Shall Be Free"
From Megan..."All of his songs!! It is hard just to choose one!"
From Dan..."Shameless"
From Kathy..."The best all time song has to be 'The Dance'...
From ??? ... "Pina Colada's"
From Cassie H..."You Move Me"
From Cindy..."I love all Garth's songs"
From Tiffany M... "The Thunder Rolls"
From Michael..."Unanswered Prayers"...is the best.
From Joe D..."My favorite Garth song is 'The River'
From Tommy M..."My favorite Garth song is 'Unanswered Prayers'
From Anonymous..."The Dance"
From Emily..."I love Garth's song 'Fever'
From Terry... "Shameless"
From Matthew C... "What's She Doing Now"
From ???... "The Dance" used to be my favorite song until I heard the new one "It's Your Song" I loved that song the second I heard it. The lyrics are great and there are so many people I feel that way about. How they have helped me, and how I wouldn't have succeeded many times if it wasn't their influence shining through me. P.S. I really love all the songs." :)
From Kimi.."My favorite song has to be 'Standing Outside The Fire' because it trul tells how people who Stand inside the fire feel about life and the people who stand outside the fire"
From Jon S..."I like the new duet with Trisha Yearwood called 'Wild As The Wind' and I also like 'It's Your Song' and 'Tearin It Up and Burnin It down'.
From Kelli..."My favorite Garth song is 'Unanswered Prayers'. I can really relate to that song. Garth is my favorite singer. The first country song I have ever liked was 'Friends In Low Places'.
From Grant..."Your Song"
From Brian I... "The song 'The Dance'...
From Scott M..."The Dance"
From Robert L..."It is a tie between 'The River' and 'Unanswered Prayers'...
From Jeremiah F..."My favorite song is 'Friends In Low Places'...
From Michael R..."My fav song is "Shameless"...
From Lisa W..."I love 'It's Your Song'. Garth means so much to me."
From Joyce S... "All of them but if I have to pick one, "Unanswered Prayers".
From Melanie G..."My fav Garth song is "It's Your Song" The new one on the Live Album, but I also love "The Dance", "The Change" and "Lonesome Dove".
From Meredith G..."Unanswered Prayers" I love that song.
From Dave A..."The Dance" for personal reasons...and ummm...Probably either long version of "Friends In Low Places" or "The Red Stokes".
From Gracia E..."My fav GB song is "The Red Strokes"
From Becky ... My favorite Garth song is "Lonesome Dove"
From Anonymous..."To Make You Feel My Love"
From Scott..."Rodeo"
From Jenna..."My fav song by Garth or anyone is 'Unanswered Prayers'. It means alot to me."
From Shelly F..."My fav GB song is 'The Dance'.
From Bryan P..."The Dance" is the best song ever recorded in the history of Country Music, in my eyes. I have liked this song since I first heard it, but it has also helped me deal with the death of my grandmother."
From Kara... "Simply 'The Dance' It will be played at my wedding in memory of my late grandfather".
From Andrea..."I have to many fav Garth songs, it isn't even funny but I really love the song "It's Your Song".
From Michael...My favorite Garth song is 'Standing Outside The Fire'.
From Emily B... "My favorite GB song is 'The Dance'.
From Tommy P... I like one of his newest songs from the cd 'Garth Brooks Double Live' titled 'Your Song'.
From Mike C... "The Dance"
From Monique G..."The Dance" is my favorite song.
From ???... "Lonesome Dove" a truly well crafted song.
From Shane S..."The River"
From James M..."You are one of the greatest performers on the earth"
From Jennifer H...favorite Garth song is 'The Dance'
From Amy...Definitely "To Make You Feel My Love"
From Dorina B..."The Dance"
From Megan..."Baton Rouge"
From Kate H..."Your song" or "Friends in Low Places"
Randall C..."The River"
From Anne... "I love 'The Fever' it is full of energy."
