Love & Marriage Webring

Or use one of these graphics!
HTML Fragmenton this page!

Webring has been reconfiguring things, so if you have trouble adding your page to the queue, just e-mail me and I'll add you myself. Also, if you decide to leave the ring, please let me know so I can remove you from the ring. Thanks!

This webring is dedicated to the married people surfing the web.
If you want to join this ring, you must meet some specifications.

1. You must be married or soon to be married.
2. You must devote part of your page to you and your spouse.
3. No pornography or crude pages allowed in this ring.
4. You must submit your info to the ringmistress using the link below.
5. The HTML fragment must be easy to find on your page.

Please copy the images for the webring to your computer. The HTML is at the
link above. Thanks for joining!
If you have been removed from the ring, put in the queue, or are still in the queue, and you wonder why, click here!

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"A Groovy Kind of Love" by Phil Collins now playing. You want it? Get it!