Assembly Line WinterGuard

Most recent UPDATES!
2010 Schedule (IT'S UP!)
Atlantic Indoor Association (AIA)
Winter Guard International (WGI)
ALWG History <--PICTURES!!!
ALWG's mission
Want to join ALWG?
Sign our guest book!
NEW!!!! Assembly Line is now on facebook!
Members, Alumni, Friends, Family, & Fans are welcome to join, post photos and VIDEOS! & chat!
Assembly Line is on MySpace!
Members, Alumni, Friends, Family, & Fans are welcome to join, post photos, & chat!

2011 IS Assembly Line's 25th Year!


If you're interested in joining Assembly Line for our Silver Anniversary,
please send a note to our director, Jody:

To e-mail Jody, click here!

To see our show videos, Click Here!

IF you have photos of Assembly Line, from ANY year,
please email them to our WebMistress, Greta.
(click photo below).

(HINT: IF you only have hard copies but don't have a scanner, BUT you have a digital camera, try taking a picture of the picture with the digital camera. That sometimes works! (If that doesn't work, or you don't have a digital camera, send an email anyway and we can try to work something out!) THANK YOU!!!!!)

Also, for other comments and/or suggestions about our website,
send a note to our WebMistress:

To e-mail Greta, click here!

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