Saint Seiya Otaku/Addiction Exam

This page is created by PhilipHo, HopeLee, JimSun, Athemilis

Instruction: check on a box next to the sentence that applys to you, then click onto the "calculate" buttom for your score and result

watched some of the episodes in any language
watched all the episodes in any language
watched it in 2 or more languages with subtitles or dubbed
watched some or all of the epsiodes at least 3 times
seen at least one of the movies
seen all of the movies
seen movies in another language with subtitles or dubbed
own some of the manga/comics
own all of the manga/comics
own some or all the manga/comics in another language
own some of the hardcover manga/comics
able to sing at least one of the SaintSeiya songs
sang a SaintSeiya song in public
able to tell which episode uses what music
own any of the CDs
own any of the audio tapes
own almost all the sound tracks except missing a few CDs or tracks (music on computer doesn't count, it has to be actual tape or CD)
own at least one or all of the CD box sets (Memorial Box and Gold Collection Box)
own the 1997 Shonenki CD
own SaintSeiya cards
own videos
own VCDs
own at least one poster
own toys
own stickers or pencil boards
own the rare toys (Black Cloths, Golden Bronze Cloths, Odin Robe, Pope Ares, Poseidon Board Game, etc.)
have seen the actual rare toys in real life (in a store or at your friend's)
know the difference between God Cloth and Kamui
know the difference between God Cloth and God Robe
have SaintSeiya sound files in your computer
have SaintSeiya picture files in your computer
have spent more than 3 hours downloading SaintSeiya stuff at one time
have over 50 MB total, not counting your web site
have over 100 MB combined (in your web site, not in your web site)
have a SaintSeiya Web Site
call youself by a character's name
think Asgard is the best chapter
think the Asgard Chapter is a waste of time
think the Poseidon manga/comics has a better ending than the anime
think the Poseidon anime sucks
think movie 4 sucks
have spent over 100 US dollars (or equivalent) on anything
have spent over 300 US dollars (or equivalent) combined
own garage kits
painted your garage kits yourself
clean your toys once in while
play with your toys once in a while
have put your favorite toy on your computer
own some specials or movie books
own some specials or movie books in another language
own the "Dream Battle" CD or audio tape
own Manga Drama Track tapes
joined one of the SaintSeiya mailing lists
joined 3 or more mailing lists
tried to introduce SaintSeiya to new people
listen to the sound tracks from time to time
listen to the sound tracks weekly
listen to the sound tracks every other day or daily
bring sound tracks with you on a trip to listen
have traveled to another country just to buy SaintSeiya stuff
have bought SaintSeiya stuff over the net
have traded SaintSeiya stuff over the net or in other ways
sold SaintSeiya stuff over the net or in other ways
have bought the Burning Blood ArtBook
think SaintSeiya is the best and you compare everything to it, anime or not
have tried to cast real actors to the characters
think no actor anywhere can play these characters
want the "Hades Anime"
know what is "Ten Kai Hen"
want the "Heaven Chapter".
hope we can contribute in some way to support "Hades" or "Heaven"
dreams about SaintSeiya
dreams containing any SaintSeiya character
dreams about better SaintSeiya video games
played the video games on any system
played the video games on the actual system (Game Boy, Ninteno, not PC)
own at least one game on cartridge
planning to build or design games
drew at least one SaintSeiya related picture
read fanfics
wrote fanfics
drew fanfics
have some of the SD Comics
have made a joke about SaintSeiya
argued about an episode or manga
have took notes during an episode or manga
chatted live about SaintSeiya
have a dress of your favorite character
wear the dress of your favorite character no matter how silly it may look
took photos with the dress of your favorite character
one of the very first Japanese words you learnt was "Seiya"
one of the very first Japanese words you learnt was "niisan"
take Japanese class because you want to understand the dialogues in Hades CD
search the whole city where you live for SaintSeiya related stuff
account IDs or passwords are related to StS
account IDs and passwords are all related to StS
put all $1,000,000,000 onto the production of the Hades anime and Heaven Chapter if you have $1,000,000,000
named your pet after a SaintSeiya character
"Saint Seiya" is one of the first words you typed into Yahoo search
want to visit Athens, Greece
StS has been in your mind for at least five years
think of SaintSeiya every week
think of SaintSeiya every 3 to 4 days
think of SaintSeiya everyday
never get tired watching of the StS anime or reading the manga
doing something related to StS when you should be doing your homework
put phases from Saint Seiya in front of your desk or else where to encourage yourself
have a StS desktop theme on your PC
have StS screen savers
non-SaintSeiya-fan friends think you are crazy
able to remember all Bronze Saints' birthdays
able to remember all Gold Saints' birthdays
celebrate Saints' birthdays
celebrate characters' birthdays
think your life would be much worse if you never knew StS
think your life would be much better if you never knew StS
never regret knowing SaintSeiya
able to identify SaintSeiya pictures when only 30 percent or less of it is loaded
spend time translating Saint Seiya stuff
favourite color has become green, pink, violet, white, or blue, or etc. due to Saint Seiya
knew what "absolute zero" was before learning about it in Physics or Chemistry class
read books like "The Lost Continent of Mu" or read Encyclopedias on Greek, Norse, Christian myths because of SaintSeiya
know what "Ashura" is
pray to "Shaka" besides praying to "Buddha" in a temple
got a Saint Seiya E-mail account from
label yourself and friends as characters and actually refer to each other by that name
created polls on your web site or on a mailing list
have SaintSeiya pictures hanging on your wall
created midi files of songs or background music
created MP3 files of songs or background music
created MPeg movie files of anime
know how to spell all the characters' names correctly
know all or some character's height or blood type
know which temple is which just by looking at the drawing
know which columns belong to which oceans in the Poseidon Chapter just by looking at the drawing
know which temples belong to which Gold Saints
know which Mariners guard which oceans in the Poseidon Chapter
able to sing SaintSeiya song in different language other than the ones from Japan
mentally turn yourself into one of the characters when necessary (during competition, fight, argument, etc.)
think that "Saint Seiya" is not a good title to fit the story
know the order of the 12 Zodiac signs after watching the Gold Saints in the Sanctuary Chapter
know which Greek Alphabet belongs to which God Warrior from the Asgard Chapter

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