From Willie H..."The Dance" of course and "The River" both with great messages"
From Kara..."My favorite song is "The Dance"... It has a wonderful meaning behind it."
From Marc B..."The Thunder Rolls" is the best song!!!"
From Dave..."The Dance"
From Katie N..."For as long as I can remember, my brother and I have listened to you. I have grown up listening and singing your songs. I truly know you are a man of God and I respect that in you. My favorite songs are "The Dance" and "Unanswered Prayers". Thanks for being a role model. God Bless You!!!
From Brett R..."I think that the best Garth song is "The Dance". I love that song because it talks about life and its just the best song."
From Kelli D... "My favorite songs by Garth are, "To Make You Feel My Love", "The Dance" and his new song "It's Your Song" is going to be a hit if it isn't already! I love you Garth, and you make a difference!"
From Melissa B..."Tearin it up and burning it down"
From Amanda T..."I love ' Standing Outside The Fire'. I like the lyrics and the beat and the message. I wrote a poem titled standing outside the circle and that song was my motivation. I listen to that song whenever I get a chance. I hope everyone has a chance to hear the beautiful message Garth has to share with the world."
From Jennifer... "The Dance" It gives me chills.
From Susan..."Two Of A Kind"
From Angelica P..."My fav. GB song would have to be "If Tomorrow Never Comes", for my grandpa...Garth has touched my life in so many ways. I can't give him enough thanks. We love ya Garth. Keep em' coming."
From Michael C..."My favorite singer is Garth Brooks and my favorite songs are "Callin Baton Rouge", "The Dance", and "The Night I called The Old Man Out."
From Scott K..."To Make You Feel My Love"
From Pari..."My fav. Garth song is "Unanswered Prayers".
From Anonymous..."Night Riders Lament"
From Sammi..."One Night A Day" needs to be played more often!"
From Mike..."I'm not a big country fan, but I like Garth. I borrowed the greatest hits cd from a friend and my favorite song is "Standing Outside The Fire". It just might have changed my life...and made me like Country."
From Allison..."Garth Brooks is great. His music speaks for itself. My personal favorite would have to be "Ain't Going Down" or maybe "The Dance". I also like "Unanswered Prayers", "Two Pina Colada's", "Friends In Low Places", Well, you kinda get the picture! Love ya!"
From Luke..."My favorite song is "The Dance" and the "Thunder Rolls".
From Nikalee..."Victim of The Game" is a beautiful song. The tone and the emphasis that Garth puts in this song have always stuck a nerve with me. The writer of this song had to have some personal experience or tragedy...but Garth makes the song real. He is a true musician."
From Craig O..."My favorite song "The Dance" because it is the truth of the world."
From Sarah..."My favorite Garth Brooks song is 'Two of A Kind' because I love the upbeat rhythm."
From Marcia G..."I love Garth! My favorite Garth song is 'We Shall Be Free' because it has such a good message about the world today!!!"
From Kim W..."My favorite song is 'Standing Outside The Fire'. The song mentions a type of lifestyle I have. I also like 'The River' alot. It is such a sweet song. Garth sang the song acapella at the concert I went to."
From Kyle F..."The Dance" I can't think of any other song that has more meaning to any situation in life than this one. It makes you feel proud and respectful for your country, and yourself in knowing that you or your fellow countryman sacrificed something in life, or love to make a change for the better."
From Steve R..."Unanswered Prayers"
From Jeff K..."The Old Stuff"
From Erin..."The Dance" is mine and my best friends fav song."
From Michael W..."My favorite song is most definately 'The Dance'. It has such great meaning."
From Courtney S..."My favorite Garth Brooks song has to be "Shameless". Garth is the best and I'm still dying to see him in concert. Garth you're the Best and keep singing. We love you. God Bless"
From Bob..."We Shall Be Free"
From Christine..."Unanswered Prayers" is my favorite song of Garth's"
From ???..."Much Too Young"
From Jodi M..."The River"
From Vanessa..."My favorite song is "You Move Me" on the 'Sevens' album."
From Jess B..."My favorite song is 'The River', 'The Dance' and 'The Change'. I love Garth Brooks so much he means so much to me and someday I'll meet him. Thanks"
From Chris H..."Garth is the man. My favorite song is every single one he has. "To Make You Feel My Love" is my prom song, so I guess that's my favorite."
From Beth..."The River" and "Somewhere Other Then The Night"...
From Josh M..."The Dance"
From Debbie G..."The River"
From Christina B..."The Dance" is the best song ever!
From Taylor..."To Make You Feel My Love" and "Shameless"...
From Paul N..."My favorite song is the live version of 'Callin' Baton Rouge'! Just love that version, of course all his live stuff is great! Especially 'Thunder Rolls' and his now song 'It's Your Song'...
From Kristy..."The Dance"
From Robyn P..."I have alot of favorite songs by Garth, I think my first choice would have to be "To Make You Feel My Love", then "We Shall Be Free"- because I think that's TRUE. Garth is my favorite singer of all times- I love him!"
From Ray..."The Dance"
From Tricia P..."My favorite song is 'The Dance' because I think it's a four minute lesson about life. It doesn't glorify nor is it melodramatic. It tells us that this is life, take it as it comes and don't regret a single day."
From Traci..."All of Garth's Songs are great but I have to say it's basically a tie between 'The Dance' and 'To Make You Feel My Love' from Hope Floats. 'The Dance' has to be the best though, it's great."
From Katherine H..."Unanswered Prayers"
From Amanda..."I love Garth Brooks!!! I have so much respect for this wonderful man! All of his song lyrics speak to me! But if I had to pick one song to be my favorite, I'd have to say 'The Dance'. It gives people hope through the rough times in life! I really appreciate Garth and his music! Thank You."
From Garthfan81..."My favorite song out of the GB catalog would have to be 'Which One Of Them'.
From Trisha..."The River"
From Cindy..."My favorite song from Garth is "The Dance". I think it suits his voice and it gives me chills every time I hear it."
From Berdine R..."Although I love all of his songs, I think my two favorites would be 'The Dance' and 'The Night I Called The Old Man Out'...
From Chris G..."Favorite Garth song is 'The Dance'...
From Lynn..."The River"
From Lindsey M..."My favorite song has got to be 'The Dance' although I love every single one of your songs, I play this one on piano. My sisters friends is "Friends In Low Places".
From Ashley F..."The Dance" is my favorite song, but my boyfriend Kyle's is "Callin' Baton Rouge" and "Friends In Low Places".
From Peter D..."Shameless", "The River", "Two Of A Kind", "You Move Me".
From ???..."Shameless" I was at the Garth Brooks concert in Tampa, Florida on Sat. 10/31. It was such an awesome show, unfortunately he did not perform 'Shameless', but an awesome show none the less."
From Ann F..."I really like 'Standing Outside The Fire'. It's a song that tells you to go out and try things, don't just stand outside and watch what's going on. That's not what life is about."
From Tammy..."I like them all"
From Emily H..."My favorite song of Garth is 'We Shall Be Free'. That song says it perfectly on how the world would be a better place if we could all just get along!"
From Daniel..."My favorite song is: "It's a song that I sing when no one's around"
From Gina G..."My alltime favorite Garth songs are 'The River', 'Friends In Low Places', 'A Friend To Me' and of course 'The Dance'.
From Angie..."If Tomorrow Never Comes"
From Sherry..."The Wolves" and "Unanswered Prayers".
From Ruth G..."My favorite song is "Unanswered Prayers" That song taught me alot, without even knowing it until I really thought about it. I wished I had certain guys in highschool but I met a man in Windsor, Ontario (that loves Garth as well) and we have been going out for a year and a half. Thanks Garth!"
From Krissy..."My favorite song would have to be "Against The Grain"...